- _ i I M ham's Cures the mioat obstinate case, if taken jpGsveringly- SANIDHAMý'S COUGIH 1ALSAM bau stood the test of years of trial. SANDHAM'S COUGII BÂLSÂM can lie tajren by the yoiîngest chidren-is pleasant in taste, perfectly sate, and preventa consumaption If tsken in time. SANDHA.M'S COUGHI BALSÂM Is made from a prescription af established value whichi bas een in use for years. I,4,ge .Bottle, Small Price, 2~5 CENTN: LIfE GREAT EIJROPEAN Y phe5- are the çxD rie that WILL NO1T WASH OUT I WILL NOT FADE OUT 1 nee.àisnoting ite. thenfor Strenigtn,, uoîriii or rastnessB. If you doubt it, ty~ it! your înoncy wil h1,2r- $in? colon are nmado rn Turkish lya mrcn *11 nîw aliode. and o ïîr re adc s si ste 1,eom. fahionabl1.'1,,y are arno ic' encre goojde and dv i; better that any othe-r Dysi. Same Price as !nferloz'y,10cr Many Thanks. W o taire this means of expre§8ing ourliearty thânks to our friends for their moa liberai ,patronagea <uriug the nass year and more e8paclaliy d&iring the 'Xmas season. In spite «the unfavorabie weather and duliL imes ýour Xmas trade lias excasded that of any ,prviens year, which proves stili nmore clearly that the publie appreciate aur efforcs ta suppiy them et popular prices wth the liait and mios ,deslrable Woods in the miarket. It lias alwayâ b ian aur ambition ta procure ror our customers the very chaicest and momt relluable goodg in every depatmenit of our biusiness ai the leasi posible price. and this Beasonis trade lias anly dtrengthened us In or 4determination, and for the tutu re Me promisme 4)iat every effort a-,ailable will lciput forth on our part te eill furtoar imerit a crntinuence af the kind patronage bestowed an us in the past. Wishlng ail a Jayoîs eand Prasperona N',ew "*car, We remain, as ever, Your abacient servants, STOTT & JURY, Thec ruggists. BoWMÀ-eT1LLF, JÂ'N. 1,5, 1890. A.DTRUNK RÂILWA.Y. BOWMANVILLE STATION. G00KG EAST 001KG WEST Passenger.. .. 840 a i Mail......-*55ý7 arn Express .. 10 32eai Local ....825.a i Mlxed..... 337 p w iExpress* ...935a nm Local .... 707 p mu Mxed ... . 315 p m Mai.... î10:9 pmni Mail........ 827p m *Except Mondays._ _ Local and Otberwise. Read the new advertisments. Write toSTATaSMA.u, office for 'best club- 4bng offers. The bost watchea at the loweat possible prices at John J. Maaon's Mr. C. H. Chase want8 a few good men ~in thie section. See adyt. M. A. James is agent for the Dominion Steamiship Line for this district. One ye-ar agoWednesday night the wind did great damnage in B3owmanville. Variety Ihall, truc ta name, hias a nxag- nificent variety of gooda su4table for pres- ents for youing and old. Look in. If yen have pictures to framie take thena ta H ýenry, ho will frame thora btter and eheaýper thian aaýy other house in town. Butcberiagreo that tne beat beef animal ,3aughtered '.for tle Chr;istma mekeinj this tawn wau<e fed by Mr. Wm. Werry, Saline, and' killed by Cawker & Allia. Morris' Cýarrnage works has got a first- lass painter ý. Parties inýteadinig ta have their buggies cepait.ted thia apring bing thein along at once and have themi doue up in godc stylo. By an ai,ýndmient t- the Municipal Act, passed lest sssion, the Legiilature l'as doue awaýy with du-al representetion iat Town Co,-unciîls sad 1H1ihSohoýol Boards of Educatiào, The law cornes into force on the IlSth af January. Mc. NW. IV[Culloughi, D,. '. G.4M of Bowmnauv,ýile-,tacconfpanipd by Bro. A. l4itchLe?, P (NXG.insîalled th01,3 raof Çorintîn t ùdge of OddfL.low,,Osha1wa. iast Thurday4nighit and was entertaine-d Publia Sclools open to-day. Ligîit coal bibis for December. Mr. W. S. Poney, ai Toroanta, sen Sunday et homo. Fu tr mit found -aL man's, Juiquire at STATaEMÂ-N office. Mn. John Staeey lias gone ta visit lis parents et Bluevebe, Ont, Sir John A. Macdonald celebrated his 75ih birtliday Saturday, C. B'ret, Irakearnan, ai Woaton, was killed et Whitby, Jeu. 7. The Sylvester Homesteed is offored for sale by tender. Seo edvt. Bargains in winten Dry Gooda, noad J. J. Mason's advi. in this papon. Mayor Clarko's exact majority aven McMîhfilan in Toronto is 1894 votes., Mn. Joseph Hickson, ai the Grand Trunk Raihway, lias been knighted. The new conaicil wîll meot ta meke tle usuel decleratton aoffire next Monday sil10 a. m. Wauted, an apprentico ta île Jeoelry business. Apply et once ta MÂYNIiD, TUE JEWELLE.. The lest place ta get yauir watcl, dlock or jewelry repaired la nt J. J. Mason's a trial will convince yan., J. W. Lanigui anlmoast giving goode away et Tait'a aId standi. Ho will e bore only one week more. Fur coats, caps, robas, etc., ai boss tIen wbolesale pricos et John J. Maaon's new store opposite O ntario a nk. A very large and cbolce stock ai new tweeds and worateds Jusi opaned ouI et Coudh, Johnson & Cryderman's. M. A.JME will nake it worth youn white ta ordor ail the palpers yen wani for -1890 from imn. Big roductions for clubs, The high wind Wednesay night blew down V'ie front ai the dwvelling housQ opposite Glaver'a hivery, ocupied ly Mr. Jas. Oakbey. The sehiolans ai Tninity Sellail achool wore given e tee in île aclool roora on Friday evening Jen. Bcd, wlen they thad a merry turne. The splendid Dominion Lino steamer "Sarnia" mails irein aliiex Jan. 18 foc Liverpool. Interiiate tickets $2b; ateerage $20. M. A. James, agent. Rev. H. S. Matthiewa preacled Sundey night a sermon, ha'ving reference ta île bile and trinniplaut deeth ai the laie John Hoar, a chais leader ai lis dhurcI. L'eii's Photo Geallecy is ag ain open sud reedy fan business. Enitranca tlrougl 1H. C. Brittain's Jewellry Store-the former outrance ta îhe gailery. TAITT & Co., Photo Achasts. 1-tf. The Annuel gailoring ai île Patrons ai the STÂTESILÂN will takde place in Fel- ruary and ail subsenibens who waa',tei naimes eurolled among île guosta inuit pay up by Fol. 1. A special offer for île holiday trade- gent's gold. filled watches iroan $2-0 up- ladies' aalid gold and silvor watches kept in stock ai equally las' pnicos. Chaama ai aIl descriptions. H. C. Brittain. Sutbacriptions taken et TUiE STÂTES;MAŽI. cfflc --akd Ma ,Emye Witness, Family Herald, 'Stock Journal, and 2,599 ather papens ai lawest rates. Balance aifI1889 free on most ai tlem. Prof. Lolsette's Mem-ony Systeni is are- aiing greater iuterest then ever in'al parts ai the country, and pensons wishing ta impraveil teir memony should send for lis prospeetuaiceeas advwrnîisediu another columul. Juat ta hand et Canal, Joînstan Cnydermen's a fine range ai ladies' sud Mis-s' uliteca and shlat jackets, Gerrmen mnade. Their gooda are cnt sud mede up as ouly Gernn cen cnt sud meke up ladies' coats. Dissolution ai partnership existing le. tween Thomsas Tod sud CGalaes Tod, jr., for île pasi; 5 years takes place eanly ln MercI. We inuit raise $7000.00 befene thon. Our pricos perabyze evenythit-g. Goods imuet lie sold. Tan Bito-. Send ta 1) Adebaide St., West, Toronto, for a Free Sample Gopy ai île Finauide Weekly, a finely illustreted and iniereat- ing siary paper, sud 50 reelize wlat an extraordiacy offer we are meking whon we agnee toa end bath tle STATESMAN sud Finesido Weely fan $2 00 wheu tbe Fine- side abane is $2 a yean. Now is tle imne ta subsonibe and recoive the beniefit ai this groat offen. if Tua DOMýiNION Loix.iE-On accotint ai the very large number of ocesux steem- slip tickets sold iu 1889 by M, A. James far île Dominion Linoe, îhe Company lias givon lins an agency for Bownsanville. fieý wihl now havesa aupply ai tickets sud froin bis knowledge ai ocean travelling- leving crossed soven tinsaac-and ai Lîver. pool and the Englieli râilways, is in a po- sition to give inforimion ai groat impoir- NoT ONLy For, at.Icen s"y ilai your Hr.gyards Yeilow Oil is îlie lest thing I aven saw for crau:o, coogla, cnlds, cota or Ics, sud it, is gaýod for msýa on bapsi.Ms E. M. lopkins, Chacensont, Onit. Yellow Oul curee rleýumatismi, 1neunirogia and ail pain. Mr. J. J. Tilley was in toa this week. Overeoats at cost prices ai John ~ H. IH. Bruhan s laMayor ai Port fHope Iy l172 majocity aven Mn. Smith. Our apacial clnîling offer made in c i- culer ta aubsenibena is wtldrawn. FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT Insnrance ROBT. VIRLTuE, Agent, Bowmauvilhe. if. WifeoaiJohn Bownsan, nonil ai Ca- bourg, bas pnesented liins witl triplets. Mr. W. J. Clanke preacled twn Pllain and practical sermons in St. Pauil's on FSuriday ta large audiences. Sic Richard Caritwright las sobd lis residence in Kingston, and wil nensovo ta either Tarno or Ottawa. The articles on dainying fan profit in The Fermera' Advocate for Janluary are alonie wortl the suîscniption prico. Ladies' pocket boklesti cntaining sev- oral dÏoîbans. Finder please comm nta STATESMÂN office and receivo rewacd. Lad ies if yuu wani a dlieep, falionalle lat caîl ai Mns. Diniguan's. Selling,,ai habi-price. Strew and feul ais re-sbaped. The Souvenir ai the Detroit Free Press is ta baud and is a chanin nu, tmbe-r, be- ing fully in keepîng with île enterpnise dliipla-yed ly île Pulliahlers ai ilat ian- famied paper. Max OReîl, Town Hlall. Bawmiauville, Fol. 12. Persoa who aulscnibed ta îl e guarentee fiund may get tickets now ai Big 20. Plan open ion subscnibers ouiy Fol. lai at 10 a. ni. Genlerel public, Fol. 3&d. Disselution ai partnersbip existing le- tween Thomos Tod and Charles Tad, jr., foc île pat 5 yeans, tales place early in MercI. Wo muet raiso $7000.00 lefone thon. Ouir prices pacalyze everyihing. Goode muai le aold. Toi) Bitas. "1Ll arr"TutSTATESMAN con- positons bave al Issue off work wiih la grippe, lance the non-appeacance ai oine cocrespaudence and new advectisoments. We bave lad reai difficuliy in geýtting île papr oui et al. MONE)T OREURS.-STÂtTESMýAN subsoil- ors slouid moudneinittanices îy paît office mionoy ondoya, whicl cost auly 2 cents up ta $4, sud 5 cents main $4 ta $10. This oasis le8satIen sendiug by cegiaierod lettons. P. O. ord ors rnay be sont ai aur ik. M. A.JÀMEts. The Toronto Week, without ai doubt, is tle cholist and mi: tindoendeni Canadi- su Journal ai polities, iterature sud île fine arts. The enterpriSitug prilieber, Mn. G. Blackett Robinson, owes ta Ou.ta- nia cuunty somnethin ofa e dot. Ho was boru et Beaventon. Florence Nightingale Ladgo No. 66, 1. O. O. F. las a nýimbaership ai 154; mouney iuvesred in seanities, ý, 5485,92; culasonhtid, $0 2;vlue ai hodge furnishingargls, etc., $'13330; recoipts lest 6 mos. ,$630 48; peid aiciç imombenai, $863 '7; peiid wdiwsi and orpîsus.$57 50; 1 deeth deam 8$50. Bra. W: Mce- CullaugI, D. D. d_. M.. assisted ly P. G. Bras. G. Baiden, D Gilbert, N. Harn, sud others, instslled the tuew officeca Wedneadsay nght, sitar wbich île breil- ron were treaied ta an ayster supper ai Mns. Keya' ly Bro. J. Melutyre, Noîlis rîtid'- êetdrThé W~yr fèlt w rpy houn of social gIse. The officens ai Floconce Nigîtingale Lodge of Oddfollaws for this tri are: N G, John Mlnltyre; V G, Julins Roon- igk; Socreisry, W ReCullougI; P Sacy., O Smith; Treas , M Mayer; \Werden, W J Jeffery; Conductor, Adophe NichaIs; 'R S , JJ.1 aLni; LS8S, J B Archi- bld; RS8N G, F W Vnn; LS NG, THIlVenu; R S VG, T HDoawney; L S V G, J Maynsrd; 1 G, T F Richards su; O G, G D Fletiher; Surgeon, Dr. A. Botl; Fînauce Coinnittoe, T C Jeoll, D Gilbert, Gea. Baiden; Roamn Commit. tee, R Allun, N S Yoiung,, W J Jeffory; Sial Consmitrea, J Mlutyre, J Roonigl, J 'J Mason, T F Richard8on, S Gordan, Jas. McBrien. Jua. Bovby. A. O. U. W.-The neçv offilers ai Baw- manville Lodge No 99, Aucieni Onder oi United Wnorkinen were însiabled Friday nighi by Bro. M. A. Jamnes, Grand L adge Trustea, assis' ed ly Pat Masters Curn- isl, Benbury, Keechie. Tliey are as fol- hows: P. M W. ,JnoKeaclhie; M. W. ,Robert Young, V. SK; Foremar, John Perey, j r.; Ovorseer, N. S Youug; Recorder, Chas. Keith; Financier, John McMurtny; IRe ceiver, G ea. Pearson; Guide, Le3vi Marris; Luide Watcl, Thos. Jewell; Onisido Watcl, Athun J. HuaIk; Trustee, Chas. Tod. The membership is 76 Master Wonkmen. Brtîren iibis lodge lu 18- 89 paîd $884 fan $1,52,000 insurence, Thnec good nombra wene adnitted Fr1- dey nigîht-Mesu3rs. D. Burke Simspson, S. J. Hall and W- J. Rajy. Ilu wlat all- er saciaty cen '$2000 ihie inaurance le car- ried ion $2 a year-the amoat it coat lu this Order in 1889 ? The mensb3rrhip lu Ountarlu la n eari ng 20, 000. The Presbyterian cal in Oshawa numbers 24-0 members. Advertisments receiyed ly PiLA.Jamies f or Deily and Wzeekly Globe, Mail, EmDpiro and any othier paper in Canada. We onugratulate Bro. J. F. Tamblyn, ai thea Qshawa Reformer. on lis eleetion as deptity' reeve af Oshawe. Mr. J. S. Lanke the reeve is elsa a-n ex-iournalis t. AGEPICULTURFAL -SOCIET.-Ti-ie annual meeting ai West Durham Agricultural Socibty will be leld in the Council Chera- ber, Bowmianville, to-day (Wednesday) atL ore o'clock. Full attendance ne- queated. The High Sohlool was closed for this week ly order af the Board ai Health out ai defenrence ta public opinion, but will 0reopen nex7t Mondey 2Othi. t is hoped everybody will have lad la grippe by that turne. D. Lothcop & Go., Boston, Mass., pub. lish WidLe Awakce, decidedly one ai the boat juvenîle iagazines in Amenica The Januery number lsae very fine onue. Boys club tagethen, get $ý'240, andi orden it for 1890. t will inteceat you immiensely. Ta lot rceders ai THE STATESMÂAt see what a grand journal the Musical World is, S. Breitierd Sans' Go, Ghicago, Ill., wjllî sond the Januiary numbar and a copy of the "Musical Guidle;" 200 pages, free ta any address for I16 cents lu stanspa ta pay postage. Evorybody send, mention- ing tbis paper. Frank 1Leslie's Illuistreted Newspaper lest week descnibes and illus3trates the procesa ni glove makzing. Two pages grephically portray à day with the Mto palitan Police, giving icanes lu the streets and station-bouses ai New Yark. 'J'h first page is an illustration ai the recent race troubles iu Georgia. The ailier pictures are intesestiiig. Plain Telk celelcates the hirili ai ita niuth volume by many imapravements, is printad irora new tynie, and has donned e new caver. Lt is e papier which ail1 briglit boys and girls like to get, and if THEI STBATES5MAFL is nientioned, a free copy will be sent. It is full ta the brins of ioform- ation, joilv games and good reading. Address, Plain Talk, 5î- Beekmean St, N. Y. For 1890. The Building and L-aen News, hithrento whiolly dovoted ta build ing association matters, lhas added ta irseli a Law, a HousehrIld, and a Youths' Depertmient, not ta mention niscelleny, poomas, funny piaarapha and toies- some ai thons witli a moral about owning your own home. Lu feet it is a home paper ibroughout, cbockful fcom caover ta caver af matter useful ta the home-sjeek- or, the lanse-builder or home-keopo:r. Lt luis no theanies whetever, but gives its whole mind ta being pratical and practic. elle. Capitalist and working-man alike will find it goad îin tle usie oi edifying. Ptnblilsed mnthly, et No. 2 Spruco St, -New Yark City, for one dollar a year. Sample capy fre an application. lu' combinatien with the STArESNMAN,, $1,60' per year. "The Folio" is oneofaithe beat imuisical journala published. Each numboer con- tains. 18 pages ai choice music, Vocal and InEs2rumettl,also 18 pagZes of interoBting and instructive eal gmetter, conteina theles m~~~usical and arama i!nea- froin aIl parts of the world. A . besutiful full page lithographic portrait ai saine înusicsl celehrity will acampe'ny ech c,)py af the Folio. Single copy, 10 conta. Priesaifyeenly isubscription $1.00. The Novembela nd Docember nmbmors, largo aise3 24 pagea ai music and 18 pages ai ree.ding matter, will le presented ta every one who suba),cribes comnmencitng witl Jeu. lst, 1890. Now is tle boat tlme ta subacnibe. Send $1,00 and you will re- ceive duning the yoar, neacly 3000 pages ai new, popular and handasnselv printed music- Addreas M. A. James, Bowmein- ville, Ont. The varions aspects of soro throat are considered in an article by Dr, J. M. Milla in the Jannery number ai Baby- hood, wbich describes a new and simple appertus for the tceatment af tonsihitis. The directions for gangling may elso le, new ta many mothers ai yonng children, who will find the wholo article ai groat practical value. Really standing facta are givon in Dr. Dorning's papier on "The Administration ai Opiatea. ta Infants," whicl shows how prevabent this porni- cions penctice la. The comparative ad- vantagues and disadvantages ai early mu- sic atudy for yourg children are discusse d in anoiher arïIcle, and there are many usai ni hints for lusy and auxions Young motIon lun the departments ai "Nursery helpi and novelties,' "Nursery FraI- lons"' and Mothons' «Parliamout." 15 cents a number; $1 50 per yeer. Baby. hood Publiihing Company, 5 Beekman àtreet, New Yack. The Montreel Witness is offering groat lud ucemnents ta iii subscribers thi year, Ah astrey animals ahould be advocîisod in TRE STÂTESMÂIN, -3 weeks focr1,0 AlwaYs Say ycu saw the advertisement in Tua TAESÂNWben writinig taor oalling an our advertiorsý. If you -want ta buy or scl i a Farmn, ad- vertise in the Tor-ont(, Weekly Mail That paper roaches 10,00iarmiers' homes every week, andyu arrismn so meet the oye ot somneone who wants ta purchese. Adlvertisemen6its oi thia clas are inserted in the Toronto Weekly Mail for Five Cents a word each insertion, or Twenty Cents a word for five insertions. Addrcss The Mail, Toronto, Canada. The third page of the Toronto Daily Mail is noted for "Wanit" advertisomeuts. If yeu want te, buy or seli anything. If you want a situation, amchic a busi- ness, machinery, ladgings, if you have ]est or found aniything, or if you want t,) find ont whore enyone is, advertise in the Toronto Dai!y Mail and read the advor- tiseinents on the third page of ihat papier. The charge is two cents a ivord each in- sertion. Address The Mail, Toronto, Canada. 2-f Our Youthi's Friand is a literary jour- nal for boys and girls, 10 pages mnontlily, and only 40 cents per year. I't contains departmnents of stonies, social etiquette, tamperance, nature and science, aur girls, inquiries answered, humorous, good healtli, rusieý, homne-recreations, adran- tuire,1 art, puzzles, ùe. A saniple copy will ha sent free if you will send your narne on e postal cerd. Whon you se.nd your name, you miglit as well send the] naines oi thrce or four a your young frionda. I want 10,000 boys and girls ta have thia numbar free. .Address, Rev. P. W. Reidabaugh, 1315 E. Madison Ave., Clevel)an)d, O. ANt INIERESTINC, RaraxT.---On page eleven, ai Bulletin No 10 ai the Inland Revenue Depîrtment, whicii lies recent- ly been issued, -'raf. A. MecGîlI, af Ot- tawa, who lias hiad charge of mnaking, ex- haustive analysis of baking powvders for the Govecnment, remenhia-in referuing tai Imperial baking powder, that "this la an excellent powder," etc. This is e very flattering testimonial, considering that the majonity of balkng powders in the market are conde Mnled by hitu as unfit for uso. Baking Powders conteining AI- uni and Phosphate, Prof. McGill remarks ",are entirely objectional, and ouglit not ta, bc allowed a place in any wtll appoint- ed bakery." As the cuitofai imperial beking powder is very little more then the nurner:ns cheap adulterated gouda referred ta, consumieri, will find ilta their evnaota ute "'itnperiel" whichi they cen depend on as being alweys re- bielle ad the best possiblo e tabe ad. Salvation Ârmy Notes. Bowmanville corps ai the Salvation 'Army are pieparing for a greet welcome demonstration ta Commissioner Adains, Staff-Capt. Leighiton and tbe musical T. Plant on Mondey next, 2th mast. The officers frons surrounding stations will lie proseat. A grand time is e.xpceted. Ad- mission 10 cents. On Saturdaypight next and Sttnday -n'dythe- nir wDiisiowd allicex. wil lead the meetings. Attendý and give hirz a, corlial welco me. Have no equal as a prompt and positive cure for aick heedache, bilîousness, con- atipation, pain in the side, and ail liver zroubles. Carter's Little Liver Pills. Tcy thena. Notices0of firtiks andt Deaties, 25 ceats MerrLasges, 50 rents. MýOnSHRAD.-In Bowmianx, ln8t. the infant dangliter aofVW MANNOuNG-In BOWinanville Reginald, son of John and Joli 3 yers. COLLÂCOT.-Near Tynone. 13, Robert ColUecoLL. eged (A Thursdey latix huai., et ane a'< cemetery. Service ai the chui BOWMANVILLE h CeOIected by J. Heclurtry, LoIUa, Pl 100 Ibs .... WiH]&T, Fail, ip bush...., 41 Spring, & .. BÂXtLEY, e' bush, No. 1J... ......u .... OÀTS, ..... PEÂAs, Blackeye, ýP bush.., a~Small, "Blue, BUrTEIL, beSt table, e 1b,.. Eosedoz .......... POTTroaS, iVbush... POUR, P CWt .......... HAit, V ton ..... ...... CIORN................. Dct............... GSREs ............. nule. oau the Sth V J Marsehàead, cEDA R POSTS FOR SALE.ý Apply teo WMA. WMDDELL. Orono, Ont. 21f -R OOMiTOLET-Parlor and Bed.- rom eprate or together. .&pply tê MRs. STEIN, Hm"g S . 2f DRESSMAKIKýG.-Mrs. Asa Ottun D(formerly Miss E gan) lias rcsumerd dress. iUak lng -1 Mri, Jno. GIendcnning'a, igt. R OOS TOLET.Two heerful and -oCon, ent ronmasin the TTSA Blcçfrontïng on King Street, saitsble for offices. Apply tu n A. Jim Es, lS--f. AR F OR SERVIOE.-A young BLho'-bred Beliire Boar ih kept for service on. lot U2, con. 1, Darlinagton. T3erns. one Dollar. JOLIN SIACETý. Proprietor, Cour-. tice. l~w 0W LO-CST.-St.ayed froon Lot 15, Ps on ,irlinLton, on or eaut Dec. 29. a large blac.k sow with some white, spots,.Any information _luading ta lier rcveywfll be thianloful'y receivedl by J. WARmELY on the preinises, orj. MOLEAN. Silvfr.st.. HpWn. ville. 3-2w. Domninion Organ and Piano Co. aUE A"ŽTNUAL MEETING of tho Lshatrholders of the Dominlion Organ and~ Piano Co. wvýl be held at the offie f he sait) Company, :1n the town of Bomaniville on Wectnesdla3y. be T'wenty,-seond day of Jaiu. ary next,. ài tte heur of twOo ocok in the afternoon. f-or the election of flirectors for the ensuing y7air and for the transaction or other imiportan)t tbnalness. Dated this g Lb day of January. 89 JOHN %WEsLEý. 23w Seretary. Brick House and Thre&ý Acres of~ Land For Sale Ir, Ha>wmanville. The undersigned nfers for sale that düsir tiroerty be1onXinýgýq the estat- of the Riohrd pinch, fflintg of Pacommod(1 brick residenc3andm tbree acres of land ii Sougag street on whicha are stable and driXup house, cnw stable, liard and saft veater und~ cover and ailier cauveniences, Par fcll pra y.ar appy tR. Yo UNu .SEsu Bawmatnviiieý. This Is a8iuitable proper-ty t a retiring fariner or other person wantiiig a tew acres apf gr'oind. 50-t?, A GNTSWA-NTED.-Fonithill _Nur- A seri es. L"rgest, in Canadi. We waîrt ,cliable. 3energeÈie men ta sýeli aur Niirerv stock; previaus1i experienne nat necesiary; any ,.a. wlii tact and euerzy cati succeed; terinF liberal, either salary or comission; outflt free. (-)r agents have nmain advaýntazge, suclh as >,elling home-groa. hardy Catnadi stock. Choaie new special-ies. whicih ae 4ü valine. and whleh ceaniny hi ecwred fra-in ni- sucli as a complote list of New lnsA p- ies. the Ritson Pear, Sauunders Plunsi. Fi. born Raspberry, Moore's URby anci Black C~hami ion Ourrantts, Nlore', Diamiand Grapo etc. W e have given particular attention ta the piropag,.ation aof hardy varieties s'ia rble to ths North-rn soc f nsai aeda. For e Ontt,_ _ Notice of Guardianskdp. In the Sýurrog-ate C'ourt of the UJnîtedýACounties ofNorthumbel'.- land and Durha. lié, theat ter of tMe Guardianship of Yul.. oINIÂA 2( ý'HOCEv, BERTH 1100Evin .HENRIE 1100os, inf(1nts uderthe age o'f teog eYeaI-.ý. Take notice that afier the expiration o twenty darye froua the iirai publcstion here& application w]»llie made te thîs IHanorabb -Court hy So0ýiI ii ooriofthe Tawnship 0 for an oider that sste bc aoeint ed Gurj at -reoxMAN HOaa, >BERtTHSA UOOFV ali u-,,,ETTe oa ax. of the sanie Place, in1fqnts% The appilcant--soPi, iA Uooav-is t h e nothb or the said infants, ViHiNiGiA MAY HooFw-g BgET11- H01oEr-ýand HLeNnigrrÀ IIoopy. Oartwright. Jan. G, 189U.3-w Sylvester Homested "OlZ SALE BY TENDEIR> )ou the 7th is is Meun.ngaged 1 WMO ACRES a ir~st-class Facminit a ~JLaaîdslbeing SouthHii 1D1iLt 10 a( Darîtugtan, Jeu. Saul.h-wo st Quaarter of Lot 15 lu the 7th Can, lacir ta Belhesda yoans. Townehap of Darlingtor- The siis i ustly a ich l dly ans. very Dra- IARRETS. Farn s hwol watered, bastflue Buidingi, splendid Orchard.a row af ShaeoTrooa stroteh.. evecy Tuesday ingfra"m"" en io the ferm ta the aLler ada. it i, lcat-à naaiofthe icliesi agricul1turel sections of Ontario. ut is surraunded t, .$2 30 ta $3 00 Chuichis, Sehoals. Floun Milli, etc., &o. ' 0 00 0 O87 short drive ai four imiles ilihilend yan ai t&aG CPRstation, where thora loi a large Grnizé 0 0 982 Elevator, sud anly elglit miles L'ont the towp» 0 40 ,0 O00 of Bawmaniville. h Jiwlthln 1, itimles 00 0 38 ,0 00ooEnnuikilleni, 1ý miles irons Haydon, 2 iles~ froin T yroue and 21 tmiles irons Hlamptoîî, 0 33 il O 00 wltere thera are fiue Mii.Sehools, Churchas, 0 44 ,, o ooThe buildings are good. e lange fraeblousê 2 with 12 renais; ihrae large barni with ftiri 25 0 ffl atone stableos underneaili one; sao sw 0 (;î, 70 Stable and Worksliop. A beautifuil spri4 O so,, 55 'reolr f!cwB thouhthedwhàl egh 0 l;60, Oi 0O0abunoancof water byuxeens»e a Iran Plpa 0 15 0 O15 fed irons a living spring. Thle 6 acces of Ondin, ard la ssiîd ta lie the beat i-n the tawnahip a.rid 0 19 0 O20 3ý acres ohi L ha's beeni known torOdUen ffll 0 30 , O0O0worth of apples in ana year. Theraet ai 525 ,, 00oo buudance o! coder on the place for feacuqg, and stufEi:ieut woad for years ta camle, 7 00 8 00 Tenders wilil be recei vad by t he undiari1zvscW ()O 8 ,O9 uP ta the Setof Janueiry.0, for thm' pc-. - o o ,,0 1 h,,as of Yhe Jlroï,,rt3r. - O 09 O 10'NI JONES,~EEuos - 1 OilJOHN ',SYLVEFSTERt,' 9-W Ensil T. DeWITT TA LMUAGE5S NEW AN"D DEST BOOK GATHERED GEMS, XI a lisndsona Octave Boko?7of30MPages, bsndsomneiy lound lu cloili aud old, wti twenty funl page illutratlonq,cýonteining thirty af lis boit s;erm on s wltl a ful i hltory aflita ie. Ma'ilad ta any eddreaa post peid on ne- ceint afpniece. Pnice bounid ilu aoth. .3. ah Russie, $00. Fif ty per cent discount to agen ts. Seud '50 cents for P[rospectus Bok aud package af circulersan6u go ta work -ai once. Addreas J. S. OGILVIE. -Pallisher. 57 Rose Street, New YoGrk 19 il5iTICI e.. AS/ VAUnETo Kuraw.--Gansump)t.on F mray le more easily prevented tIen cnired. The iiriaing sud larasing cougli will le greatly relieved lby the Use ai Hiag- yard's Pectoral Basan that aunes cougîs, colds, Inonchitia and pulmuuany troubles. V'ICTtbLIA EARDamn wei gALVE%a ge ,;I