ere là DO1(lli )G PRESENTED' h. Pu. been o6. v'OcnQ3dyo a thogn rir. ii atho 06A tbêu8pnd ica]0,"rat, ii1k Iii mich ahtabelavery iok, and ýlULy of oernd, to p aid.' such a o. OOf1 'D, tor or no deoor," sd Z Ii lm h snmcil a brniqaeely «I wl l keoaire ol w0aiid chllge1N1,1in; 1i Il care for hor as toni u8olppea bc. wil ow r yn1uger 0 girl tala, 0jeu qanMJI e co2lnuad the good in lier ai mm, t wtobc rgea, fr tie u~ ot abor ai êay.~ba431o1~efinc u 15111c, -cy aagw u n te (1la 110vor aconanytJ4a4g IO Saiimh Noiwa. , Cook'* Iicuouienal Dopwd. ard cot Ionry S. Cook, a kor Cotin., inasailong m lhQ fi.1 à sjwall »man, (6Q yo rre CMI, 1 on & l parW 0 x a&O n a Yhq IIO UY coâtl 7 vm i.. ,ýdvatn«ôoc to r. C. W. Young, oneofa the princpa r the orth-w n orbug ii fJiin0uiAaila, in 112 êO afUlt ~ PUP SI 10 .uioug othor good.a, lho hua raored a soc4 Lt the mnkin M ~or no eai ooffinia, aaorW<d l siououand oai Most oxponiiio daaurlption, FHo au.* t be 0. MoILL, Indiania in hi aouflon cun hLve xotbtig tÀ 11 Mati*ffOr ricli and ea1aga, n. Antheaolin lino. 'J'lie tIN ,01 t Il, unr iliot WV aly