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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Dec 1969, p. 6

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si, 1imin IlS. Hà tock bi se r - --from t.he second chapter of, mmcm ~~lue's gpL e choir sang!IK t h n ap r a very pleasfng selection ..Car- K t h n C p r Rotary .Dunner rueut I by r On- nhey KrainGif service le bemng heid next Sun- hIN ny ri day. Mr. Snelgrove said the Pine Ridge School envelopes had nlot been ec iv- If you served a large turkey or roàat for Chrtstma The. boys and staff of Pine the audience, and the many e syt inr orfml apoal ie fetn h etv .7dge ScIIoCI were the honar- boys who were called upon ment, no matter how ingenioualy It was dioguiaed. So lxere'a. Cd gueste at the Bowmanvllle 1 te take part were thrllled. OBI'TJARY a menu offering a wonderiul change of taste. The VeM and Rotary Club's Chistmnas Dim- Santa Claus was given a park chop recipes take littie effort to prepare, and yet thé Ma Meeting held in the, hearty welcame on his arriv- WI A V SN eutiatrldlcosgumtdne.Alghsup $ eh 1 fmdlnnhall at noon on 1al. Fred Yates. a member of lETA EESOeuctlam n at eibor oumet daner. lint u pr Monday of Iast week. Presi-l the Pine Ridge School stff Associated with c;eneraîl k a n oaoboh ae opietr ie dent Tom Cowan presided and gave a fine performance as the Mot0ofa Canada Limited for course. Just combine a good quaiity tomato Juice with clam wth aildothetrke din nerifvSta. He Ofdis red many years. Ewart Adrian juice in equal proportions. Add a touch of basi, s"ftand * ~ ~ ~ 9 ,lhaltetimneadCrsmsbxa lt rr Everson ai Montreal died Mn mince pies for dessert was' the Toronto Rotary Club teaMon pepper and heat thoroughiy before servimg and. by al imeans. rpared by Pne Ridge Chef each of the 6 boy who'ar day at the Montreai General do give this wonderfui buttermilk pie a try. It'aso good that ill Rôche assisted by the remainlng at the School dur- Iostaflowgaenty urfa l will thlnk you're the greatest côook *ved caoks. and It was served by lng the Yuletide season. Teslcknees. the schocl's office staff. Pine other boys are at home on A son ai Mrs. T. H. Everson Ridge Superintendent G. D.i Christmas leave, ai Marnwood Nursing Home, Clamn-Tamato Broth Stewart movcd a vote ail Each ai the 61 boys pres- BowmanvIrlle and the late Mr. Park Chops Paprika or Verni Chaps a la Sauterne *thanks ta the local Rotarlans. Ient received a transistor! Everson. the deceased was born Creamy Mashed Potatoee Ater dinner David Marks'i radio, a box oi chocolates, and ini Oshawa and received hi& Breccli Amandine of the Toronto Rotary Club' candies frora the Toronto education there. After entering Bteml t ihCdeo é was M.C. at the excellent eni- Rotary Club. Superintendent the employ of General Motors utrlkPewtCae.oTe tertalnment provided. by the Stewart expressed apprecla- in Oshawa. he held a numberBR SE VALCHW AL ATE E club, which vw held li thetion for the Toronto Rotary ai positions li the sales depart- BASDVA ]O ASt M assembly hall. A taiented Club's gcneroslty and for the1 ment, rislng ta the position ai 6 veal chops professianal cawbey entertain- fine entertainnient. assistant sales manager., 6 tablespoons butter er. David Stewart. Toronto. Adraw for twa NHL hockey He was ater promoted te the 1 amail clave garbie, chopped fine presented a fine prog.ram ai! tickets was won by ane ai position of manager oi the 2 tablespaons pimento eut Into one Inch squa&res rope trIcks, boomerang throw-1 the students. A staff member, firm's Montreal zone office. He1 u teycopdonn lIng and an excltlng dlsplay1 accompanied hiu ta the game bater iaunded Mldtown Motors.'Y u ieycopdoin cf stock whlp cxpertncss,, lni Toronto on Christmas Eve ý Dorchester Boulevard. a large 1/ cup sliced stuffed green olives whlch entkxralled everyane li i and they had a wonderiul time. ' General Mators retail outiet ¼ý cup sauterne and was owner and manager 1 teaspo0fl sait of the business for many years. U,' teaspoon white pepper K EN D A L The business is now aperated (Inendd or as wek~ ndiamlyvlstedwih te'by bis two on Saute veal chops lni hat melted butter unti they are brown (Intnde forlas weeý lnd fmil vistedwi'hthe Mr. Everson is survivedi by' on bath sides. Add onions, garlic, wine, sait and pepper. 'Viltig wth r. nd rs.lexHoy inOshwa is wife, the former Constancei Cover saucepan. and sixnmer over low heat untul chops are Mati Fserfo tehoidyW wrevey1xrr t ean 'cDougalI of Oshawa: a tender when tested with a iork. or about 40 minutes. turn- turne are ber rnotber. Mrs. .. a the fire up onl the Sixth duhe.Ms ereCm_ Awdè oi Jarvis, and her aunt, Line Saturday whîch burneddaul oter. Mr.eaadorg ne Camp-ealtms.Atr hp aecokd ddoie Mrs Kersiake, ai St. Cathar- the big brick house an the bl i oteladto ~ igOe eea ie.Atrcaeaecoeadoie mnes. tabacco fa.rm which was work- Robert and Phillip. and pimenta and blend well. Arrange chape on a warm Mater Roif Hellebust, Tor-!ed this yýear by Mr. and Mrs. Also surviving are three sis- serving platter and pour sauce over meat. Serves 6. onto, la wlth bis grandparents.! Jerome Reineart. It was the ters, Mrs. W. J. Salter o PORK CHOPS PAPRIKjA Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stevens.'aid Fred Cornisti home and Oshawa. Mrs. R. H. Hiall ai Mr. Jim Hoy. Mr. R. L. H-oy more recently ownied by Mr, .Montreal and Mrs. G. M. Bray 8 loin park chops. ¾, inch thick and Mr-. and Mrs. Keith Wood Bil Adams. It hati more rec-1 Of Toronto; a brother. Ronald I I clave garlie, finely chopped ently been sold by Adams ta of Montreai and 14 grand-ý 3 teson paprika a man in Delhi. The caueai children. Sait and ireshJy ground pepper ta taste WESuL Ï VILLE !the is unknown. The folks Mr. Everson rested at theý are staying at the hotel li New-, Wray Funeral Home for ser- 1 1 cup dry white wine A very happy gathernng.castle.1 vice li Dominion-Douglas Unit-1 Arrange the chops in a shallow heatproof casserole s0 that was hebd at the home ai Mrs.; A teachers staff party was ed Church at 1:30) p.m. Tues- they do nat toucli. Mix thc garllc, paprika, Sait and pepper Richard Best an Sunday whenj heîd Thursday evening by the day, Dec. 23. Interment was in and sprinkle over the chops. Add the wine. Caver and let .hc and her twin brother, 'teachers ai Kirby School at the Montreal. tecosmrnt x h ergrtrfrtrehue Ur. Ben White ai Port Hope new home ai Mr-. and Mrs. Reg. B the chops i h marina e lx a rhate d 30e e nr celebrated their 80th birthday Elliott. Theý first part ai the Bk h hp ntemrnd napeetd30 vn et a iamily supper. The eeigwssetdnn ~C jucvrd o bu n oro ni etI edr d actuai blrthday was Monday. HoIdt noerdfr botonem no utl ea a ene.r Deeme 2ndbt ila teat a restaurant, l i S m n r mare wlne if necessary. Good with mashed potatoes or farnil1y could not be present, The Recreation Committee I I uttered noodles and pan sauce. Serves 6. that day. There werc about, held a euchre party li then shawia 20 present, including loir. and ichool Friday evening. The 50- BROCCOLI AMANDINE Mrs. Harold Best and famuly '30 draw was also made with , 1AI1 very barge bunch iresh braccoli - about two ibs. George and Berniece Bst Mr Mrs W, Mercer heing the wîn- F or Wvitnesses ,cu metdbtr and Mrs. Vernon White anâ ner'ai the baif ai tb ecu mltd ute three daughters, and Mrs, Iwhlch wil corne in verybandy Ninety-five Jebovah's Wit- 1 - 2 tablespoons lemon juice ta taste Bertha Austin of Toronto; Mr-.'at this time ai the year. Win nesses ironi the BowmanvlUe 4 cup coarsely chopped toasted almonds and Mrs. Allen Whte and rers ai the euchre were Mrs. ai-ca are rnaklng prellmlnary Wash braccoli and drain. Remove and discard the large thrce daughters, and Mýrs. George Mercer, high lady; Rov arrangements ta attend a er lasancuofthtuglwrprsofhetlk Cecil Whlte ai Port Hope. Sieep. bigh gent and alsa wiý-' tii-ce-day training pi-agi-arnlx careevsadcuofthtug orpreaitetl. ner of the door prize; Miss practical Christianlty in Oshai If stlk are large, cut lcngthwise inta halves. Stand the Irene Mercer. low lady; Garneti wa, it was announced ast staiks uprlght in a deep kettle, add two inchee boiled salted Zealand. law man; and Mrs. weck. water, caver, and cook untîl staîke are Just tender, about Dorothy Walker. ladies door The event la te place cm- 15 minutes, Drain, arrange on a heated eervlng platter. 'prize. The rest ai the draw phasis an delegates servlng money is to, go on the basebail the spiritual needs of others Melt butter, add lemon juice ta taste and the almonde. Pour tearn sweaters. i thelr home communities. over broccoli and serve. Serves 4 - 6. Mn-s. Jean Allen vislted witb Ta coordinate this wark. her mother. Mrs. W. Mercer,' Wltnesses iromn thraughout BUTTE"3ULK pIE Saturday night. South-Central Ontario will be 1 unbaked pie crust The WI met Tuesday. Dec. 16 going te Oshawa January 9-11 ià cup butter at the home ai Mrs. W. Mercer ta attend a semînar lI tech- ~ 3cp ua for their Christmas meeting niques ai publie minlstry. 3 eggs ua 'Iwith Mrs. Henderson presidlng The Caurtice Secondai-y 3e and Mr-s. Low being secretary. School wlll pi-avide the settîng 2/3 cup buttcrn-illk The rail cali was answered by1 for thc gatherlng. About 1,000 2 teaspoons vanil ~~ ~~~. ~~telling 'Memories ai a Child- delegates irom 13 cangrega- Lieaegh-chpeanwtfaypsryadhlin hood Christmas'. The metta tîix-s in South-Central Ontario rfieao hl aigfun.Peetae a30 was 'It la mare blessed ta give' arerigexpccted ta attend.lin - ~~~than ta reccive'. A donation i.Be Saeloclp- Work butter u.ntil sait and creamy. Gradually work in sugar was given ta Mrs. G. Mercer! for gain g aiter the blankets' ldlng minister. explalned the unjtil mixture le very smootb. Beat in eggs anc at a time, and$100 L tabe entte hegatherlng wlll be a short li- beating bard aiter each addition. Slawby mix li buttermik an 1.0i eb ett htensive training pragram tae n aul.Pu h itreit h I hi n as :Red Cross. Christmas boxes supplement training given in an nil.PuthmxurÎtohepesl ndbk eare ta be sent ta the five chut-; local congregatians. "Bath at 350" for about 30 minutes or until fillllng ie fImi and iris. Bags ai candy etc. aree o arrangemnents," he sald, "are lightiy browned an top. Cool on wire rack. Serves 6. be given ta the Sunday school designed te equip an average. a Ihlrsa their concert Mon-1 concerned persan, whether N SI Eddie Couroux aslted by tea aslst hîs neighbors as welI .EW TN* -L g Mies C. W. Stewart had a mTost as himseli bulld mental de- enjayable social pi-agiarn m into acncec The lat Newtanvflie Brownle and carol slnglng were enjay- wbich was ialawed by an ex- 1 keenly attuned ta Bible prîn- Part Pack held their Christmas cd. Then, seated around the change ai gits. A very tasty; cîples". IPat on Tuesday evenlng. Christmas ti-ce each one open- lunch was provlded by Mise Theme af the three-day Schoal hall..- Ail membere ta assîst lni necessary supplies 1 Stewart, Mrs. G. ..Cathcart and program isl, "Right Klnd aifwreprsnadget lifoUcnwPck 'Mrs. W. Mercer.1 Ministers". Included wlll be ciuded District Commander Hlghlight af the evenlng was 'Miss Ann Foster and Miss' trainilng lni methods ai tart-1 Mrs. L. Farrow and daughters thearviithlogaa- jqe Vear ;Kath.y Turansky are home Ing and conducting home Bible Lorle and Sbelly. Aiter 5~-e Tadstalofi the loraat firmthe London Uieriystudies, baptlsm ofnew min- 'P dTpetote motn orthe Christmas halldays. I ters and a speclal public pr, ganies, stries, dancing part ai al &awnîe meetings the halidays with hi& sisters ln! Versus the False".BuiesDrcof nd wtawshtalfra STU IT B.Toon w ofwreoto.x cc u î ncyi-iy Christmas, each girl STUA T L he sowmbile wer otaklng home a bag ai candy U ýaA ietl raned Bridet the Office Hours:- Sut 24wth Rev. T. Snelgrove acting le pmoineta nc.arlg t red 0 a.m. ta f6 p-m. dally ascharmnan for the occasion. inettiags. large an terClo0d Saturday and Shlday Openng wth "0 Canada". bouger ehs a By ad othe r I . - - Phone 623-5459 "lety pi-gir aiof reojta- %qeey nace h cee '-_--tions. vocaul and Instrumental " an d twn large replicas of DR. STA NLE Y GERTZ nmeswsgvnb h S a n t a C l a u s d r d t h a t 7 K i g S . E . B w & v e r m r a n J u i r C s e . * * ~and west wallo. Office Heurs : înterspcrsed wl1 t h i-emerks a i i At the Christmas Party the 9 a.m. ta 6 p.rn iantecaimx.Te h ahappy yaungsters tii-st decor- Monday through Thursday Intermediate Classes provlded * " Iated the two tail Chrlstmas 9 arn. ta 4 p.m. FrIday a pantomime. ilnlsblng with q Itrees wlth pretty white birds ClJoséd Saturday and Sunday ecou a altmscrl I tht tey ad nad. Ten Phne 23-7662 by the gir and boys. Islngsong ai favorite Christ.-- To the farnilar strains of -e mas Cai-ols led by Mrs. Joyce n a n c a Jingle Bells, heartily sung by Morga mothr 0 fM r a a1iC, &U.i came Jolly Oid Santa, sOML ELVR a-némclther ai Mrs.MON A. ho who got right dawn to the JalIuary Ist or Jmnury Znd hi. bls pack b LM. Auto, o utns fglvlng eut, 9ts nenywet noyd.buin te lydecorated tee, umal Ou sud I phlm» tJIe SundaY Sehool. He.a tla a 1~ass sted by som e of t b. aleio buls ringing the en- tome2' I~31eVenlng to a close. ami. ad Ms.Tony Ton. Clarocansd Grace of New.- MW90 irpovisitrs wlth Mr-. Md le = Wednes- (cL~~q*mait ias home s.*4tr the hou- 9»'Wo The Canadlamctatnn.. Uowm2nvfflc.Dec. Bowmanv'lille R) 10 WMAN VILLE FoodIine, -. r l 1 -ý, ý ý 1 - UMM% mnw -7 APPLE SAUCE 214@L35$1 umim? 14«.590 FRUIT COCKTAiL2 m 1 ývml"u .140L 690, AYLMER CORN 4 m amumum 146L6901 AYLMER Pas 4 SAIAD DRESSINC «491 qa Thr Daity RUFT REGUUR CheezlVhiz 180L JAR À715c CHEESE SUCES 3 14L Si m (TOU) IL& S SOFT MARURINE 3. 1 MMRM LEAFuRe 2 f'ù&& upàuw_ STEAKE17ES 9*1 EMPIRF SIDE BACON Ags BREAKFAST sAusAcEt&59$ m ixaumi Yom TABLERITE TURKEYS immay Wm Aifmm NÉ m à RW mm WW M LEMON MERINGUE pies Mc FMI m emumin MIXED ROLLS «Il 45 CADOURY BISCUITS 1F W4.. andUn.Don-inle. LO NG S AULT 1"heurvivngodChrh Toroente, were ane guens. a. Bruce Bakeran tU wece Sunday dn'r.Gog hr r. ChitMas Day w" ndParnela, Mr. Mari-y Bae r guests of Mr. and Mmc. W. csland, Mir. ad mi M. C<î rm~ lai-I McEwn and faiy and Tami, Oshawa: Mr. and! Vaneyk. Reylste Orn Ptroog.Mrs. Keth Gable and boys, Mr-. and Mns. Bill Johnson Ryed fOoe Wit M-. ndMme L Cls-Courtice. Mi-. and Mrs. John and Linda, JanetvIlie. Mr. andi Amotn the Many beautiful dm.. r . and M. . lyI Baker and boys were Sunday Mns. Wilhle Johnson, Patricl floral tîens were those fi-oi Tamlns and iaMr .u. ans a' super guests ai Mi-. and Mrs. and George, Lifford. MUSjeanBranch 178, Royal Canadiam Mom.p. im e and l î randy G. Baker. and Mr. Jack Johnson, 1sa Legian. ecl eoa~ Meusrs. Willlls Farrow aid oyMr. and Mrs. Wayne King,1 wa, were Christmas Day guests 1Commlittce, Newcastle Towya Smith. Mi-. Bai-iy Baker. Burlington, 01 Mr. and Mrs. Bei-t Johnson.l League, Newcastle Girl Guide,, Mn. B. Tresise ef Oshawa wei-e Sunday dinner guesofi'Mss Jean Johnson, Mr-. jack ansd Generai Matai-s. was wlth Mr. and Mrn. Bakers. Johnson, Oshawa., qnd Mr-. The funeral service was Peck and fanilly. M- n m.F .Sngth,1 William Lawery, Cdokstown. belJ on Monday, .Decemnber The ilmr imllygater-M. and Mrs. RoF.- 0. twre Sunday guets of Mr-.' i th fi-rn the Morris Funerai Lis and Kart, Bowmanville, and Mrs. B. Johnson. Chat-.el, Bowmanvflle. and was cd a thehom <ifMi- and is Sunday supper guets af Mrs. George Armaur and. contiucted by Rev. F. K. Nia. Mrs. Jini Gimer, Port Hoe isbertha Armou.r. Hamp- lzea t Jsp' oa for hrltma evnin dbn~r ~ernIhs.ton, were Christmas Day Catholic Church, Bowman, Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Mr-. and Mrs. John Baker, guests ai Mr-. and Mms Sidney: ville. lutermient was in Orone Pl Glmer. BMaine. Kimn and and beys were Christmas Day Crih eeey Kenny, Mr-. and Mrs. Ray- dinner guests of Mr- n s x. and Mrs. Roy oudrau, mond Ginier, Stewart, Stev. Dave Hall, Hampton, and sup- Dawna and Gregory. New-' cri and David, Islington; Mi-.j per guets ai Mr. and Mrs. G. mai-ket, were FrIday dinxîez!AHAP and me. . Ginie. Baer.guests af the Smniths. Mm. and Mx-s. Hugli Staple- Mi-. and Mrs. G. Baker were Club 50 !adies meet Jan. 13,1 AND PROSPEROUS ton and family wcre with Mr. IFnday supper guests ai Mr. 1970t. at the home ai Mrs. G and Mrs. J. Foi-rester amid and Mme. N. McKeen, Hamp: Baker with Mrs. G. Baker a nd NEW YEAR fanmây, Orono.i ton. Mrs, R. Caineron as P-agi-arn Mi-. and Mrs. Jlzn Adams Mr-. and Mrs. Ron Rowe and Convenors. Members are ask- TO AL L t went ta Toronto ta spend fansilY, Bowmanvile. were1 cd ta pay their dues. Christmas wlth members aif Sunday supper guests ai Mr. i Mrs. Ivan Rawley. Totten- their iamily. and Mi-s. G. Kayacs. Mi-. John 1 bam: Misses Betty Ux-lck and Mr-. and Mms H. E. Waikey Kazexi was aise a Sunday Aine Ryre, Beeton; miss Jean t were wlth Mr-. and Mrs John, visitai-. Kelly, Gormley; Miss Joan Wa]key lxi Bowmanvllle. Mr-. and Mrs. H. Murphy Rowley and Mi-, John Johinson, .~ Mi-. and Mi-s. T. Henderson and famiiy were Christmas Oshawa; Mr-. and Mrs. Vvm . and family. Mr-. and Mrs. F. Day guests of Mi-. and Mrs. John.son and Linda, Janetville, Henderson an-d famlly, Mr Roy McLaughlin, Nestleton. were Sunday guests ai Mi-.. and Mrs. Bill Wade and fam- Mr- and Mrs. Hl. Murphy and and Mrs. Bert Johnson, I ily, Mi-. and Mrs. R. TrimrnMi. fanuily, Mr-. and Mrs. G. Kov. Giad ta report Mrs. B and Mrs. Rasa Brown and ara and girls were Friday ev. Johnson and Mrs. W. Vaneyk.t famlly wee xvlth Mi-. and enin1g guests ai Mi-. anti Mrs. returned to tâcir humes froin Mrs. Clinton Brown, Newcastle. Ran Rowe. Bawmanville. ' Memorial io.Pital last week,! Mi- and Mrs. Frank Gilmer Mi-. and Mrs. W. Vaneyk: Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd liai-me were dinner guests Friday were Christmas E,.e guests oaf Ernie and Bet.h. RR ,B evenlng, with Mr-. and Mrs. Mi-. and Mrs. P Vaneyk,, narville, v%ýere Sunday SUDriper Alfred Redknap. Oshawa. Christmas Day dinner alleis guesta andi Mr. and Mrs. J. C, Mi-. George Pethlck ai Mi-. and Mrs. I. DeMNille'Cokl were Sundav evening ronto was li the village, Fr1- and family. Bown'anville. 'guests ai the Srnlth s. day, caîîîng an relatives. 1 Mr-. and Mrs. A. MlIson Mi-. anti 11,-. H. Muinhv Mi-. and Mrs. Sud Brown and were Saturday evening guetesti andi family were Sundzay sur;_~ girls wcre amang those attend- i anti Mr. andi Mrs. John Vaneyk Pei- gUests af Mi-. anti Mrs I Ing a iarnlly gathei-ing at theiN. Jobnston, Starkville. home ai Mi-. and Mrs. TomiL aurle Stapletan, Beverly and Mrs. Sophie Kayac-s xva,;a' Wilson. Brawn.sville, on Fr1-, Ricky ofiAi ax. Sundiay supper guest ai Mr.I day evening. With Mi-. andi Mrs. Don anti Mrs. G. Kayacs anti girls1 Mrs Fnday aiToono.Stapeo.CrsrnsDyvs- antiMi-. andi Mrs. Peter Fre was a visitai- with Miss Allie!tati-s were Mr-. and 'vrs. Len- gavai-s and Anna, Mr. ai-i mrqý Nesbltt on Monday. ' nox Vasey. Port McNicol; Mr. H. Murphy andi ianiulv -e ary Mr-. anti Mrs. S. Lancasterand Mrs. XVm. Stapleton, Miss ISatturday evenlng visitors Of Haold ichelsonl were Christmas Day dinneriElvd Kinneai-, Boxvmanville" the Kayacs. 1A nte ea onst guests with Mi-. and Mrs. C.,1 Miss Kar-en Selvlg, Port Hope; i 'clos akthis er omporte at Nichais anti iamîly, Wesley- Mrs. Loi-ne Totiti Starkvilie; ta say"Tan1Yu ta th ortuit ville. anti an Saturday were Mi-. and Mrs. Bruce Donneily UITU RY hom 1 had the privilege ofl guests at the Jones-Welsb and Ddn-ell, Port Hope. weting lni Trlnity United' Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Tozer of PAUjLA LORRAINE CHARI) servn, during the past year. Churc, Bomanvlle.and r-iPot Hoe wee suLor rains ' ,aY >1continue ta enjoy yaur Chuch Bamavlle.ani ie-Pot Hpewer sppr gess1 The death ai Paula Lran friendshio and patronage ii ceptian iollowlng. at the Lions1 Sunday, with Mr. anti Mns. Chard, aged two years andthecigyar laecl Centre. S. J. Lancaster. jthi-e months, occur-etio"tHarod. ya, las a Recent visitai-s wlth Mi-. and On Sunday. Mn. andi Mrs. G.!i Saturday, December 13, 1969,ia-ad Mrs. George Stapieton wei-e Stapieton witb Mr. arnd Mrs. 1 followIng an illness of one clay Representative of Mi-. andi Mrs. Jack Bei-iy ai bannie Stapleton andi farnllyi Daughten of George Jr. anti ROY NîeuOL.S IMOTORS Toronto. anti at Christmas, visîted inh Kingston xvltb Mi-. Betty (Alldread) Chard of TD dinner guests InclutietiMr. and 1 anti Mrs. H-an-y Stewart and Newcastle, she xvas bai-n irt Ti Mrs. Han-y Stewart and Tracy, the occasion belng the Bowmanville at Mernorial Hos. I Bowmanvile 23 4538 Tracy, Kingston; Mr-. andi Ms. 'atter's fi-at bi-thday. pital _ She xvas a niembex' o! ______________ I. Orange 1 J ôI d.- y

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