)BEJF FOR BEEPI TEAS 3t of l3eef sultable f JJLINand other Barga f 1wite nDr~y Çood1, irac1 J. J. Mamoni's &dVL. fil thi. papur. Mr. W. IL WillUame of thu Weet End ROBT.lItTn, Aent, Bowmainvifl. tf. Ro.L he1 ps wilI preach 1,1 iri C hc Wanted> an apprenitico ta thle ewo1ry buiume pIPIY at one( O MANk>1 Th batple oget your watcb, coIQk or jwoat rplac te at J. J. Muson'%. a Fur onaDt, OPph, :oboq, etco., ut icil thgd wholeotie priocint johin J. Maen'ail'cw storo oppoaito Ontario Bank. À verv lame nd obot tc o6snk of neW ýo io5aTthat Mr. , he pomàiton of1 0 Hmilton Buu horcm rnIn lWost Durham ci . ýE. Rico, *1rviJ1o st.> o1in.N. areo kI4aty renielaboed in ~ a tter to Ed4itur luot wook. ait' P~hoto Gallary lu aguiopen and [yfo uinestà. gntranoe through il. 3ttai11's Jewwelry Store-the formor BUa3n O tu e gallery. TAv & ou., to .rtuta. 3_4f. ho annual gbhçrLngof thobatrons~ OUJT 1 LY nuke Swelcomoi inal of: Iiti of c Vhere th4e i . at wooe ouaG1 4 footrac na four~ huncr~d dtwenty pounçt . hà the bilggoist oa yet de- l in towii. Mr.QCtton bad ove i@e4 tonsuoff liit-Ca I LY lant ie crop avonwagtag fully 2j tousito v. No botter hay cati befoni untry. E3rpnghuui f tm oooupien )nt rank fur big OYops. go W. Tyler, of Demanville, un e of tho tielmes Proteotivu orn.oi about oilht 'lock l1wkt nlht had a îceapo front being aliot.L Mr. P. lis about the huuai aned wuit t ciloe ewolialystore, 31 Wacin retcs.By 1hi calthe burg1sr of [e 1lwmusProtcinQemLPany hld tinkl1 gof Mburas lie oaugbt touded reolever, thrwiling it bt 'ards In hit ldp pocket, made a fur the o 4aoîlie foll outn<Lêe on .toiunt~, 4id the trigger of the. ubofaz iga1wt the cap itwvw<die- d irng Tyler badiy. Constale ýokuud 14p Umand alhiyod us fùars. InsUtalato o A! u11uas of We1lzig- odgo, S. . E3. [B. S., took lace iy avam1ng, 7ff i nt. The uiL iboham», wu inoïL abletuattnd lie ceroinoy wlu. perforined 3w Prceideit A. Mobbis. After the ation th, noewly lect Preisiettt, *. 0. MoDowell, called unPub ent J. N., KWI1e te porma vor tg and aln pluamant d U' -t1 t ho jetiluhg Iieont, J3xo,.W. Jiiak wtêh a PuitPremideut'a ie&woel ou fvi Me T 4>lu A. beautif n id colorfd