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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1969, p. 18

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- - - -- ~ Local B.H.S. Performers Stage Successful Performance at Town Hall BA " NW.I by repeating the MIizpah Bene- diction. Lunch was served by, tThe regular monthly meet-:the South Group. 01 o the Hampton Wome' ___ ~~ewu held on Tuesday,; & ber 2, in the church par-:1 NESTLETON W. I. fosWe opened our meetinig unging the Institute Qd e The Christmas meeting of tnrepeating the Mar-y Stw- Nestieton Women's Institute bht Collect and the Lord's was held at the home o! Mrs. Mmve .r Chant. our Presi- Ben DeJong on Wednesday 8ft then read a poem .'My afternoon. December 3rd. ubbY". Our guest speaker for Mrs. Cecil Wilson. president, a ternoon was Rev. Crescardtemeig express- VMell Who spoke on the real ed the appreclation to Mrs Ipeaning of Chrismas. DeJong and extended the wel- The oîlCaîlwasanswredcorne, especlally to Mrs. R.alph' The ollCallwasanswredDavis, Sauina. District Presi- IbY "Onie of rry favorite Christ- dent. who was a guest. *1as carols." The minutes o! Following the opening "Ode"! the last meeting were readi. An and Mary Stewart Collect, Invitation was received to join Mrs. Richard Davison, secre-, thle UCW at their Christmas tary-treasurer, read the min-; 1>arty on Monday. December 8. utes, the correspondence and t wsas moved and second- gave the financial report. Id asalowe donate $50 to, the Thank you notes were'read----- *hurch. We were reminded off from Miss Lorri Turner whoý ,he Short Courses on March -,on the Henry Thompson Me-' Last week ini the Tlown Hall on Thursday, Friday and Saturday, cipals from left to right are asî follows: Murray T, ;i. 1970. on Furniture Facts. A* morial for proficiency in Grade. two successful plays ivere staged by the Bowmanviile High School. Hermine Kerekes, lan Peter, Pearce Wilcox, Dave snecia1 collection was taken to X and from Mr. David John,* &-esent to the Golden Plough;,who had been hoptaie. Pictured above is'a group f rorn "'Christrnas in the Market Place" Brown, TO-an Bell, Arthur Cuthberîson, iRandy G( jLbdge for a Christmas treat. < We regret that Mms. Johns! directed bY Robert Sheridan and written by Henri Greon. The prin- bertsop, ennis Francis, Mary Loui Bremner, Andr SMms Mountjoy then took the ils now In Port Perry Hos--- _ ---- .-_____________________ __ chair. Miss Johns had the topici1 pital). An Invitation was re- on Monday alternoon, Dec. 1 5SatCu éind read us some prose oni1 celved fromn the Cartwright at ~ Gn hm Son peaks a Rotary Cu to some ____ Grn Tomsn .worthwhili ?Soindso! Christmas." Ross Cub.s to attend a concert given Several o!fered ta assist. - to be mac iletcalf and Doug Dewefl ledI by them In the Communltyé Mrs. Bruce Heaslip spoke, aside our in i singtng Christmas carols1 Hall. Blackstock, Saturday . tte motto. "Take Time to E eauanua'ly md then Ross sang twe lavelyl evening, December 13. It was'Stand and Stare at the Wond L< VV UNýR EuC/V I% KNrw< asll solos accompanied by Doug on declded to pack the Christmas er Everywhere". She men- w erIescr, up, So a alp the piano. The meeting cosedý boxes for the iII and shut i tîned the wonders off nicht andgain be -~ - - - - - - - and day, mother lov e. wond andIfts a i rs of each season, as thev1 lose andi NoRÎH- ENlMAREÎ -w eas o scineqn theWo rking With Refarded a'fo'v tf ;oilro e sciter neqend teifr h THE MODERN GENERAL STORE every day folk -facial ex-S pressions, mannerismseaci A anE rc ng xpiee LIBERTY ST. N. BOWMANVILLE one different.A nE rc igE p re c B The roll call. 'ýGiv Na-neOB WEE ENDFEA URE Iof a Canadian city and the in- On Thursdav. Dec. llth, at!address with a message frornigap. or the world wull end tIn WEK NDFAT RS 'ustry that makes itaou' the Rotary Club luncheoni in Jean Vanier, "In a world be-1 striffe. If we lister to the caîl ED ,j as well answered and show- The Flying Dutcehman. James, coming harder. where meni o! the weak, our world wil â dthat the ladies had been Claike o! Cobourg addressedi work furiouislv to get by. the be on the way to peace'". Tet B PI GN ABETCE 4 studying their geographv. the Rotarjans on the subject -rnentallv retarded have a' Mr. Clarke was thanked bv laie Edax- BO L GN 41b Mr. Wlsn elomd' ndofvounee service work %vith 'place as a continual reminder; Rotaarin Ted Mann or behaif on Decemb 4Introduced Mrs. Davis to the retarded children in France.i that happiness not only de- off the club, and wvas present- Communxty HEINZ - lO-oz. Tin F ladies. She expressed her 'Mr. Clarke had been such a pends on money and materlal: ed with a miemento by Pres. tai, Port Pei Spleasure in attending Nestleton volunteer ti aiding these child-1 things. We nmust__bridge the Tomn Cowan. -McDerýmoti- TnM TA C A I ~ ~ ~ C Wome&qs Institute. brouet ren. With his wife and their- ial Chauoci Ti AT vuwuPv2 R 2 # greetings and commended the' three childrer. he lived [n bY Rev. COMPARE AT 2 for 31c Nestieton group in their corn- France for a year in a three-!~e oC to i Smunity efforts as thÈs year rOom houe ad reeivdoa li' e e tWiliam Bl ~CE LE T ELCTON0F ~they are giving gifts off fruit. salary of two dollars a mont. i Mr Gbs EXELN SLCIN F ,ome-made goodies, etc.. to "It all began in Sept 1968' December, 1969 thing to correct tre presentM. and Mi- CARLETON CHRISTMAS CARDS this comnmunity and to a local wher, I received a letter f rom i PRAISE FOR POLICE situation. wa, born i hoeths ai Jean Varier. the son off the' Just. a word off praise for Aew eîys tied up farm rnear GITW A PN O S-C N Ynursing apalemaith our humdrum. ina- wih o GIFTWRAPING- TYS -CAN Y tern avr aal a-lai-eGovernor General The Rt; our, excellent Bowmanvillleriaisîcwoid lo t tor 2ner, read he poem "For Home Hon. George Vanier,.vwho was! Police Force under Chie! f tewatimay bleft for the retirement CHOCOLATES - BISCUITS and Country". Mrs Malcolm operating a home-like schooi, Kit.ney. ofuwture? Is thifrdwthe 1 ttt Port Emerson expressed the ap-, for retarded. chiidrer ir Thev are one o! the bes t uail Is athifltagret 196. On S HARDWARE CLEARANCE D raionoteou o>r.Fane.In Ontario. W iaoften gift we should pass on with-hemard Mrs. Fred Dayes. Convener 1eîreabritr anta take the services they per- out the rubble and polîlution ghter of Ml iewas offered a rent-free' form for grarted, and ail to those who follow? The Fallis o! Ca ~~ft ~~ndustries, presidedfo teit bos r hchtli ooewhnkhe for the spirit a! Christmas îasts tooi faithfui me, N is ols 5 /0 )0 thhso fmlanth"assistance they United Chui 1 rogramme.meresaiary enoed T pei-form. short a time today. The Machine -Carrnage FFMrs. Walter Welts gave an maove alokr ac. e now itherefore oi( 1 eldn onth e w ardîymad wer ltheyare Srday Sci excellent paper on the historx-aoe okn ak er,,tefre (xcuig te hrl aewe hyaeSna e Lag - Hexagon - Etc. Reg. Prie jlo! coal. She said: "The earth festa n a'b va he)adtesardvdd broker. It will take a lot ent, choir a wol cllctono 1 s ore vxerpaid because the year into three shl!ts. off energy to turn the tides and eIder. ilsa wol colecio ofstoe-proved ta be the most enrich- Tepoiehv alrg ckttaý_nwciiga'Y m b ahuses in which nature bas . Th plicnhve lrge bak tat renowcafin ay mn- FULL LINE 0F COLD CUTS ilocked away most off th~e met-!îgoeh a vrset area ta caver, from the to iight. Ask any o! the L.O.L. 4:3. B ais and other thirgs thatý Earh bouse wbich is in the! lake ta the town lire, and leaders of aur community Mr. Cibso pSCHNEIDERS - LUCAS ARTHUR - SHOPSY j people for centuries bave Varier set-up bas a houisel from Martin Road to the the total number a! dollars his wife:a PA T N CK OD RN Sfou nd usefful, one o!fxvhich is mother and a bouse father i cemetery. Their duties de- that these thlngs rost evey Hamilton;a PA T N C S -C RN Soal. This is a basi podctwth a total ot eighit or nire; mard that they be on patrol iten Ifwieradg (MsBi 4which nearly every Industry retarded chiidren, he cor-'1 in ail kirds of weather and this article, you are moved stan; a sisi FFRESH FRUIT uses". tinued. There are workshopsi offten their heaith or even-- F"Someone once described in wiîich they make tables! their lives are endangered CHRISTMAS FEATURE I coal as potted sunshine. Sun- and other articles such as 1in the performance o! their light and grimy coal may not mosairs. Clarke said that iti duties. Lge. Bottie ~seem ta, have anytbirg y la, soor becomes evident that re-! IwietisbrueI o PEn 1w î mmon but, in fact. thev have 1 tarded s'ourg people love to are, want to give praise IMix 'em much. The heat and liight of! work because most off them' where praise Is deserved. 7 UP Mac 7m o c te sun are the main sources b ave neyer had the chance. Jr1M . bas 58ofenergy. Without them: ibe past. they have beer treat.-M.E.Abrms AM ERICA RY PlusDeposit there could be no life. Goal' ed as freaks, and by doing thisDeee8,16 Iwhlch energy, radiated from by creatirg somethirg beauti- 1 Let's Start the Clean-up CUFS and SAUCERS - CHINA NOVELTIES the sun. has been trapped ard r fui with their own hards", heDe S I TOB CCO K GS - IPESred In concentrated form. added. fLe r bira ay fo: TBCOKG -PIE oal began as vegetatior.1i Varter prefers the smaller ife yerancmngbk alive and growing, two or ate a home-like famiiy atmos- the chnge. one are t e three million years ago. For- phere. This system, Clarke:dy ofm yhdan - IH San A E ests, on the earth's surface, said. reaiiy works because be litsncntlteprns I Johnson's, Hawes, Simoniz, Success decayed, sank inta the grourid has 'seen vast changes in thase lItsnoe iteprk. ad under great pressure, 1wbo camne from larger instu- Now, upon return, grawn up. Ail Reduced To Clear hardened ito coal.1 tutions. When they come to a veplcoe. t Is aid, owk FRE HRST ASD AW Ckewihe iad pen~ole are wide r Vaniers, one n:tic:d afeier a , lace.î Issa a "Hry ___________________________ rd ie tat tîevbeg r to sml ky we are to be here', or reerhi on nto akeýadta pr appeared are we? ail purchases of $3.00 or morecntle irapeeoco.eerhng ofvueitereys catching sigr saying. "Bow- iOnce that day bas arrived it, Beirg arourd Wese childi-er, manville Is Where It's Hap- wil rno langer be mired to be Mr. Clar-ke iearned that they' pening". How true hit s. If STORE HOURS wasted In furnaces. To hum 'have deep sersitivities. They; we take a good look how For your convenience we are open A hr sn ussn.hwlt ate by touch with arotheri truly biaw your mind. Here, 6 every night 'tii 10 pàm. ore h o soan but w ave pro.freapei ad vroei lse ihs including Sunday 4laoked back mbt the past soi-e shake. TheY' are peopie-ori-, much that ib is a!ten taken ---------------------tw~o hudred million years to ented rather than thing-ori-[ for granted. Not until some- the begining o! the long erted. Ttbe.ý' live for todav i thing Is lost or taken away POWE R-PACKED DRILLS - SPQRTING SAWS ETC. OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9 P.M. - SANDERS GOODS SKATES Yoooe u àÂRIçt Christ% - IQYS AND GAMES BICYCLES --TRICYCLES TOBOGGANS-SWEGHI$.,ý -;"there is no tomorrow, they, live riglit at the moment. SThey are also capable off deep moral and religious Insight,! Sand are verx' open and ffrark: if thev dor't like vou thev MVr. CIa-ke concuxded hi,î st.orv of c(0.11and %we ueed rot Snow to be a fiaid to look for-l ward. Coal lias a gi-cat Mrs W elts drew a tree on! ýl which she miarked the pro-! durts off coal. These ar-e soap. ammonia, wool, scoring. ex- plosives, aspirir, disinfectants. plastics, detergents, moth- halls. dyes, weed kiliex-. sheep dip. fruit tree sprays, road: tar. rust prevertative, roof-' ing. fuel ail, briquettes, tim- 1 ber preservative, aviation fuel,, photo chemnicais, brake liniings. printing ink, perfume, paints and varnishes, T.N.T.. nylon. saccharine. aniie dyes. ma-; toi- berzole, D.D.T., battery elecflrolv te, gjlvanizing. sui- phate o! ammonia. The members appreciate the, research Mrs. Welts did ta pro-: vide ibis up-to-bhe minute In- formation. Mrs. Fred Dayes gave a reading "Brain Pollution" and! Mrs. R. W. Jackson readi "Take Time for Ten Things". Mrs. Grant Thompson led in the singing of a number off favorite .ChdàLtmas caroîs. The groupp in charge assist- 44 Lthe hostes. with-4unch and 4nng the lunch hour "Happy ~tday Was sung for Raiph wowas five the fol- Mmj.W. Jackson extend-ý ed"ayprectatîon- b ail. The of Mrs. AhTIBea-r Just a few years ago a man pubiicly -set an entre i ration on a goal a! puttlng a man on the moan. Todav, we know this is reaiity. Sa much bas been learned tram this erdeavor, bhey now pre- dict much greater, aimost unbeiieveabie goals. We are just begirning ta apen niew dooz-s. Where the sky was the limit yesterdaY, today It is only a' small part a! the challenge ta explore the universe. Here, at home, the charg- es; are slow and often seem far away. Take those bits off littier and waste that are everywhere. They are be- raming ail Iboo pientiful on the streets of aur town, or Its piaygrounds and indeed ary place where people gath- - er. There are mary par- ents whose chiidren have been hurt by broken bottles, or carsA'hat have beer dis- carded. Motarists h a v e fourd their tires rut and flat fram the same cause. These are just saine o! the bhings that we do unwitting- ly, to abuse the commurlty we love, whiie most of us are content ta iet the blamne fail or others. We charge bhem wlth the responsibili- ty for correcting the mis- takes that are reaily aur awr. Time goes on, 1970 wil soon be here. Let us begin naw ta accept aur responsi- biities for keeping aur tawn dlean. We we continue ta abuse our land. and pollute Dur stréams and air. it mnav rot be toc long untilîl wil not support humar life. 'Ils said that "man camne from dust and unta dust he shall return". This saylnz mav cone true w1thtn aur life- Umie, Uf we dont do nmre. $ wist, John Brin Turney, Chery zoth, Ann Cut. action. that's weillf Je, for a start basY le soon. Let's set differences and Y begin the clean- ýof us may once tg proud Off Our town 9 chievements. fail, ail of us will none of us can loss. ours tru1l, Sebastan Swveep. - ITUARY 'AR GIBSON Y erai service of the Gibsoti, who died ber 2nd, 1969, at el Meniorial Hospi- !# crrv. xvas,,held trorn Vy Paiabaker Funer-1V and was conducted, Victor Parsons, assisted bv Rev. Y lck, Port Pýerry. y on, son off the late I rs. Richard Gibson,' and lived on the I Cadmus, in Cart- ýnship, uintil his-Y to 286 North!V IPcrry, in April Septernber 30, 19159 Exnilv Fallis. dat- .V r. and Mrs. C. H. adr-nus. He was aV ember of ams rch for 68 years, V the capacity of V chool superintend-: inember, steward Hie was an honor-i ber o! Devitt'sy on is survived by' "son. Glenn, o!. " daughter Birdie' Robinson) of King- :-R AGAIN!1 KXlE 500 2 DOOR HARDTOP The Canadjan Stategn .Bewmanville, Dec. 17, 19M Reports from Women's Institutes Taylor's. Let our expert hair stylistts help yu look your bet for the gala holiday and party season ahead.-. a new bairdo tbat's perfectly OUR CHRISTMAS GIFT TO YOU! A4TODAY'S SENSATIONAL j~"CRICULIN" WIG You will reccive a FREE Chance every tinie 3ou enter our Salon f rom now until Christmas. Draw wiIll e madle Wednesday, December 24th. PHONE 623-7691 ARRANGE YOUR APPOINTMENT TODAY! Open Tuesday, Tbursday and Friday evenings by appointinent only. SALON 0F Bobette BAT 57KHE t.W 57 K----St.-W. 00 FuIIy Equipped witli V-8, automatic transmission, power steering, power disc brakes, radio, white waîls, wheel discs and Lic. Balance of 5 year - 50,000 mile power train warranty. List Price $4286 a a. You Save $1289, MacDonald 815 King St. W. ut Thornton Rd., 576-1800 'I I 1~ Fo0rd Oshowa I Thompson Of Bowmani'ille:, Dawn Cochran. ha* hh« and five grandehîldren. tOnsils remov.d li w e.k. Intermnent took place ln Mr. DonaM aiii. B. Nestleton Cernetery. lx-en vwstîng r. V d 4% Palibearers were Bert Gib. Fred Samnis and acqua&uk9Rzes son. Milton , Howsam, Bill here. Robin-son. Mark Gibson. David Mr. and Mrs. Rae Cowlng, Calvert and Richard Robins-ýon. Whltby. vlsited Mrs. R. Grif- 1Beautitul floral tributes fin. were carried by Oscar Me- Robin Wlsener was a din- iQuade. Lorne MKee. Frank ner guest Of Elaine Davey IWalter, W. C. Robinson. Bert this week. Neil and George Black. i rdland News: Barn spar- - rows for sale. cheap. aiso a red squirrel. A black squirrel is ENFIELD quite frustrated these days. H hides corn eobs high In trees The Christmas meeting or for future s~nacks, to the *sat- the U.C.W. was held in thf lsfaction of some blue ja' s church basement with a gooi %ho help themnsees 'when the attendance. Mrs. Elmer Lee 1cost -L le . Mms Welms and Mrs. Wilfrid: Bowman led in the devotional Speriod and Mrs. E. Balint and SMrs. eWims gave Christmasýr iA N e readlngs. There was a pre- sentation o! wht gifts for residents of the Golden Ploughi 623-5757 Lýodge at Cobourg and the ladies enjoyed tea by candie- o lght. -ý 7 Mr and Mrs. Elmer Leee jMr. Norman Lee, Mr. and NI ABECETE Don Lee and children attend ed a pre-Christnîas familv din- ]Fre DaIIy Dellvery rierwit Mr.andMrs.Don Bowmanville -Oshawa Griffin, Whitbv. Mr. Howard Cowling 'who was a -guIesî. Iof 5V Mr. Elmer Lees. accompaned 1 thern. o ýe Mr. and Mrs, Keith TayoN th- and fanxlv, Janetville. w'vex t jýj dinner gusts at Mr. Allaix ~ ~ ~ ~ ' ' % î - jzýý THE Bowmanv

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