7 Imu, w A and si t)uý huiAli te cd 19 th 'T X,ýw The wen were Tâ ýý .ýj-BEjùTy IN ho oýweppo,,,,g tw thAt 'th, jenfat King'oi epgg> thmb 4l' y0aolverî wom toioison, 'hoýplqoky .. 1 .1 , las louiîia wýcb ýjgM«ab0rda 41 1>01 e Il ;or WED"NE871).&Y, P.EBi,ý 0" 1S00ý TRE WOODS. Crie ôo,ýlà And hevrdhisirandfathér q&J tg àjï fJ le heqte or aji yAlm TALu. 8 ý'ouufr QQ00n r 'ils 111114t lu, lible bower, wei a Prlnaggt, bn4tr£ il lit the aNyb Who wu doomna ta bloup tliero ývluanowod ýllothurO Who 'h&ve beau celied (),ao(),thore wan a royal coujýjJb wlQ gritvea ilpon tg, Mourn; the IQ" qf ni pey ton., 1,; ab Dy OxccbblvclY beouUÈO tbçy bai no childion.. f- one bundred YeNro, until niw When At Iaâùý aftor long livaiting bave âBy fAult On axtai 01ýuveýofinjot eau ponsibly tho qugen King'a son, ber doqtlned libre tffiy mon. mb whose tyranny and despociain hava P,,,,,,ntça ,ce luJ willie, Ilittie daughtor, AI ti tbe Yeu .Uoýlep extendgd boyLà 4 U uonfluen DI hiii hismaiestyshowadhinjoyby* vingniohr l or il hern, de Im 0cýý who-bââ 0J the là- spirit ikt"b4o nursery. lit lis do lattai, however, if ni. tenlug' feui 10 grnud t, ýilke(,of h*as truth'fùr hirabolf. ýpUYîtd C t,4 rolporwil iggt or 49ger, ho toftbu, ln gouervidty und, Sizilici hm>loâý;188,rý, gaver ki Me tnvltod 411 Il 0 w évier pýrrn tÊCaý. te, romain .M. the ]Ltnd-thero worc toven àltogethb»-tu borné niâd beghn ta fi hie Wîli throtigli PII ble illJ unùIl the J of hifi atand gcjdmothera ta the libtld prînotoét the. thlut wood. Io lait wm*7,emoab'the jnrlby, V IL L alace An carly overi et 6hie hopliag thAt Chah itilght boatow on lier agitait ytIff branches lIll gave way, and *ei mo4aroli-q and bhi oet4blt»hmmnt of a rit> la e , Io ood Rift un wmji the ouâtom of Rond itbirleil thornu Oloi6theil thomeelveli 01 ihoir own lie la ilin O=Oàt h,%,VO ýbéJ regard, le thoec âilye. MM"kbéýÙel-tel Ineviti for morne Sme paRt, . Sonor Altex the coremeny aU flic gueintu rettiruod lu the aneth te lob him pane. Thit donc, ýýâqAxIt3, whp h" >ýýJ1d IbbiJ Premtep4li!p W ost D arhali lop te the palioo, whero thore wu net bèforc thoy clond: Bohind kim, ail çýJioh Infry godinotlier a maghiflooilt coyOred hie autbo ta follow; but ardent sud yourJ %ý'Jd fonanc tte ând' 'f big F lob, wlth an 6ffibicidored table napkffi, and ho vont boldly on ni lexie. 'Ubndrr lit thiiig lie cources And hl@ N knifo and fork of pure @o1il, obudded wlth oiaw.,wLèii pouffli te - amito him v4eh tear, Ilkely ilo romain dsfialtè> Me 40 lait diamondli and rutilas, Bab iii nie they borleiKI06Y oetondea On isoinffian«S là Mi [Uý- the coittoo.;.: pInOgd thOtn&UIVÛU Lèb table thiffl OUtOrGd ail DJ ennui biit bhp men bâil faux, not cmfl:tbo RAdw inner and né D Tea.Set Je old fairy who bail gaver btion'inIritqed because déhiti W1114', tu rq«>" PtODiCO, Ali biblitde eymr, ln the oim prodloai em4,, "det more thau fifty yeâre eluce thé, haâ jeh tho bbélin wore elaýen" 11&fr fili i *Itb thp Ç lýibtineý 'Win àfjog'a dý)mlnkràn. op atour ci pleairui and dhbitlng thr4b they hail Îoïie, t il -P 'bwvû, Miioli dlffioiýIt ïi1ý t'a àdminte. C hinaw are bad nçver basin haisii until thin day. Rie lug, Nqxt bc ontered a Lari oôudi- psvid ýtyhtI ou, 11,b bàà Glaszsw- are, IJ i«W ]-naletty, nmoh troubleil, acaired a,çoyet. te li fn&1%bIo,ý,wher& stoud:rôlgu.ùfý gn%ýdo ýx,,Db4bly iil - réâÏ=' W]à a pli bc IAodd Ipr lier, but hli of comrAna,çiell, proseziug arialii butý xnotlentola Wa;ýýit;oUu Bunclamonto on tbo<P,4it>of thé muenobtee fM c had orI4firid Irom Jih jewi 'claly tons; thi ho puliéd -thtough, ma who.r(uid or Dr. 1 novpn.pld ebhon-tot the gevt)n fait 0hâmb Aud 1pe,ýQ" " nçù tîkkomlpjloo. voritc Vre urilition, rond it nuitin, fi iiiey (lia. onid. The- old«4y fýlq-thoiýjhthoxsçU in ph o ont wjm 01 jil' "Ibl 4y MAY 4ûI6ý thé émi -or in Il. mI-)iti,,iiting in prizici, Pb#,-vut- 00vlivy, âlApt Ait or 1 hup H a1ý .1% iIi.cir toý r L -il lact-edand nint-te»tdý ai MGJ2,4qum, <whloll t pir Omo, aomo.r ie. ý4 ý: <ý ,e 8w Éý('r1 Jug r lie" lynine lailltbtig. e. t the army MM In *0 'F' L url eZ , . enfithui, ýýmJJÈiJ tc 111Müli! d1f4trawsor tu Gor.4ýrq, týo civil' dorviça à1j éd cuoh a potnit vQ4ýj:lwJ t 6tiýIU' tQ LjIii ,J wic f?0oý ýlJJ(1IJ i 4pçýr mxq, à t9li laver thoir r;olng againeb the pihrotie lu'oure tJô také flûtillýll 0 tktt#. 'A Pl - Gi lieL;mý 4o th prütbý. nabi ftamedJ lis iming Ap ýrcrifly iDnowlitbo6rdl be Upsl, tt; Nvoildarillil J ullil licaliiii; powond toaby, 1actozi 'ýto Lidiblierneli be4ad th4 with 'polite 4tttuLion w t1io Sonù?,3mLn of IV , âuo-tQ ý11eg«& tho.,rovolntlon Whon fil L'Ile tho ont l'â. ýý,onwn. ýp"1(i îJJ.ý tbli'L'ULn li% bhie -12MI, Sihe did tb(o beroalibi ùhè odurb, litït ýII *ýWu- sJ U, pipni4lan ý« .?PQPUIU on,@, tu the vecph) rit àoý)ttvo ent afit1À) : Saucers ases, Il aqýtrý, 1 à the bi chers and cloýlïüui th î 01190.1 U% orgughi 14dlfforùnp te the *1J ti R 1 J ( %V thili ajy _111 ýqUbL,ýWore, -on the w8ay NJ tente edne bu ëVeài U.J Mt à »Lbl RJ ùr 1llý ;;ià p Wool. Vactl" Ai w-W vote liam him-ri lit-I hLd îihemlghu be &bletoooulitere4b ýbi 'W ater and Lem onade Sai paillé of diat or &Dld>ér, Willa,11141à gi6bh«- wilàl' 121 oli 'Ngay ti pz te w4y direct. U, (J filitlitilily J .1v 1 aq tholagb It lm rrouglit àoiiý by nit' où avez. the fumibur d wyb 1lýÀ -for ml% elire. ël-W 1)ý, or SIX, The six umv ciffýfJ tlitir goôçl- wlobtis- knowjà nJ bricom for: a'- hundrôd yelli BLU Ili *12 bc 0, iavolution 1:cti or .00. which, =1110o incti; *i8hog'. waro sti ta Corno t1fe perqonil ambitions of thd o1ffierù of the copylii M,9. by wonLl)lte truc. if ho f ortui Ilitule pricoeu wan te VÀq»lly ýhc omtunUhed 2iJ câme to on UMvm ývhcJ, In cé of blie oro'wdod rov Ci the f Jýtréirt womiýn ln bible world ; tu bigot ohambeK,,whoto wu they bai te lie per. tais fflâ hall 0VOT bObOldt IM no pr,04dot'of advauomo' lavu a tomJ cwiffet uni am Uni rit' or proxno. 0 Ti R F A 1 POOTOR ftotly grâuüful and fdraoiflus ; tu BlaR liko A -4 YOMQ 9jrýàJ( ',WAUderful Iffluty lqý .90*,Gzaee by mockum of au ovorthrow of tbe ab î1t,11ý11,1Î21; 11A qqiy jititý tu qâneo like 41 en lia ý1l lindýbe q pht ýiregIrro. Litble à% V% io poti CvJ Ailoo xï 6>16J ýM g t 0 Xen4axi bo gau hie Hfe and hie PELLET9 In gclicii and IrnlJlýJ1; irèlgù, t &un, Tbon the nid f2ry'a lui Cam ho VýrJ twjj1titýô a E y 1 i-,,v nu- art li Pui VýMa- Si iliy 110 hýý« herl, blÉ û thrue fi*n' aga, Misvôli 'Yùt)ntila latter thé Shaking lier head kpttçfiilly, diho utiored tL bulac b., or, Dto & flaim Lue, auw 1 . .: V I & r - ýJJ w1oh that whon the baby grow up Into ci 120%OdY b,, si shi >zi told, Wb CÀ: li ûî Na Imilhor., Thé m a Miller 11,111, '11abbâchoil ta aielipost, OIL41(ýet to 11 0110 Ptý114it a Young lali and loariLed ta Pilini, »ho znight £Lot bc tlulb6 SUJ :Of the 190117, HOW6vi hlo'birblý, and thi) nuiJ X 1)0(,u Owrùm 1141tA Meili prick lier jager witli thé, uplïjLdle and dle of usitl and of, the ouchuatunent. bild- oonwi, b Ir, 4amd have alwi çans cd binx te ba te. uu$mtjpn. tbo wound. lookin Rý%cdod by.tie supentltiqua Pa destlued te mion, , alli, Atthin terriiblùpropbeiiy ci the gueiltz # WM With 4J of the tonainomb rçe towels. Vigt UP lia Fili/Qi Ëhudacrod, Aud como of thomore teador. ëMd arc,% 01.4y, Il#, h Yeu - m Prwp.i -àlýYIIY4 froqi Qaid rolipin, piJ heartod bogan' to'wicp. Tho label bap bave V.aitod for yel ver, Payants %veto ei ont 01 tboir V? = 11.11VICI Ir, iLii JSý in câýrluçd witia b1x8üe&Qrdjý and*tlu marie Deoember laeberga'. 4 'lit w tiý gu si 0£ (1080% SO q . witai, by druggloLs. griJ Upon whiah the Wise youi failry ap- 'Wlth'tbis tenu 11% *hloll, tifey WiJ uttiozoa, of à0brit 0ayfi; Is alw ays w ell sun>lnlied W itii peartd front bebind the tapeetry, ooylug the ptiuco mâilikla lier t6at hJe loVéd' hg -9ý4éwblio mountaind'i l'de, Cf whilob the moie thuip btiý )Ife. Xévirthoi4t hi wen x6porti noiibor-o6o fluait. otircolven thé prluetoo «hall âot t îjý,' tbc mont dilibNèr[Loàd of tho ýUýO Il fýjJ very best goods at low est -thünki W the'kind fait diawin pliait 'NoMoualànd ýfreln thô pric nopower te alter theill-fortiine jý%b wlgbi(l ýy, thé. 'Prýcicaïýbud ýmlan& tenu thih Wgoi hai been jour- plonty of timo ta dritam of him. dutlug lier MI ànoient bibter-her flngoe mulit bc lndowu throug"aifta'it bay and phot ".,,Z ho nid the shaU thon aink, notintctho Coati of ilumbcrý while ý hi ialsv«ýoveu nuanal picep 0 J but into A kloop that will lut ý)Ji 4qA.«i y% _MWr thaý bi « la Qui dÀuo, did thqJy oh converting, -gfibd job'b, ptart oUtOUý111cu£qliJ y die sono a a wâ'ken hev nov aald liait enougb. 'Thoir Oui luterrup. hAý,ü boeu lexii moyeze ühllu, nuliAl in thic for R EST 0 will fià lier, Uni Wgu the. litile. dog tuffy, wbubttd and marri bdi." awa4onýod with hii miâtroas, and now'hUýn pçi viluhuy, thonc buge are ti idbedingle jèhlouii tbat th è PAÉ ùjtýèent loolted up ln thé (Ireoniand rie", he King, ln tho bopo ol OV.04til 1 b4 whore theybavc tboir birth, qntil blie ïn- duÇoi haucci un q ut fèM:0jàý dîd not notio6 4ý4"Iiâ.Èi1lîwmt ouminir uniloi thq Middle and lutter tpring Leý4în1g SeediAWendný the districiii i' %Il peri te ii und aven ta have ephainfiJ W de. Vl& e ', 4 , , Whoalit tu thoir bonnes, on puin of, iDibtnizb , Meantime all the attendelati whM 0n ti te m thon Soine, lioývuvtr, axe uguhtkilied fçorn and th4ý iJ ta d(i li wun ln vain. Ont il. I;WUXI ohantinuatu .ffl ûJ brokon, net boita la pleased'to.aliow O iid's-Inap-ectiôn sollâit, i6d", ý,Ji oNtio w1bh ù, >ve bètr Joie Qurly wa'doract vhiiwas autleytarnof alge, the Lug Clind love, wore rendy te M 0' hunger &Bbr bi tho üplU und 8hJ , S14(i 414e", "lQb qucon leib til d&uehter alone ln om pf kab of a hniadrôd yopia. A Icidy of himor 01 thfilr Caution, whon, wQ4ndoringr6bont,"hçr ventured ta hltlm&te tbab dl=er.wau soli UJ 411 -M TTR D O- C E[ B R Q a_1 Moit. 11 shed gidu ùVýthù TCpýY VO of Will, AhO 1111MID tD Un DMOIVE)t (101i bÔ!VOr, W bOý 0 bfflflsd big lit roupon fille Pitgçt i a. ý 10 ïhQýo b ibb pwwAltt . b:rtýl _4 cilimbea to thé top of lb und théli jound 4 Prtbaen ait oncle tu the greati hall. înovtnÉent of the land già0J 91 Wi lp ta dreen fgr di gî VI -un nid ni dent that ellio Bot WA aucu, Po th le)rrneda », tlicy avo broken oif by ne vite board of t4o 1pùjeý édiatý--bu th -rinotly and wugnl&i re Ih 0e C t h ýOýVn. wis1g l' Jii ù1ia bîCuý,iiUJ: force of 'e , a ap'tii' 'ttor: çdIl. ýnCt 4JJ liblie 1pýCw ce a W *Ab, re w 1 drcueed txxably hko fier royal gritladraother, ýor1n;j ovor Li avoir itatil h kýbtulau A abate 'A Ah, % try, U 1 wboize portrait utill hung on tho pultwo wwllm. Moro or ;004 bwn of cuul'ibrili ta 'Îloint OLP, Alter J.)gri»g the banquet th oonuort took là.Pa REJJ $TRONeý,e$T, f 0.,r, Shd hall no on k lie spindle bY the atteifflan1b mQUOINU8, "d coiietdý"IÉR om th 1 loi Int, Nohote greau thhn, bel4g livel and obiiitiiii ribe handied tficy bAd net tonohud tholt luiitTumentu; for q0 th«Juli' will be ilound ilt bis S>h"oP' n_ U4 IÀU P it lào awkwili y iind that t4ô a oen z1y th, plqed. extyllmaly Weil. -lboy olu ÀMMO 111"Lo fatu tu or near thé gqlf etrebm. on "y lliiunlou$ BUISTA the point plèr.,ed hur fl et. Thuugh ft wat sa, Onâtd With '(S weddtrig Mâlii foi TU4 rolrjgoraiër of rond- LLF orý&II % WdcÊdýJlho fa.tod àýway àt once aud 'VdrYýtvenlng the M«rgbge et Phe noor toz ,:, J:111 droi atlently doiii on the fllildri, The Pflucous wag uellabra th u h*1110 üvmlqnt oust wlýd4 in thé wout ted and 0 M Indifi, cle, 40pswol, poui trightotiod old woman oalled for ho] - bride wae nearly one btindred yarfi aider ID X9i' yUn OAK%% shoffly came the ladfûa in whitili Who te?,Ii than bho brldegroom, It la remarkable thât Cirmate Di plouun one, overymeanata,ýciitorethoir cunigmilibiji thé fagt would never lawo beau dimoovoired 'W MI A '-i i L À i A E T but all, thoir Chi was une ces. Shç 14y,, ÏI by My one un&çquonted thoxewltli. h ere< 1w keeps constantl bolilâtitul u.tèn AU); , the CPIOX 0tul lliJ Mter a fÇ'Çý diby4 thi WOet DO the las Inf ln lip4,axid Qhelii ; hot fair boni grftly ot tb'e outlç 4nd PufibimtQa wûTbIatý p ont by the wlator firg t âJ iii lier brûtith ; ouly lier 6ýGâ weroz whloh lmuindipýiely vaniNbed, And wore npver nly hl# wile wan nigbj olored. ýVhen flic 1ýInj, ý« faîbqt, rçorobiibuldbymorLIqloa, Tho'prIdý"4 And hé J to him4ell âiýd tho Quéer, ber inother, bihold ber t was rçâtored th her.anoimbrtýl kingdoui, but D14 thik oianliiuw old ýjf, iblicy know regret Wols ldle--uil Hud happen. ýll'wnb tiot epnçran3r deuluedwho the wau, 04111 toll 'dm a'whog)131uiï big lié, A L ARGE COM PLETE A SSORTM XMxe durlrig à hub4iF4 yii p'eople hola en intiroaui liij, cd ho thé oruol foky iii"nùl Banthey W'D ârii thm thar daughter would notgliùepl ma vêty -Muoh eldveret thair nobôdy thon liva IT S j torayev, thoiii dtqr one bundrud yJJ it, Ili would lever hava belluv.,'Od the story. Sa jîe leautà Ma ohin on bla Moient hand WàR net likoly thoy wati tithor'ot thom npthibg Wù1à Cxiplallai and ngbo&Y pranxix. While Mu4fly ho îý bthold tho iàwtýketiti)é. Until ho alttrca b[p Anlé thatiJ ed te aok any questions %bout lier, for o6ght ppy Rit ïnkýôttie, and tgon 4.. àA. hour iihculd %rrtvc'thoy doterî Coars Je and Fine 5 lutdwwby.e Olà= boli reput. They Ment nwey AU tli ho la eues He'NIYIY à1A knowfnglý locroil In SU il 91clane and attendonts, and thtýmuülvtiü fier- No;-)Vhe et OXiýRtý týJo diq ta rien L AD CÀ _L U of embrôj8crý wâà àtét J?ýîàQozs éiiiier J , MyZ 1 hai mado tho ilkloglic « $bc ljv11ý and t4m ho fçoked W 1 th gaor Red S h o lxx thp Mont thepalactý furthor of liez ouvel godmothorot FIT$ a long and h4pp . AQ 1w Wal Il, of fk bout BrILEPSY or Thalle abc liept eUd loriked like ri - ateépl4g obber ùX41. lâlPt JJJJ cary taiman, tLùý Cnît, ÂDgr »4on Aud trout rAL41xck- ore, lý 1 1 %ont il Who 1 la migfortitoo happeni tbls kind. YtW6 bol lie, 'a R 1 , for." men -and BoyiàliýW JiD= ù wid Çbn4jijýâ àe r+ ;ý VOUI)g filry Who bad 0AM. the prtnàeÀs Moi eme 1 ore 0 Tý1Ji 0 hný y,,ohanglug hér eleop utclc»Gh li)toý.tàLù Ntalod a Dai PubliatLed braih#për M 111cn.4ýn for t 1) '1 & ouzo. autý la» «,ote Quel ho wopek, a aglidbi)ur, R ublýer's' Slippers, ettec., M ciico f Ir, r a tiIý 111,11XIIienimý' BOTJ'L1111 et M aleop ut a hundred yeare, wile twolve thon. I3ýrQu. pli 14 > wttooll thé WhUo aitti» by, ad, lenguen ýýy# ln the kingdoiný of ..",Yýry ýoi hgwtývýî, 'È mi Tipi d'à lIN