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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Dec 1969, p. 7

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i -77. =.7 77 o cSocial & fersona/ Phone 623-3303 Dove of Peace Fealures C.G.I.T. Candlelight Service ai Trinity Miss Rochelle Hunt, who is Mrs. Malcolm MarKenzie, Flett ' tending Windsor Un iversity. Street. Shome for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Powell,: Mrs. E. V. Hoar, King St. Concession St. West, have re-, dng on Sunday at the home ofCoast by train. They visitedý rs. Harold Hoar, Downsview. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hay of Mn. Ward Hoff man, Elwood Victoria, B.C. On the home-i Oity, Pa.. visited his mother- wand trip they visited with In-law, Mrs. George W. James, cousins, Mn. and Mrs. Walter King St. East. on the week- Brown, at Regina, Sask. end. At Club Loreley. Oshawa, a X Miss Christy Tighe, Teachers resounding good time was had' College. Toronto. wîll arrive by those who attended a' home this weekend for Christ- Christmas dance when John F. i mas holidays with her parents, DeWlth, Realtor and Insun- Mr. and Mrs. Murray Tighe. ance Agent, Bowman i1e. en-' Miss Karen Knamp. UniVer- tertained his staff aÂd their sity of Western Ontario, Lon- wives. husbands and friends on: don, is home for Christmas Saturday, Decembe 3h holidays with her parents, Mr. As The Statesman is being, and Mrs. Fred Kramp, King st. published a day eanlien next, East. week (on Tuesday), we would: On Sunday evening, there were two outstanding C.G.I.T. services Watson, Donna Lewis, Dawn Witherspoon. Dianne Puk, Donna Mr. Jim Hall of Chatham JI appreciate recelving this Fn' !in Bowmanville, at Trinity and St. Paul's United Churches. This Bradley, Wendy Ayre, Kathy Maclntosh, Mrs. Norman Gibson and having his Christmas holidayday or Monday morning the group conducted the Trinity service with the assistance of members Nancy Jackman. The dove in the peace banner was cut out of paper from Windsor Univensityv. He names of those who will be of the Bowmanville High School band and the junior choir of the and pasted on the cloth to form an attractive design. spent a few days with his your Christmas guests. and' gradmohe, Ms.Jams all aso henames of students church. They are, Mrs. Douglas _James, Heather Barrie, Patricia Libety S. Noth.home for the holidays. Just dia] LMbrS. nonth. Pu .Bz 623-3303. A sing-song led hy Mr. W.! leyvilîe unit he responisible ( Mrs. Paul Bi issKry Dnl fReceive LI\4 eflbershinS Woolley and Mn. Taylor put! for flowers for church ser- (rMuteCanobay Deo Ms arlynQue., aldo! --------r---everyone in a holidiay mood. lvices for Jnav trom the C ono. Afica. a reiotmeasQe.wllsed The entertainment fo rlte Devotions werc in charge of ~pnIga ot vtosrCnsta n heweedevening was providcd bx' the parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ross with her narents, Mr. anrl Mns. ' eea oor esCor Stevens, Scugog Street. Hugh McDonald, Brown Street.: MI hecor a nr the irc Miss Elleen Hughes nf Mis-MisM onl reetyn-" tncf n. aphCuad issauga, Mr.JohntHrghdsfrom a plane- ure tnp to; te fM.RlhCuln issaga, n. Jhn ughe BC sît er and the pianist was Mr. Bprry town, returned la.t, ekfomRcmodXt Devereux. This choir is spont- a two-week vacation in Loi îîncle and aunt, Mn. and ns. srdb h GnrlMtn Angeles where they visited Mr. RlhWles erainCu n h e and Mrs. Brent Hlughes and Lions Club Hockey Draw, ' sing for the pure lo\eo ig Drana. winners are: N.H.L., Jan. 3, "ing. Their varied selections of, Miss Anne Mackenzic, Vie- Leo Menard. S. J. Mornison; li~ .. Old Favorites, Hymns and torla College. University of Jan. 7, C. Schwarz, Bill Bight . ..& Christmas carols wcre he;quti- Toronto, will arrive home on Jan. 10, Dave Madden, BiIJul:on n er nnc Fniday to spend the Christmas Burgess: Jan. 14, AI Irvine .. very much by everyone preýs- holidiays with lier parents, Mr. Rance Dilling: Jan. 17, Marilvi' n 4 . and Mrs. Kenneth Mackenzie, Green. J. Amesbury. Jr. a"' ' After the program. Mrs. Trrd Wellingtoni Strert. Jan. 1. H. Hammond;jri Jae-.2nte Cfrth vn Mr. and M-s, James B. D. Jackman: Jan. ilEanî Man' ng, îthoed frIhe me\b Thompson of Virland and Dr. ahe .., " oClb1anprstc Ui and Mrs. Jack Thompson and Miss Cathryn Etcher, daugh- Sno iieswt orcr-P H ' their thrpr(hl ter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold: tables and wished them iail a w.erp. weekend guests of their Etcher, Onchandview Blvd., is. er hnsms siste'r and hrottl er-n-law, Dr. home for the Christmas holi-1 h eane f h vn O P a Mrs. Keith Slemon. days from AlgonquinCoeg,'ig aspetpangBn. Miss MarvAnne MacRc7 Ottawa. Jlm and Susan Am-,Teinrswr:MsRir, Toronto Teachers' College ad ndru neEthr pnt a' Mrs. H. Wnighl, Mrs. Walker, 3 ae in a box1 0 Mr. Michael Armstrong, Ed- couple f0 a wlhbe ar- Mrs. Woolley, Mrs. Collaciitt, 1 91Ù7~t25 meonton, Alberta, wîll ý nswhnte er not Mrs. Watson, Mrs. Brunt, Mrs. the Christmas holidav iwth tn spe[ld Christmas wlth his Armistead. Mns. King, Mrs. the former's paren tsMr.anid parents in Regina. Sask. GaaMs egsn r a ,~Miss Virginia Slemon, of' Young, Mrs. Bucknell, Mrs.' Qu(een's University, Kingston. Cowev, Mr. Fletcher. Mrs. E.Reua REO O HMiss Laurie Slemon, Waterloo. . oley. Mrs. Twiner. Mr. W.G ýliivrsty Pulan MrkWoolley. Miss Rob.v Lane. Mrs. GIFT SET Christian Reformed Slenonwho are both attend-1 Cook, Mrs. Murdoch, Mrs. Church ng Ridly Collee, St.Cathar-ý Bak r.Glet Church es, are spcnding the Christ-ý Punch and Christmas cake Iit.5 Seugog Street mas vacation with thein par- 3*19 . sre yClb1 ____________ rîîts. Dr. and Mrs. Keith. 'I-~ . ad salgf i to caci Mntrmon. Dr. and Mns. Haroldj yý.M Senior Citizenî at the close of Rev A. VandenBere, Slemoîî and daughter Sue,,Ton-1 la verv enjoyUbleevcniET (HI O, W II Uable I IeniLI. Phone 623-7407 Worship Services 10:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. CHRISTMAS DAY 10:00 a.m. Back to God Hour Dial 1310 Radio Every Sunday 10:30 a.m. "Everyone Weleome" with his brother and sister-in-1 ... la w. Mni. and Mrs. Forest A. Dill- ing. Queenî St., recently visited the state-owned Rlngling Mus- eumns while vacationing on Florida's lowen west coast. At a special dinner mee The Ringling Museumns are the on Monday night at the Cen foremost cultural centre in, presented to Bro. William T southeastero United States andi Ray ________eenedth *wene the gift of John Bingling' etaepeetdti * to the state. They consist of! the Museumn of Art, £amed for E its outstanding collection ofi IBaroque art; the Asolo Theaters . P u F nyoriginal 18th century Ital- TheSalvation Army The Bowmanville CIirl*s!nu(s eSunld1ay December 21st, 1969 MAJOR and MRS. W. REA (Toronto) 11:00 a.m. FAMILY WORSHIP 7:00 p.m. "A CHRISTMAS MEDITATION" presented by the Bowmanville Songster Brigade and the Singing Company O COME ... LET US ADORE HIM TRINITY UNITED CHUR(H Minister - Rev. George K. Ward, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mr. William M. Findlay, B.A., A.CC.O0., AT CMN CHRISTMAS StiNDAY, DECEMBER 2Ist, 1969 10:001 ar. Speçial Christmnas Service in Scripture and in Praise CHURCH SCHOOL 10:00 - Junior, Intermediate and Senior 10:15 a.mi. - Beinners, Kindergarten and Primary Depts. CHRISTMAS FAMILY SERVICE ON CHRISTMAS EVE 7:30 p.rn. liCHRISTMAS AND THE WORLD'S NEED" Reverend G. K. Ward ST, PAUL'S UNITED CHUR(H Minister: Rev. H. A. Turnier, B.A., B.D. Organist: Mr. R. Metcalf. A.R.C.T., A.C.C.M. (' -) , a Seuw, SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2lst 9:45 &.m. - CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 a.m. 3:30 -FAMILY CHRISTMAS 1.SERVICE p.m. - FESTIVAL 0F CHRISTMAS MUSIC Guest Artists: E. OSCAPELLA, Violinist R. COTTON, baritone Junior and Senior Choirs I rnpressivi Feaftures 'Peace" was thie tiieme of the impressive Vesper Service, ;held by St. Paul's CGIT in St.ý1 Paul's United Church on Sun- day evening. The church was beautlfuhly decorated for the service with a Christmas tree. .spankling with Vuletide orna- ments, on either side of the altar and a large wreath of greenery eîîhanced with a red satin bow at the hack of the chanîcel. It wvas lighted hy golden tapers in taîl candle- sticks. The St. Paul's CGIT Leader, Mrs. A. 0. Daîrymple with the Co-Leader, Mrs. C. Piper, wcre in charge o! arrangemrents for the lovely ser~vice. Thcv were assisted by Miss Susanne Gra-j ham and Miss Joaîî Graham, and 26 CGJT members took part. Ross Meteaif. the càoir leader and organist, drcc the singing of the 26-membeîr Junior Choir. Miss Pat Tenuuaiu was the leader foi the Vesp)er Service and Miss Sue Bvo was the reader. AIl the CGIT ineriubers par- ticipated in thie Sciriptuire Choral Reading foi- which Miss Pat Woodward was the soloist., An inspiring coniversationu fol-j lowed in which Miss Aunlej Cuthbertson was the questinn-, er and Miss Faith Tliiessnn's voice answered frorn the bal- cony. Miss Sandra Brysori was the heliever. The candle lighiers \\cîtc Miss Elaine Hendersont. M Jili Colville, Miss L'eatine Parker. Miss Liiida Graham, and Miss Leila Cowle. Bene- diction was given hv the Rev. ;Harold Turner, St. Pauls Min- Ister. During the Recessiolial, the Junior Choir led the wav from the chunch follnwed b vi the five candie lighters carry-1 lng their lighted candles, and. then the 26 CGIT members. ian theaten in America: the! Ringling Residence, "Ca'd'Zani."l a $1,500,000 Venetian Gothic palazzo; and the Riugllng Mus- eum of the Circus, the first museurn dedicated to the lilst- ory of the ciretus. Iii addition to exhibiting the permanent collection, the Museumys' furic- tions include a div'ersified pnog- ram of temponarY art exhibi- tions. art education services, lectures, films, concerts, cliain- ber music, a urinter opera season and a wtnter and sum- mer festival of nla ' s bY' theý Asolr Theater Festival corm-1 pan y, the official state theater :of Florda.j Mn. and Mis. H. Mwphy and tamîlv weie Saturda' of our Bomanîll 94, anaianForstesevening guests of Mr. and Mrs.1 ,etlngofCutBw avle94 aainFrsr, G. Kovacs. Glad to report. ntennial Hall, Queen St., two life memberships wen-e Mn. and Mrs. Kovacs and girls' Taylor, lef t, and Bro. Aibin Clemens. Chief Ranger moved into their new home, e Certif icates. Saturday. Mn. and Mrs. Fred Parrish and family, Oshawa, wre Sund.ay guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. Murphy, hnlîîging,, s CGI Con uctsalong their snowmobile to bc-getting their Christmas e Service Tha! trees and hundreds tryinz Ter h evyme ai hePweekac 'Eue uishii-er Miss Donnai welcomed at the doon bv Miss of the Smiths. Virtue. Miss Kathy Nesbitt,!Krn ier is onna. To patients in liospital fromn Miss Joan Sameils, and MissiReader, and Miss Karen Bal, the communîty we wlsh lm- Laurie Crou-h. Before the ser- who distnlbuted the form of, proved health. vice the coiîgregation were service. To Editor. staff of (anadian Sr. Citizen s Enjoy Christmas Dinner With 170 Attending Statesmaii and ail readers tne: Season's Greetings from your North LUne Correspondent. WESLEY VILLE On Saturday, December 13, the supeintendent and assist- ant ef Welcome Sunday school, Mrs. Lloyd Kcllog and TIhe arnumal Christmas dinnen Queen and Grace. 1 George Tufford took two car- of the Senior Citizens xvas held A delicious turkey dinner1îoads of the Sunday schoolý on Tuesday. Dec. 9th with 170!was servcd to the 9enior Citi-ý oTrnoweete n attendance. Tliey were reg- zens free of charge by the Leg- pupilstoTonoweehy istered as they arrived by ion Ladies. After dinner Mrs.] delivened the White gifts ne- Mrs. Tom Gatchell and Mns. Armistead thanked the ladies1 celved the previous Sunday.! Jim Moorcrait, boto membersi for the lovely dinner. iT.hese went to the Fred Victor of Club 15. Luk1m es.a .emiso and Included socks, The tables were decorated placed on the tables for the! mitts', Christmas cakes, many with prett ' gold candles and gohd candhes and the winnens'other things and s5ome monfe. rcd poinsettia plants. The were: Mn. Ken Fletcher, Mn. At the home the leaders and dinner was operîed by a warm'Roy MacDonald, Mrs. Van- children assisted the staff lu wehcome from Mn. R. Gilbert,, Camp, Mrs.. McCoy, Mrs. Hoar, opening parcels which had Presldeit of Senior- Citizens, *Mn. Hackney, Mr. Taylor, Mrs. been Sent in and sorting them followed by theisinging o! the:Scott, Mrs. R. Robbins. acconding to kind. They were -shown around the mission aud its different types of work moi and enjoyed the lunch, which the\, had taken with them. on the prerninses. Those who -- went were: Aune and Marie Lord, Cathy Harness, Elaine S Kellog, Barry Best, Donald V j~ Nichols, Neil and Nicky Groe- LI ,* ~nevehd and Andy Clarke. Gi' s ee y .1 ab ý an com Ce atn ornet ected frorn the wide array at are always appreciated in our own distinctive gift wrap Mrs. Geo. Tufford retuirncd from Port Hope hast WedinC*s- day where she had been stay- ing with ber fathen Mr. W. Sanguin following bis stay in Port Hope hospital. Truman Austini was taken to Peterborough hospital one day last week hy ambulance but returned ho Port Hope after tests there. He Is im- pnoving, but sl1o w 1y as stnength returns. Fniends hene are pleased to hean o! improvement for Miss SteIla Bennett who is also in Port Hope hospital. The Decemben meeting of the United Churcli Women was held at the lîoîîe of the president. Mrs. T. Wilson, on Wednesday the lth. Mrs. Wilson opened the meetinîg with pray er and conducted the business at the beginning of the meeting. Recommenda- tions made by the general executive for 1970 were dis- cussed and agneed that the first general meetinîg be at Weicome on Tuesday evening, January 13th, and that We&. After Shave & Cologne Eist 4.50 ---- 3,99 1The ranadlan Statesmnan, Bowmanville, nec. 17, 1169 group for the month, Mee- dames Harold Austin. Geo. Tufford. Carroll Nichols and E. Berrowclough. The Christ- mas scripture readings, carols and prayer were given by Mrs. Harold Austin and Mrs. George Tufford. The white gift offering for the Fred Vir- tor mission was presentedi by each member at a table where Mrs. Rov Austin had provid- ed an arrangement of a poin-, settia bordered. bowl sur- rounded by green branches and backed by a burning can- die in a stand with coloured glass globe. The offcring was $21. The Bible study on "Man Alive" concluded with a dis- cussion on the question "Does our society no longer demand spiritual instruction for its children?" The conclusion was that general society does not, in the wav it demnands training in many other things. but that local society does. The 18 ladies present were pleased to hear a delightful solo bv Aileen, daughter of the president, accompanied by' lier teacher, Mrq. Carroll Nichols. who was also organ- ist for the diay. Mrs. Nichols is seldiom able to be present because of music lessnns and lier presence was appreciated.] At chureh service at Wel-j come on Sunday morning thei Prices Effective Until Saturday, Deceniher 20 LAST MINUTE GIFT SUGGESTIONS Hai Karate Hui Karate Oriental Spice Regular GIFT SET GIFT SET Iist 4.75 --.---33 99 Eist 4.25 -----3-69 OLD SPUCE OLD SPICE LIME AFTER SHAVE GIFT SET LOTION iist 4.50 -- -- 3.89 Is .5 14 WILLIAMS LADY SCHICK LECTRIC"'CAPRICE"' LECTRECElectric SHAVEShaver Sugg. list 99e -7lic Iist 14.95 ----19 SYLVANIA FLASHBULBS AGI or AGIR - Pkg. of 12 6 Sugg. list 2.16 --------- M2B - Pkg. of 12 Sugg. list 2.64 --- -. - 2*13 SYLVA.NIA FLASHCUBE Sugg. Iist 69C 3 for 1.83 WE HAVE THE GIFT TRIMMINGS, TOO!1 CHOOSE FROM A VARIETY 0F WRAPPING PAPER AND RIBBONS YOU WILL FIND ON DISPLAY AT YOUR I.DA. DRUG STORE BLACK BELl BLACK BELl BLACK BELT 4 oz. After Shave COLOGNE GIFT SET Lotion for Men 4 oz. Alter Shave Lotion and Soap 3.00 4.00 50 COMB N' GO KINDNESS "20" PprMt ELECTRIC INSTANT MARK V/ (0MB HAIRSETTER CHROME PEN &PENCIL SET 5.95 29.95 7.95 Don'! forge! these everyday needs.. Bromo E N0 Pepo Seltier ATCD1s o famnilY size 7 o)z. 8foz.J>e sugg. list 1.19 Sugg. list 1.29 sLomachs Sugg. l1'st 1.25 77C 88C 99C PRESCRIPTIONS I.D.A. REMEDIES ALEX McGREGOR DRUGS 5 KING ST. W. b I .1 q PHONE 623-5792 1 third candle for Advent was explainrd and lit by Llewellyri MaRislall and John Groene. Veld. ADULT COUNSELLING SERVICE If you w'ant to do sometbing about your education. . . you I probably cali. Sec Your Aduit Cou n sei or EVERY MONDAY EVENING 7 to 9 at the BOWMNANVI LLE HIGH SCHOOL Guidance Off ice The service xviII cease for Christmas holidays, and resu me Monday, Jan. 5th.

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