lieL1f4~U!I BEIE. AV.ED BY A«N OUTLAW. pr ..CLUHTN r. A. BEIïTH, Gradu A tcia'sTrlig detr lth dc iae af the Royl-, aeC0fthe Trnaa Vi1d 8.1 asidniber of the cUniversity, Pysin M.CalsDsioawl-uw tack- ge~us, Ednburgh. uan à, YsleV ,-À~a, rpot asu rad 3-cetly lha aleyof thIe PFranýkAfn bllS. ILIEt #Ï AIIIIIA¶ Mut-, l'-ug-J rthof tha_ýtpio.Yr T)HYICINS, T-J ~ OS, TC jrrepondut alluig oun hlm l1-nedthe Omc :-or.(' ',clDan1 inhP1'll 0flo.n a~clr.whîch ho g vts lu LMr. stsp. IIgt ca l, atene i rni Dr. Uir ~io' w od residerce. B. n~MIMNM. D. C. M. i. Univ. man uauie3d Ba about twenty mlsfa jtor aTini, Med. Collge, 1.0.y pacf6 the purpose of looki"Ug Pat a lot Sin)e C.e!],E, MD. I hdrlden ui e aranhont.dby 2tteiber ou. Pys. urg.,Qut. offpur:ed shceÎp'ha had for san d -'as ratUrâI'ng whaen I meta Mexican wiffha DR.J.~ b~~..' armhobbllug along the roaRd,wh Ai? IFEMBEfR 0FCOLIEGLe ()Y PRYSI0IÂNS itout ina th--ta t luRhad chargeud himthe day 1, Ontar* o, Coronier, .t. eorad fxghm bawarbo, 0ff~e ud teadeca.Ennakile1 braa-king blis a;rm Iandf bruislug hlm soverrly 1I ail oa.Tha ullwCia awild oua from the lUI E.C. IOEILmoutalsaIcd dauwgerousl;y a-vageîfroM TICENTIATE 0F ROYAL COLLEGEI FsoMe i.awse. Ye!ln may nt be a-ware0f 1 h. J0fpliyriinnis. o, u Eg:ebrof fabtsomre ye-arage-fiUteno r tweuDy Collage aiPht iia sSurgeons. Onitario. uow-there vwaýs a largedoeo al SUaGaIy-i, ,DR w~cE-ecr of M(es3rsgedo ccaiz Higgitibtham's Drïtg Stoxý, LBomanvilia, I tamad D nr liera .y the Indianýi and 6-lyr.* driveu juta the mountains, wharo they - c~scaped and lu the coursea oflIme grew, 1) utuik ~H'O perfecîl'y wild5 for they were of a breedj BAp]1IUST1f t, SLICITOR.&o MPfSqut. uns3uitad ta t1hs oatry. They are. I K gtirKu tea.lam very f3hy and aire rarely koowu ta leav'e the nus.t~aicfor or he nai Bank Praat lesaysbaua'a~th Iwet ati oun3tinous heigits, but a bull!ims, wheu rîveL tf irom ôheiclrd y a stranger rivai, iwil decend to the valleys, and oftean Jobie. eltie Galbrklitie, prc.v-c a, dagerous foan ta encaunter aven on r». R S E I OLCITII.NOI'ARY hOrsz3back. I>VBLI, dc.Offca-»o'nSU'5B~ok, ThMee îcn rnod me that the foaho iag PJreet,_Bwavil.Moe a ad adel oen atacked by was, dUnbtîsîs, stili lu ~~ BINGUAM. ~~the naighba)rho-,d, andtaitwu tum iýn ha o takeepia look ont for hlm T-. I SJJFI 0F TMABBIAGE LIO'ErSES, ha ridanon a imlle or tywawheu L dis. Resldnce, nnistller.mquutcd te, drink af a little rnin tr-am 1 bhad reaohsed, and to aat My lnc.My C. lUýNiN1G hr.ile! t standLg, Wlthaut takiLng the I0E~S~» AIT IONE E R FOR PrecýtaI o f tvîiughhim, th9augi itou j1thie Cüunty a m e.Saettended usad inghm. R H Aa sayaung uatag C'e an bastest notire adiw ata.ÂdrsIsnrvous as a womau, aud whPlout any fi-sxc ' . 6f p' rn cus ha'-cudieoar ci AUTIONqEERPS for the CountY Of tL uran; la insd GnrlAets. Valutoi, nd ReaI Etate Aet.Salesau ther buîsinels poptyattýedadte. Box17, B1'aulleP . 36-t.l T. ICENED ACTOEER FO R ..4the Uniied C(-ount"ib has, dtairtedbsns iun mavilensd vwil attend salas ilu towu or surrounirdig coýuïtry ou mot reasonabl, terms. Ordaris -ma 'Y Ibe'left at W-.'-P POwer's ef,,ic.0or at (3TtÂ11 offc. T. h.)-E.M~.ANl Pianos ncaE par . PDARTIESWLEIGHItPÂO LTauned orraprLtea ouaehllato o hy le&viug word at,-iethIDaMINIaN 01>0A,4 CtO ' wIOMCj, Bw1nvlOA MrciSn UCW Kbelug lu their emDploy O 'FFICE JIN THE -WEST DU.RHAM Na-wS B"c( k, vihera imieif orassistan1t w Ib Le uret fr nmiSai.m.te 9 P.111. Nigit cais l'- 1eiegraie PL Li cu11Le -enil reccive prmpt- attentit on71-3'r -A ROHITEOT. Plan-s and Spe.ýcifica- linis p~a for evary c1Lasï Of 1buildIng. Sýpa ciai tiei nt1esrtrriboa-10- - tea elrd liaI vater iand la saitaryarnemts tflice : Gaulec Block, WiW 4 l 1% ~Tl T. OFFICE :-Rear of 1Messrs. H-igg-inbotham iu& Son's Drug Store, (clown stairs), ALL OF A SUDDEN anti broke down thle valay in amaigalo oarnying, i cours., my atiil, it m hl cinstin3vmypisto'1, le,*iilh 1I bat rether !ooielyreovt à-im y wmalat an bo-ur or two befoneanti lungfroni lie boru o!my 1ThIes mi nlliug or il balt10 ola lte hraseuo iasOo ff 1I -ub laas beti a itumor a's you cen imagin, In I eadyý Ietignat(I hy My long rida, anti a traMP af paîse S jsmsanytbipg but inltig.1 trutigation fan an bhümOfuror m, until myIse"ýti mae cnt nti dbliatereti by tle sharp ýrocksý, vani hml asetdowu 10 ïsna er a clumao! calbanmooi Ieas an o!great et z,, ant ilit f itearti a looti roar sud ecrash in e busi7h a large bleds bul,-char.liîg sîraigîit etaie. ÏI atiny jus', lImre ta thnam vmyseif te ona me. Mynext maie mas ta mal. for t'he lump cf Collan waatis, hIClsI su1ceedeci lu reacolng juat as tbe bulIueti ag8bin. My lint i lallen tlatheIa esllias I rau, andthbîî tha a4nimal naw aîsek t ilia feroclty anti m fient age tný ha hoet me law litî campe. Heaving torn le el gtta pacs ill borna anti boots, ant -i vlg ealtî1i me oui, h comna. circuit ronm: tlise treesçj, stamp ing, pawv,ýrg, sudclhalpying _Jdgtlelà, sîIlt isi tal Sey anad lonq, shap bonu)rs be bookat i 1ko a demnoni. Iw ut unarmeihamiogpby Usom enucaychanc, oalceil u Flc nmny kolfeialu eva bain, aCI ntipy pistoleai slbeýfGrae cn in my Estitilan sd I mas meriedunto awasi. TUE,' SITUATION" WAS A DEs;PRRA'TE 01E, anim u> neandnsistatul'U- Cr9ýùdi ladodging tlt btherun î fl ssnatil lihouit h liied ou'a1ti, u Ias. indeti eaiýL n i e for ie animalseati !resii antd snn't ma out!s-ine le nglh oofýi nme>. Tihe bullcagat agtîn anti again, wi nCStlp comltsg again a le esmtasni or e tAUnt aahnsbelhiud w ,l Istootiunillihora' aloa redat m.There mas ual aati' sranch o! tle on. large tree bm enauglifr M e ta0 Leiýz u a ni ihup1, aantiI 1; l olime illucil ta cîeiii betimen île bUI's7 Vm4odti lsttiI cannaI.1,fan aller h. fifs -'fociamnto!sai peeveinpas"-eet àan requoiiai! cetii. lelioanti loveci lil!e lu mt, e, akeýp meon my la.Szevaral4 tima s le uiolaMt neaMr a hW M seond, nauldisontan a! y rfuaitacameforth anti ha tramrpletI at oeit eL', ut belo.-I ouit coaven ta a ýbller posItIon b. alwv'ayS cime beet et ýfuilispe(At. MY tlngue lagaIn thokclava ta 'Il. m! i my molmy eCis grwhotat nsy s rnyeas îrmled nine, ltexa-igugl myS'H ý an d aruime IaInaure Uesa, ntîl tisî. At lenghl graw Odesparele, antideemet ta make ae mn lr iiiheoppoite cover île] moment île bullI uneti tram me agaiîn. I faIt surs I msdomtantid on io!fIh Until Iac1 ail bgan ta malcome tieae ai ils euiog ha any -wavy.The bull seemeti ta bn I a oui-, rantigewrrem mr rapiti and ierce lu Ilb iS r ubntt jILt mien 1 mass galng to sail sT-omn adet tise gre I rea antià teÉ îmlio ia lieoreb 1 hssrd titýa ri6l tI af a torrse af'nbg týb~ eks a"-ý boe, amd a sfiat ' oute lt ita voice et %au engel, -TPan cause titibariiug aofe dog ani île lontd -pa8l i atCk mip. but eh.bu,,l. wlli11 aizlet eyesfixoti on mle, neyeir rnoveti, U p ,ousïmý.e @ah barrinsan cbnfai f1b p, eaà, ant orec B u Whleon lie bu% b'bak bidle, mIvhïje blooti0 s'punlet in lQa ong scrak. -LTTE ANML TCURSEIJ SAVAGELY ad s. 4iaYguT thcl >J-borksanuau,, 'bal1c0ing- i asttniaïhi ragçs ani pnbu..'t e bhorse wLeeIleti round -1juit enaugi telabtaffllihlm-a nsre-end gau ta lait iascani ti ung a ,ýlý onýg ftxït(,ti.r i; hua tle Îluirlateti bUll mas uaLota'Cob. hoten cIl mIlI a mhip7 v The ilistolioal Chist. Our attntIo lasbeau cll t tathe foi lowln esrtaqe stionsby"A Fras- tblnkar, 'D D lEa I.dig daily ppa Ci âcg, nnd prsum rblywnltto h Ie penra em,'ployelt an tha pupý,er for purýposas ai Ibisk nature. Ta Fo thna"the irrIter repiies: î Nou atrae aM autetichiory reatve ta Chrisýts daii xistain the wrdoutaiide the Gospesanti Estlaawheraoi th.eadli- est Excuîng cnpopisdateA msni tb. fourts cn- tury 21A. D .uAy îo-0oslld'eneceof tIse court iulbce uder us! tab ldainerun- seeil'j mt or ba_ï.ra,îiaced irgery. Tha ansoa whl'ýcb yonv spcaký wes doefbtîýs wrtten by salnieuena asan rffcrt oai logeruity, wlFh 11111. thiougbât ltaIat spoor trick woýuld aMy ensilepereu." Id slal otucessiUAr l ter Ilial Ibkiss writteu Lu any epiribcstil t aCliill ity. Ti prpsemiy have beau sînmply't0 Intilcatte baw iieeA crditsàoulti ha gîven to oertin qUeuln3býadoumnt. Urviviflg to th4ý is bou, yijt wlicl aa10h criul d tigibdfrOiracont thBat are geD1nlnaley hiatkonical. To so ucisna o a uol j cr, The ç'iahowevavr, givas tel is' rahn in%" inlarrogatïr a prep ta bis ret , mn w1m lol n , eliy brokan repeti. Naict tba sprtIrnstieGoseslike dt ;,s-i bnlî' deal wth emao! Le circnîpstacsoil la maiby testimany wbolïy iludapeuvdant a! wha t th.Gospe-cls u -piy, as certan a auy otherIcbol! hhor.1«11e quite suffi iant lýu thb"a oanectloýn la0qc taiG1 tem 1e pae(cIlan nti torurai iilemoaet ex- quai ï,i tapeCnalti-, esF, a Fs.tJo! mn datas md ý ý,ýîfo0r tu(A-e aritia, bcmthe Commdu Oapeo;ple 0cellati t'zlaîCeon. ' ChnisiGnsl t, tii.-' fo-,u n 'er o! tutacsI ws exeauteti la te reigu a1 Tiein y Pantins Pilat., aud tha dcadly suPeri tion', suppreassd for a 2imp etagan ta haret ont once mare, îoe onljy trougietu Judo%, whefre îleheevil lied it,, root, il, teven luils Clly LR-ml sohtherfrm seïry quarter il thunge brnibaeor ahameful areî airîflti, aud tddivhe rvotaria.' This psag rons Taeitus bl sb-eau alen quoiei, vaud i ari amlirto tudents ai chrct iaor; altong t il hali h lees s50to eue vwLeoa enti n o hbt ualy ircttite Lsucliebj sis no may, suLrprlslug. LIi-I ales ILtonlcal, luîlet- stricteasoans., 11a !oilowing facte : (1) That some -Pshor-,tlIme ev ons t'blat et mhîch Talcitus wvnola ecertanpsn 1-.ti li-ad wÀhom th histEorieL ame C thle b fretlin form for fha IGraok Chietos, glishi, Christ ; (2) Thet Ii esnws"îlefouti er of e a ct' whotlnhltw l incîbsl a we7y ta ha noliceti pasntl () h h mas ueactetiby PICAs ]?lo-th. wnord "eautt,"Tpiylýsg twp Iingepasely, ntaltue partn noa pkn a! mas put ta aCtba.m aleata'andi l ha n-aur of tle death mbv tcrciixon Cîecoun Roma-ln m.ati.n ilu s nobcaes 4 thul bs bo pae xtirti. egua laempamr Tanu;() T.atti caa i aseevut mas ades(6) IsaIthtpuýtlng ta dealli othe fone ith eL,.in ileti uttenly lu a br(fie!ie i uO oI ocemare anti1 fpreai eîneviy avlug m ofbaa itI aveu in Romne. In ucto, ac "a 0 any ana that l insbri!passgofa !a pgan hisoriep vtenloebttr ma'y ailit dwt -be dealýi cet Chtiaiii are die3tiuully stt diat" Oa masIh u evey snws. h The wdrmm .quot a4abavmseay nae hvaý lanteti ta tumply autbngt te costrary cf aul liii.; Yes whatb. Sayn moul have s t.ta î ýle daîtb o Chr is lnttha Gos, 9pel1se, anti; sý ' 1'oid lGubis' ba,-sa0 i n - wsati ia evida nca litIwb thle Gospels 4;ty uponIbismaltrOmay j 1st as ailb. ï,lni0,liUsa s aviig l kna,D T-l Mesurrretd la A. TD,.j8, TI îý-wny eArsad aI ai lma ha3 maniti haa ýbeau borun lu A. D, 58. lu rany avan--t, la va acateapra a!:10l i h apasîla, ami ntiruay bave in Eliv In g i D se, oua-,o! lbC osl ralblaj ofýa a tae ralaio a vabte le ocounra1thalbagl samtiises C",laret ýtii by is ruti8t Ottacr Roman bso lens making usation o! Christ ant i a lte ChniezýtaJinare Sr- tanjin, mnti about île yer A, D. 110, ni PAiy the youugu~, who diat A. 1) 117. Thasa ltwo nlra iaTacitu, accusations hi onglit egainatlbhrîte s antiby thesMeVycf spaakiug oi tIent MES fy A 11e fu'ilmnl oà smbA urInd MMet t bis Iciples, "Ye shfah h ba"tiai ilmen for my 2ua' aa."Tbey, oaamk hilncly autheuticte h. ain lacIs, ml su l hrses s7gl statabl suers)titIo" bastestimoCny lun illutig ta the imparcn Tr3j i, Ihýtatsitar t- se îstïîltb rqniry, aocaspsniti bythe pphn.icallnoaitarture hala sorlainetdncrntgIis poi tomeFàto ta met togaethen c-,on ansi ay in Le weeat orof siglg ihyne te Chrsa la es1ho ller by an ostili ual la steelrb, coomul tiul1wtary, bektbhir ord, an dan> a1a I cot mittetit Ihani) Thîa l e i of thasa Christian -witers, but brie unenton vryba madao! an theý,r pagn thar, oane2 aln,o able M i1n.bu_ a bever assi auutsparïy: "Ha ba ealyaghyqt- not c asap ,cl . e e xistag, ut a uc ivers no rcelve by tau isinso ta ega a cediLa uad dbiineridcueaita hea mlcrn f hish iut ubi aarua t b cruaance a hâv1e o! Curlathadbis apo s a;wch showggsJthat h was walul aantadfth ofiem, and hatbno ana eui b thm.rash usngta ad ! urrd a,3verf-jigty, tsuif-e coninu h.b oors the deal ia yL 1eta- W.thaviei andoppote.ael epuet a ugsiTh c erod ucittion a bs maThera o! eviarca la ald focr bythe rasi tud rude statements reardgta tem sa. musiento ai1 what t Fracnceatehso- caln auîhnutlcintal- es. thnga wbioh soand ntaay are j ptelvuawicalllug nabmm, mty W ba th tielyan,, pportune. The Bon. ofOonteutian. The >ci'rendl i rD Aalîy racedIng frcm trataito! litc a.Uctnt lFrance hm tiden fsotnEgypwbenthe ebelion oorr ed aud lfanglntt fa elthe reonity anti ldà crhe t workont teaiihig e fi Pas ha, ebélad aladwe.Faln c ta r trat h ! pl ay ut re. Fauc. bas ake min 1traîva r' onq a orde acmpaniv Ef - lsudtý wteraw , isogetbrfrom ]lsjyPt. h.lnha sef il7 eud iMustriusd t ad acueita tho cuw try until aiduger o!au orth rw ýtai the IntGtv Egnpteut Ewa pean Thanthse as jacs- rif idlu s ldoing so was ma bythdeepai B$tlli roopa reve cnf ie atura a Sua zls y h ,rbe fonrce livsin iu rere Eut hr tce 's y dhaNe.Anhe Ddaow ras coýzs lîrbut ba te antiwLs ta con- auoid tu rirîng atheiMedofwal anl f ha daullb yai0 ypêMu l.1 nd muEgt lando ara'e ccsaay t a' e.nrie Teueso. he, pnlo wh-ich ala ai ulonly ibte un aives o agypd ý t Enapeus Beu lb. etrooselud ,) rd9es mtie un lb. Nil. by the deý;r- ishs, showshow utl cnfine la foalu sears atouly lceiraiby E& Fnlo men, sud randre ""C;nif dent aýy lb. et thair, bacit)js, tath eatroer 1h. Mak- disfros , bt adterEyptcanpshen naet luthet rclol-i l h itis kt o! war I wu uudobtedly bava spread a ni r pi na endth oIly at Aýoi xch ndwLtIs Mhds 1L)ovemani la sud, zi ! e artsna, y and 1. hdra a,ai Bnitetbe etropsal Oa regareiasaniitaýt ine 1îe drvihe ta co qerEgp ha 2 i uancielpropsai UaPi d Eniablefciis reusaba1 asF1 nc eWs Tha Fgýraucl Govei-nmet can, ý1nJ, sug3theYproper1 dminis- WL, o ,or, -.Lr dý mc osram.prtuctneuai ther eatpsle.y Anbd ny recun eh! meal, lîh ail AtsuiBogorlaan i swetat i 1 a2àe flr bow saiti.r y ars Ant w I opstaugliËtacha hant Anu w1%î a bld, a lu thgeirpS-w UlaI ca es taha your turu. Toutramp teitof atir-Iba, 'l s Yicî or'ia BidgsBom nil. GEFEr HIE1Frpitr tiow on hand aFnu ofhe rOj vehlolae. (alndLla marufacltring a grut maucy mr whdue agrdtawokmusipaud quallty Thef ouilcii.rig Laa ILsýt 0 the 1pricipLiAl iclelb ya faturd Double Oov<êred Carrnages.... ............... ............ l><>U w rd# j- Plga~h.oton3..--.......... ............................... j,10'ý taU OpnBuggy ...-........... ........... .......... ......... 70 Top Buggy .... ................. .......................... -........ 90 D...r..Wgo ...... ........ ......... ............. ....... 65 Lutbar 1Wago.................. .................5,5 Liglt Wag.- ................... ............... ..........4 SElet-on. .......... .......................... ............. 5 Sulky ... ...... 1......... ............... ....... ...... 4 Oupoeslu u arr faoîitles or iofsouig ange.I taud aesli van eh"Eýa f. Dr approved crUedit, a~ ye oh tta graanly ,.gn1U3ease u-I tiabr 0f salas.véc aLth wod0pfîsaul , r n the Learige aiofbug gei£a r ûud. ÂLt ~t hetNtIce,-anted and Tlrimmed if Deslred, &î thce Factory t aisa daoPanitgMtchiug, Turnlng &aId Salug 9 WLhCirl, Bandl Sabwa. and PrOP,,r8 ail uind aumb>e ol àranututrs nld othars for buIlding purslea& OrannaadPlain p'k P tlts r fclu asiz ýýery styla reoufred. made ta OTaer7 H-eadquarters ini Wes t Durham .,for F IN Dinner and Tea Sets, 1 Chiniaware, -Hall, Parlor and Hain Lanp' < Fancy Oups, ~aucrs'Vases, Water and Lonmonade SebeC Is always velll su;jpplieci w-ith th.e very be-st goods ai- lowtest prices. Leadng eedsnenin thae district. Always ple.ased to showv goods. Inspection solicited,. MURDOCHIlB RO0S. Llâýý