Singer Bobbîe Gentry Loves Eddie and Freddie Keith Connell's Bowmanville Zoo animais really get around. Most of them have been on television at one time or another over Uncle Bobby's program, and these two deer, named Eddie and Freddie are on loan at the moment to the Inn on the Park in Toronto. The lucky deer are being admired here by no less a person- ality than singing star Bobbie Gentry who is staying at the Inn while she tapes a TV special at nearby tele- 'An Answer You'i _Asst. Depi ncerning "Didn't Evi SR. CITIZENS TOUR Ail citizens of Bowman- ville are asked to have their Christmas llghting turned on this Sunday evenmng during the annual Kinsmen sponsored Senior Citizens Color Tour of the town. An advertisement under Coming Events, gives de- tails of arrangements and also advises Senior, Citizens who hav'e not already indi- caIted they wiIl be on the tour, where to 'phone. vision station CFTO. Eddie and Freddie will also bi the star attraction of the Inn's Christmas Holida) program. Our thanks to Mrs. Pamela Jackson, the Inn", PR and Social Director for forwarding the photo. Las' time we ate at the Inn the roast beef was exccelleni ...on a par with that served at our own inn, Th( Flying Dutchman . .. and that's something to tickle thE palate. d Give a Ch~id' WILLOPNEWCUH The new Maranatha Christ- ian Reformed Church wil bc officially opened on Fri- day, Dec. 26th, with a Dedi- ity ienïters Le ter cation Service at 8 p.m. Remem ranc Holday ery on Highway No. 2. OnSaturday, Dec. 27th, Reme bra ce H lieay here will be an Open House - from 1 p.m. until 4 p.m. ~~* * * LU Il when ail friends are invited en Straaaue the rence iA letter from the Depart- within the schools on that day. § ment of Education caused the Mr. Kinlin wrote that the § county school board consider- Minister of Education, William§ B ITS M able annoyance at last Thurs- G. Davis, had asked him to day's meetmng. reply to the board's letter to NEEDS WORK - This J. M. Rolph, chairman, de- him in which the board "for- scribed the letter as like anwarded comments of the Nor- Santa's last appearance answer one would give to althumberland and Durham Montreal parking lot. He child. ]Board of Education about the will greet youngsters, s0 1 The letter from J. F. Kinlin, Remembrance Day holiday in~ ally, business for Santa ha Assistant Deputy Minister ofischools. 1ya n hs h ru Education, was in reply to thel "As ou are aware, Section ya n hoewobo board's proposai of deslgnatîng Four Of the School Administra- fro h ot oeae Remembrance Day an ordinary1 tion Act provides that Rememn- fot enjoying the afterrioor school day with pupils taking brance Day shahl be one of the with only a scattered fe, part in remembrance servicesi (TLJRN TO PAGE TWO> rethm Outstanding Leadership Award Laýî vear, when Mrs. Thos. Fairbrother retired as director of Orono Junior Gardoners it was feared that the organization would collapse. Fortunately, young mnembers of the group took over and have carried on. Last night at the United Chuých in Orono, theY held their annua I Christmnas show when the 28 members wglawardcd prizes for their work. Included in the program was the presen- taMýof a new award by Mrs. Fairbrother to the club's 16-year-old director Donna Challice, left, who, wîth the help of Secretary Dale Evans, has carried on the group's activities. CaIIed the Jinks award. the plaque was presented for out+r'<1~gIvRdership -Ne-st -'ar, it wjll bt- one- frir competition on tbn t)istrict Four level. Miss Challice is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Challice. opan VOLUME 115~~~~~le 18 ags BWMNVILE OTAR1,W4DESAY DEEMER 7ai rînal '6Y CouncîilMeeting Town Agrees to IPay $1750 Feeý For' Ice Machine On Monday. Dec. 15th, thei Act and the Temperance 68-69 Town Council met for Sret.Sanltary Sewer, It was their final session with RéeveInoted that the Chairman of Annie Oke the only absentee.,the Board had suggested that Mayor Hobbs expressed alCouncil should file a resolu- Christmas wish to council and tlon wit'h the Board so that a thanked them for their service.! Board Order could then be Members of the Incumbent issued. On this suggestion, council who were flot re-elect- Counicil passed the followlng ed and Deputy Reeve Rundie resolùtion 'be it resolved that who didn't seek re-election the properties of A. S. Baker thanked Mayor Hobbs for his at 98 Wellington Street and guidance during their term Dr . V. H. Storey at 64 Tem- of office. perance Street' be exemotcd A request by Lou Dewell for froni any charge for the pro- approval of his proposal to: posed sanitary sewer iticluding purchase the right-of-way that! nfouse service conneçtion on runs across the front of his Temperance Street in connec- property on Nelson Strect xvas tion xith the works being tabled on a motion by Col n- undertakcn urder the Local cillor Dykstra until the n2xý.t mor.ovc.-cnt Acte for which Committee of the Whole ir.e"t- tae 'iown is seeking the ap- lng. proval of the Ontario Muni- In a letter from Strike and cipal Board, ao>d any charges Strike with regards to the which would have been made Ontario Municipal Board Hear-, othcrwise be included in the lng oôn LIocal Improvements '4TURN TO PAGE TWO) Over 300 Children Enjoy Annual Part y At Goodyear -Plant Young Ballerinas Go Up On Their Toes The Goodyear Recreation, EjeCt San D 1Club's a n n u a 1 Children's1 Parents, relatives"and friends of the Recreation Department's ballet, tall letS n Dunn iChristrnas Party held on Sat-i and twirling cjass students wre present at the Town Hall last evenîng for ter urdy ateroor i th Leio anualreve.'Thse hre yungbaleriasposed for The Statesman' photogra-. P d allwas an outstanding suc- pher prior to the opening and in true balIlet style went up on their toes for thici 1~o cess, and the 305 yugtr present had a wonderful t1me. picture. They are, -from Ieft to right, Monica *Bylsma, 7, Amy Chow,, 8, and e Te eecionofoffces frRichard Rckker was chairman Amanda Bylsma. There were many other porformers from the various classesi ýe he letio ofofices friof the committee in charge of who also drew applause from the enthusiastic audience. the comning year was held by' _______________________________ Brnhy8 fteRoa aaarrangements for the enjov-- - __------- -_______________ ___________ B r a n c 1 7 8 of st e c io a l Cm e e t a b l e e v e n t. -N e w a s a s s is te d st Snaafrno.ZnCo- sBrnaGoeanKeing heîc in the Legion Hall on b Bill Joli, Murray Grant,, p g ~ o k n a t r e. mander Keith Ferguson, a past TaylradPronlMn- 'president4 presided, assisted y e lroan PiersonneMna- ePast Zone Commander John er don Sc .hssr]errn- I rs r1 c s 5 Maw, Port Perry. fr17 Ciest, nda Wc i eb o u -The officers elected fr Ye0ýýec ie hrs maEon s are: Past President Ron E. IUN7 AETO Richards, President Stan Dunn, (UNT AETO 1 lst Vîce-President John Gib- E - -£ Majer, Treasurer Clarence Oke Pick Wi nners A a i s ,'n r , 0 Secretary GiI Parenteau, Serg- The Legion Ladies Auxil- tractively decorated for thel eant-at-Arms Ernie Perfect, J aysCrsmsPryhl neeti re n od n and Chaplain John Williams. OfPipe B an u'S Moar3 sChrlstrnas rtly on even hi stemnand egol nd1 Members elected to the Ex- enjoyed by 65 members. The tening wlth beautiful orna,- Fufl U S l~ow ae im for the Bob ilditc, urW delicious supper, given by ments, domlnated the aeJmFr th, obmig c, u key Draw Branch 178, was served by The tables were effectively i Llew Burton, Maurice Annaert, President Ron E. Richard-s and centred* wlth lovely red poin- Plaser1H:ijj SethHunt RonPinle, rene On ednedayDc memmbers of the branch. The settia trees. Standard Bearer Whitney and RaeAbernethy. lOth, the Bowmanville Legion cooks were Seth Hunt, Ernie Leah Hendron was In charge J A sateSiai Pip Bndhed her nnalPerfect. Reg Willatts and Don of the draw. Cornrade SusieAïmy in Bowmanville la e m PIECES-1 Saturday af ternoon will be' this year at the Bai>k of and his charming helpers bring them along. Incident- as been unusually slow this ight him here, ail the way 't too happy about it. He's ,i sitout in the cool weather, ýw children coming up to UhrIstmas Turkey and Cheer bpece. raham was the winner of the Draw. The prizes were sold to The Legion Hall was at-I LTURN TO PAGE TWO) the lucky winners for 25 cents and one cheer was awarded to the seller of each wining ld y R s o The winners in order wr Charlie Roy, A. K. Cromwr bie.C t of " u h a ii Art Flielel', Cliff Leddy, M. T. a' f " o ta P c fc A. M. P. A. P{alik, Louis Pleaw, We know 38 people* who duced Wed.-Sat. Fcb. 3-7 (five R. Malley, Anne McQuaid, won't have to worry about nights this year) by the Bow- Gratton Peters, Llona Riggers, that let-down feeling after manville Rotary Club, Drama L. Luffman and Jack Miller. the holiday season. Why not? Workshop, and Recreation De- Those selling the winning Because they're the cast of partment. Directors are Wilfi tickets were, in order, R. "South Pacifie" and they'll Pegg and Rosemary Merkley. Rhines, Ab Mavin, Stan Dunn, be looking forward to going The story takes place dur- Don Parker, Bob Roman, Jack on stage in Bowmanvjlle ing World War II in the South Varty, Brock's BP, T. J. Shee- Town Hall the f irst week inkPcific islands where U.S. han, Don Parker, D. Wiseman, February.1 Navy and Martnes are sta- Paul Reid and Stan Dunn. The musical is being pro-I <TJRN To PAGE TWO) deavoring to f111 enouh' Christmas baskets to ensure a happier Christmas for families in this area need- ing assistance. It is expect-. ed that 75 or 80 baskets will ho required. However, the Salvation Army ls hard-pressed for sufficient funds to carry out this worthy endeavor, as donations are 1 smewhat To enjoy that "ltrue Christmas Spirit" feeling. participate in this venture by sending as generous a donation as possible, as soon as possible, to the Bowman- Honor Prize Winners ai' Newcastle Commencement On Tuesday evening, Newcastle Public School held its annual, Commencement Exercises when special awards were presented to several students and certi- ficates were issued to graduates. Prize winners includ- ed, front row, lef t to right, Cathy Dwyer, the Storks Efficiency prize; Carol Dallaire, the Squair prize; Ruth Paterson, the Hooper and Coleman prizes;. Debbie Shearer, the Munro prize; Joanne Michels, the Wilmat Gold Medal and the. Newcastle Lions prize; back i.0V4 Keith Milhench, the McMahon prize; Perry MeadOWÈ, the Munro prize; Bob Northrup, the John Rickard I prize and the Newcastle Lions prize, and Dale Barreti, the Storks Proficiency prize; absent, Chris Cooper, thb Newcastle Lions prize. Guest speaker was H. R. Moor. croft, Area Superintendent. ., WE'RE BETTING- It's inconceivable that the federal government wiIl permit those air con- trollers to tie up ail airpiane traffic this close to Christmas. Travel plans for thousands would be disrupted, including those of Members of Parlia- ment returning home. We're betting on a settle- ment of some kind at the last minute or a delaying action. The certaînly picked a good bargaining time though. DELIVERY- The Christmas Greeting Statesman will be published next Tuesday evening and should be in the local mail boxes Wednesday, but it is doubt- ful if those in Toronto will receive theirs before Monday, because mail deliveries will be cut off from Wednesday until Monday. Our apologies to those subscribers in outside areas who have complained of late delivery. The papers are mailed from this office every Wednesday evening. What happens to tiîem affer that is up to Mr~. Kicrans and the staffs. MAIL - While on the subject of nmail delivery, Postmaster George Vice advises that there will be a home delivery this Saturday and household- ers are requested to leave storm doors open s0 the mailmen can place the letters in the mail siots. Last Saturday tbey were unable to deliver mail to quite a few homes because they couldn't get to the mail siots. Y1 SCHOOI, - Children will be out of school on Friday and on the streets until after New Year's. Motorists and snowmobile operators are urged to be particu- larly careful at this tirce of year so the number of accidents will be kept to a minimum. Also, it would be wise to remember the new compulsory breatha- lizer tests if you are thinkîng of celebrating over the holiday season. It would be a shame to spoil a nice Christmas with an impaired driving charge. j.t i BUS PROBLEMS - When high school students being transportedl from Millbrook to Port Hope boycotted the bus they were supposed to ride on, quite a hassle resulted. The students claimed the driver almost involved them in several acci- dents and the driver complained about the students' lack of discipline, including some pett- ing. The bus company manager also got into the act and, unfortunately, used the word obscene when referring to the conduýct of certain stu- dents. The Iwhole affair blew up at a meeting E of Millbrook parents and the bus officiai Monday 1 nizht when the word "ob'scene" was withdrawn 1 with a new understanding of the situation. VOLUME 115 18 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17.1969 151 Per Cnnv MTTMRV.P Xi Il 1