Ion, whe rnw à cartoon, re-! AcVa~~eutloned the Federal Govern-,The Cnda f U w ua minding her of what her lateriy ,l n v 'n kI ment to proceed carefully with Cnda ttsmn-omnl, e.2,16 M U Iyears might be, alone with W n is e S o m bl its Implement.ation of the ri iyC W e s adopt a child but Alberta îaws aero ta rfomesc.iesIr .'r si"N ahrnobb.!as a package. He appealed ta; Mr. Lawrn~Sui sCrsmsadHpy n 'The December meeting of, music played by Mrs. K. fi-, said oug fiat hern baby". Ithe Pimfo]low ahed aing st an pratonOh dtradsafadalrdi rJnity U.C.W., held in the lett and by t.he singing of the thoghhivtecanessh trong representations olwnanpe unday School room on the carol "0 Corne Ail Ye Faith. was given Mary, the child of frmWsenCadannoawHspt.esofhsclm. 6th Was opened by quiet: fui". announced by the Presi- white teenae n hn.Inr h et -----the arIn two ears, therEarlier in the Conference d e n t M r . K S u e r s o r d s h e h a d p r o e d e r s i f , t h eP r e m i e r s B e n n e t t , S t r o m a n d î SIt was announced that the, province allowed her te adopt Thatcher ail signed a joint,; Thankotfering Tea givings had Margaret (white and Indlan) declaration that the WhiteV amounted to almOst $1.500, and later Jeff <ail white) nofpe on reform in its aiso that there would be a whomn someone said "At last, Ppeentrm ol .rmt Christmas Eve Service In the a real Canadian". What about inpre ent o nd w ud"romte g cuh.the other two? Dr. Stephen- e51m fWstr aaa Unit 1. with Mrs. Harding son said that she had learned1 Penmerf ThathernCady In charge. presented the wor- much and had had a chance PeirTace presented y ship service and programme. to share in the joyous feast lence. The declaration said the ~ 9aMeMrs. Harding read the medi- of a famly. proposed tax changes would ý tation. based on the theme «'O Little Town of Bethle- > hit the middle incarne taxpay- "Christ Comes to Us In Our hem was sung. Mrs. Colwellp ers, curtail expansion of smail, Brother" and read three had à story of Harrington. business and resources In-, seripture passages bearing ofl Harbour In Labrador, and of dustries across the West. Thei same. She sald that the the joy brought to these Wetrîrmir eoe Al world was neyer the same people by parcels sent by th apct o'heWht "afte-r the birth of Christ; our U.C.W.'s- baby clothes, toys * thPaspe tsft he Whdscurgit SIdeas of charity must be etc. One Christmas Dr. Gren- ,kn.Paer thsanod dinsoraetJo ~'changed: the white races have fell brought In a very sick cptl taken the best of the lands boy on his sligh, instead of a> Premier Schreyer of Mani- x withlout any apparent twinges, Christmas tree. This littie tFahadil"ane D of conscience. She asked if fego* if astei if ha ,15'v. ..'iF 1 elows if ws her it ha GvenmntInthtprovince, RyMEl Ld we would be willlng to accept1 year. ** did not sign the declaration.,V a Iower standard of living ta "Sulent Night" was the carol. He explained that on some hell) others and read the apcso h ht arh I~> ,I >UU poem It is Coming Tonight". Mrs. Colwell told of a apcso teWiePper he Mrs. A. Merkley delightedi Czechoslovakian mother wvho lrb t rsett h ai wt hrsoo. " he Gft.Union Station to see the beau- small businessman he thought y' Stories of Canada were read tif ul Christmas decorations. there were sufficient ioop- Y j~emphasizing the spirit Of The loneliness of this first holes ta enable the business- A~ Christmas. Christmas in a new land was men te avoid -,omne of the y ~'Mrs Maindonald read 'St. lessened by the helping hands taxes. Nick FlIes the Old Flame of an elderly couple who sup- Manitoba's premier, a 'new Tal elling of an air-drop plied parcels and candy, sa boy" at the Conference, per- ie* ino h Arctic of clothing.1that she had the feeling that Wayne Walker, 69 Carnegie St., Port Perry, a GM employee, bou' \ the 'sse7nmknglntvsae a..--' ments. The NDP arrogant1 ' aete Christma parcels and 1jJesus had came ta earth. Next lucky ticket for the Kinsmen Snowmobiie Draw the day the draw was hcSý,d. It lappeared ta thlnk they had A verse o! "Hark the Her- thm u hysii aeya ahrwas number 3138. Mr. Walker picked up his prize, this powerful Mt-k o h nwr amn rb aid Angels Sing" was sung vîsit ta the station each McGregor's Hardware lasi Wednesday. l ems'. Perhaps after they have 'y NO THE N as a 1Idtting conclusion for "Joy to the World" was* attended four or five such con- Y this story.n. ferences they wn't be so con- n~ MARKET ~ 0 Mrs. Colwell read the story sun. Harding read a shotA M DufQ a a Reort fident. Mr.andMr. R FIto~'miners who saw a light where article stressing that "Christ- th're should have been no Imsi tl ad' A anti Staff ý' occupants and entered ta find Mrs. Merkley sang a Chin- SArIE'JYL...4 a dying mother and a new- ese sang of the season "Stars]I I P lE N 'fl ~ 1 Ilac THE MODERN horn baby girl, who later was of Ice". D i e c a t dWs There will be a Christmasý GENERAL STORE baptized Edna Elod. Mrs. Sumersford thanked ail eesriea h hrha LIBRTYST N. "Aay In A Manger" followed, who had taken part in this' A warning that separatism ters But Premier Thatcher Eastern Canada lias grown young people. thsWoy euiu Crsmspormi on the increase In Western Tea aces sme real economiclinto a strong feeling afaie- G BOWMANVILLE Mrs. N. E. Osborne told of and rs.Wteswh had 'Canada was heard at the problems In his province has ton. ,Grades one, two. five andsx j~the "Bachelor Mother", the'headd tup. She aise ex- Ca tt t Cofrotnes th i-loe ome rm udrte edrhi fte Thrd nsutiona Cnter- gon trdo tekdg. Minise L. ehe eaershipnoxfandMr ~~>aeâstary of Dr. Isabel Stephen- pressed her appreciationfo ence held In Ottawa In earlyltreatment. Hesoe out B e rso imned nthe feigRiXrvde hr hit the co(operaion she had had December. bluntly. B ero esdtefeigRi rvddasotCrs-,, for her twa years as Presi- Prme osTachra h iy15ta otEs-e anne o his last speech-I1 mas concert a t the church ]ast ý e Mas PrimenaMinistereahe said 1Thursday night. The pupils and dent. Saskatchewan was the a r aaindlgts at the'I wistfully, "I feel I have neyer' ecesaet ecmimn-~* .. Rev. G. Ward, after a few1who put the warning itotaConference dismi s s e d h isi succeeded anegttting through1-l4 words of commendation for i wards. Premiers Harry Strom1 warnings as just the rantings, ta the people o! the west"l. rmo teretetiig rg V the past and hope for the o! Alberta, W. A. C. Bennett, a! Rass Thatcher. But the, He was sa right. He was aiseo Vm Inext term, Installed the Of-lof British ColumbiaanEd'asthenPrmr knowsi instrumental In pramating the Mr.Kn hakeo an I fîcers, Mrs. A. Davis readingjSchreyer o! Manitoba were re-J what has happened in the West'growth of. what for want oflher graup were in charge of! tels.1luctant ta taik In such tuhand that dsnhat twith wrisdsrbd s Crsmso fer> UW. Thewarship serviceý Presden, sokeof hr hpeý enourged he haie o Prie 1opeed ithquiet mu sic fol- W i initerTrueau s hs sc- lowd b a allta worship by coul ensre ts scces ifweOntasriaHeancogd Quebec r Mrs. Shackleton. m47Wa enchanted.erHe suggests. that iDurge S thaltrteatWest. awsds-si n GranothrsDa."L (IntSendedfor veastWesiftern want a do hee sohn- Iided t a gve$2a hern ottwe1 he Eli a betihvilie a Sunda vi__ ____ tha' boutamprov n he r ost io I isi on and com m en tar theand MprW . h esg anch i e thenr Csmas a OtarCofdatinte hudnd. We olanned aur Chrî Shacaleton.iW servt icesaon S ned in thPri~-. ' edme itrereueushamsremrce sdtathe hut A ' ise ch uch of Eah cad rsadspr- \Nn conf.on h e da er meth side ms ad adr fl~ n a rv~@ gg pared a secial uer. Thoabe ' adfigteresaef u rsmuit. WA scialve fa~ Patands Senior Catnlaugteby Miss Budtathe Prairit es havetîed lawedthma eeting. "Tbee repating Doris Bettyiha aniaioue 'V AMr doa*d eshngakit b on hebitho! es tht.Get inta Palrsiamnnd . vfCh ista a o n rs an i BOWMA VILL (LE NERS Juni~e~s ang.Teacers '21tsugg aner ndreau r Bry aveBackbuinguhrAbt-lMeryCrity whIA BE H IL Mr.Rs ~thtthe Waid ue artasies-d !mMast r niverst am- V Beatt een Tor ls ew and Mr. He su gets th tl Du in te us E D E S IE S A F FJl M ldrae. Rlev. E. L. ifot no h .Th y f o m e d n ild ton, is K a thy twi s t, y Ud0,brugt saabrsau~theIr wnpolinti pitionMson ntu taTootohe at [services on Sunda In the endre aioed pre by arit mhome oraestth u RIGS.W oWANVLLE messag. EMr.lm Mulad rew pitcaitheanoerimn o! te Mr. and adeholks.In V ,, spang a soelng.Atr h r- odAIIoerr parl ad igtieo wsMs amn ,,> patrons. o shni.Acal Mrsfl-! Senor buted git uch by Men Ths PButiclthe Prairies have ueipw hremaetng.andTSusan, !Dseveatthasaedialogued' thrsma at.weak guelimntad r DvdSto!eMr. and M ontheih o fed tamakeThe f voicsge. They. huavju.tiupr. ereBacrn Suneylph Jno lscs sn. TeaocheeatMissn Coherta mmber E. Twist wh hlpd ee rs Rss ithteodln ate MUirs.ionWy, m-dMi.A.Gei dStf B atC ato n T e n r :z t n w e e h y f r e l o , M s a h w s , R e - services& weF Jm ul rew.R h.ELd. cannot on lta ptheHse and PaIntiti, axorot,ere wek- KINGST.W. OWMAVILE mssag. M. Jm MurCaboit oalr aveuc impacftend guestsand Mr. Raynd sy~ Man.a ang.Mrs.eV.theaco-okMOllTo1 Ail othin apauues.oMarnrel and Don WeOsh and:Mr. and Mré 1 gaviSate nwthaMrameand Mrs- . oeffece ~ orntavmee.haeaiosCarlo rv WehwrSardy______ O AVI -Ou------ r uday fschoLuwnc t ______ rWesernproincs ad anay ChrisistmastrasP treell tepartieshae GtlhMr. reeane.da Berve.t artoies ae. ThenMoe and are e apve j in upe ust fMr n Ms ta attnlngroelpoed t akegooe'46he WesIte 2beginning .T it Arnothertcrowdralthe snow-. andfrom Confederationr Y9 wMr.* an(;:, Chu pserics erehede at ! obiCangto!heeCabthido term avmuch hurt. tendguss n M. n M v'arska foih rstdr. ._WINNE? I MIllT Cti Trnto obn hur a mt :' s wrrSau Honey, Milliken, on Saturday as the typeni g o! te frss thef thee s p r u t w h M . an Our unda Schol ws Iniat ester ronco! antitutiona e ta a! owrnbleandl ~: mex his actomment:v"re In Ber Bathomews pace ThspMore askdmoe Ontareota dtedin elo ad Rbahs anyhe oethae proinein te rkmey rw hrsa Dc weay !innvaeo atha self as "fed UP" With the! i' constant round o! constitution- Tj y At this joyustime of <fL; ,'i al taîks when there were far' OEP R ear, Joan & George Webster 1ý# fil ' home waitIng taPbe aick O URFRENS pis Finally he ould no longer O URFINS Th~Necatl Dtahmnt and their staff of Rickaby's 1,/. contain himslf. Joined by o! the Ontario Provincial Pal- L~, his jovial provincial treasurer to al or fne ustmer! ic duîngthewee o!Dec imited, send you warm greet- Il'?~~4 David Steuart the Saskatche- vesigte 17acidntsIn ngiwthth wih ha 190'eytrîs'.iwan Premier seized the appor- May the ioy of the Holy Nîght b îhya hsCr1ta n embr thto 3t 169 in gswih hewih "v.170 it uaity when the delegates troughout the New Year, bringing warrri conetetadtu apns We hpe our oliay tockng '1,4,'/' were discussing "reglonai dis- Wehp orhldysokn ýwhich two persans were in- will be a year filled with ti "' parities". He blasted the ral1- ta yau and yours. We hope that the spirit of hsbesddywl 11yu os stuffed with lots of goodiesi lye n evncagswrePa piesandd.~" ,1-1ii ways for what he describeda,:' hearts with inspiration. Let us hope that th1 remaigo hita Peace, Hapiness anddiscrimination gis the Best wsheA rom G nlifvestigated were 42 "" ere , wiWllibfreghtaganstthn WsInfegtrates, Attack-, will be revived, thatthrwlIbpaeonethgad iltam . Bs ihsfo everyone at theesameOcperdo rene Fîurie rosperity for us al! ,,.l , ed Ottawa's proposed tax o!the se prdorens esite' j changes and proposed an ail-' mif hs occuprper byteftI outfigtAs ils aur custom and pleasure, weaanetndorBtWihs Onls fpoet ytet ' Y The Prime Miaister gave a1 and one occurrence involvlng 'tV' I commitment that he woud, ay everytnîng you rioped for be yours inthyarhtlished property damage. Three Crim- 'uvi< have the Department o mial Charges have heen laid. TrasorofOtaaan h B R E S L I N IS )RVNG'TIP a avCan ranorasportCommi- Sincerely, It l reuird bylawtn ave l',1eý sion look at the freight rate cla rvn i ibiiyn front compiaints fromn the Prai:rie;. 1 ad aide and rear, whenever -. ' Premier Bennett chimed In LA IE ' E Rc teveice vs in operation. Tllearrgtrae wredfesi This means Itta sillegal ta drive against the hest interests of MAAEET&SAFwîth windows sa ed Sne18 British Columbia also. The MAAGMET& TAFfrosted ver. or covered with Prime Minister agreed to, havci snow. Weather conditions m . the Federal agencles take B.!! BOWM4N'VILLE make this difficuit at times, but C.'s Interest under considera-ani & f rernember. you can't avoid ia tion. collws a u you can't 0« one.I Povincial Treaswer stouaxtI ý at ï 9-4-40-M wiýý