____ _____________________ I p SUKDAY SCORO LIBRARY PRIZE BOOKS. A very fine assort-ment, includinC the PAINSY, E L SIE, SW-ýA.N HESBA STRETTON. A. L, 0. E- KIJNGýSTON, ]3BALLANTYVNE,will bc foLund on my shelves. Best discounts given to schools. Satisfaction guaranteec. Everything, ready for the holidays, F'aiily Bibles from 81.75 upwards, rockot Bibles atnd Hymn Bujoks. Photo AlIbumns, great valuLe, ]3eautiftil Fancy Goods. Toy Books, unsurpasýsed. Christmas Cards, the like of whicl has neyer been seen for value, Bookiets, very ha.ndsome. Agent for th e old reliable Ra.ymond Sewing Machine. None better. P. Trebilcock. BOWMI~VILE, ÂN'15-, 1890. 1EFORM ASSOCIATIN A meeting of the Weust Durham Reform Association will lie held in the tewn hall, Dowmanville, ou Friday, Jan. '24th, 1890 at 2 o 'clock, p. m., for the election Af of . Oecers and transaction of other business. Ail Reformera are invited te attend. D. BURKE SIMPSON, W. F. ALLEN, President. Secretary. W. D. Farm~ert3 Intitute. At the annuaI meeting of uihe above 1In- atitute, Air. Peter Werry, the indefati-J gable secretary read his report, which1 waa iananimotisly adoptd and requested te-, be publiabied: i'. PItESxDENT AND FauiLow PARM1,r-ts: In presenting our report for the year no w past we titid that theire is rooun for mruch te be said, but we f4orbar, as the bimet iiht lie ocnupied to better advautage .and but few would care to listen te a proay disertation of the farners experi- ences at a meeting of this kzind. We regret to note however that farmers generaily during the year have not exhili- thirùieWit etiàià1-4 We. mgthave suppose htdurik t ho 1eesure hour of wlrter, îlhey have afforded timne t,3 con- ault one another on their mutuial weal, Their avc"ation ie not like that of >nany others who live and thrive on their neûigh- bor's mi8fortunos. Whatever proves ben~ eficial te farerlonom will generaily pro)ve advantageous to bis neiglboür Suth. Hence we ses greater reasonrs -why they should doibine,than assy other professioni The muiller, the iniater, the doctor, theu dentist, &c ach lh tvo their al <watirn,V the fa!-mer alene, knows no mach ilhat lieb neede net the cooiniel of bis fellows. We 1 miglit be allowed furkher to remark, that f r'vhilo the farmer ha% much laborlousS work yet the change fromn the craie of ~the peest te the b)incler of the preseut is ab ~change from thea muscle to the brain, aad but fow if any, hava such ecope fo)r the mental facuiies as the farmer. When towing ie grain in spring lie can study the gceology of the earth and its admpta- tion te i'ha seed eown. He caui tudy ûlhemnintpy vheu c (, etewplating the gev-v nianatioo oef the seed brought aboui, bya the moisture in the earth and the hght9 and heat of the suni. The physiology and f t!toy 'I h orae snd the ow coV,(m;s aunder his notice. He can uludy Butany in the field of clover or wheat. , H cau iîtidy the rtils of threes, Prac iceý or Profitý ànd Loýr wh.-én sellng bis heef or bis mutteli, bis wheat or hie arey Hfe en conempetethebautiies (-ieh-c îsuuý- rises wI1i hIi', Cit.y Cousins are aslesp thirbL. Aid why should he flot on~ joy a, i1 htwith hi. confrere sud g«athier pjractical inform&ition I thixok ï, suay tratu'ly b- ai ,ha teofficersof(d this Istttemd. ffortS to goùteir fellow feri-rer ethused-. Meetiiigs havep been held in niearly every village an(! cor- ner of the Rîd(ing, Solina, Tyrous, sud' 6rampton in Darlington; Leskekrd,Oro Sudali tind Nowtouiville in Clarke; and ~cskin artwright haive eachbee1 builled for a great meceting wkh giau axey r of ]o,21 ta1-!lnt îo l in the i:ousîoi(n and the uiass nmeetirg in 13Bowmanvlilld (on- the 21&Lt of' Jnay~s dr-ess ab Prof. GrcCesside nD.W Nichoil, Esq. comn MAX O'RELL. Paul Bleuet, the distinguished muthor arnd humorist, licIter kuowu as Max O'Re'll, lis arrived in Aruerica where lie is nuder contraet te deliver 120 lect- ures for $30,000 and all bis, expenses, net bad psy for four menthe woik. lie is te- day flie imost popular lecturer inu Eugland ue-îwithstauding the fazt that he bas Bat- iriveýd Eniglish. life and society with great- er force ithan aniy other livin g man. As ait sut ber, few hiave Lad greate!r succes. Near]y a million copies et "John Bnîll sud bHis Jslauld" have liesssld, il is tran,- lated jute een ndiflerout 1lauguag-eq- it basý evený fouud its way mbt the lau- guages of India sud Arabie. Bewruanviile is oeeoe the very few Caniadianl towns that bave besu tortunate eneughi te secure thie eminent nman. fle i. billed for biers ou Feli. 121h. The Mechanies Institute uder whose auspices hoe cornes, have acted wisely in pntting ths admittance tee as low as possible te masure themselves agaiust less. Nearly 200 tickets have beena already spoken for. Parties miust file their application esrly' if they expect te heer ibis world- resnnu- cd aetn-ist mud humorist. Farmers' Institute Meetings. Mass ýmeetings of the tarmers of West Durhamn will lbe beld as follows: Town Hall, Bowmanville, Moîsday, Jlan, 20. Subjeets fer forenoon, (10 a. mn.) How plants grew, Prof. Reynor; Prunug trees T. Wolverton; A partial systemi of fsoit- ing, J. J. Hobson. Atternoon-2 p. m. Parasite lite on the farm. Prof. Reynor; BreediitgÏsad feediug cattle, J. J. Ilob- son; cause et failurea in apple grewing, T. Wolverton. Eveluing-7 o'elock, flow to lay eut a fruit gardeu for home sup- p lies, T. Woiverten; A gricultural College Prof, Reynor; J J. Holison will speak on a strbjet te be chosen. Tnesday Jan. 218t. in Town Hall, Blackstock-10 s. im.-A partiai system of soilinz, Hoed crops v3 summer fallow- ing, Pruuiig Ires.. Afternoon-2 o'clock Breeding sud feeding cattie, Management aud application ot farmyard inanure and lest ths Agriculînirai College will lie dis- cusssd by above gentlemen. Every fair- mer in West Dnrham should attend these sessions of the Instiott. Free te ail who will attend. Scott Act Reflections. Many aud many a time ince the Scott Act was detsated have we thouglit what a terrible mîistake il was oa Vhs part et our people. Once the ceuuity was free from the sheekse3 of whisky, it shouid have fou2ht the Vraffic back, instead cf again rtosbing inte its ara. We doulit net but more than $250,000 haaslisen psîd over te the 70 or 80 bars efthIis e-oonity aine liconse again came in vogue. Th.is quarter of a million is uow wanted tlic worst way te psy yearly buis, but il bas goeste the brewers sud distiller. in- st--ad. AIl soimmer floeda et tiquer have lissa puirhased fer cash, while' gooda were lieing bouglit in the stores on c.edit, sud now the meney i. drunk up sud the bill unpaid. Merchants went sud voted that the tavern-kseeers shall have thle corns and heTseles he hüss, and4 they are getting wlvat they voted for. It i.se ing. ular fe"eture about the liquer business that it i. eiwey8 cash, snd that the man riho eaui afford te psy the isast cash fur neceBsarjes cen always make flie mest free wih ismoe teo boy liquer. Reepen- ing Vhs b3as basi lied a me-st dtnxoralîzing, effcit upon trade, aud espeoially upon these wlio ssil ou credît. Beiug in ex- pectatien of good camp.sud good prices under the whisky regimie, people spent whp.t monsy they had in drinking and bouglit largely te lie paid fer in the faîl. Now those wbo made sicli calculstions find theniselves "iii the soup." During Scott Act times; people deceared Whitby neyer wes much et a townvr for drinking, but now ene neyer hears Ibis yaria at ail. Tiîey stated anything that would deceive a beer ioviug people initDotiug fer liquor selling, sud people were aniy tee anxteus for an 1excuse te mark their ballets for ths beverage. We venture the opinion that neot ever hait Vhsc churcli members in town Vored te sustainVths Act. Mon who prey sud raut ait day Sundays wtent iu droves, with carloads et druken scoundrels, who w,7ere imported inite this ce-unty from ail directions, te vote for liceused liquor. i t w.s the greatest mistake ever made by Ontario c unty,- Wit itO74 nde MAYOR CLARRE 1 CIPl(ET Mr. Sama. Clsrke, Mayor et Cobourg, ii dowu oen ths liquor traffie. Iu lis in- augural speech lie said. "The Scott Act éid -ot prove e ffective, sund now wo- bave the Crooks licene iaw, whi2h the betel Leepers iromiise d te observe, boit they are net dL>iug it. The People have the remse- , Ag't ns ch TO OUR SUBSORIBERS.' Tho ic s tA ANNUNOEIRN wbicb Sap. pen oui- coui ius sometime siliceaul- ~a q-Iarranigement with Dr. Ca of ~Enob-.rgh FP.Ils, 1 Tr1eatise onute 1 Henry cerîainiy DIakes hseliest plIoto- graphsansd 'vives the best satishieIien. Cail ai bis gallery sud BOe a pi-eut-,yen will lie convinced. 'yen should eau I l ies West Di n1bouse sud, saes heir fins disp:ay ot silk' ttaudksr- chisîs. They are ssiiing them, remaqrk- aUiy cheap being a jbie Mr.Chas. Smith et Jimie3,Oh)io,writes: 1 hkave used every remedy for sieck hssd- aches 1 co-uid hear etý' for hs past fitteen years, buit Carter'. Litll Liver Pilla did nie more good than aliltbe rest. PUBLISHER'S NOTES, Tiax STATFS5MAN is printed cil 'Tueaday atternoon each week. Noess styles -,t weddiuig carda juat rsceived aI STATEWIAN Officeý. 'N. A. Jamesg selle steamshi p ticketsm for thest lmhues si fn rom New ork as wal i ste DomdInion Linse.. STATESMANS inI wrappere ail resdy for mailiug edýths., ffice :3 ,ents per cepy. Seuiic lis week's numuber oyeur triends. Strely atinmaIsiilotild lie advertisedl itbiu 24 busafler thýey go on te strange premiea, e ays heia w. Thuis paper i. the liest mediuam for avriig Tii, STÂATSMA-N Wîll give $10 Worth et ftu t trcese-f your oses selectien from a eading nuusery fera sVnocf first-class ina eu4hy bay. Trees will lbe deliverd ext Darlington Agrieultural Society. The annuel meeting cf Darlingteoiown- -hip Agricultural Society was hold in thec Conntcii Chiamrber ou Thursday when the following officers were eleczed for 1890: President, John Oke; 'Vice- President, P. Werry; Secretary-Treasurer,. .Vin datt; Directors, W. Oke, H1. C. Boar, J. M. Jonese, W. G. G-lover, T. T. Coleman, John Rond le, M. McTavish, _N. S. Young Thos. PaFcose. Auditors, Johna MeMur- try. W. R. Climie. The Miembership numbers 125. DR A.W. H1ALL'S DILSCOVERY. A MÂt-RVELOIUS TRIUMPH OVEU ltE~ WIIOTMEDICINE. More than forty yesrs ago A Wilford Hall, Phi. D.,L. L. D., after years of pub- lic speaking, imuch of the tune in public debates, found himasîf in the forloru sud despsiriig condition of a hopeless con- aumptive. He badl souglit the aid ef the ableiat physcisu without avail ontil at lest reduced te a ekeleton hie was forced to give up ail wnîk. Dis lung trouble, as in general in suçh cases p.roduced its reflex action upon al other parts of the systeni. It wss et this tume that hie discovsred and lmmiately adopted this niew and revolutiouary remedy, whîoh neot only resiored hum te robust snd vigereus ma-n- hoed, but hias given hi. physical structure a greater degres of stolidity than thiat posssssd by any otlier muan living, and thia te-o, with only a fraction ef hi. lunga remsaining. Atter forty years ef thorough i experi mentation, neot onily upon hiniself but up- on mauy others znuder plsdge of success, he for the ir8t tinie in A1pril Last, made the mode of treatment public. Sioce thien, in six months, thonsauds havsobtaiued the pamphlet snd have been benefibted. Messrs. W. J. Roy, Tyrone, and E. L. Livingston, Port flope, will lis pieased te furuish any f urtber information requir- ed. aise local testimoniale, aud others. Pamphlets may lie had at STÂATS7A-Sl office. AUCITION SALES. L. A. W. TOLEL'S LIST. FinÀv, JAN-. 17.-Mr. T. Symons, whio is meving te the states will seli al bis Furniture, Carpets, Glasswars, Crock - cry, stevis, pictures, plants, etc., at bis residenre sajthnnt rx-erve. A_ gond chance te assure geod goode at a bar- gains. Everything nearly new. L, A. TeLs, Auctie-neer. SATURDAY, JAN. 1S.-There will bc sold on Market Square, the whole of the household effects of Mr. Jas.* Graham sud Mr. E. So)anes. No reserve. LEvi A. W. ToLE7, Auctioneer. SÂTtYRDÂY, FFan. i.-Mr- A1jbrarn Dean wiil s3eli 100 asres, bsin1g south haîf lot 19, cou. 8, Darliugton, aIse lot 19, con. 1, Cartwright, 20i) acres on whlsih are fine buildin., steain ssw mil], etc. Sals at 1 ,o'clock. Seso Is.L. A. W. ToLt, Auctionesx,. SAT1JRDAY, FEiB $K -- Theuri - _ -va1~ p ri n as the Jackson Farmý, eentainiug 50 acres, more or less et BeIll' Hotal, C rone, on whiich are firat-clase'bulins.Trms made kuiown on day of sale, LEvi A. W. ToLE, Auctieneer.. PatoPRTnIEs FOR SALE .-Soe 3 fne resi.- dences in Oëliawa for saie snd privete mnoney te loan. Business stri.etly con- Uietial. S. C. HnnNAcin eer, Courtice, P. O. Ocean tickets by différent lins of steamships fer sale et the S~asi office. tf Get your X'ýmas presentsa at the West End House. Siik handkorchiefs and wool 1oods at wholemale pricez, 1-f yeu want a first-elass cigar yeu, muet go to W. E. Pethick's wliere yen will find a great many kinda te cheose froin. Henry eau make a -photo that w'ill please you every timne;fHe kn@cws the photographie art sud devotes isi whole time te il. A beautiful assortmcut' of ne-w 'hlaek, and celored dress geeda just raeeivedl direct frem England et Goueh,Tellason EYyderman's. j Purity-S trength-Perfetion." çLVELAW SUPERIOR Ail the11 lnrdet usdi îýlk!n6rthis rDOW eGr are publisled on everyllabel. The purity 0; the ingredients and the scie ntific accuracy ~wfth which they are combined retnder Cleave. Iaaid's superior in strength and efficiency to any other baking rowder manuifaettured. F3ood raised with tbis powder does net dry up, as whien made with bsdkng powder con- taining aamnonia. but keeps moist and sweet, and la pal&table a.nd wholesome. Hot biscuit and gridclle cîkesi made with it, can be eaten hy dyspeptici with impanity. It does not contain ammonia, alum, lime or otiier adulterant. These are 1acts. vouched for by Governm ent an i State Chemists,Board et fHealth, and enlfientL solentists. CLYVELAND fÀuoPOwnFn Go.. Si and 83 Fulton St-, New York. HOLIDAY AN NOUN GEM ENT FROM TELE CORNER STORE, IN ORON03 XMAS$ &MEND il 1889. ,jfA -JOB LINE 0FMV4. Get Ready for Xmas. SIk -:- Handkevehiefs Get Clothed to appear in ail.) our Ivliesfor the alter as a bride. fk>r tire parier as a wif e, fer being the gemn of kitchen maids for the, bride- groomn's chair, for the' Xmas bail, for inuni1cipal honors. and for ail thc seenes of gaiuty thet surirouind the holiday festivi'tie. We cati complets your' toilet fit to apý,pear before kî-.ngs,. at prices as cheap as the cheapest. We are now showing a fti assoÉt- ment of Christmas Fruits, 1General Groceries, Faixcy Lampe, innr-'a e Ses, Toilct Sets, 1 Siiverware for 'holiday prese-nts. Special drives in Clothinig, Fur Goods, I»ess Goods, Boots, Shoes and Rubcbers for the holiday trade. Tea i Tea! Téa1 Coff6eel Cheajtp, Puire, iRefreshuiî>g. Comie with your dollar b-111 and take awa~y ne hundred and twenty tive cents -worth every time. SMITH &Co. 181THEE OULTATOR, 1890 COU NTR Y GENTLEMAN. THE BBI5T OF TEE DEVOTE» TO fanra Crepsansd Pi-ocesses, Ua'eadcture and Frstt.Grbwing, White il aise includes ail muiner depart ments of Rural ntereat. suchl as lias Posltry Yard. Entomnologv,' Bee-Keeping, Greenlsouse aud Grapery, veterluary Replies. Fan t Queions sud AuSwer i, Fireside Readiasu. Deeestic Econemny.suminaryoefthe Nêws et the We t.ls Markeot Reports ara. unussesliy comnploe, "an(1mucth attention je paid te the Prospect etf the Crops, as ihrowing light upon oes et ihJe mestiImportant of ail qýistsios- Wrhen tas'Eegsae3 WJeeaate Bell. it as liberally ill11strfte0d,,ae by RECENT ENI.ARGEMENT cotains more readiug matter than ever b.- fore. 'l'le Subscription Price s3 _50 per yssr, but we cifer a speciai REDtJCTION lu sur CLUB R'ATES FOR IS90! Twa e DiL 5ueTîs-iONSq, lan eeteri Six i5-YPTN. de. d Twnarz7E SURSi£RIPTioNs. do. d ZSe Po ail New Subscribers fsi. lu advaucesnesewe will send bel ly. fnom eus-r rceipi eftithe nemitti isi, 80.witheaai charge. SPECIMýEN' COPIES FREIIs. LUTIUER TkCIl ttER ai &bany. X.L Die0PIrufA. L y i, TI ,PC«,1,R1Y , I , 4;,RA IN1-R( suitable for Xmas Presents jiîst arrived and weill be sold at Wholesale Prices. Also a lot of'fine WooI Fascinators, Clouds, Hoods Shawls, &c. DUR OROOKERY ANiD GLAS8WARE DE PARTM ENT canilot b- excelled for sjuality and price. ,-Hcungîig Lamps verv Cheai.p.- Xmasi Groceries, Oysters, Oranges, Canidies, &c.., ail first-claeis. Deal at tils West End flouse and save nioney. H1h~price ipuuubd for ail kiýtds of Farnv roduce. JOHN McMURTRY. Bowmaa'wiIe, Deceenber 17, 1889. Chritmasat the Tharmnfcy. Chemists and Druggists. Holiday Goods cheaper than ever. A b1g stock and a choice rariety. Plush goods and fancy articles to suit everybody. A FEW OF OUR LINES. Plush Dressing Cases.j Englisb, frecncli anîd Plush Odor Cases Germani Peïfùimery: Plush M1anicnre Cases. Fine Hitir BrushEs. Plush Glove and Gent's Companions, leathe-r. HlandkerchititT Caes.havîe% MNug8 anid Bushes Whik olders. C ut Glass Bottles. O-ur Perfumes are the Best. BOTTLED OR IN BULK. We als-.o bave a 'beautiful lne of BASKEýT PEIRFIJM ES, just the thingr for Christmas Presents. J. HIGGINBOTHÂM & SON.~ Through special arrangements we offer THIS -1 Ri~ ui nwitî litanes. . ,1 8 TH ONE VEAR N do.-le 1 5SZ, psying 4Apnim-kad ïisioîâîai tirs% aindo 3eýj lhcvr c'1 paper week- ai i5s Itle recogistd autihenity ounU ait inos erCâiU1Liu1 gtuerlure, sud tâeoülle dem dsaabus a.Iou, to Jan sdit'ol peýrietitaL o sdneute wos-l<i4 Atidreas'S ADDITION WB WILT.. OUWAIU> ~ ta isrêr3r 8ubsea-ibea- vo tue abwive eoMbinativu seni4lg 1S C(itg elti' foi, Pîtb EerE ulaain expenses C6 epy ur T1E FARM AND HOIJSIOLD YLPOA 0act, hi544ndPages!J 249 lhustrations1 Thi hoi l a tspta rcay - 'e,ee .lo" ?lr a m d 11,11 ee r. ein iu '0wIi 5s ýathnsadsuggestio ponaýMIt su=ect ptaiuing to rral sddoet1 aiaebracing aies r uite of exp)eriiieneotiud reeearOh hy scienilis sud pragicaltil en'ud solien i 'lu au cîv de un ie. le th ,M o 4Estneo mr bu oe OD r arclvrln imsrof hch~~ea<k miss tht si s ery day issy exergeuyosudtll e nd ai sda llies s tliT ixIptera ttS slt t 5sc ýi-i e cAtt eho a ves-ry,% iisferguekeper an t e e-.ndogI at ae, sit lirndvugt ai,,"Iw.1Irsait o! re'. viensk as edvhrv a .- - pttonoi" lm liable counseller iupen every tupic rai nge t srmanChoselloid zwoIc le pofusely ilustrated, t ~ L fitahu> hi tht bhia T are a-gilu 1subdivided luteauea itebr et dparilutssto1fvLjwý g clpci Rural Aroùýitecture, F~ences and Gates, F'ield tJrops, Fertilizers, Trhe 0ard-0à hv e- Orchard and Vineyard, iumall Fruits, Live Stock, The Poultry Yard, The Dair1 lete hori5 The,.&iary, Farm Implements, Arounld the Faria, Cooking Rcps La.-,es ' Fany Worký, Floicultuire, The Home Physicianl, The Lve,~, .YToilet-, The Luundr-y, Hints a-,nd Helps. fat, eu t dsagnîu il,,, tuloe iice ol' le ixcamd oskees u eSan rue oha" aa lowoi carda bave Usiud aupein o11u111-<f iuiscafrit j'rtotit lOteithi- isstninote.suonc - or's eevre edra!ft, oýr by rýgisteret etter. ,test deisigus u~isd estM.A. JAMEEG, Bowman-ville. Sehool Books. CD Orders taken for al ;Newspapers and Magazines Je H. KENNER'S VARIEIY HALL'