111'TIE STIRKBRID)GE MYS WEDNEDÂY.JAN. 15 CHAPIER 1. Sitirkbï!idge was ai village in one of tlhe ig;lflz(L'aind Poouxtiefi. 1l, was r, quiet, y ceèwnd §pIac oohig leai nd pictu JUe, with iý.iu wlicIteWFSeied onVîaLaa, Cobbly ewyquaint clil churh, nZ ~ ehcccf grin swadibodlering iii. ro4d w 9hc itood. ]Af a W lebeytnd 1, ,m a umati tnhtliieJly-se, w , log, &aedtse illigealf YMei. banr B~totuof Tho1'oars Me. Brothart am noI PYMuarin th? ~atcdan eaeam, ci Ch rkcAlgranai ld Mcainly o f w aï nkp c«Upy ': t "!a , m 11 gr ' , 2 - c, l t timeac -ieh d tü intoreet ý 1h 4ord ',i o Ppposeate Èi'r, tw ent ers !Mr. B as the goI'Pnatune4 ersan ra'! ýcvereti hic Ce nu. lu i -, ty ei dt hvirgnb'-neti: '-M lie aeut o 'tee Ius t>[caalsteyh hava calt utThtea en.yoî' -rafatti te riai e niatian et-ue e y atte-edeng ur tsonxt Wlistdc onstyl t]J yucma2 M.rh.gbaa elaedsIi Cie, hie ïatrluvîr dat 't cf lik "p; pan asay. I 'e 'eppen informed ~j~iest at bye uucnam~~ id beau fonnd. >~- I "A desi upon tht I en. [~ t aI a lin afraid.,' l'Ah, nytm Rev. joahn B3, oedetl Ire bia~i W od. rouaed .0 pacte wifo, subit u,ût mm, t, i mt by ,dia, to its fo Y. og witb were! and I îadad I c luan~ n -Mive " t he Ù)odlay, sir,"~ ueu-ial spirite wietlngthe sht cala at ts. Now 1 i ravar than ?Ply,", me 31~ me jr ,,,. l.~... eeîc~ s cirnh~ ded on gliving Up thec Dry GOOIaSie, ail our large and well assorted stock of L'y Generaql Dry Goocis vil] be sold IREGARDLESS 0F COST. A LARGE STOCK 0F FALIJ AN\D WINTER G~OOD8 aie just to hand and will bc sacified 1to elear out at once. It wil pwy buyers to inspeet our stock before purchasing. Due Bis taken as Cash, 1 39. T-OI) B O"S. will be foùn.d in lis olci si-iop, inext dôor 'cLoor to Express Ofice, BOWT_711 A INYI 1LLE,1j where he, kee,.,ps constantly on hand and Fine for Meu and Boys,Wme and QhuLdrýen. Rubbers, Slippers, etc. Trunks, Valises, Satchels, [Speoi attention given to Recpafrmng. e± ~ t a ifrîe nt nW.er hue f imiy a abcace, vte savantv rnma.ýnmng iam thrnghth wot, or be teo~ ehld."And wbau are to go, pleae, frtcdsay, hengnsean cuptide hieoendo, "The sooner tha ate, epidMn. Mtd refue avg d m A c oail vlumo He JiS rangbnuy. Asona yuaumag 1wasnnstaraCMod, eeit~, a bi1, ton - jC to gai reï dv. low long we;uld that bc, do ehu h s rai d heacamedeana h Is DifjI, -."u orbedswudblgnug utte nparb 60=b=ene ncf a tïoieusai;J715et me enoanuto wirite andle or wil lieb pm»red hmesactu o, ut omienekuw whon Aexpeot us, snd ta gat ci àfly becusa pof a arag abtr ty had raady for us. Waesnoue cf us Stîirhidg leamntifi-oielis srvants ha iudutged in. fWake, yen sepes, r E we have jze wt Tht largesa oce 1hTht Toware waet loPglow Iapurtet, romwhicli a narrow "Than we AUll ay thr«a daye fnonw, windig stydrae lea dten tower, whioh tht ill h 1hirsay" ntrnpî n, hWdibeau bidateatisWy a -*hlmi idMMr. S tria u hln e Y. "ht ido qle al BrothrtonlS, tha uurdared mn'Lfther. 1-1 for m. thAnremu M r a xmenuay qeeegreatar z, Tht seirantewera wI-,Ioaadattht paut cË ibure, Mid sines heooeom &n 0 pnpect of a1hIMday, bWtthîrleuare âdd Lne % 0hoa 0 ManabubIieselfie hd beaap ai- 'ut prlv'tn thm epeîiencia ad xpar le-A eWiit hou . lnocàe~g the door bethLc ig s awodas U; Iha motiPfva o1er ih upen entaniwc, LA d ieuving . wc ma pro.- airzmmsonrtiMS enttham off. TAhY diu Seaigcuid, --erccly fetuolaamaeS=sem un taccapi hie raseonMs53ia cur cm.ua o oubioàt, pentCuirry iiplac iaSi.Tc ad &Mar lui;aviu eniono uigad by gceepiug 0toïuue, and whan the t n-edd.Tersuiiosntalyjm d daartLq alo %u r untaat mteaeýn ttmttthý!p,, -he onlsin ht hemstaer-üionsclceed trvl doiig% cf lsihbta halshet W IdC"iMber h&d smthu la do wfth Mn., Mnd oncteon u Bjeets fr cwvero, Srnhme ed(aira to ha rid o 0! mbut Mid Mr eranghnetey Lcidhie mystarlous hthen hein corjzofuna wa ' eIlfrounidot Charbar cime uno h ASlpu upon by siione ca or Plot thay had no rmeAns cf jadging, and hiehubir aihbun wtha certain whLe brea am oni tby daparted, p &OUEIt cfMAwO. Ms b4e and fie boy, who was han The ccm5ion upnwhioh Mn. Sinehghnesey nePh~e, tic visit sonna fr ian2ds at Bioha- was cstmdto euevaSrkbrdga were tan ; the !liousamaid terhan omeilie a neigh- _'heL u q,ýueutas, ha tent te a .Brri bourneg vilage. o hestarV, a muiat tgtwu fify muls tfpon the uiorningef the IloUday fllw- 31 di*stanü. Wa a h upm r i isieig, Mr. SîriughnépsBy lait hy train fonr -r Ote anohaa wae jueta known, but reg- richýeatarreturumuig an the t6 itenn con lady, with a na aýx0ciV, mnc2ie comîng ffpanieti by aaople cf woLirkaad sm A tA W g Serb dalad hl, rut frst wwk tinluAga0For savuralye the Men rfmained, January, AI, jaly, ad OQober, mmna W sleping aQ 1h0 Toweethainmets arvd excurions thiihr. Tht a n8 excptiî,ý ýý atorg with Mn. Sinaeuess'hfrorathe bau wpn aap, awkr f ,ok,,, , RAdL'on, sud a wman frm the vilage *weathar hadGoceu nt Ortabar, bnyuwAn, e.tcndiugfor a u r on (atesCW .Aitar Fldday, btLing toilrably Iee; auci el, thair dpwtmn r.SeeulaeY con"ud Straghnsa enng hi e hr puestikn as seberp utitearacyu ef bistetvants. w1ltnel-ueeatoa aiat, Fls de. Déi1jd wa a atatenotice te ha an Dn-uCty day, aud beipg unwiîîîng wL kter theaLdtera:,)u.3 meantsned, but net ta Ëat1reupon il, hhad çlput off ie joureaey 'ec[fid by Mr. Srulie ,hsd bcen natil ttw-e fol]awiing. eairniad eut; but', Se fan a5 e. culd set, the Qotober 1, 18-, vwgas fiae brigit dayitro fT -wr s iit aea hnj tht sEky but easayfficktd witfh oloud ýa eh. latUIta fortuiglt aga. -Those por- tht amoeliaa wanner than le ýu1afoi, tiens of the lieuse thý-at ad seemi nce ltaLtMe cf tht Yeur. About nocon in1need aifIcaproremiet ware IachanLgedi, sevenat -people were in Sekbridudpe" t Ehe cae t1 e ht uoueeon th&,,tht stinwiting fer acouple of trains work doea]i4bbnfý, asb! i4 nd iu W-.ýec-1 eïaý-or0 du -wth' afaw inues wethitheti erou Cab cf ee odchan. Thcaystared lbard buM.1- à-1. i ,sa ôaru n' bis vabstan si'-e Lne vouuuaret' rinlescï-jtdom ach ciea genit mpered.tolli T OXEi aNt ESAY nusee ae ties uaantrd faia-yan Jxpeat P5da'oTc Sa a.cEndcdà te the rooms, ¶çhîch wte- nrtoeaher, LbY the -,beolior servýnteý' eýtaîroasa; butý. 1aten cupeebglen "tase, she found tha1,t hancame e, hich she hadm cînalaeesWyeacbdup fomth k kitchan table wvtîoue amekin ie hnuase, wa unlgsiow tha thtmoyennant cf carryý- guieh rjit. Tht back c7krsîircae wttlu tark- nasse, in butth rotstin adngp s h closqed -0rwm, warc -aiLdy lit by a lannIïp ahiniug 1f-omn0o1a cf tht fad PnOe, e a etnnedte ntun tetht kt an bY he la,,tterwa y. sho crtî' I à atas>epe cconuripaeting] thtàLandiug on veixhhF -lirarom we ia iet tan case, and aniet ppmîsito tht ytei '21:, ieber. Gatwâe lier astoni shmneut aný stala-g that tht h iitharto jealou2ly lckadwC deor vwas ýaj er. She eodfscntdby a l ds rentw that Eili; opoiturtily lay bera lier, of meistering tet secr-et hitharto hlddeu, but repltati by a oertain seuse of awa-sîaring wlth wida-oeau ytea'tbthtden. She louti, yat dreadati, te approacl iri, and sitar ba whul!e-afitar a goati deal of heEitatlon-s&ha dtd dr?.w ncaete tht, roem, sud Duishiug the door furihaýr bac-,k loeknd lui. Lt was the terrifiA- csr6anie ahf3 auettad cpon eeeiug whumttht lutaer cutindthat had Fse s' aat-btl6 IrfflïId and htdocoen Utttrnng sliiàk a!tee, sniek A mfeiaway down thte tairs ta tht rcom lu whiol ie believed Mrit. Dniffieid etuli waa, bu.-ating in with an siffrigh tati ry of l"Oh, FSm t!Oh, Mre. Driffieltci ! Oh, Mrs9. Dcifai'-c leWhese le thet matter ? What lias alarm. eti yen ?2" aseathe doccon in quiet, seetb-. tng tante. "h0,1?,sir 3" aiea again ej oulaead. leWThat i l], mary? ,'sult Mre. Driffielt. "Try Znti tel .,11, -erae a Od gi." Ill'va. eeeua gient," 8sali tht, girl, with a clonvuleive shuidder,and saglaieca of asipra3hen- dion towards thet dc r, se if in Exptotenot of ht ppensue f the ceuse of lier filt "MnBreîtrtu'e lesi Hlm s wasmur drt.I couidn't ha mistaken)' aecniu eti, vehamaunly, seelng a feaint Rmile cuni lte 6d- ctor's lips. "I1 knew Mn. Brobliarton byf agtwheu t se a girl. I raroibar hiim us plan s ra. It 'Tas heim cr hie gliect 1 S[aw up lu the masýei'a roomi, 1 couldt% tke nmy c rlyingo atliof it, ar.' I1 leNousaEnat," repliati the doctor. IlYoiff feleigirl, yen uiaolet ycun imaýgin- tien mn runawey witli yen." âAnd haturneti 1 towýand2Is r. P:fi3ý.Iel Yen ust asib mne te place th- body on th2 beti,1 will ha httar thara. And 'Mary, yo may li'alti.As I 55W hlm firsc, 1Ithinie yenue :y, tiche iigluaie F4 nîepsy ven on wae as3 yon teunti hlm," tht stronrgeet of U,'. Mr hdbatautl "Yes, 8ir ; txacly lika tat.Hieusetb y tht sutidannese of Mr,. S'traugh- suppar liad b.ea u laid , udtht (gong sudt assdeat;h, und se - caen au sy prey -n -ha epti vary 0old.-iasm1lo ad hatnef, te alo nsin That isai" dinner i twevappre hbt 1Ha wanît ju t tt pssaefdloetdby lie ladu't coma d-z a;fsesitr ws- Ms D[a, u i s dC iutance by Marîy. iug naan1ylyialt an leur, 1 cime uup t hopainedcmprtianarueýste the hie noemu. I koceketiseemlturnes s tud necn a fr igiet, luncmpny, to nrmain- test, bemcg [airaîi smahegws 1eng Iig uth eatechm , int >rtctad 1by ('eaad tht dý)oorsd.em n, Tha ent'e i-thuska r a actnPd d thas waýS drawudcnth mp[i, ud a ssais it!htCe e à o! thto asae lty n utht chair jaPsm- us %-n aw hein. te tt ,lalndiog bar, sud with '0 1pket Cne e tphaibibeaseIq1 i flr-"T stEP8aapproatcietti tht tstgn theug-Lit at e wC1 s uataap;but wlitn Iap1 nenfrem whicle a ùjýnew wiudlug -in dw-l rn raîhar ert-slghtedsr- j etaireate )CAd p te thict twer. He a,, ke tol and teokati dcoser, s a w whwatlis Nqf.ac I rably brave imon , but ae chu cf-if not ex- wvss ïlke, udnotee lishtbattie, that in îleha actaiy jean, see elîug alun to -it-paSsat nnriglised beu uenlyiwt, trpty, j crnhlm as ha lookel threntgh tht- dea- tha-ugit ha was ili -h1ad Pnhape taken teehîfoen s Mary lad laiftlt-sud behaléi muoli laudanum asi',l heard of peeple doing, irliwu ithin, wluIle Mre. Driffielti, Whe anud1Isetnt Tom fer yohu t once, i.' wu)s alose belind i ii, drew heck wlth e "fen diti quitet iglt," repliad tht doctor. liglit cry, "at'witliVs Isat b, baera teaving, t t Tht recm, savi er a fslht haza at thse the pale face on thtelied, 111 thIi tIeetfzantiben puld, w-sa lu crknes; andi le ncthing funthan 1 eau do in .t'om out tht darnuse twe figurer, tht mattar et present,, sû I will seemad te shint e mif eeainslnlgtght wish yen geod.night, Mre, Dciîffield. Cerne, Ini themeielvas and being indepiýn3ent comrnmy grh'le addEd, ce Mary, -staine tht daiuenkuo rund them. Ont ofi them ehn. a2titil l in a itat etata o! tantor; Dr. Llon tecognieuà ut once as thefermer "don't ha eo foeli2h, Tale eny wordforjtowar of Tht Tc)wr-îie man -urdered gteoats dOL'ze eiet cuit of syone'a Imagina- ilu irkbridge Wood. The t ertwae a tito." s2trae'ver te hzn-a lesudeoma ycuth, îwith s ",Bat I aatw it, ir,', se.insistediç witl I ak, foneigu-lookiug face,, glowing bia My ewn tts t wss ucnoîsncy. 1 wasn's cyte, asud trougt-y marktd bmow;t. They Sp. thio:king uuythlug aýbourt glietetsr ne)thl pearadti techa tanuding upen tht spot upon lug ,iatenutlI a ta l hlni it, ic tht body hlied beau faunti-mahele wet out oi tht dlaineses t thte nd of thet neem. tht two !tarai oreas, withithalittlt mesey pathl It waa Mi-n.-Botherton, on hie gliost,. And rnunulng batween themi-sud ttra was f11070t 1 I uet teara thtelieuse. 1 weulýdu ta sty auger ïdapioteti upe bathfiaces,hntaeepeoiai-ly J suother ni:Let Iu t fer we'd2'tpen thet of thet ouer uaont of whce ,,Wliat 1 Will you itave Mraf. De:ffietti11 ail ls ewas inte actsot f drswlng a knife, that jatout harte x-aprter a by ? Saly yenlied È1appareutfly bçitu cenceaiaoun hie ptrsor, cauinot haie sal'ýfieli-so ilty Cerne taka irorn beueath hie coat. Like s flash camne sas if I dorn'a showr yenyour soppeseti glosr i whîha, sars tht sca3na ai tt amurden, le ailueeehut"anti thet the olirti emplextonati manwltue tht Ilj O1,I daren'o go thara agalu, elir. 1 kuife iras tht long-Fought murdaran. He titi dareh'e if I.ires killeti for net geî»g','cried nrt«voDder at _Mae-'8 fe-glit. Tiae.steeti Mary anphetlcelty. ttexatct limage ai Mr. Brýotherten, lifellke "Tat me how I cao fiud t, than," la u Yt tiia n lnaulmatiou acun-.'a ssjd Ha heuht tut erbae I lielu-hmz c about hlm, tuplifeliket sud shmineg cut speeati ht aartmnt uît fantitht nicmtht darnuese lu su unifaelîka menu af tht glnl'e inighu-20some tËfing thing ha [To) E OCOuTISlID] lied no doubt it would prove te be-h. -uughtiie ahle to s5et lier leas-eut Test. t wvould, ha kuair, ha extreueely iniconren7zitt te Mrs. Dî;ffaid fer NMary te leava lier j-uet Tt 'armer Kneir Better- tIen, snd ha3 wishtd, if possible, to haue hanrtg earpusa. -Wheiî is tlisi ?" sketi tht fermer ai the 1 ceha Vou the wsy, sir,"'salai m. musicien, peintlug ta bis nunnug n3t-u, -J)iffi 31d,', ify eralvW iili ta go. I[ià la ,,. not fat- frnm lire-ou tht naixt ianting. 'That l itck"ia wýs the rýf, ly. But do yentht~i li i- wei1 t,-)goe? You "Yen muet talýe me frsa jý,1coin- hiave ino live i iv.thteeuahoues with Mt-. mentat tht farmEn, as ieateek deartut-a, Serauuhuaee-y lzea w.. hava, sand yen deu'ta kuow wliat sînh:ýuge wava la hati. --h1 e t-e ha 'anaia îat oneaMore p i, Tht Czmrr uta Pet l Driffiehl Swielih toï A LARGE &"J(L COMPLETE AssoRTMFNT Coarse ElýTAT[U 42-Inn - t- Bueins Prýomptly utade at i-ountenerates upoh,, lta -t t--reaB -f',ihi(JIe ,aessdith TiIegrap aner Miade for large or ematl eueS Obu all patsG Canada. lThiS is aepac;alty sd.n g tis eenouliving i "l i'dautcha or tht Nortb-wasl lCtaauesth îe insylba t en,,a t hý uaof picymntu. enîulitr purîlaulars caîl &tt Ii. Baemhi, Acconntant. Mti.ager 1 44 4 , âbe aéked vÏ*lý au 005