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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1969, p. 12

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12 Thre Canadian Statesmnan, Bowmmanlle De&. 24, 1090 KEDRON "irat GoId Cord for to earn her badges. These 25th Guide Company were explained by Guide Cap- A party was held In the; tain Mrs. Lorne Tregunna. Imoer hall of Kedron United Donna Glover and Wendy Church by the Guide Mothers' Newall. A special cake, dec- -.Auillary te honor Marthaïorated by Mrs. Tregunna. aise jFraer, daughter of Mr. and bore symbols of Martha's -Mms.Robert Fraser. the first fields ef endeavor. * Member of the 25th Guide! The Cord was presented by -Company to wln ber Gold Guide Commissioner Mr-.. Ben Cerd. !Hitchens and placed on her Posters were set up around ,daughter's uniform by Mrs. * .he roem Vo explain the work:Fraser. Present ta offer their ~that was completed by Martha 1 congratulations were the 25th W'~ PLEASURE SERVICING YOU! MUTTON & GOULD SHELL fRon Mutton Tom Gould SCUGOG ST. PHONE 623-7451 Our Service Station will be closed ail day Christmas and New Year's. A. H..Sturrockc & Sons ESSO PRODLYCTS STURROCK RD. BOWMANVILLE On Saturday af ternoon, Santa Claus had a busy few hours on the Bank of Montreal parking lot, when children came f rom far and near ta say hello and tel him what they wanted for Christmas. When this pic- ture was takeri, there was a switch, an unidentifîed mother sat on Santa's knee, holding her baby who, ta Brownies with their leaders parents af the Guides, and Mrs. Gail Brockman who waE captain af the 25th Company when it began. Santa Claus' usual raIe was reversed when he arrived ai thc Senior Sunday Sch.ool con- cert at Kedron United Church. He arrived wlth an empty bag, and left with It stuffed with gifts presented by the variaus classes for distribution thraugh Simcoe Hall and the White Cross Centre. Prior ta Santa's appearance, each of the senior classes pre- sented a skit. Dianne and Margot Mountjoy playeda piano duet, and Patti Rosna] entertained with a group of Christmas carols played ai the accordion. Rev. Kennet] Deer acted as chairman. In the afternoan the teach- ers ai the Junior Sunday School gave a party for their students and their mothers ln the Lower Hall. Fiach child received a glît from Santa, and lunch was servedi On Sunday evening the chairs ai Kedron and Colum- bus churches, augmented by sanie choir members fran Prince Albert, presented "The Music of Christmas" ln Ked- ron United Church. Soloists were Mrs. Douglas Love, Mrs. Donald Gibson. Mrs. Douglas Harris, Mrs. Orvel Selleck, Mrs. Fred Denshuni and Mr. d s b I.' 1Book say the least, was noV impressed by Santa's whiskers and red nase; the child cried throughout the interview and obviously was happy when it was over. Santa (George Mutton) was assisted by Bannie Morrison, left and Linda Ritchie. Review The Canadian Indian y This la the lime af year European Invasion, Indian 111e ci when the book publlshing was allen mare complex - [e wor]d is flooded with big. iand certainly much more spir- n handsome historical volumes, itual - than the way-of-life ie profusely illuslraled and with that the white man brought excellent subject matter. . nd still enjoys. Symington CI The Canadian Indian - the la sympathetic, even admiring. b-illustrated history of thelbut he doesn't make the mis- t great tribes ai Canada- be-' take of romanticizing tribal a longs In Ihis selection graup. lufe. He sorts out the differ- k McClelland and Stewart Ltd. . cnt 11e-styles ai the 50 tribes. )f are the publishers and Fraser The Canadian Indian brings n Symingtan the author af this high credil toa ah who helped h new book. It tells the classic ta praduce it. It can help ta story ai the 50 tribes ai Cana- fiiî a great histarical vacuum i- da aver a 300-year periad. ln aur national life and de- y' Author Syminglon prepared serves a place af praminence ýr the nianuscript at the request ln the libraries ai the nation. n ai the Department of Indian iAmnerican Printmaking d Afiairs and Northern Develap- the FirsI 150 Years (Randoni iment. Ottawa. He has done House af Canada Ltd.) is a a remarkable job ln bringing book for all those Inlerested le this Important slory alive. in the authentic look ai co- [- The tribes ai Canada did arise lonial America and the morn- y froni a single Mangalian stock, ing af the US. Republic. i he says, but varying environ- le ments -cimale, terrain, food The textIis by J. Shadwell. -supply over the long cen- It la well-researched, compre- ,s turies stamped clear difier- hensive and highly appeallng, *ences upon theni, but one ai tIhe big attractions 5 For too long il has beeri a ai the book la ils reproduction .tory slilted under the dust ai 115 prin ts. These "his- ofa unreadable text, eroding tarical prints" - as lhey are Int the back-rooms of mu- generally know-n - are reveal. seurns. Mr. Symington's Is a Ing documents ai the early Smajor work designed ta excite days ai the' United States. the imnagination and absorb They offer rare and preciaus the attention of the general views not only ai great pers- Sreader. onalities (Washingtoan, Frank- The baok's appeai is e-in Jefferson, Hamilton, Col- 1,anced by the inclusion af 282 ton, Mather, Benjamin Rush, Illustrations, many ln color the Marquis de la Fayette, They arc mastly from eye. David Rittenhouse and Samuel jwitness artiste and Pioneer Adam,-s), lhey also give views phatagraphers. They skill. O f Manhattan. New Orleans, iully present a world thal has Lexington and Concord. andi of passed from Uic eye but must Yale, Harvard and Westpoinl. be held ln Uiceniemory. There Although often limited in are shocks ln store for thase technical and styling sophisti- who believe that the primit- cation, they have much charni ive societies were simple sav- and subtletv and aller sIgnifi- age s9tructures. Before the cant insights ito athe national I character and purpose ai the rRonald Werry. nhe cantaita United States ln that era. i will be presented again next Among the gifted prinlniak- Sunday evenlng ln Columbu.s crs represented ln these pages Church are John Foster, Thomas On Tuesday the Kedrorn U.Emman. William Burgis. Peter C. W. enterlalned ail Senior- Pelham. Thamas Johnstan., rCitizena froni the Kedron Henry Dawkins, Paul Revere cammuntyr together with and Henry Pelham. AmerIcan those wha were able ta attend jfrornithe Cedars Nursing Home ta a Christmas luncheon, Each guest was presented. ~ «." ,r éwlth a corsage or a bouton- lere, and dInners and flower were sent out ta those wo. 'were not able ta attend......r IAfter the luncheon therel was a short sing song of, 'Christmas carols, a graup ai sangs by Mrs. Donald Gibson ~and a group ai numbers on a musical saw by Mr. Sebastian16 EHohmann, wlth Mrs. Ross Lee accampanying at the piano. The aflernoan vas enjoyed Eso much that il la hoped ta make it an annuel Christmas efeature. Il The Kedron Hi-C raised rmoney writh a dance and a Sunday mornlng breakfast ta pravIde a camplete Chrlstrnas dinner for a needy iamuly j hThe children ai the Sundayr ESchool atlended the annual White Gift Service et Kedroni W! United Church an Sunday e rorning. They presented their gifta during the offering, at Ithe foot oi the creche. wlth , the raies of Mary and Joseph jdane In tableau by Laura i Love and Jimmy Rosnak. 1 Thils month the Outreach catmmittce of Kedron United i Church niailed 109 peundis of clothing and skates te the Cree Indians. The U.C.W. held their an- inual Christmas party in the May your holidays io al , einn wlth a I b i oef ri otluk uppr.Threwere b il ou o fr gaines, a sing sang and an' exehange cf gifts. Mn. and Mrs. Clarence IWerry have just returned ALLI Y from vWsting their son, Rev. A Robent Werny lin Cutknife, m e t m rke iSaskatchewan. UnIortunately Mrs. Murtn BO W31AN VILLE Walter, Mn. Jack Glover, Mn. Onville Greer and MissBer- . J. and Don Allib bara Lambert are hospitel, patients- et he presnt Urne. Prlntmaking was published for Museum ofa Graphic Art. New York, by the Smithsonian Institute Press, Washington. The book Is a rare treasure for readers intrigued by this historloal era. 13LACKSTOCK It is with regret that we1 report that your regular and very faithful correspondent, Mrs. O. Hill is a patient in Port Perry Hospital. We wish ber a very speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Edger- ton received a lovely Christ- ma,, present a little early this week - their two-months-old chosen daughter, Ann Marie. On Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Larmer, Douglas and Craig attended the wed- ding of her niece, Mr. and Frank Jarmuth in the St. Mary's area. On Sunday they were present at the family Christmias celebrations at the home oi her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Allan McDougald, St. Mary's. Marion's mother, Mrs. McDougald returned w it h fihem for a visit. Mr. Ernest tarmner spent the weekend with his daugh- ter, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees and famnily at Solina. On P'riday evening in the Listowel United Church, Mar- garet Ain Du-stein and Jim. VanCamp (son af Mr. Norton VanCampD and the late Mrs.' VanCamp) were united in' marriage. T h o s e attending froni this area were Mrs. W. W. VanCamp, Mr. and Mrs.ý Stanford VanCamp, Mr. and Mrs. Percy VanCamp, Mr. and Mrs. Merril VanCamp, Mr. and Mrs. Keith VanCamp. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Vandamp.l, Miss Mabel VanCamp andî Mi"ss Aileen VanCamp. On Sunday aiternoon, Mrs. David Kyte held a miscel- laneous shower in honour of Mrs. Floyd Kyte who was re- cently married. This shower took the formn of a desserti luncheon. Many lovely gifts; were received by the bride who replied fittingly. Miss Denmpsey and Mrs. L. McArthur attended a farnùly Christmas gathering at the home of Miss Betty McArthur in Toronto on Sunday. Alsa attending were Mr. and Mrs. Ardis McArthur, Willowdale, and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Dysart, Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hamuil- ton and Mr. and Mrs. AIl ing the holiday in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. John Mew and family, Toronto, called on her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Austini Beacock before leavig teI spend Christmas in the Ilie ci Wight visiting John's rela- tives. The Junior Grades of Cart- ,wright Central Public Sehool presented an excellent Chfrist- mias prograrnVo, a large crowd of parents on Tuesday aller- noon, December l6th. Aniong the prograrn were Christmasî songs, rhythm bands, and! dialogues. Pupils chosen frein, Grades 1-5, directed by Missi Robin Cavenish, presented ai play entitled "The Eniperor sý New Clothes." A piano duet was performed by Marie Van Camp and Debbie Swain. Sev- eral selectioiis wcre gi ven byl the Junior Sehool Choir un-j der the direction of Mmi. Shîr-' ley Turner and the Seniorl Choir directed by Mn., Cath-1 erine Cordeii. BWakstock A.C.W. The A.C.W. held its regular December meeting in the Par- Hall on Thursdlay aller-, noon, December 18. President Mrs. John Hamilton presidedi for the &tort business meet-, Santa Claus Falls to Impress This Youngster- f L. ('00 à'04 D. M. Woods Prosident \~4L94E R! S KING ST. E. BOWMANVI LIE , Ing. 1%ie Christmnas prograni Ehackdtok AtricultuM ie.oc1 wMlbe a great amet te the jtoom the jfr or etdeoeratglOn Mnday evening thelfir theiiistmas tree &neo diurc1 V~irectDrs of the Blackstockl for the services on Sund.ay Agricultural Society flelda and Christmas morning as meeting to plan for the An- S TARKVIL E well as filling the cheer box~-i nual Meeting which will be e. The meeting concludedi held an Thursday, January 15 bigain we've corne ta Chnistm U* with a delicious lunch andli at 815 p.m. in the Townshipl îu many plans for cheer: social time. Hal c. ury Wrgt ndeed It is a pleasant tira@ and Mrs. Alma Duff r For happiness each year. Mrs. New>l Bailey was tshe oommittee in charge of theî A'nd that bright night so lon.g hostess for the Christmas prograrn and lunch. A nomin- ago meeting of Uic Thursday Guild ating committee, Glenn Lar- Brought tidings for each and held Thursday, December 18,I mer, Jîr Byers and Vernon everyone- in the evening. A timelyI Asseistine, was formed te prie- For God In Hie loving kindness Christmas Devotion was tak- sent a proposed siate afi ciii- Gv i itt s-HsSn en hy Mrs. Neil Bailey. Much' cers at the annual meeting. GMave Iel te eus - His Sou ai the evening was spent pre- It was decided ta give ai where paring the bage for the Sun- grant ta the Cartwright Com- Thraugh the greatness of the day School for the Christmas ý rnrity Recreational Board to-i Holy Birth service. A tasty lunch and1wards the cost of installation1 Become imbued with Christian social hour was enjoyed by' of the new cret floor in1 kindnes ail present. 1 tihe rink as thisnixnprovernenti For Peace, Goodwill on Garthl à

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