WE SDAYJAN. 15> 1890. ADVICE TO MDTURS-Are yonU dis turbed t nigb,,t sud broken cof your rej by a sick chid suffering aud crying wit. pain eof ttugTeýetb? if seod &L once aud getb ',bttie o, f rsWnses Soo thing Srp"Foýrchdeutthix 11evlue jei3 icU1ab1C It -vil' reiev the spoor little sufferer ihmmodiateiy. Ï)(, pend 1upon lei, motýhers ; tIae e neà- mtkeabout it. 111 cures Dysentery -ankd Lirheregulates the So aach su Boivels, cuircs Wind Coliec, softeýns disý Gums,, reduces nfamaton sd giLves) tons sud energy te the wbole o 4m Mr.Winslow's3 Soothiug Syrup i,.or children tebthinig je pLeasant to, the fiàst Ld '0 re precrito foac h ýr-d bafemale phy3iý.ius sdnre tieUnited 8îates, aud ïglDfer ale üby Il drumg-iet8te hruj *he wi.Pli ce 5 cetstz a bottie. Be sure sld assk for ,'Mate, WsNsnoýw'sSolaî iw' ind tae no o)ther kind, To THiE DITCR: PlIssas inforr nycur readiers tlhigt I bave ,e pesitive crffedy fer the akoe naed diseuse. rlils timely use tousauds of bepeless cases bayve beeu permarntîy cuïed. 1 I! libe glad tesed te otte of moy rnedy ust te ny cf your rOý eaden Who Ibave contU m ption1 if thley %vili send me their Exprcu. and P. 0. Caddress. Resýpectfully, Dr. T. A SLOCIM, 1&ý,4 West Adelaide bt., Toronc)t. Ont. Ws Charge 10 cents a iUe fer ail ne3ticesF of Aiini-ersýaries, Concerte, letues sd entttaumatefor wicb ne priating lias been, or la te ha ordered t thîs offi, when ï an dision 0-1 fi jei3clared oir col- lection ta een. The sa-me charge isl, d for ail businless notices %ppear1.19 .rn.1, newo itews. Correspondoniý î ill kindly State tiste al upp1iants fQr sucis noti-c'e andU wiiOiivUË j0tttntnJ. waLI ernount uith Ibe notice, Or state te 'wll the ac;cou*t ie le be sent. f CIATEFUL--COMýFORtTINC. BREAKFAST. tom E. I HEÂALTH. soin Urdi The HIea'thful in Dress, diYE Ta ause Fraýnces olr' own words, n1u that b'sutiful li-tsieb o,,:eA bers, entltIed uer, "BHOW to ,inY" Prfect unity wÈb G3d's esP laws2, in euluour mmeroblence to lih thec lgeof ntrlalw, Lsud the ritualel of t1his body whleb was meanitet be the 18Sý tempj'e of the "Hely Ghot," would baveDiI miae usail beautifl to',suart witb." y ,,;l hwee sa tac e ldren, tj1 be~wee te ~ee t ?ni udtweve ? 11ve Anii 1wrong-e o igïnative, Proùbably you h ýare the:11P, in tMuinig they are swete',vs prettie., suad mpre lvdthan Theýy used toc bel Ad i seP, I thlnk it thdue 110thie ciarui sud s!hnpllciîy o'f their pee mode c&W dlrese. The eret redm w hith blc ey P sît dotive, get UP, run, w4dk, sud pgrformin their thousan saud oe a sots with no fear of sblE a tortur-ed spneor -a palptating beart. OU WL-- lir iu, M, 2 r a certain P lenîhcf irsafter se mUxly yesrs vare V psdav, we uet subalit te thia newvf a er, bi arccusý mode of being oermeted, e bUFt'led, und cope.I say we, yes I1 whI am r u c hm-u m sthe corsets, glas Daer ,zf rictuds, do net thïuk for au instant, uerý 1 arn oLce of tnose terrible dres3 reformerd h sitic hre writling te yen, passmibly wear-so ing ~ ~ ýw asotsitsdbloomers and witb l onecf iem t housande werirg the So hesivily dapdsk rts saud tigiiý ntgùàle baszqUpe2,ail of which I beariy dspse ud 010 wouLd wely-.oome a change wlth the getsI Wy doL'c I 0colleot nmy braisa, audme we(ik Cont thîschagewhich s te )b8E sno be aboon te ombn bmnly I ar yiu us sa"y. Bolieve me, 1I do' kuow Log, Tha snb thng unbe d (oue I feelu- iled. Ne, À- ebsîl lee 111 iýwith onuth ýÎdie 'ce or Sue ihe is abte te Co ramer ses l on roitibly 3zns te de3viseSi s cm wet snd siiqiarb there'w! hh eeu 0cu~ or ueing Wcae1Ad let m u o sa y th t wonie211e, j ry jsud arelaetojths phys rese, aud wnLid glely,grtflvwcotto snwers, !and adoptir. more simple sdJ1 crfrt.Lbie ee, ee t but put becr Over fusi wiso have red tIret admit- cf Ruekin s, "Seseme asuJd!Lille," 3 remnembered h18 words, tce thc les, lu whilch isesaye, Il Wemcu ar beaitifuldreýsc8. TiseyLfhould ut$fuiy, Dot fl4ely y5o.I eûla .bns %sien, anud then bjctb flnnjy uc y." Are we to uuidersitend t'hat gentlemen te hive rneanlr that tei gis beels, low licukr, and tlgbt lte hatve bald l is mm so lu aipewhite, ù or pea ia diiate pat tbiroat s ud wi bW s, r-se lu ber baoosp ofn sd tyig - ssore f is rete). oàrd,Lbut they rn , 'BUT AIN'T GOTN2 MM p alhet leeildent1 lielp 0O ization. 3, bas su sadache art, Dr. wrrter gi 05805 cf ~rtio unzCYe-sustuA d necuralgia, bst mbroee L ne. ai a record o lt skirts f m "'ToroL persons fi becaýuse the mIe- ser:vice. wet, ieu"1 ,e3noto s Great wtutal ireil tvich ra!s ts rdand shfy prtalesd hM roi: ef oee lb 'bch edm te istie bauds wenu là tealy uanr tïse cases rE el vnn cny OAy ol uer ýeyes, eorr any el .Id net lk çost -uIt ~ uw y.Tuoay r red cfm lirolrosce,s ifbow W<ndaclevi ptratvion h cfWcou basaness, suHd tcok î1ut bsuefM. Ne medro ced hm. 1e ws broer ard ytise u's feiîh, t'S. e wlbnsi ve 'One'sjgve me O entMing tie îisoild gieuen yur viotusis ? 't yen go lborne sud giyu 't "t ne o nis,rna" às what yen ail esy. Who aug s r minute i Flosele, get I les, me. THfE P R I N OS'SLEON This etar 18 t~1dof th byhedcfti .5 ~ ~ A Aoir ffM.tS nnDh Se SS-ALE BY J. HOIBTA O~ (WAVLE iHiln Have reoved t their tew stre, juîaerosthesrefo hr st nd andbycalgonhryo iib cniedhath Mitr asý ail kînds of Freýsh and , eIi4asl hiraotfa n ti ,ture in the towri. Thiey by , e-,uo as, n cl,,t t They also pay Cash for al!I,ïndcs of IF amP ro0d1iuce - -Eg Ut -e r, AppT,ý Peas-Po tatoe s,1-H ies, hepk htev- w,ca mLtfer ufey cnetheChfralkdsomaktb pditt cern Inbresd mda etth asi o 1 espeaie d ee'Do iiot forget the sadTh tStore ini thc VWhLite ü i cLu tise door. Block, firectly opposite their old Stand. A. onl l icited avndpte Insdetie lerage tbankfully reueivtd. Iseflor as he t le",I lH. R7' 1e12 t red~'~ ..j~ Olned iod, PreeeCIud, Rpsirs4 1), c> r sud Cletumes Clesues' Goods warrauùted to be ,ýas no eu wl 1 them ro rn new wlseu done. exteutj~~ insu, neuae- naca s iti2guss u A L ES 1M4E Having done busir)-, nes Cen ,ada fe, the pasi' 10 YeurS, Our reputation and respOulsibility su)]e well known. WNe pay salnriy and expenaies from tha star', if evr iiulg i~IF Fa ktory. ~No previolS xureosrqurd W ius! for term, whchare very lbrabefore eu. gaglng witlianv ol'ler flrmi. \i ~g~tçcs.Brsdsree'5or Bilau-Wira & Cos Commercial 2Agenciesf, "wýellnoîto bustiness men ; or StaindardèlBank-,Cabne COLBORNE, - - - ONTATO.0 37-du LOCAL A&GENTT FOR Dominion Organs BOWYIAVJLE,- ONT OFFICE AT FACTOB.Y. GOMMERCIAL )TIEL PETER HOLT, Proprietor. TBFIS RO0TEL has been thorougbhly re- Tfitted aud reýfurnished. and 15 flow seconid te no bouqe in. the ditrict for accommioda- tion id oomfort of thp trvellinz public. Netw and M plaevcemmerciel rooms on ground floors. Good stabLing aud shed romn. 40 C H~ti-~z3 ~5Yr ~ etc. I lu I "subi Th1_at hea,-utifu! lit tie Q isesuMtia toei tte, wer(e a'ise he'retue day, wculdle feve f, olwers cf ber Itîesdese. I aun, sud iay luxquisite masses even PLI eus ~ ~ ý- delu, he ar e m iroIridcuied, te- býought fasîe bain, arnanPig i 111 lu tcenig mausseics, meu ldrous, lidn te cis A iter rsýading 0eË_-sncb dc ng , e mugb e otent te baýve _,thinge neimm usm mbyae, but ne, rno, we muetL gO , les are b-eing aece saregogý3ý cin daily, sud wisy net dea? As I -bave accompllshed It, Luer probabiy cen yeno oludrd f etiars àYst le s utposbe sier te bring aýbout tise eauifldrees we ail vmt so usuel,1Ircter pîincipDsly 110 tise every day eue, tise oes iaoru tielve heýurs e)ut of tics tweuty-four, by teacher. scheec gi1rl. cark ud every eierbusy toiler. To becoemfrtable s3 ?ud easy,rmeeing aliylnlc laweý, il neer1 net be, ugly. Net utr ai.We wel jmo have it se, but b2anaifal tistengiout. Anfi j est let mie Fay again, thIe preseut dres8 l3 nos llkd, i:3lenet desired, 5y pýeeple who weuld live upnlghtly, cou- fri te sîl uman sud diine laie. Ifî hiave beeu teeo free, bave tuken tee much 1 upeno myssî!f, lu exprc-e*nig my opinion te assu11c ils ldentiîy 'wlth YeUr, 1I elucrely, aerk for pardon for my mqiedeumruoPr, sud wltis grace shall hereaf ter mud forever hîld1 mny pesos. The Domnetia Dotor. idon L 4-et"',re-tere te tiseanc. h Iras s1tended thte treelmeus qfý [à by tish ppiate cf ce. Tise dopsred is te appiy ever thefet n Indiïe rubber b3gcotinge n1y fer frorn twe7ýlvs e twet-f r tiseores luadd tot tise ýteut tise patiente ari)gluncb as are uulyerrplyed-thaù le te v) tereduces le semperatuni Waye very dean ii telling yoa A âiule. aurmkav is to ne« 'l, thil ase tn ashe iqet cran ds prseomfebisRoya c îe e one, su ber hiaremu o jrnh ile j'Li u ew"h d gte Lpo," esu ye toyenru, Poins ci ildreun tien lv, i ud r"Nesr . asy fttuis eeting of osu a servant, b uisI o tss lord. '21f ii, bte unerItàýr sud ge-- erscesuniibr fzre apoietef t tsefeis ue r l i anuee,' e todthe wnc i the mtg "tist TneLu t, i. horisnc ai i e nf %il yen ceuduci Yf"ýÈ"orefproenG ly ihye rs g!vFc erbidavtb cf youoth, me beo sg et tisel wise Sol n eu l overs, iii., 24: 'He ý-Àthat epraeistise ref-'ilatstb tle sobu othtlVets i su b eut '-l'àInifi PtDotosarde lu Londo-n. Wheboy ud ont cf tise chansid cpsned,' nIe dcci.Hi Urued just aforeg unt în!1su sarefLefi. Be booked up le the wo mens tes selu ie dry, brokiru vo0, - morepillf n besestise tueta u la hef ou, ci beoebeen exisaste csld zhyl l iatt eauGinsy e tbu eetbut, nover îany plac ti sse; I' arn tlrd--Ian seslepy Ail 1 wu ' U -place luy do ,n su neut Tissu be "umove7Cj D o" eusConte isewe sud gtbenag d iee u notec betf nuihieLittis body! c und sud f, feues ,in itise vacant lt yeur hsenàlutnholiday seusLn,eirs =àudes9wormau wboturned tsibo Way from ber deor hsnw nfeig hra su if ebeý had lest eue o2ler owrvu deur 11111e ,nes5. Tisere are places ,wheýresnucb beys May be rekn cne fTniuik twice bofore yenu deny heip once, Shot Throuzfh the Bîdï. or Ap.re)pesof thre prjated e chib-#tlon e! WVateenloerelies et Drury LIU(', sceP. pn- dsumt ites te tise London Glbe":Olne mei an sy lutereet your reeders befereý ebey esthe watcliscf n ,rovi--e fcli taIsaE d ayJue 18 He,'was isrjt tbr t,- t e i bec, buleeurnlg is hetsuout ati the benils. Te say tiseleat 11is net P a' wo udoe woutlik e, aud tfise dc;Outonscffri tSis,,dayze lad seme nietO jO Iv. We nt ieiri unci' r.u~e e. e'-ecn. Bise ni Y itou ns r~ 1&5. iL :E~A.. ~S -rt , Ce -ams w Tc : -r-s florsei ci7i ta of tiL I A-M influerz% or oaly a se f-esforri cfi rady. 1inbdev -btth ail cal o;pinion le ti saI Eegadistb Capra tehueNC Acn wle~s bassPl the, ceutiant, C)6zýee fo r(ivsry sud violent poids are Isumereus bas ee senbe ecompa)re "onlesi pcotratfinet4St. IPeten Paple. ardy, Wa ie aa ae onde' <Whste niseSarahu e li umaki r, bu etar r 1ulielv ea~ shew ees saeuf fnvlyb il tise hhlis ucdynutal ches eofuruitur ,a, ttie attlC, unt ',Yere, my d,-ar,'1 Mrs, T. YerpIed; ,hs et Jane ivii aoseun o cîg on Il tjesec face, ber ronat Once.', - id do GeW1my sýrnt you *sko sone cf igis te Beosusa otiere l lo 'y oee" Nw et b aoew t exepe- t~repIy Qetmm I rre su-e watu Aitertisews meut luClam tiïndi,,r the -- i r r~ surs irions. i -r eue neceive sue saure temperrati4re 1 lm, li t 1 P.. w i £ u tue T.