SWEET PorAri~o pl~tatoeî and stear cd a deap pi. plate ce potatoos thin, Iay or ç,nni, finnr flVflV i grow in Del cil a of nn3 *.êito hîgin trouionl tha meu- et potat igerofrnum is saventleth yaar, He wvasaone of tiie f Nlpo-leýon Ml.'s velations should b. iIn laudeoapes à wssahou; injurions rnicatton. Thmn T&u 7 '&u'mÇýY Aflv 77 Muiw FO.f SALE BY J. HIGGINB0TH.IAM& SOIN, BOWMANVILLE, h sorîm of or pîythingi, but vrtaasin"g for somalthiag they bave, or lao engage w.iÏh the aider nl sports ton violent for thým, apnd sult-I d i inubis, bmpand I haýd fad tlilr mngeetfroue mda b. Aanyicuctinto thair nd. 0 È. rinc ü-,s a otadîfl'o u d whioh agi to b. ii firat duty of runt 1 wassýure Isnldhave han ù, A.iý t 1wa-, w iii a constantr- xo-ItemauE-t and alaru, leslb i,ýýhy ýcaver soM nF w avIzule iof miroblaf vilsh thal 1 krew not cf.L pario -a riày mrcgo! î c Iwas e dUialistnrlbld an Ibddcedtbam la cdean clOtbj- k:en tat faces ad ande wera tc ; aud, alte,ýr aruigtheirý tcylanl lnmOît atîfatoyy -ad gi vati h cordé r lttola bve thab bacu setLed my2aif î inmy ifavorite te aitlgr o el;ajOy tha 3 t. I v-as soon n as -b À l aveny Sarticle, and àt;l d bea nbu .1 or. 1 was aware o.f anaPpailn TheHiee of a SmiIe. Consderd o It ncrely physicalýý %wbo can etîao iia Iaof aauinj oppor-tunuely sadigi beaflry 'ntr u odHolb"puts tha ni Pn a -la ib ashhoin g tiicpna god aurel i. hn hreS5 i dicnatand ritto Wbanu, ini the midet of lita%.hury worry we m2etianmiIngue it sav per'fieotGd.adadWe somni'aIlat when a lu.g bàow ,mu?àh woe aur suff bue.isLuàtue worl, tbteIHwwoUld, o, Usm Bulale or h awould bca ýq n ea.ler t- ira vofor ai oi ns ; forainruy a3waOtn botoutede nl, bojte ownar aud ithe beholdor.The trua us i., tha't whon Wo taI.ta pain. tn '1 w.'3 1,a ganaral ý thing, two dolnq le eolely fo". somr'bedy ais' b Wbileàfw. dbd but knw h, it i." hfe haalth 1anid peacca tn o ursal1veS ln i wavu. For one thimsg [t i,,m3ahlyinpaï!ibi sriat tbe fsama n1mrnntwefi l.'; f cfpita o us, ourv 71c-, lll arnt the cor:clî3nmnnv nenîthpr an ïme, 'l o! n *Have remnoved to their new store, just acrotýs the streýet f1rorri th.eir ol& stand, and by alg on thenm, you will ba, eon-vinced -1tha--t ÉtheMighty Dollar wil buy asmul Sugavr, Tea and alindsof GTrceiies, a.s wefl as ail kinds of Fresh and Cured Mlats ntQrihp as atý any etlier storo in the townr, They Ibuy so)ly lfor Cash, and ealculate togN their customers the benqefit of it. ,They alIso pay Cash fo:r ail kinds of' IFarm Produ.e--- EggsButter, Âpples, Pears, Potatoes FIHidlesSepkns TaIlow,, In faet, you. ean get the Cs for ail kinds of akehl produce. rDo not forg-et th e stand -The West Store in the White Brick ()CL, direcetl'y opposý3ite their olld stand. -A cail solicited and patron-. e t1anlrfuiI1y rcevd IJL a iroer bac ions othor fonhli îatdby tha yoî AGop d Memory. , 0ucauruLpn a!sea ibu',tdscsinaaD gave on 010to eut ïl andpste jail onCTl2bing bmC-w sDCon tii. wanhrikeC ara. de'roted to ihe pursuiits a!, d xhubd ad b menînl apuse fo methng nw, ad san, wt ,aud ih, Zn tikt pioturas mak- books for BDnnie au-d Marýzy' iproceeded to naka sanie pusot que puteoardcmrd, ettig rnua lin.. aud ortbography, s fvarion ore, ehis, and condýition'S o! sErvitude tho Igm bo bad for "%ML"Enol. .0nd ta0isly is ilted kn'Ow;- clg by =aiingon a Mauaili ýn.w, and, at Fredý'. ugsiu be did nLOt know, qhlebaby r1aite cooueuted to cvw;c a.card se of brighbtpiper or lteror lob tha athers imîglit cast away. y bo:aght w.. a a rfoo c CCars;f amý;y day pafssd îaway wNiübOnt- o! the. trety of pearre, and 1 te as one of! my pensoiral frad. ýotheýr raluy day oocours boefora Reoipe~, a, ss sue U>c8tU5i tha2y an2anetcooka a- bran a, nd add lta t, 1 tii. crnst, m-,Ade oÀon. aud, oný. d .af taa (unf înaî opa ia nor au li îno our hn Mndlir Lhea fair gd.scf fygle,E peahce, and ha ras p okraIworry , i my ha;Zittie !hanc fi c ocoalx tiunacueitomad ! nSCIscias;1 once3 0w.0g t t'I V -1p1;y Sic0> l ha'bit: estab, l t.narrons ne-gy will tDaVeI tàc . s routa aven rand ae-,? iottught vito o rs;m', dwIathar rcckiona cseo,"asm ,Mat tài. viotûry iîilb.3 Wu Aý -iene 'k tniuh of fear Fi 1 i bo,,use thuýsasmnr da1Y; 0,-cinlini i n vruz n rrt3af e a,,y And m alg sfrom distant giooni, A îface comas panted on -t1e ai.r; A prasnos wlks taLauted rDom, Or its within tba vaýcant chair. Ti lgita- ln' tatsh hti gas And avery (obýj sot that I 1. Saems cLirgcd by some chna waud, And kaaen tii.dývzz senas Gtbnlll, A:5 witb tii, tjuuc, o!pinît baud. A,, morning lu fiei rosy flash, At inoo-ntido luth flary glow, At' evenlssg ln tii. golden bush, At, nighit as pass ii.i n-utasslw A form baloved ýco)mas again, A vola.c beside men seanis to tn' Whia cagar fancles fil tlii.bralu, Aud eagavr pas-sions hoid tii. beart. Discutent and Ill Health. Oua observer namanks,saauoul I naver knaw a grumwblen wbFLo uw w'al. Disoo)nteuter? people ara, always ve or ailhi.,,. hnîiatUv I, r waaa thhlrf No Aluni, Wîr~Ccarirv, Ouo, liec. 1,, in3. as tuongu me were bu raturned the. lawyei Reading Him Off. rejects Âne 1e se lotHS ~ OSJJPEIOR . igtoa h cescate 0of the.lai e WJiliam Nar0 Dama Z.For pnlua etc., acpply to A nieea 6rOOK 1 Lake Viw Akv.., Toronto aam Off to Toronto. privat. sale, or will excharnge rr Slar Ale 10, 1 Ait of hi praparty in Nwata ig of Stare, HoG1sas and Lots and ~.PLE Orchard, the, hometad beiug,,oua WholejýSaj0Ina ont complet. in theColintY. Ternis DU~SS -Chop aý nà in POP, LAT.YNDRY t of the Best Farmis (Jlarke for Sale. Preas.d an& oht ven 11rettol'In m'f=1 "qe-aýl LMe-.m tu me.11 V.I"ý 0 ac. Jr