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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Dec 1969, p. 2

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2, The Mosport Peace Festival may a long way off and one may not gree with its sponsorship. The Christ- [an ethie behind it "PEACE" we can bave no argument with. .How many attend is not the meas- are of success, this will be determined by-the publicity and number of people who will support the Peace movement, taow and in the future. Durham County a.nd Bowmanville especially, is faced with the prospect of world wide pub-. licityr and probably the greatest influx of .visitors any community in Canada has ever seen. As John Lennon stated after meeting our Prime Minister - Let's keep it dlean. How favorable the publicity and how successful the Festival, can in large m~asure be determined by citizens of this area. Much planning and organiza-. The Canadian Statesman, Bawmanvtfle, Dec. 31, 1969 tion plus the support of ail local groups will be required Vo assure a real success, We should have a local organization to prevent this from becorning either a Hippie-Sit-In or a gathering of Folk Groups. It can be a total bringing to- gether of people ta demand Peace! 1970 - and time bas run out for prayer and protest, for wishing and witness. In this flie New Year, now is the time ta - Stand up and be counted - Let ail people of Goodwill, unite and demand Peace. With our community enrolled 100 per cent we can start a movement that will ensure success for the Mosport Peace Festival and start a surge for Peace that will travel across Canada. If you want it. Season's Greetings, Ex-Mayor C. G. Morris. Building Started in May New Maranatha (hurch FilIed for Impressive Dedication ServiÏce (FROM PAGE ONE) of the congregatian, was pre- sented Vo the minister, Mr. Nutma, and the Communion Table, donated by the Ladies Society "Be A Blessing"' was also pnesented. The Com. niunIon Silverwane was don- et4d by the Ladies Society "Rondom Het Woord", and iV: re*sentation was made by IVEs. M. Van Dyk and Mms. H. Va.ndermeer. The Pulpit Bible, donated by the Young People's Society, was presented by Simon VanderBeng. The hymn "God's Word A Laxnp Unto Our Feet" was aung wth Mr. Qîdjans as org- anlst. The Prayer for Illum.- Ination was by Mr. Nutma, wlto also gave the Scripture Psalm 84 from the Old Testament and I Peter 2: 1-10. The Insplnlng serman ws pneached by Mr. Nutma and his text was: 1 Peter 2:5, the theme "Let yourselves be usêd as living stones la the lieuse of Gad". -Mr. Nutma satd the Prayer of Thanksglv- ln#. Mr. Nutmna also thanked formed Church congregation the Knox Christian School had grown too large ln num.- rfor the use of ItV faeilties, dur- ber end that a sister church ni lng the last three years, and would be advlsable. Classis ýs tis custodians, MU Kulpers and Eastern Ontario granted this ýs W. VanderGaast for their en- request. and the acw congre- -operation, end the Rehoboth gatlon namcd: Maranatha wvas -Christian Rcformned Cburch instituted on July 15, 1964. yfor the use of its facilities for' The couaselon of the new ýs speelal services.1 congregation, the former pas- y The followlng gifts were 1 ton, the Rev. J. C. Venbrugge 1. gratefuily acknowledged by'led the service, readlng Ephes- Mr. Nutmna: Pulpit. donated lans 4:1-6, whlch admonishes sby the Rehoboth Christian Re- the mnembers ta walk wlth yformed Church; Pulpit Bible patience ina ah - humility keep- by the Young People's Socety lag the unlty ln the Spirit, for "Falthful and Ready", Com- they are called ta anc hope, munion Table, Ladies Society one Lord, anc. falth, and one "Be A Blesslng"; Cloth aven Ba ptlsm. the Communion Table, a: The first regular pastor was famlly of the congregation; the Rev. H. VanAndel, who Communion Slvcrware, Ladies anived la Bawmanvllle in Sciety "Rondomn Het Woord", April. 1965. Due ta 111 health Baptismal Font, a famlly of bis service wvas very short. He the congregation; Hymaboard, became the mînîster eminitus Van-Ho Painting Company; on October 24. 1965. The Alpha and Omega Sign, a present pastor, the Rev. J. famlly of the coagregation, Nutma arrivcd la August, Kneelng Beach, a family of 1966. Durng the intermit- the congregatIon; Offering tent time the Mananatha con- Plates, the Morris Funcral grega ian was served well by Chapel; Floral Arrangement. the former mlsslonary pastor, thc Carnation Flowen Shop; the Rev. H. Macs. and semîn- His Firsi Painting Wa.s of "The Last Mr. and Mrs. Albert Taisma are holding this beau- many months by Mr. Talsrn tiful painting af "The Last Supper" that m7ill hang It w-as painstaking xvork,i in the Consistory room of the Maranatha Church. The paint and was Mr. Talsma' amazing part of this paintingis that àt was -d one --o v er ---___ Wide Beit Given Final Inspection1 Peace in Our Time! (if you want it) 'l'o Thank We AUl Our Gd"Clockla the Conslstory Rom, any studcnts, A. DeBcndt and ..Mn. A. Knawlton sang; Miss ,John Bird investigtd.'Absnsmawo pr ML. Woudstra was the ogn a family of Rehoboth Chistian H. Lunshof. Earla Vivian Vivian'sPnimarv' At 4:.0 p.m. on Stna 'ae eea tr nBak Ist Benedîction was gîvergn-b Reformcd Church; ail paint- At the congregational meet- Class sang '-Rudolph the Red sokadte untr Mr. Nutma. Then the choir lng, a famlly of the congrega- lng of September lPth, 1964, Nsith ChristmConcrtlsewith r Butte6ansdwe d a be etrd o te satig "Threefold Amen" wlth tion;, Chairs la the Conslstony 1V was declded ta buy the " i' Ms.C.hretmas cpinîst.hawnrhan nLb I »frector McCoy. Room, Northcutt Elliott Fun- present land for future use of Msant. arentedans lan g 'enty Street South, wo u fyas ee Gr-eetings were presentcd sctral Hom T al la the n-parsonage ad cbrch.he nwith several lhelpers gifts and 1 contrai. skidded aeo h ub an ntd hrh n bY the Rev. H. Moes, former congregation; Curtalas, a fam-1 196.9, and the building of the bags of candy were passed ouadtsr-k MmailPr Mcaywsammerfth Missionary Pastor ln Bowman- îîy of the congregation: kitch- new church began la Aprîl, taail children. Mn. Pn ecDmg ~'e4'héRev. D. N. Haber- en utensils, the Catenlng Corn- 1969., Church services for the _I î.~ 40ad tee a tecrG c esinadhdbe Moore washawahoncapable, thjol 45 amonte ta5apaiaeyamme fBakt n inh, sawonbhafoftemlttee; Guesthooak lathe Foy- Maranatha congregation wcre WS bLt$20Cobrn Corsfo nm CIassit Quinte; His Worshîp er, Tbompson Heatîng Coin- heîd la Knox Christian Schooî ,_____ damagEthe fete taheab feroerale e a Miayor Ivan M. Habbs, and pany; Sîga -af the Church, a Auditorium from October 2nd, . fTTTfX an Smith investigatd neetd£iprf4i1dn Alex Carruthers, M.P.P. The family of the congregation: 1966 until December 14, 1969. On Moaday at 94 r.aBditu ktnCrig crnicudin bym was"ThePlants In the Church, familles The connerstone laylng took J.I Al -Ae'adLw oln.H Reavens Are Tellag" sung by of the congregation; Finishing place on May 15, 1969. The ALEXANDER ZAKAROWVf oln lb the choir, conducted by Direc- off of the Steeple, DeJong stone ivas laid by A. Taîsma . Following a short sicknes an eSrvvn bsishswfe to, coy tt A orndg Cntrcio;Shrubs, Hîliside and the. Rev. J. Nutrna, whlle the death occurred Tuesday. ,O AEOE ni.aebsduhcVr as. organist. Landscaping Service: c a s h M. Mostert as the oldest mcem- Dec. 23, 1969. at the Oshawa, ROnPG After the service there was donation, memibers of the con- ber of the congregation filled General Hospital of Alexander rangements fan the LC lb ,(n. ~ Sel)o in .the feilowshlp hall of the lbans fnom members of the jdocuments pertaialng te the 'Z ' Osawa.ewas17Boo t In hîs 82pciigetsgeaio n an reds h oxbhn tesoe hn ce om bt enre. oe ik-.aa chuýrch. The congregation was congregation, the Church Help coagregation, assisted by mcm- Ohaets asl hs82âComr stiICaantre frti uea evc a Invlted Vo a reception to be Fund and members of the bers of the Consistory. the Bora at Rohizna la thelevent at $15 pencoul.Tle cdfrmCioreUie hç;.d ln the fellowship hall on Christian Reformed Chunches Committee of Administration, Ukraine. Sept. 26, 1888, thc1phane M n Allia at 6336. Cuc nStraDcm Saturday çvenlng, January la Canada and the U.S.A., and and the Building Commîttec.dcasdwsaonfthlVe GLmntadGM utrbr6,99,ad a cdc- 10th at eight o'clock. de I h fwacdabso ofvthe.ltFrGnch. Intanr- Th nlnstrMr Ntmafree labor from many mcm- Today the congregation bas Antan and Mary Zakarow. Hel arc ln charge of arragma Temnse.M.Nt2bers of the congregation and reasons Vo be thankful, and wsmrid l otel orteNgtn>eLdcOà etwsi ae eeey egpressed sincere gratitude neighboning churcbes. may rejaice because God bas ws mridl otel o h ihigl fo-h aeu lnigo l Sept. 22, 1915. A resident of Fcllows' Dance tab edi ueos foa nbtes fo te arfu panin o al The beglaniags of the con- given the fulfilîment of its Canada for 56 years, he spent:Centennial Hall, QucnSre.inldn hs rmteCi financlal arrangements by the gregatian wenc humble. In iIdeals la this House of Wor- 12yasnMotalndadA umeofictsrea-bne ntdCuch Bw- C4nmlttee of Admninstration: May. 1964, 1V was decided that f shlp, erected Vo His Glory for '- lved in Oshawa for the pastitainable for this dae.Te-igCu ad Brge lu .H. VanderMeer, W. Buma, A. the Rehoboth Christian Re- 1 the use of His people.44yas . Munneke, S. Biersteker, R.44yas phone Mn. Lamant a 2-55a ela oain aeV 13ouwmeester, Tj. Kraay, and Pirt i eieetl rM.MMre to h osiniuslae-The widest steel-cable conveyèr beit ever buit in Canada is given a final 1964, Mn. Zakarow was an ern- David Zink, the mngri ttt n b ntdCuc éiofteBidnComt Y OEinspection before it is shipped by flatcar to Great -Canadian Oul Sands Limited playee of the Oshawa Boardjla charge of arrangeetio isosatsc otebg te:R edra .Elin Fort Mecurray, Alenta. Th~e beit, which is 72 inches wide and 3,388 feet long, of Works for 18 ears. H the Bowmanvîîîc Cou(yete awîhtedcae M. Kulpers, P. Vogel, G. Oîd- Mr. and Mrs A. Knawlton1 Millson ' was selcbs m de iitfrten h.Pouda heG dwa a cmbcr of St. John's Dance, and an excpinly a ed jans H eals voied hs a- an fally ere hnitmas Mn nd Ms S.Gabe an basstel calesimbeded n i forstrngth Pîouce at he Godyar panplant rainan reck Ontodoxgoodproram as ben lan- Palbearns wne essr. W preclation Vo the archltect, Day visitons of Mn. and Mrs. Bruce, Mn.and Mns. LeslIe here, the belt, which weighs 106 tons, will convey tai sands from the mine to the 1Cburch. ndfri.Afwtcesa rie .Dne .MQod Bas Deno~dfordeslgnlng F. SidIer and family and Mn Gable and Margie and Gary extraction plant at a rate of 400 tons per hour. Great Canadian Oul Sands, a sub- Hessuvvdbbiwi, $20 a couple are stillaalbe .Moe .TopoCl and supervislng construction K. Sidier, Whîtby. Mlson wcne Cnrstmas Day sidiary of Sun 011 Company Limited, of Toronto, is locatcd in the woîld-famous sansfonr y ohn0fsar: for this dn,ý.Tl cf Uac buldng an bid Vo the n. fandMrl s. A r . Knwlan cersanf M. and Ms. edAthabasca Tar Sands and is the only company extracting ail fîom the tai sands, wa, Frederick George of Pet-,i-- t6360.P ilbok Vogel and his staff: M. Kulp- Wernbamn and famlly, Barry's Harvey Partner and. famlly, making it the only "ail mine" in the wanld. __ erborough and Dr. Peter Zak-« ers, P. Louws Jr. and S. Wy- 'Bay, an Frnly Pat Wern- Orono. -- ---- arow of Bawmanville. Sev- bexîga. hamn returned home wlth them Mr. and Mrs. Don Staînton day when Mr. and Mrs. W.1 Mrs. B. Davidson, Oshawa, dea, Brooklil, spent a couplel enteen grandchildren and 13 te spnd te reminde of te an famly wee guets Crist Loveidgetoogreat e grandgrahildncinil alsoal sur-r Vorispetmshe reainde ofthe, asdfamy ofer.anducsts callens of Mn. of days with Mn. and Mrs.vie n Chlstms holday wlt themas ay 0 Mn and Mrs.H a.jadMs. W. Rahmn. T. Pleasance and childncn farvie Rob Knawîtons. j fantn.l r. and Mr's. Jîm Stitton, iMn. and Mrs. Joseph McNeiîý Christmas. He d augt prcdeccascd by a' Mn. and Mns. L. Pattyson,l WendyJ- and 'onelBeth and Wendy, Marysvillc, and Jeannie Picking wves-e :Mn. and Mt-,,. E. Prescott dson e, Mary, la 1945. and a Sheia ad Goffey.Atio- Krmer Pot ClboneareWashington; Mr. and Mrs. Bo'iag Day guests of Mn. and' spent Chistmas Day with Mn.riMcali197le s W al ov Mn. and Mrs. G. Wie spendlng a few days wlth the King, Hensley, Rochester, spent MsJ.Duetad m*iy anMr AebotOhw.ens and thnere brothens. and Lorraine, Bowmaaville. Carl Clark chlldrea. the liolidays with Mn. and Mrs. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Skinner, Mr- T. Gibbs, Golden M.Zakao etda h (FO AE lwr ine uss fM.'Henry Stainton. and family spent Christmas1Plough Lodge, Cobourg; Mn. Amt ong Fune a omeo' (FMOM and a n G E 0tabe e an d inneA.J.or.get fn n nd M s ac e ns Mr. and Mrs. Donald Buma, Day with Mn. and M s. Ross and Mrs. R. Perfect and Rich- Arm tro g F ne,,, ome fo anediWannea nigt tableybevln-MJanvis, werc weekend gessSharp and childî'en, nl ad fBwavle a- nS.Jh' hrh were stolen frcm Mrs. Martln's nr. and Mrs. Dennis Fergu- lag visItons of Mn. and Mn guS.ests cottage and shelves and cup- son, Oshawa, wcre Christmas Gable and Bruce. o f Mn. and Mrs. J. Reyenga.f len. ! Christmas Day guests of Mn.. R. R. Pranck san' boadswer aso anackdlEve gucsts of Mn. and Mrs. TeMryfml îl hi Congratulations ta Mr. and' Mr. and Mrs. Arniold Geis- and1 Mrs. J. Gibbs and famlly. 27h eMass. PInteren wasa' board e. eas asce Neil Newton. Dh er amy ilthr Mrs. James Reyeaga on their'j berger and fainily, Zion; Mrs.1 Mn. and Mns. G. Yco, Mn. 1OhMassU nnCmter y. ours i teeMran r.W a wene Christms ygathcnlng at 25th Wedding Anaiversary , .Pai',Bwanil Mn. and Mrs. Glen Smith and iaOhawaUniooinersry Saudycallers of Mrn. the home of Mn. and Mrs. î Sunday, Dec. 28th. A famlly Walter Bortfeld. Tyrone. were farnily, Mn. and Mrs. Bil e Prayers were neclted at the,1< Tethibroknit a No.d60StrA. rs. ac, bom and e.Ralph HuIs and fanqily. f gathering of relatives and Baxing Day guests of Mn. and and family, Hampton; Mn. and fuacral home at 8:15 p.m. Fnl-' Weseach oken e wayirs Mns A.eracelbewatvile. h Bsfamily gath- ' aeighbors attcnded a banquet Mrs. Lloyd Skinner and farnilv. Ms tnGltuBwa-dy WetBah we yWelcomc Vo Mn. and Mrs, e Aibent Hiiu, owan dy H{arold Stafford, 64 Roselawn' Tcr lfo n alywoferng was hcld on Sunday at ýat The Acres, Saturday night Soî'ry t enîltl i- il n n a r.Pu AeuTrnoTh neirentl3' bfoughande J. igg wotHI. ttdd e era leiarnlithoe Tlit Haivvksnd aiicand /IinPau AvenuenTornta. The heniJ iggt the home of Mn. and Mrs. R. ia their honor, when about 50 ilri Southwell is in Oshawaf Vaneyk and childrea were of'Vbîs cottage was also ran- eanHpopnt. '. adMs dudMl- M n r.H al onb oe sacked, but as the police have hmr. and Mns. . mthtedd en lHsia and hoe he'111 Christmnas Day guests of Mn. NS no fer been unable to get in' Elaine, Port Hope. vlsited Mn. er. Weymauth N.S.. speat the Stuart, and Joan, spent Christ- Mn. and Mrs. J. Murdoch family. trigJnay7,97 tochwthMs.Safod tit'Sand r. A. J oan. Cs as holidays wlth thelr mas Day with their daughter and familv. Bowrnarville; Mn. Mrs. Edna Wood and sans 'l'am 1 M.SmithAr7. 197 - not known if anything is miss- MnjndMssAo, o n and daughter-ln-law Mn, Mn. and Mrs. Allan Thiessen and Mns. Grenville Byarn andi Ted and ,J1b-,MMissiSadA.stra L Ing. Corporal Ron Parker is Louise were dianer gucsts of'ý and Mrs. Avery Mullen and and famlly, Bowmanvllle. i famlly and Mn. and Mrs. F. Gibson, Part ennyL.erWaodcock. F. Dykstra,, investigattrig the three break-' r. ooHamrbaby. Mn. and Mrs. W. Loe9gI.BaM.CifiPr Pry eeD alwM ol W. Lovndidgrb. ByamHM. mellffo-d Bvan1 Chnls-tmas Day guests of ]Mn. D alwM oln ins. Bowmýanville.M an Mrs. G. Canfield and chiildi-en vis1ted Satut-- wl. r. and Mrs W. Pýark and Mrs. Harold Trivctt, West' Tearn 2 - K. Campbcll, P.i On Snda, Dcemer lStf M. Ry Rbel Motrcl fand famlly attended a family day with Mnr.and Mns. Leslie ln Mr. and Mrs. R. Bawers Hill Bgel .ComeA u- threwa a eteptd rek-Mrs. R. J. Bond, TorontogahngonCrsm DyGaa.Hyo. 1 and boys. ' Mn. and Mrs. J. Wilson and gcss, G. Downey, N. VanAb- j fin et E. Nickerson's apai'tnint sette hltashldyat the borne of bis sister Il A spcedy neccvery Vo Joy is R'Bwîsosn Allan with Mn. and Mnsa. at'252 Street East. Corp-wtMnadMrNiNe- Trenton. !Loveriidgc who bad a tnsldsonsiwrlhismsDy-Eee Wlo nd fml Team 3 - J. Maîrs, J. Rowe,' Mn. ad Mm R. ox ad 'ecornyon Mndaymorning callers of bis parents, Mr. and:',Oshawa, Christmas Day. jE icel .MNiE Davts Parker and Corporg. elray Mton BD.hldewnTrono. amlly, Oshawa; Mn. and Mrs. ln Mémorial Hospital, Bow-IfMis. G. Bwers, Nestleto ri. j Miss Caroline Gilhank, oflDeboo, A. Perfect. fil taa eallgatin . he Mi tBh D.New Year's orlto.1 M. Coxad ily, Bowman- manvlle. i Do't forget the Annual all: Bethany s spendIng holdays f Tcar 4 - C. Bruce, D. Gib-' w)bat lîke a surgical insrument with the Newtons. ville. spent Christmnas Day Mn. and Mrs. Wray Falla- f Board Meeting, Jan. 4th at wlth Mn. and Mrs. J. Wilson 'son. D. Ogdcn, F. Land, E. had been lnserted in the lock Christmias Day guests of the wlth Mr. and Mns. Clive Cox dawn, Bulingtan, vîsited Mn.i8 p.m. at Community H~all, and Aîlan. Coombes, T. Maynard. etedoofteNkeslSalyGbe eeM.adand famlly. and Mrs. E. A. Virtue. Famlly gatherngs wvere hel dlMn. Colin Taylor, Mrs. Win- Team 5 - F. Bruce, A. Bons, ac tf a.»rtinent and had broken off Mms. Keith Gable and boysd fs T C Dd wl±h part rernaining in thej CourVice; Mr. andM.. spent Cbristmas Day witb Cbnstrnas Day wlth berjfTaylor, Mr. and Mrs. T. Phil-land Mrs. Henry Wood, Osha- IBungess, B. Nimigon. Mr.Leletheir daughten Mr. and Mi-s. daugbter Mr. and Mrs. Ro lip and Mn. and Mrs. Don wa; Miss Sandra Gibson. Port Team 6 - 1. Wright, B. 3ock Gable and Margie and Gary Frank Genereaux and farnîly, McLaughltn, Nestîcton, andj Davey.1 Penny, wcrc Sunday eveaîng Wilbur, M. Ovenden. D. Coch- "1 Manill. other members of ber famlly Mr.aand Mis. Rabt. Burgess dinnen guests of Mrs. Edna rane, D. DeVos, S. Dilling.wfifl Mr. and Mr&. Lorne Phare Mn. and Mrs. W. Roy andi and famlly, Raglan: Mr-. and' Wood and sons. 1-2 eve4yone6 ~m awere guests cf Mn. and Mr&. Debble were Christmras Day Mrs. A. J. Rosevear, Ilamp- I Mn. and Mrs. Clcm Rahm Jan. 7 ---2-1 4-3 9-5 1)11 ( III il" rL~r4I.>~I<£ber, Snowden, Ot Courtio, dinnen guests of hem parents, ton, called at the home of ý'andebden Ajx vile Ja.1 -35 26 4- P Cbrntis a. ,Mr. and Mrs. C. Hgrper, Sea- Mrs. W. H. Taylor. Mn. and Mrs. W. Rabm, also Jan. 21 - 4-2 1-5 3-6 Mir. and Mn. ,WUltu Love- grave. Friday evcnl there werc, Mn. and Mns.Rnad amJn.21- 64 5- HASK NS ELL rlgeJoy and CIM ., upent Mn. and Mrs. W. Hender- 12 tables of eu chre. Pnizes an frnoyvlit d RIs Jan . 28 4 1. -361-2 5-42r.E & p y a c Cua.y bs ÇuttnssnadfullBwnntl;wr sflos n Otto, Mn. and Mrs. George Ail- Feb. Il ---- - 2-3 5-4 1-6 Char.d A counantswl*1 his stater Ur.and Mrn. Mn. and Mu. . Roy and Madson, Mrs. Arthur Read, dnead were Satunday eveningFe.1...6- 3- 2- ,de ypper guests of Mn. and Mrs. Neal, Mr. Laverne Clensl Hardy, Bowmanvllle, anr d iFeb 25 . 3-5 2-6 4-I1î iro p r u o070lsINq MO CANADIAN CTISMm. andMrs. Walter Love- &Roy. and Mn. Bruce Bright. 50-50 l Sunday guests of Mn. and Mrs.f Mar. 4 4-2 1-5 6-3 * ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0BI A lg nctdrneehtt- Ms -we a» Sa draw won by Mn. Lavenne1 David Alldread, Bowmanvillc.Ma.l 16 32 4- mSAA 3OPj ~Nh BAA nas Day guub o f Mr. and g«V I a few days Clemens. The Sunday Scbool Concert Mar. 18..- 3-4 5-6 1-2 IPASININS: t-Oeff N W. uEB11,C.A.. LA. un. Jarneu Martyn and wlh *eý> YMr. and Mns. Gene Roberts1 was a splendid success. Sup- Mar. 25 - 6-2 1-4 5-3 7 ~ WATERS. câ.farnliY, DUrtm o. MHrn snter Ur. usd 'M su.Pymad ebtîdmen, Chattanooga, 1enîntendent Ralpb Hilîs and' Apnil 1 5-1 6-3 2-4?J a ~pMm- lae~~m~ery and Eo almfmg, mspve vesTen, apent the Christmas! ail teachens are ta be comn- April 8.----- 4-6 2-5 3-1 Point V n .' r fPeamt agngu U tIr. b»Ildays with ber parents. Mn.! mended for their efforts nad April 15.---- 1-2 3-4 5-6A Lindsay0 're7W7u7 anýble aj rMi'uT. Phlllp s and famlly. 1 a speclal tbanks Vo the little 1April 22 5-4 1-6 21-3 home wIth UM unta 1191' U. end J. E.Qa , Ur 4lag Mm ]Pocster Snow-lfoik anmd other ,helpern for April 29 -PLAYOFFS * I -i 't', s j Supper" 'd, ondu Lest Wednesday morning car driven by Misa Audrey there was a hit and run acci- Fletcher, who lives at 73 Queen dent in Newcastle at 10:25 Street, collîded In the Hendry o'clock. A car owned bv Jack Apartmnents driveway wlth a R.J. Vout, age 62, 6 Beaver; car driven bv Wray RendelI, Street, Oshawa, which was, 28 Orchardview Boulevard. parked in front of the PostiDamage to the two cars am*" Office on King Stree't, wasiounted te approxlmately $300. 0 struck by an unknown motor Corporal Tracy Davis Investi. vehjcle that Immediately drove gated. away. Damage to Mr.. Vaut' sý hr a a olso car amouated to approximatelv T ewsato a olso $200. Constable George Moon,,at the corDer of Church Street OPP, Is investigating.fand Silver Street on Monday There was a two car collis-,voîved were William Lynn, 43 Ion on a Cartwright Township' Third Street and Mary Groete- Road, three quarters of a mile laars, 17 Jackman Rond. Dam- sout af7A Hghwv, a Fn age to the two cars amaunted day ai 1:15 arn. The- drivers to approxîrnately $450. Corp. involved were Bruce C. Kaapp.: oral Davis also lnvestigated age 19, R.R. 2, Pontypool, and thîS accident. lPercy Williamson, age 62, R.R.i 1, Nestieton. On Tuesday at 3:25 p.m. twq Damae t th XVlllasoncars collided on No. 2 High- car aniaunted ta approximatelvy a heOhwaTw $80 aa thre as lsoab Uine. The drivers involved $800 damage ta the Knapp car., r oga dwrs g 0 Mr. Williarnsoa, who sustain-171 1Ilarmony Rond North, Osh- ed an injuny ta his left legI awa, and John Hajnik. age 71, was taken hby ambulance t R, R. 6, Bowmanvllle. Damnage Port Penny Hospital where te the Hainik car amounted ho received ernergency treat-'t ta pproxlmately $100 and ment. He was then trangferred i there was about $25 damnage ta te Ohaw Geera Hopi-ta the Edwards car. Constable ta], where he Is stîll a patient. R. A. Whiteley, OPP, Investi- Constable L. B. TillFon. OPPgtd was the investigating oweier, There was a two car collision At 2:25 arn. on Saturday a on Tuesday at 4:14 p.m. on 'No. ca r, dri\en by Jon B. Fisher, 35 Highway at. Enterprise Hill. na, n hs sp e t IlOmoage 27, Pontypoal, went ont or, The drivers involved were îa, in ire timeathoe contrai on the Mosport Road Vivian Eanl Raymiond, age 70. using 40 differerît calors of at the Clarke-Manvers Towa- 143 Wolsey Street, Peterbor- ship Line and the junction of; ough, and Donald David Sham- 's first painting. Na. 35 Hlghway. The vehicle ash, age 22, 645 Aylmer Street. left the noad, and crashed Into, Peterborough. Damage to the the ditch. Damage ta the car Shamas car arnounted tn op- thein fine performance. jarounted ta approximately1 proximately $300 and there Tyrone Community H a ll$600. C onstable William Hel- was about $150 damage ta the was well packcd for the Sun-imer, OPP, iavestigatcd. Raymond car, Conistable K. C. day School Concert. Rev. R. 1;Twa cars caîuidied on~ the Laton, OPP. investigated. C. Hopkins was Master afiDarlingtan Township Eighth, -- Ceremonies and a slde Mwas Concession Raad an Saturdayý shown on "Christmas for the evenlng at 7:15 o'clock. The, BTU R Birds". Rev. Hopkins rea dýdrivers involxved were Chris - BTU Y the Christmas message. l'le> topher Salisburv, age 21, 73' rmn steward McNaIiY Kindergarten Class tînder the Gaadviev Avenue. Willawdae, direction of Mrs. Ross Mcj and William Robent ChniFtie, Fnllawing an illness of nine Roberts and Mrs. R. Rov pi'e- aeî scntd "0 Lttl Chist a 1, .38 Wilcy Avenue, Tnr-:ý moaths, the death of Norman Tenes "1aa Littng 'Away la aonto. Damage ta the Chistie, SteLwUIrt McNally occurred at Mr"an".MsangLloy innea car amotnted ta approxirnately, Cobourg District Hospital on Manetdtpr".mar.LlydclSsnlaý$,300, and there was about $150, December 3, 1969. He was in telling the story, "The Nigh'-!damagr' ta the Salisbury ýar. bs8s er Befor Chrstma". M ,. RConstable Murray Joynt, OPP', Labefr itmJ.Cas.and r'îî Cinestiatc. 1Son of the late Robert Me- the he]p of Mrs. A. Knowltoni On Saturday ai 4:15 artn. NlyadEiabthMBio gave a Nativity play entitled Step)hený John Living, 26 Pro,- he was bora in Blackstock "Th Uîea Kigd pect Street, lost contrai of the, whex-e he received his educa- The Gnredtlsd-crh asdiigo King tion and resided until he re e r. diaid Jasd-icrmovasdrvid nb ný o Coîborne thirty rectd b Mr Davd JhnsStreet East near the Medical oe ton gave two dialogues "Thle Centre, and the vehicle struek yasao aApi,11,h Operation" and "School Daz-. a hydra pale on the nacth c ,ur vhomaredecMarget Rutie196() es". The Explorers under Damage Vo the car amauotnted wO n ,redeca2d8,m 196 .h the direction of Mrs. J. Wood- int approximate]v $600 and;O oebr2,16,h lely gave two short sklits. The there was about $100 damnage; married Annie E. Winter Trios under the direction_.of'ta the hydro pole. Corporal Cornish who survives. 1 ,

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