Deicate New MaranathaChurch The Impressive Dedication Service of Maranatha Christ- ian Reformed Church held on Friday evening was attended by special guests and the large congregation. The Rev Nutma. B.A.. B.D., minister of the church officlated. As the organ preluide the organist, Albert VanBelle. played J. L. Bateman's "Prelude". This was follow- ed by the singing of the hymn "Praise To The Lord" by the Excelsior Choir conducted by Director Mel McCoy with Miss Leta Bragg as the pianist. The formai presentation of the keys was made by the SEE A CHICKEN FARM Next Wednesday, January 7th from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. chieken loyers, bath from the eating and growing Point of view, will have an opportunity of seeing how modern brollers are raised under ideal conditions. The location is Gord Met- calf's farm in Nestieton where he handies some 48,000 broilers each year. This, apparently, is an ultra- modern installation. elec- trically heated. There is an advertisemnent inside that tells haw to get to Mr. Met- calf's. iarchiteet. Bas DeHoed, ta the .Vice-Chafrman of the Con- islstory, G. J. Hartemink. The Rev. J. Nutma opened the service with the Invocation "Our Help is ln the Name of the Lord Who Made Heaven and Earth. This was followed by the Salutation "Grace, Mercy and Peace be unto you tram God the Father and Jesus Christ Our Lord through the operation of the Holy Spirit". The hymn "0 God of Hosts" was then sung with the organ accompaniment by Mr. Van- Belle. The minister, Mr. Nut- ma, then officiated at the solemn Ceremony of Dedica- tion with responses ln unison by the congregation. Then Dick Woudstra was organist for the singing of the hymn "My Mouth Shall Sing for Aye Thy Tender Mercies, Lord". The Rev. Arthur Vanden- Berg, pastor of Rehoboth Christian Reformed Church, said the Prayer of Dedication. Then the Excelsior Choir sang "How Great Thou Art"' con- ducted by Director McCoy. An organ solo "Echo Chorus by Stewart Landon was played by organist George Oldjans. The Baptismal Font. donat- ed anonymously by a family TURN TO PAGE TWO) * ûIL~ ~ VOLUME 115 14 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1969 gr erCn -b -7 r, r r Many of those who visited the new Maranatha Christian Reformed Church dedication service on Fridav xvere impressed by the unique pulpit and other features at the front of the church auditorium. The pulpit has an arched over- hang for acoustical and design purposes. To the right, the seven candies symbol- ize the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit and the seven churches mentioned in Reve- lation 2. Above the candies are the Greek letters Alpha and Omega intertwined, again symbolizing the words of Christ who said "I arn the Alpha and Omega". ýAt left of the pulpit, is thé baptismal font, also of unusual design. Ail of these wvere made liv members of the congregation._________________ S.ponsored by Bowmanville Ministers. Week of Prayer Services ~f.John's Church ian. 6-9 ,,&7#es? 'îscîlplieship' Tberne ENTRIES CLOSE JAN. 7th The Ânnuaî Peterborough Kiwanis Festival announces thils week that the final entry eiosing date wiIl be en January 7th. NEED LADY BOWLERS The Ladies M1ajor Bowling League has several opcnings for new members. They bowl Mondays, starting at 6:45 pm. Anyone interest- ed should 'phane Mrs. Cee. Muttan at 623-5894. A * SNOWMOBILE ACTION This wilI be a biîsy week for snawmobile bufîs ini this are a. On New Yeam's Day, Snowmobile Drag Races will be lheld on Hammony Road 'North. Oshawa. On Saturday and Sunday. th" big machines wiIl be in action on the traek at Mosport. lake $37. h om Offtice Three Thieves Rob Walker's Monday Noon Walkers Store, 5 King Street East, was robbed between 12:45 p.m. and 1:45 p.m. on Monday. Three men entereti the store andi one kept a sales clerk, Mrs. Daisy Pactien, 6 Jane Street, busy while the other two wai The annual "Week of Pnay- ship will be emphasized by' er" Services, sponsored by the speakers, who this yeari the Bowmanville Ministerial, will be some of our own Bow- wilI be field this year from manville ministers. The four Jan. 6th to 9th, at St. John's messages will be given by Anglican Church. The ser- Rev. G. Ward of Tinity Uni-1 vices, commencing at 7:50 p.m. ted Church, Rev. G. Gor-t with fine congregational sing- don of Bowmanvllle Baptist1 ing led by Rev. H. Dawson Church, Rev. A. VandenBergi of Bowmanville Pentecostal ot Rehoboth Christian Refor-' Church, wih end by 9 p.m. mcd Chunch and Rev. . Gra- 'Every evening our Bowman- cie of St. John's 'Anglican vflle chunches will supply us Church. Evenyone is encour- with special music,. aged to attend. ' The week's themne is "Dis-I The complete offering wih]j cipleship". Each evening albe sent to aid the needy in1 different asoect o! disciple- 'Biafra.___________ *COMNPLAINT - One motorist complained to thes Editor that the Christmas lighting at the main foure corners is most confusing for car drivers, especially s those not acquainted with the town. He suggested t drivers had to look twice to pick out the red STOP . lighit among ail the other red lights. Might lic worthC remembering next year, to have the Christmas lights *a different color. P resent Watches to Retiring Town Employees rr town employees, behalf o! council. presented ai Roads Supeintendent for Dan-: in November, 1947. and for 1l ~Ppartment Superin- gnld wristwatch to each o! thellngton Township for many 'years remained with the Roads Ir. K. Stewart, Stanley honored guests. The inscription years. Mm. Gmeen bas been em- 'andSresDpatet ic and Perey Porter, wha on the back o! each watch ployed by the town for 24 11 t eet.s Departmenassitne &Mta retire on January lst, reads as follows: "In apprecia- years He was with the Roads he hodas he the wasisant 1970. were the guests of honor tion of services renderedt t the and Street& Department fr ltc ustoiohe Town all an gt a party given by Bowman-'Town o! Bowmanville. 1969." years, and since 1956 bas ben'r Pbi irr' Ville Town Council et the Mn Stewart has been the the custodian o! the Towný Pictured above during the 1~yng utcmanMotor Inn Department of Works Superii- 'Hall and~ the Bowmanville1 pesentations are. from left to. Mona> evnig. His Wor- r tendent since January lst, 1960' 'Publie Library. Mr. Porter cnt-iright: Mn. Porter, Mr. Green, Ibyoe han obbs, onl1Previously h. had served ms fre the employ of the town1 Mayror Hoblis and Mr. S'tewart. First Missipnary Pastor Returns For Dedication indered about the store. ie two men then apparently reached ter into the office andi stole $375. The s clerks, Mrs. Alice Plummer and Mrs. Those immigrants f rom the Netherlands who came were busy at. the tinie. Mrs. Ada te this part of Canada in the years shortly af ter World cashier,. was away for dinner. Mrs. War II will remember their fîrst Missîonary Pastor hberty Street South, came down the the' Rev. H. Moes who flot only looked after their ticeti two men walking towartis the spiritual needs, but also was an ever present friend in aore. itime of need. He returned here on Friday for the Jescribed two tali and had is no descrip- Bowmanvillc BITS _____ %lice diso EQUIPMENT - At the Arena -on Friday, Bruce -mis at iDw- . ,qur P ep-t ea n un impon ofore uvnletemset his hockey Present n.Theeco- en dwnfo afe mnuesand when he returned C ri cIsc t ken into and somebody had taken it. The skates, pads, pants, etc. bry had been1 were in a blue duff le bag that wvas practically brand~~ vredowa new. Bruce had to borrow equipment to play in12 Contractors 'inedowa. iM ,owned by~ subsequent games. Anyone knowing the whereabouts ; A group of electrical con- 49A Dufferin~ of his lost articles is asked to phone 623-5427. tractors and others associated Drawers and t . ,with agriculture recently as- ansacked, but Q smed the role of students for )ascertained, TICKETS - We haven't heard f ronm any of the a two-month period. They com- vas stolen. other organizations, but the Oddt Fellows anti pleted the difficult and highly in was a t po.1 Rebekahs stili have some tickets available for technical course on farm. elec- Tned by Mrs. their New Year's Eve festivities at Centennial trification presented by Ontario 368 Victoria Hydro's Central Region, staff at nto. cary Temple. Sa, if you haven't been able ta find a t~rgoa edures Vrnd War II spot to celebrate kicking out the olti year anti By completing the course, GE TWO) bringing in the new, phone 623-3555 or 623-5967 the 26 men from Bowmanville, andti tey'll be happy to hear from you. The price Oshawa, Markham, Sutton, is only $14 per couple. Keswick, and Port Perry areas have further qualifled them- lsle oenwt h rw CLOSED - To compensate for working the Satur- day prior to Christmas, The Statesman office and plant will be closed Friday, the day after New Year's. Sorry thîs edition is a bit skimpy, compared to pre- Christmas issues, but the January sales in this com- munity don't really get underway, other than for a few merchants, until next week. In addition, this paper has been put together in two days, so bear with us. t 1~ t t 1 THANKS - Our sincere appreciation gaes out to Bill Cranston, now of Ontaria's Economic 'Cauncil and formerly Publisher of the Mitilanti Free Press. He matie a statement recently that there are no fewer than 4,367,428 chances of making a typographical error on each newspaper page. Last week, in the rush, we matie a lot of theni . . . more than usual, especially in the names untier pictures. Sanie were aur fault, others were because incorrect information hati been supplieti but no matter, we stili feel batily about it anti so tio the people involveti. Cranston also stateti that there are well over 5,000 men anti women engageti in producing weekly papers in Canada, serving 2,392,400 families. i. it i. t t t PAPER - We've just received the final figures on the Scout paper drives for last year. They collected a total of 189,570 pounds of waste paper, that brought their organization $758.28 in cash receipts. That's pretty good! Incîdentally, the money has been used for camping expenses, new tents, etc. i. t t f t *- GIFTS - The Statesman staff acknowletiges with thanks the gifts of chocolates, even a cake, that friendly merchants very thoughtfully sent in for staff coffee breaks prior ta Christmas. Our hungry printers, reporters, book..keepers, proof readers anti the Editor, plus some visitors enjoy- ed theni to the full. We've also received many excellent calendars from individuals andi business establishments. While ail of themn were good , there were two that were exceptional, the one from County Chrysler featuring a chimp in dif- ferent poses and one fromn Neil Newton that includeti one of his magnificent color photos of their daughteir as 'NovembWr. Dedication Service of the new Maranatha Church. and is shown here, second from right, with from leit2,td" right, Martin Kuipers, a carpenter and member of the Building Committee, the Rev. J. Nutma, minister of the new church, and at far right,. Peter, Vogel, the contractor. ho'ion "South Pacific" Playing the lead romantic for the Bell Telephone andi la roles in "South Pacifie" are tihe organist and choir direc. BethWelon nd ossCoton.tor at Centennial Uni t e d BethWelon nd ossCoton.Church* Oshawa. He holds the Beth Weldon (Ensign Nellie degree *of A.R.C.T. and teach. Forbush) has studied singing es singing, piano and theory. under Reginald Geen and is He has done extenpive solo one of the soloists in Simcoe work in various Ontario cities St. United Church Choir, Osh- and has just finished singing awa. Before her marriage she in the Oshawa Symphony Or- was a public school and music chestra's presentation of "<The teacher. Ross Cotton (Emile Messiah". deBecque), alse a former pup- More actors wil be featur- il of Reginald Geen, worksIed in next week's paper. suies-ocoe ii m ing complexities of the agnicul- ' tural industry today. 1 The course, consisting of ýt1 s Q~ /e Is E e !eight weekly meetings, cdvered! v e controlled environment o! fanmý buildings. lighting, adequate. New Year's Eve festivities iniYear's Eve Dance te be held wiring. material handling, andBowmanville promise to belby Branch 178 o! the. Royal the electrical theory and tech- most enjoyable. There will be Canadian Legion in the Legion nical aspects assocîated with, four gala dances in town feat- Hall. The tickets for this affair this complex industny. I uring special orchestras, party have been sold out for two SOntario Hydro pnesentcd to!hats, balloons and noisemgkers 'weeks, but in case of cancella- r ail those satisfactorily comnplet- and a delicious supper will be tions those seeking them could ing the course, framed centifi.'senved at each event. telephone 623-3321. cates indicating they are quali-1 Special Events Chairmanî Don AllUn is chai.rman o! the !fIed to handie the various as-lEdmund Majer is in 'charge o! cOmmittee in charge of ar. pecs of farm electrification. ýarrangements for the Newi (TURN TO PAGE TWO> Durham MPP Among Church Guests The Maranatha Church was packed to the doors on Friday evenhng nfot only by members of the congregatian, but by miany guests as well. Amnong thein was Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. Durham, shown here with,' froni left te right, Martin Vandyk, John Vanderkoai Sr. and Fred Rypstra, ail Eiders. On Saturday after. nmon, the church was open for inspection when mnany other visitors toured the Pr¶mss L~fJ 's N 15e P er Copy NUMBER53 p 19