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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Jan 1890, p. 4

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BOOK8«ý A~ very fine asscrtmnent, including the rANSY, ELSIE, SWAN, IIESBA 8TRETTON, -4. L. O. E:, W{NGSTQN, BALLANTYNE,wil be found onu My she1ves, Best discou~nts gîven to ,e1oIs. Satisfaction guaranteed. Everything, ready for the holidays, Faraily Bibles fr.m $1.75 upwards. Pooket Bibles and Hymnu Books. Photo Albums, great value. Beautiful Fancy Goods. rToy Books, unsurpassedl. Christmias Cards, the like of which1 lias neyer been seen for value, Bookiets, very handsome. A6gent for the old relia.ble Raymond &9ewing Machine. None b;etter. P. Trebilcock. The tl &itoî-'s Gompimnt To Every Reader. We trust eeeh had a "Merrie Christ- m~as," anmd aow. te ho in turne, we wish AdL A HAPPY --EW YEAR C -not moroly happy on its initial Day,ý but a happy yoar ail tirrouguh froru Janu-, ary Ist tQ Decembor 31st. May yen be r spared froni Sicknesq aud Daatlm in your t own Houme sud among those yen love, f May yo have prosperity in your calling, P anid reseive a due reward for your Ilabor s andcare. May tire kiud Fu«thewiUde1 r- -eirfiully witir yeu n s 0fsr as respects I ~you, have ne oscaion to "1ciastisq tiiose IE LAi&ATION. Worth, t The Publie Meeting. A mass meeting was held in the Town Hall, Monday ight to give the aspirivg candidates ami opportunity fo addross the electors. Brief speeches were muade by the three candidates for uray,,or, tire two fordieputv-reeve and geveral ,of the ward canidaes.The mieetin;g was quiet and uneventful, rnost of the speakers saying, littlie more than -thaukiug thre electors for paset favors ai2d asking for a convtinuenice of the sanie. BJ-NI 'IL b VN'. Mn, J. T. P>ollock has been iluanîmoLuS- ]y re-e]ected to fill another terni as scirool trustee. The 11ev. Mr. McKeen, of Orono, will preach in thre Presbyterian Church next Sunday mornýng at 10,311. School re-epens Mornday, fith inst., un- der the management of Mr. J. Stephens. MiFs Sanderson has resigned J3urketon School and made an engagement for a School in East Whitby. Mr, Geo. Riggs is home for the vaca- tion. Aruongst other visitQrs, Mr. Hon- den, Toronto; Mr. Beau, student in Thre- ology Trinity University, Toronto ; Mr. Dean and daughter of Michigan, U. S.; Mr. Veale, North Cartwright ; Dr. Jneo. Montgomieay, son of A Mýonitgomery,]Esq., member of thre Legisiatiire for North Da- kota and iris friend, John Ste~phenson, Eugq., President of the Ardock Banik. PRO VIDEA CE, John Davidbou, tirreaher, is Bick. W. H. TÇeat has returned te his home ln Chatharu. Wm. Hoar, Ed. Prout and John Sando jr.. have boen on a huntlng tour, Miss Mauning's school concert Dec. 19 was a spiendid succees; the churcir was crowded and thre program first-clasa. The mcholars acquitted theniselves re- markably well; thre songs by C. G. Arm- atroug and T. A. Brown, of Orono, took tiue, and the Bragg brothers with organ, violin, cornet and clarionet, gave 2reat satisfaction. Thre orgart playing, of Mlabel Northeote, reciring of Emjma WVerry and the club-swinging exhibition hy Miss M[ai-ing were much appreciated. The tree was beautifully sud heavily laden with innumerable presents for the child. ren an~d others. Tihe popular pastor of the circuit, 11ev. Mr. Phelps got a very lune tarkey. Mr. Jonu D. Hoar perforur- ed ilhe duty cf chairman mostý efficiently. Procýef. about $16 which wiIl beý used for school purposes. Thre tru3tees have doue wiseIy iu retainiing tire ierviedqof Miss !4anuing vwho is a popular and successful teacher. Darlington Council. Town) Hall, Hampton, Dec. 28, 1889. Tire Gouneil met purstiant to adjourn- mon.t, nietbers ahl present Tire minutes of lest meeting, were reaid and cnirmued. Thre foliowing comimunicatio-nF were prese-nted:-From Win. E, Strutt, cdaimn- ung compensation for a horse killed througIh aul allegod defectiwe culvert ou the 9tir con. lino. Laid over to next meetiiug. From tire Provinci al Secretary asking th opinion of the <couricil s to certain Ï-ý*"ý.jJer, usu"u"" t rd Usen as a resu, $2 ; nebr f Council, services, $16.55. IandigeuYs:-Weller, $6; Lliff, Gay, Cor- ri n~ir Wilson sud awker, $5 encir; Sprcul, Mallt, Corrrtice, $1 eacir; Lane, Robin- ton, Trick, Stmcey, Staples and Lyle $3 escir; Campbrell, Dean, Gre gory, $2 eacir; rMrs. Camupbell, $1; B. Wilson, $5y; Bruce $;Trick extra for lothing, $2. z R. WINDÂTT, T. C. DR. AW. HAILL'S DISCOVElRY. A MARIELOUS TRIUMFE ciVRaitDISSIASE WITHIOUT MEDICINEi. More ien forty years age A. Wilferd Hlall, Ph D. L. L. D., after yeara cf pub- lic speaking, much cf tire time in public debateF, fouid himmelf in tire forlorn suid 1despairiug condition cf sairopeleas cou- s umptive. He irad souglit tire aid cf tire ableat pirysciani without aveul until at klat rsduced te a g1keleton ire was foreed te give up all work. Ilis lung trouble, as in general in sucir cases vrcd uced its reflex action uipon al tIrer pars f4thre system. Iýwas t tiis tiene tiretire discovered snd imatnecliatelyI ado pted tia ew anrd revolutione-ry remedy, which inet only reu.crsd i te Loremet and vigorous man- oobut iresgivon iis physical structure s gree,-ter degraeecf toidlty then tiret possessed by muy otirer min living, sud tithun i euhouly a fraction etfiis lungg -Af ter forty yeers of ithorougli exper-. m ttic0 nt only iupon iipesof but up- on many otirers under pledge cf suecess, ire for tire firat lime uný April last, ptdetre mode cf treatment publie. Since thon, in srx onth2, tirousands haveobtained tire pamphlet and have been beneitec4. Messrs. W. J. Roy, Tyrene, mand E. L. Livingaton, Port Hope, will be pleased te furnisir any f!irtirer irnformation requir- od, aise local teairnonials, and ethers. L. A. W. TOLII1'8 LIST. ,, JANt. 4.-Sale of houseirold ,2 ý,aod c stoves arud4 ircters, Mîrket Square, L. A. W. Tole, ,, JAN. 4-Titre will. ire cfered Q-orte Trade sale tire whele cf ck sud implemnents of a amail L. A. W. T~IoLu, 4nctiouepr. ky Peu. 8 - -Tirv will bc 1tirat valuable property kuiown as cks-F.on Pnrm, containing 50 acres, r los et Bell's Hlot2l, Oronlo, on are firpt-ciase buildings. Ternis known on day of ile. LEi A. 1 CHRISTMAS SHOPPING. Bargains iet Ted liros.' 2givin.uip-busi- Iness salej. \ very large ciroice of for c-aps of al Ikin-ds at Jue., J. MNaqou's. Get your uew suit at Maso-n's big uew store-thcy heve tire beet cutter thv towri Weddinig rin s-quality A. 1, prices as low as possible et tire Co-operative Jew- elry Store. Large stock of shirts and drawers audl cardig-an Jackets et Ted l3roe.' givius-ul3- G9ld and silvcr jewehy and chains, eje. etce, miido te order et the Co-operative Jewelry Store. if yen are in ueed cf e faîl suit or over- cent inspeet Ted Bros.' stock during giv- iug-up-business-sale-. $ý1O,000 wortir cf dry goods te be sacri- flced at Ted Bros'. sale. Cail and inspeet. If yen want a firet-class cigar yen must g0o t W. E. Petirick's whero yen wiIl fiud a great rnany kinds te choose frein. Henry enu make a phote thiat wil pleaso you every time. Hoe knows tire photographie art and devotes iris wirole tume te it. A beautiful asartmeut cf ne w black suid colered dresa geeds just reeeived direct frein Englsnd et Couch,.Tehuson& Crydermarn's. Henry certainly maies tire best photo- grapirs and givos tire best satisfaction. Cal! et iis galley and see a proof-you will be conviuced. Fuima,! Puas !!-M. Mayer, thre practi- cal furrier, invites attention te iris well e -sorted steck cf lady's auid gents' fur geeds cf ail kndï. Yen should cal! et tire West End House aud sstiroir fine display of surk handirer- chiefa. They are eiling tirn remari- ably cheap being a job line. Mr.Chas. Smithr ef Jimes, Ohio, writes: 1 have uqed every remedy for sick ireed- ache 1 could irear of for the peet flfteen years, but Carter's Littîs Liver Pis did me more good tiran ail tire rest. Littell's Living Age. IN' 18"0 RE LIVING G ME suters upon ils forty-seventh y~er. Approved iu the outset by Jtrdge Story, Chancellor Kent, Presidsnt Adams, isitorianDs Sp-irirs, Prescott, 'Ticituor, Bancroft, and mny etiers. [t has met witir constant enmmendation and succeas. A WEE]kLY JIA;,GAZINE, it gives more tiren T >, AND» A QUARTEn TBoSAIND deurle-cl umiu octave pages of readingumatter ycarly. It proesril an expeusive formn,con. sidering ils great amioiu t o matter. wirir tresirneas, owiug te is weekly [ssure, and witir a completenesa3 nowhre else attempted, The ljest K,7says, Reviews. CriticieszTalees, Slkcehes of Traret and Qicvr.Poetri. SciciIe ,c. BIrc licZ istor ical and Politiwai iforatefr-cm thte etire body f Fo-efj7iPeriodical Litu-ato-e, and fromi thepens o! tht FORIENIOST LIVING WRITEIIS. Tirere la no other publication oet us klud go goneral lu ris bearlng aud covriar tire enti re field ef lteratnre, Art, aud Science. and bring- ing betwesn tbe sanie covera the ripest. richest trou irta and tirs latest resnîts of tire timr nl wirichr we live, No oe swire values au intelli- geui apurfieiaon of thre irend efthtie times eau afford te do wihout t'-Christian et Work. New York. 'Certain it 18 tbat no o errmagazine eau take ils place lu euîbliug tire busHy reader to keep up w>tircarrent literadre.'-Episcopal Recorder. Piladelpiai. It ls oneeof thre tew perlodicala ¶hich soentm Indispensable. Il contains uearly a ittirs gond literatuir'aoftie tlru.'-Tire Cirurehime n, . "Blegrapiry. ltlnsiechritnr rstory poesi . travola wirstever in are Iterested iu. allare found irero.'.-Tre )WatohmranBeston. 'Tire foremost wriiers of the time are~ repre. seuted on its pages. It la tire quant ty sud value ot its contents facile prlneps.'-Presby. terian Banner, Pittsburghr. 'For tire man wiro tries tea re truly convers- ant with tire ver y beat Iltera tursetftris sud other countriûsa, Jr l iudisp ensabe.'-Central Baptist, St, Louis. 'Te have TaE tLïvINc, AaE la te hold tirs keys of the entire world oft thougirt, of sorentiflu.n vestigation, physirological researchr, critical note, of poetry and romnane .'-B aston Evening Traveller. 'No betîer ontlay of rney cen ire madle tran lu sub8cribing for Tira,.LiviNG Â'-Hartford Courant. 'For tirs amount ot readiri matter contained tire rubscriptien i3 extremey ow.'-Ciîan Advocate, Nasirville. 'Nearly tire wirols worid ef authora and writers eppear inr it lu tiroir beat nrood8.'-Bos- ton Jo~urnal. '11 may ire tritirfnlly sud cordially said tiret t nieyer offers a dry or valueiess a pge.'-New York Tribune, 'IB furrisliBa complote compilation otau le. dispensable litereature.'--.Culcago Ev-en ing Journal 'Ir ezables our reaclers te koep frully abreagt of tire beat theugiri and lterature ef olvilza. tion.'-Cirilstlan Advecate, Pittsburghr, ,Iun(the weekly magazine tire reader ildas al tht is worlir knewlng le tire realin et current literaturo. Itlsl indislreusable.'-Canada Pres- biyertan, Toronto. Publlsied WEEntatLY at ý,3.0O a year, freseof postage. 2IË-To NEW S1TSCIBERS for the year 1 890, emittiug before Janulit, tire numbers ef 1889 lssued sftier tire recelpt of tiheir subscrip- rlons, wll hoe sent gratis. Club.Priceaý for thre beat Home and For- * eigu Literatuire : [IPosîessed ef Tin; LLweNc.Entud oeeor otirer et our vivacionus ,mrrcan inonthles. a srrbscriber wil fnd immeoin lucouamun of tire wirele situation.,-piiladcluhia Ev. Bulletin.] For 810.50, TiiE LiviNG AÂGE aud any eone of tire Arnericen $1 monthlea (or Hamers Week. ly or Bazar; will bce seat for a year, postpaid ; or, for " 50 TieLivrNcG Ân and Scribusr'aj Magaine or tire St. Nicirolas. AddresL. EETTIILL. & CO., Notou, "'PnrtYý-Stngth-Perect S: PE rAll thre fgrinnasMl m1 teh i3 Pow. der are publieci on everiY label. The purity of the ingredients and thre scieuîiflr, accutracy with whicli they are combiued reirder (ileave. land's superior iu etrength and eftlciency te ay other balzng vowder manufactared. Fooraised with this powder doosa not dry rip, as whieurmade wlth baking powdeor con- taing amrnenia. but keepa moisi and aweet. and id palatabie and wholesome. Hot biscuit and griddIs ctakes madle with ii, eau ire esten by dyspeptic3 wlt im rpunity. It does inot contain ammonia, alun, im re or othler aduterant. These are facts, voucheci for by Government andi State Chemiies,,Board of Hesitir. and ezineat soientist8. CIFVELAND BAKING O PWL)Kn:CO., 81 and 83 Ptiton St,' New Yorkr. WE WÂNT MVIONEYt If the publie want anything in the JEWELRY line yeu can buy it cheaper front MAY N AtiR05 The Jeweller, than any &l~ place in town. Solid Gold Wat;ii,.;....fron Om 1uP. Solid Silver Watches...froin 25 up 1N JEWELRY We cannot quote any prîce but you will favor, us with ý1a" eaut will it te your advan aget buy frent uý. We have the nicest qelected stock in town. Elpht day Waluiut ýs heur Sfrikiug Clocks................ ***"**'... -4oo 0 One day Walnut, Strike Cleck...4 00 NicçrelAlarm Clocis, best make oly i 74 Ini Silver Plated Ware we keep everything at low prices. In Spectacles wian suit~e any siglit, a very large -t.c , rices from 2.1c. te $10O. We suai- a- large stock of al kýnds of goodsa aud w6 wish te re. ducee it, so we are determined te give the pýblic the, at low prices. We do not intend to lower our prices for werk, but will give tic public the benefit of our experience and tools, which will pay yen far -better than a small reduction. When yen want any fine woric donc, cail on I lac Teweller. N. B.-AIl work Warranted. FARMS FOR SALE. GOOD FARM TO RENT-Abeut 74 acres, belng part ot la9otn1. 5, Ea8t Wiritiry, j mile soutir of Geneva. Fiue grain sud s5tock terni, foodoil, iu excelent otate of erlt[vation. l'ail uowiug doue. For fnrrier riarticulars apply te JoifPt Y. CoLE, Hamipton, Farms Faimus. Promn 25 acres te 500 acres FOR SALE & EXCHANGE, Welflington C(ounty, tire finest Agricuilture! County in tire Provir'<e,. Ne suclt good barvaitis offered by anyoue auywher LIse in Canada. Apply et once to M,. 4NJ- MICELL, 42tf DRAYTON. ont. Thanks its patrons for poat favors and wishos them al A Happy New Year. J. H. KENNERms XMAS, 89 ýffA JOB LINE 0FOj* Silk -:- Handkevehiefs suitable for Xmas Presents just arri'ved and will be sold at Who!esale Prices. Aiso a lot cf fine Wool Fascinaters, Clouds, Hoods, Shawls,&c OUR GROOKERY AND) QLASSWARE DEPARIMENT cannot be excelled for quality and price. r-11auiing Laiips very OIheap.- Xmas Groceriesl, Qysters, Oranges, Candies, &c., a11 first-class. Deal at the West End House and save mcnmey. MIg-hest price paid for ciIIkimuds of Farni Produce. 1 JOHN 1 Bowmanville, Deceruber 17, 1889. McMURTRY. Low Prices for Grain, Low 4r riees for Wa-tehes, is f'ar below ail competitors. NOTE'THE 1'OLLOWING FIGURES : New Ladies ' GoId Watch, Stem Wind, warranted,..from $15.00 up New Stem Wind Nicide Watches ............. .....from 2.75 up New 3oz. Silver, Stem Wind ..........~.........from 15.00 up Silver P'late, Jewelry, Rings, Chains, etc., at TRWMENDOU$ Pu E DUCTIONS I .&ll goods warranted as represented. O.all during next 30 days for Bargains. 19EPATRINGQ A SFJEUIALTY. Wat e CJaeý 4fr ........................ .5t. o 79. Wat4ih Malia Springs .... ................... ....0..t73C WateJi 4lasses ......................................... Me. Clocks Cleaned for........-.......................-.40c. to 7je. Other repairing equally low. AUl work well donc and 'warra.uted. A CALL SOLICITED. IL. CORNJSJJ, 41, Watclimaker and Jeweller XMASBEEF! WJON LYLE Will make a. fine exhibit of choice IAteats for the festive season, ha-ving- secured sonie excellent stock, an~d invites inspeetion, Eis display will censist of A very fine Young Durrham Ileifer, fed by VMii. MARK ~Dowsozq, Chirke. A pretty Durhain Hïýlar, fed by ME. SAiItTEL SNow£1tN, Dfirlingtorn. A choice lot of Leumbfi, Led bY M~EýS. WILLIM4Si & HA4LL, BOWManVille. Sonie prime Hoga, led by MEssEs. S. SNoWDN and Tnes. ELLIoIT, HRsmptOU Thre beat collection of Peultry te be obtained. ~-0-- His Grocery and Provision Departments A~re supplied wlth the choicest and best the a rrkets aft"erd, lo which i11be so1lI as chca~p as the chcapest. Borne very fine Raisins, Ourrauts, Figs, etc., just receiv'ed. Ladies, seo theiu. Wishing ye# &l l l a Merry Christmias and Happy New Year. J.IL-YIL EA

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