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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1969, p. 5

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Ie d athietie equipment. ~~II ~ Paul Wilson, Trent's direce i! G lun Fuh icrDof Z ath Z' ::Lsidthe buildy . )y, Ciailing would be used for badmin- Iose Ne Industry Ihrough hockey, gymnastics, wrestling a Se À t etennis, judo, jogging, indoor JU d 'To flouse Athletkand ;n:îr:and weight i q at u eruce 'A. been studying its needs iný Department of ario Hydro that in order ta provîde ade- terms of an athet eulig Trade and Development, quate service without disruption to sh et ncptal pronets by the; 950 Yonge Street other systems, they must use a 230 KV A giant fabric bubble largelJanuary 5, from their Christ-,Ontario Department of Univer-' Toronto 5, Canada source. Unfortunately the'line near the enough to caver four tennis;mas break. sity AffaIrs brought ta a haît Councillor Leslie Coambes, property in Bowmanvjlle is 115 KV plans for a permanent athletic Industrial Commission Chairman, which Hydro have investigated in Universiys Nassau campus will be the largest such build- "tien. Because of tÏrent's com 4 eprnc tet next week. ing in Canada - 100 feet wide, t c B w a vl e O n ri .T e 2 0 K l m t ly i e ipldetailof wandr foueni? wpoul o e utbe Covering 23.000 square feet 230 feet long and 40 feet high. fcijes sac asof sante r thletic Bo rmailes Ontarjo. The 20K u s oim n antel nbe cfifloor space, it will house. Total cost of the building!the pite prca aitanefrom e arTir: ilesnorth of the site, and aenot be Jnany of Trent's athletic activi- will be $15,000, a figure thatllbuildrince fs or han ganfitd Tisabltdthn o o h sd ties through the winter months.,Includes changing accommoda-,eddn a ogtadgat many courtesies and prompt service In summary, we have had ta reluc- It's expected ta be ready for tion, electrical and mechanical A sadr uligo rvddt h ersnaie rm tnl ocueadavs h tla use. when _students ,return'installations, foundation work Ao tadard bzwuldng ofave idedtw o he reresentties fom tntycocud ndavieth taa comarale izewoud hve tal wh wee iterste ii esablsh principals that adequate Hydro service cost close ta $1,000.000," said ing a steel production plant in you would flot be available ta them in Bow- Mr. Wilson. "The life of the community. Since their visit, we have manville. Hence, the option of your ÎS LR SP E byes oevet iantîpat-te been in constant contact with the Ont- K A Y E cdLRG IZtbbli:tiarnae te nsaria Hydro ta ensure that adequate pra ey wi flo copeatonand ium will becanstructed i hydro could be supplied ta your site asitnes o prcaed ndw « 4King St. E. Bowmanville four or five years, by W hi Chsouth of the C.N.R. tracks. assac sms prcaeadw time the bubble could bc used Tehdorqimntfr hs trust that other ventures in the future wishes to extend ta cavier a swimming pool." Thwyr eurmn o hs~ ill be successful. The bubble, which will bc company is very unique in that the deflated each spring and set average demand load is very high and Yours truly, 6/16 /uJay Ç4 reet n is flated in about 20 minutes. loads which can be very disruptive ta Industrial Development Branch, upai eh fa l, cn ers in- heeaeasveyeerpak emnD.CWtsn to their customers and friends wiletplhet b iowr whithe rest of the hydro systems. Trade & Industry Division, buidnarsiiaisyeti We have been advised by the Ont- Dept. of Trade &_Development.____ those used in an ardlnary house furnace, each is large' enouh Ail Slims Sizes uip to 52 IO1ý'o OFF to heat 20 standard-sizede / c i n e n o houses. They wîll exet an theLcd bubble a pressure of anly oneLa g u i n e n Al Coatssizes up to 241 00/0 OFF thirtieth of a pound per square~ Pant SUSuis- -14.95 to 35.00 Jiîi w ovwo PIays b BHS Actor _________________________________ impregnated on bath sides withr -polyvinyl chloride in a light1 Two short plays presented Twist was impressive as their Randy Gough. This play was1 *.-supporting fiame and is ex- in the Tawn Hall auditorium plained that he was a direct audience sdnging " Go Rest Ye tremely difficult ta tear. were greatly enjayed by large descendant of t.he original Merry Gentlemen". e.*The bubble is made in three audiences on Thursday, Fri- Melcihior, aone of the Three Credit is alsa, due ta thasel sections, which are attached by day, and Saturday evenings. Wise Men, and saîd that as an who worked backstage for buck]e fasteners. When deflat- The first was "The Romane-, audience had gathered his bath plays as follows: Stage cd, its sections can be folded, ers" by Edmond Rostand, band would give a Nativity Manager, Bannie Morrison;C placed on pallets, and stored!adapted by Joachim Meugro- Play. The stoify of the first Sets, Rick Spencer and DavidL during the warm weather. . schel, directed by Mrs. J. Christmaswas beautifully and Turney; Lighting. Carry Kui-a The bubble will be held in Rundie. This was followed reverently enacted. pes iokolder and Curtain r place by pipes threaded by a delightful production of The members of the excep-IPuller.B Nany Tylr n _elwwers evr11Inh1cd by Eric Crozier. with R. W. Mray Twist: Joey, Dennis Up were Mrs. R. Krakenberg, Flowrs sy i so eauifuly 1es around the building's perim- Sheridan as the director. Francîs; oluniba, Cheryle Mary Toniinson, Susan Fra-W Cceter bokcanehu. The heroine of "The RoBrown; Brune. Neil Cuthbert- ser. Cheryl Whllans, Betty t e PO NSET IASses with showers have been mancers" was Sylvette, a son; Mary, Jean Bell; Granny, Gerrits, Marletta Ge r r its, a erected at the sauth side of lovely Young girl, played with Anne Cutlhbertson; her son,I Jane Wilson, Brenda Moffatt,P Trent's tennis courts, whose distinctin b Mary Lau John Brine; Ruth, Mary Lau Cindy Forsey, Patricia Wood-à s CYC AMENasphaît surface will provide Swinghammer, who becomes Bremner; Angel, Ian Peter; ward, Jean Turner, Joanne al theflor orthebuldig. engaked ta Percinet, the son Elzabeth, Hermine Kerekes; Thertell, an-d Chris Pattrick; e CARN TIONSLighting in the building will. of a neighbor. Jerome Billett Joseph, David Turney; Shep- Set Painting. Nancy Symons, 'P bcpoie y1 ,000-watt. gave a bepromnea ed ereWlo;WatyBed ars Dave Turney, CI bebyîaps mun-Percinet. The Young loyers Lady, Andrea Ewert; Margie,J Sue Bryson, Cheryle. Brown, W me in pair on ight10-foutcmaedtms tao- Margie Bell; Jean, Jean Van-1 Margie Bell, and Ann Cuth- re M ~ * ast, furmass t eah lngmeo and Juliet because their dergaast; and Older Shepherd,bertson. side of the building. The light- wdwdfte5hdqarl ing will be indirect, using the ed bitterly and had forbidden r e ROSESilastoa Actually the: fathers were Observe S atet y foH D C R T D Contractor for the change friends and wanted their t DECORÂTED ~roomsan the foundation is children te marry but lieya TROPCALPLANW. McLachlan of Tor impossilble te forc e e tedA À Merry Christmas he riae y Barracudaverken s.Teeoete a e For most Canadian familles lyou go out or. leave fie rmont * O EL ISAB of Gamleby, Sweden. young a pce o f ma1ke 1the lie Yuletide season isn't com- le. Neyer use electnic ligils NOVETIE Yong e pl fa i lBe. plete withouta Christmas reo metal Christmas trees and gam hin, and ue asBer covered with attractive decora- keep metal icicles away tram Order Early for Best Selection I YELVERTON Pasquinot, shawed tionsad rihtliht.Magtng able histrlonjc talent in the "But safety should be the or.Manfacturers' instruc- Our communlty was deeply difficult raIes of the fathers faremost cancern. when pur- t i igiting equipment N ~shocked and saddened at the of the Young people. Tiey chasing and Instalîing your shonuld b follawed carefully. ORDER NEW YEAR'S CORSAGES NOW sudden passing of a well pretended ta be invalved in a teoaih ussao. asie aey etre uitit known resident of this area feud and a stone Wall wa s Robert Pnice, Elecînical Inspec-Ith'emmay be nuilified by care- In the persan af Mr. Ross Ham- buiît between t'he two estates.'tion Supeintendent in Ontario less or improper handling. WE DELIVER FLOWERS Iltan. Ross was a genial fel- Thon ta bring the romance Hydro's Central Region. 12. Take down the tree as low, full of humour and a ta a successful conclusion To ensure a safe and happy quickly as possible when the ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD joy of living whici made hlm Sylvette's father arranged a holiday, unmarred by the dan- season is over and store al a popular addition te any mock kidnapping with a ban. gers of fine, Mr. Price recom- llghts In la dry place. Outdaor A TIO Ncrowd. Deepest syrnpathy ls dit chief played dashingly by'mnfds the following Christmas sets siould aso be put away an i iecideDu-vutdtewl n ae 1. When purchasing decora- quickly from summer sun and ~ ER SN P las, Cheryl, Marilyn, George his beloved fi-rnfihe kidnap- tive ligiting sets and electrîcal heat. and Harvey, as well as other es5 i a eladpe placsb ute er 13. Wien you purchase new famei. oss tllbesadlyh parations were made for the the Canadjan Standards Asso- appliances or electrical toys as i Two Phones To Serve YoU fmlsedaIRome. In thecom mriae ih ejîin. ciation seal of approval. The gifts examine each device for 623-7141 623-5577 munlly andbhoe lwe- Ohr in the ecelet as large "C" enclasing the letters the CSA mark of approval. i 623-741 62-5 7 unityand b his elloe Ote s iteclnt Ras ySA" means that your pur-i These few safety lips traom 1 ployees of the local Dept. of wr: Mui-ns ad chases have passed the severel Ontaria Hydro will assure tiat 1 33Division St Bowmanville Hlgiways. Gough and Ian Peter; Swords- * 33 orr talean to, hatmen, Murray Twist and Hugh approval tests of C SA which you do have a truly "Merry Sryt er tota have been estabsedfryuCrsms" --1~~ .mn-- . .uu .:--:.. -~~ Mrs. Harold Stbant (ur ex- Snider; and Moors, Dennis bshdfryuCrita" Francis, John Brine,Ni protection. 19 Cuthbertsan a'nd Pearce Wil - 2 tr i rei ol O IU cox. ~~place until Yeu put il up. OIUR "Christmas in tie Market 3. Keep it in a water-filled Place" was beautifully pre- container.MS .M.PNON 4.Do not block an exil wîî MS F . EFON r ITSGFTO Ssented and il was evoca-te e reeÉ.Fooin a inesosx Mr. McKenzie Penfound oli The Canadian Statesman. Bowmanvlfle, Dee. 17, 1969 Oshawa. wiom shc married1 in 1948, predeceased her in 1955. Cê.Ia T J aIng tic design and wif be A iosewe. er ntccsts~UiU7 *~**~ in contact with the Town centrcd around her home and shortly. member of Albert St. United Co toU UElIRA PI Churcix, Oshawa, and al ota- M E M M AFI i rU e tended King Street .United r P rt H p Church in Oshawa. Sic wasPA N a memben of Rebekah Lodge No. 3, Oshawa, and also of tic Analysis ai lie traffic data Cet fast rouieT L.A.P.M. obtalned on October 3th, 1969 the very f iret day! Mrs. Penfound is survived in Part Hope by representa- by six daugh.ters, Mrs. Cecil tives ai tic Department aif Rumbicaps are sPecially fOrmu. L l o y d ( G l a d y s ) o f O s h a w a , T a s o t n i a e e r f a e O g v o a t r l O - h MrsChalesCrosle (Dro"fie control signals are warrant- very first day-from nagglng thyl oc ai T jort, M sof în ed at lice .unction ai M ill and rheuJfatic pins and aches. Alto Caddock (Mrai-jade) i Osl- Walon Streets, and as a resut proven effective for relieving lum. awa Mr. ran Sail(Gol. are eligible for provincial sub- bago, sciatica, headache and die) f Clearwater, Flonida, sidyflou ritic pains. Ask fr new Mrs. Sidney Harding (Madgc) of Oshawa), Mrs. Clair Allen Tic analysis resullcd from a RumacaPs-a distinctive blue (Evelyn) ai Bowmanvîlle; aine request by Alex Carnuthers, and white capsule of soothing son, Mn. Raymond Cochranc MPP, liaItich former decisian comIfort-at vour local druggists. ai Burketan; and a brother, rcjecting lie town's application Rumacapa are capsules Mr. Leland Edger of Peter- for signals be reconsidered and of soothing comforti borough. Sic was predeceas- a new ti'affic counit taken. ed bY a daugilci-, Mrs. W. Tic project will be subjeet 4 Richards (Florence)aiOf sh- ta a number of pi-avisas involv- awa, lwo sisters, Mrs. Alfred ing lie prohibition ai parking Niciols and Mrs. Eben Crago, in praximity to lie Inlersec- and a brother, Mn. W. Arthur lion, and nelacation ai pai-ticu- Edger. lai- driveway accesses, and a Alsa sunviving arc 16 grand- gencral redcsign of tic physi- oiildren and 10 gi-cal-grand- cal characteristics aItich inter- ehîldi-en. section and ils approacies. Te funeral service was Tic Traffic Engineering Sec- KUm pn icld from fie McIntosi.An-îtion aifite Deparîment ai dersan Funeral Home, Osi- Transport is prescnîly under- I awa, an Tuesday, December 161h, and was eonducled by Rev. L. W. Herbert. Interment was in Union Cemcteny, Osh-. 1 awa. A service was îeîd (LoIlcIday J(airclo. RPbekaih Lodge No. 3 on Sun- day evening. Want a ncw coiffure? Get that cut and set Palîbearers were Messrs. Fr-ank Sobil, Rager Cochrane, no in time for the holiday season! R onald Crago . Leslie Coch-fo ex rt h i s y ng b rane, Allan Cochrane, and Roy li xethisyigb TA-willegar, I VIOLET COOK - JOAN WHILLANS LONG SAULT Congratulations ta Raymond Cameran an wlnnlng lie Mc- Lean Faundalian Scialarsiip il Kempîville College af Ag- riculture necenlly. Raymond is home now for aven lie halidays witi is parents and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson wvere Sunday supper guesîs af thein daugiler and family Mr-. and Mrs. Norman Davis, Pontypool. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lytîle, Prescott, were alsa tiere. Mn. and Mrs. Davis leit by plane on Wcdnesday ta spend Christmas and New Year's di is parents and ahhen Mrs. J. Joinston visilcd titi Mr. Joinstan on Sunday aflennoon aI New Mount 5mnai Hospital, Toronto. Mr-. Joins- bn was operaled on Tuesday qftennoon. Smncere wisies for speedy recavery and liaI 71 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE e'l1 be home sOOn. I.. in a friendly atmosphere WHý IN DOUB4GfV/EA CERTI FICATE J(UT 'N' J(URL BEAUTY SHOP FOR APPOINTMENT PHON 623501 Il.5* à 1 v il?~ -- FRIGIDAIRE Wide Selection of SmaIIýw Home Appliances - . . Make t U-9dealM iftD I I i i f i $ BOWMANVILLE - -*- --4 ________________________________________________ joyable evenlng. Congratula- I T A lions ta lie winnen of the CELEBRIT 12-oz.lucky ticket for lic Moto-Ski 4Î CELEBITy 1-oz.drawn by aur Township Fine BoxedChocoatesCiief Melville wnlghî, Mrs. Boxed Chocolates .~~ Clifford Falls of Ponypool A W F O T lE I A T . AssorrnentBel there were somne happy Asot etfaces aI lic Fallis domicile. ITF OMT EH AT The members ai lie Chamber KODA 1-0 Vaue ONL 88 &ýLet your favorite girl know she's sE - ai ~~~~~PLA O D f Com merce w o were e- *pca .gv e p ey Wtn u KO A . 0 V l e -O L 8 O A O Dsp nsible fo n renovatng lesP ia .. veh ral eyW tn u r AINSTAMATIC 124 IG WIGRI former schoal house Intoa e PI2o.B xd 4 e oen attractive hall. are CAMERA KITS -oBoe BGSWNER 1to be congralulated on 'a job Onl $2.9 Chco Ce weldil Aote xapeALL CHRISTMAS MERCHA. Onr the$24.95ngOf what local Initiative can DISTINCTIVELY GIFT WR. OnIy $2for5the oca esOn y 24 95accomplsi wîîî hard w ak,AT N EX R C A G am-rON LY 25c1 business obility and pensever- A OETACAG ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___W e aI M alcona spent Sat- urday evening witi Mr. and Mrs. Hank Beran and girls ai MANY MORE GIFT IDEAS SEE US NOW I Cokvil Pir o theOîiran.J(oopOer s week for a lthree week holiday FREE FILM - FREE FILM - FREE FILM , wti Hank's maler there. Season's Greetings to Ye gfwler fd with every roll of Black and White or Kodacolor film left at t Eion and Staff Of lie Can- adan Statesman. lo, we beg OMNIL FR DE ICESP ARMA CYJohnny'g Indulgence i x FRoDrICK'S in ad rinti MACYtening te compliments ai for cvelpin andPriningtie festi've season to any ~~REE FILM FEE IL (or sic) singular or Và6f TM& .......... fflm - llural. M&Y Your Christmas J beMerry and your New year PLOR&ABLAUECRDPNKIAD ADO COLLISS ELEC TRUC 44 KING ST. W. i 'j-. A ia ~1 . - 71 KING ST. E. BOWMANVILLE PHILCO & BLAUPUNKT BOWMANVILLE

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