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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Feb 1890, p. 8

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te t Ic oala $3,m ît """ý*"oti.1' B fb el Î ý MI.Îï o 11- 'hI Ilà,ýlôtofrýire BrigAde-Thos. Hast; ui. iiito usinons at à Rait whieh 9.roh ants 1111111,111 ut lkt WM à Renoral dix. peruyered lu, would b-ave çuedlot on le appointmont. COUD, Perey thum haine bolore ten 0'01()Dlù erid the galary of thim office had been Ordop. No. 1 Fira Colli.I)ALY àtked for et to T h e B u y ers io nt lu ordor tbat the corps mivht'.b,, - Ing uprautjl Dow it was ontof proportion ta go f ný. the Wo k. coup. Grigg spoke ta the saine ne& , ta maltitain a hig:h %tain oonoyý6 Tho communication wiw raturud êjjýýct, and ulovod, MO'.4)Ddti(l by Perey, the New Ladiei ta committou. . 1 appOl0týnont id li Fiabley. This motion New Stera B-oger FiAbley A plled for, the position, of Xvilà leu, ý0n1y tjie Moyer and seconder AxId New 8 oz. nour ot Fire off eting ta nocept a 0OUD. 011ok voting yea. A Motion tQ fix (ho. EL&Inei, Nu" At -ffl VfA4 loot on the Dats, dividon. nnd Haineil was dtelartd 4p. at pointel At 0, 0441%ry ofoilo, Reulre Prower tilla leude force. Vultierred to OomMittvqý- oclçe at ioulo legth glinst A, roduction, un B lank- etc, B. urdon amkod ta bd r6ý4PpQlX1W Ruco, t 8"UU4 of t e d[MI) tinif tiffect inch no- T R E I 00r, àiýd Colleotor Vlrtige also uked ta bc lit have on the Fire Co., and be- roz ï M u n elfi HM0ý complaillied 01 greNt d4 gô mm* a JaWûml êffloient cervicen lu the OU" tu hl 0 property, comor of x1% and Sougi, n. Cornizii apokô ta the ixa". by fioudiug, oxuat(f by'a detoo ve culvet 6M Tapmon ; mal- dougog atrett. £ho letter W40, At a Inter iltu ", roforred ta committed ý,"do se 0, "i' . k in ds of Il. jArvlà etDt ln Ille rellguoittoil 01 the Malbry, constable i reaùjnatlon aocepted. Steward South Ward Co. -W. Todghain 'l'hou wau roul A ra(luillitiOll irOM thO âalazy, 821LI. W atch A' Elgh Soboul Board, afacinf for eMOQ ta- C IttliD]oo-G. Fletcher, IL DArch and wavdâ crocting the propane liew on W atela G. G o o d ks '. irdliuîc ail appropriation of the anzount, bila 0.1powney. cforkil C Onwoll wàs requiroa ta submit; à by-law ta Pierre, T. Darch au the ratupayers. .7. mosorloy, Other Tel l B uvers1should A communicAtionlwan rend from the gqwn Foiýuctktoper--T. 1,04Z ay Couiicil of Whitby, anuuumlçg thât ýhëy Iliavector uuder Noxionz w0Qà By-low had reimmultatýd thclv Uiolway, 1Ê1churdJývi». Submeilzontly thijlmotiQu w1w 04*(10& OTU and wera ailactous ta &et in ernuniooitLou waCordorud ta lie ment Uý0Wmâùvillü and otlier tovmm on thl, _y bqllttiot cu. ta hby, ta thé effect that Dowmaçvluo IL. ln uneurfug botter râliwa le 44 ir peuicilly witii regard ta the dietalied o? th,' ý1%e*dy to oo-operàte In the Way ffuîgeotea. ot&tlonii train ttie towus. Whu lettor nu- 0 matter wan put la the handis a tho.Viý 0 a of xlancei Committeo. ëted mu ondeavor t', Tbe t3ehool Bostd's requieltiou ivaa next ghle propome 'rtow allein., tu& failieg in thàt. n'a 0 art ta 1, a,,- talcu up. vetitioli. Ci)unaWor Ailla thOught thora shnuLd bu P gr thp igrogi Of. liatwoon the Coulicil And Sobuoi aboli Zi 9.ïnot t, . ubt rodunt e a n A jk Boâra ±en be bAd zig do jQnt in list, mont of W Dm 'Ware tcoeivinx, dot the ollitm£6 ce mimlit lie outud aud car. are obli"ed to Mak ""' ae xied out-thù voUat. Tho total nMçt;znt -wian e44. ùb, - Wh, of hut. by rusolution W" rmijttod Ing pmçltvoutllation, fur inët4nue tulâht ho arge spring plir- Auditoris keitll iiiixl Vann Unte'il bill > stir4bk ont. kle thouglih à new M, iîc ohoai for M, for auditing the bool%10:4mgt the elolath wan.neuded nt unau, la the intangt of the of the latâ'.Üroaiiurer, It whili oi&cee«to ho towil, easonable olier pald. Itba.vô Priýwer thought the inatter ohoulà à jý 1 The Auditora' Report wàoreaivod. itom, ho 4à1t; with ut puce r -any ef our whioli the Clerk resdaw abotraot &tAt4montý (_%U xicillorg porcy and GrIgfi . roposed #À At ck Duboi quent atsg* the Conneil nuomed Public Mf'týt1i1g, At which the CL ehould ta be At a lu" ta know vîhat ta do 1ýifb It, bu i vlib'ati Ço make expia uter Goods, aýt1-bo!4bA th't *n but finally nocepted and Adqpttid 1 fortnali 1= j F'rowur thrij'h,"Oi *in Clock ý>olng direçtoil to, el;âAli an ,inoremê in the oHtimy6tu iÙigbt ba oxpêctôdý Bargaia » W etrnût etatement Irkone of thq town r4,bfhtjr thala a ttduotion, &ni tro'plit u% the dutsile'! cpuu, Jewell t,'Iou b tboOiitinoil chould allie@ for pub 0 ln8pQctlODý From the Re. nc&,tako the ru= ,%"illty of vulng the port wû tAke the followInte i- munty, and that a by-law Éhond bo pamaud '. 1 M 1 0 N Y M18Tfiýk0T.-n'"Urdr in &tblciiielidçt6 wia crystalirod Ili a motion. of wýý11h waa parritd tinanimoutly. Du, _ ho célloutor W&* lumbructud ta 4t enco Baîrg Balancel. #IN05 80 ....... cOlle.t id tm.ýiom. &Dîýt;ý@U 1 00 42g 15 The U0121.111rinau of the P"Port'? commit- it reduc(-,%(l pricies. ""a'- 658 Publie proporby ............ 1,070 Cg tee Couu. Pattidisoc. ask6d. fùr lu4tructions Oumetery ....... - ... 1017 M 30L 40 ;ý dlng a djoput&tbe committee liwl w1th Police, ................. 316 70 80275 gt & JurY. This ûrm hâd uwed ta nu B A B J( Licuiisoia ........ 615 83 -à' ... Incrosio of ront of xtôre ocoupitd by t'liim tn, Stiudrieu ... 35 2j 32 M . in couiddoe.ation Ot'a plâte frInNu fiont an d Jew ell 'Y 4chtýol ...... 422) ü 0 1 1 00 bellar put in And a goiloral veattbaz, oftho, ................. _ 21552 82 Mote. It appoffl tllkt the rèjpRlrlo, whlch Dffljý»turém and 0oupouil. 7283 83 5ïfi',ýô wure îlot ta QX04ed Çoo, woge 1 or la cau and il dil,.tiiat.d -, .... 7728 Ca ]Booiuîng. A call Notoe pgla ............ ...... 00 Îhey are not nomplated yeb. Ilà calme U. ...... ....... nau thero W" a al itô U ta wbon tlwlu- you that this is Pour roi ...... ý:.: "ba ofeaked rental Mr, Jury wLw ....... 07 allowoù ta Addrov the Cognoli ln oxpýan%- 7elt tion, The ýimJMn ýebùicd ta H ighE think thora hràl i*- rî woro Y rom ou a tee Wns IOLV týi bu 4vjýli j4ai Ont '4à aüAý 0 feronue botwoon the onitnittte and the diu. M-I As. b fr > afftiowd tolianto. = M 4o Reeve and Tronguer w#3te given ail Balance Lw pet jjudger JN8ý 70 thorlty to uvauge for tomporitry 1bâlim froý OutotluidifiK ................ ...... C03 44 t1w Ont4rie Bank, J block, B oulm anville, Bowwanvific Agricultural Workm ... 2 80 Colinoillon Coralgh. PikttinAna and Allin Were appointod à comniittve tu fâtber 'l bun- Balance au pur Bauk Book 1>18 01 drin(wonnto." hâve tiftin r The lieport iillowis tligèt on DAo. Slst the djournintrit nt 11.15 P.M. XpItepay c ue ettil a% work waLaring clitirch piano, town bâd âaHots of 5M8147. and liabliifluis wor#ý0cAtËün. Ri-ving irpeai(il attention ýs0 proviuluil for of $57.572 ý80. Thenmmt)ta wure =vlo iiii, U: once r , tr the Sabbath Sabool. If tbeyýwiâûly deaide IoUowl-o'nab $W3 05, cometory amoiinfio It lias boeu oumtomary, cluring lloveral. pont Office. on the mont complûto arrangements poil- $200, euh ln hands ut the Iiig,4 School aru pnist, for the Connoil tç) b(.,)vrow raciley aiblo lot tho whole propei-ty-011lue0h, j3eurd (blli[(Iîu fiiixd) tow. ýuljw g]ý1prj(ftr rlItilo oarly frrt of the yeur. tu curry Uri f3ohool room and I>Arsoulàge, th will ho ty-UMetury3ý.W)0 pu Iloun luh inecs illit 1 the taxeli uowe lxi. Thlm yenr cougràtalatfid. Thfioo tii-cou aylmonish ta 826,000, lire appuratiie 85,000, tomri biàIl and the toulpOrary lown muât bc takeil advan. providü oubiqtantial and . permrýnontly Othur proporty $16,OLM, taxem unçollýeetý,4, trwe os About the lat of April. matiotttatory aooowLnodation, but ta lliy IncInding dol; tax and xbatuto labQx. Mr. Mtèyor-Therola a namQ thora 1 for. anide uanecoebary ornainontation. 735 41, rente J11(j fflo. relle liabllitl> W-tee eot ta i)ut on. ourtala olbulal, rufcndni F O I aU on dtbti2ture) M4- ta a dociiinont beforo the Connoli. Tho BL ljoilin lUpguyJûe fur Febru4;7y Pire 1,7DO, Eedgrantiou U822.80à Wu PZQQUMO tbc,%Pýdutinüvt of au Officur contallis > va 2 11. e ta 0_60 t'O the d4istruction of DcXiOus Woods iutructivu illutratud artiol a Ir, ý1 $19. 'J'lis riii"uo Cc>mwlttec prolionteil thuit wali royoked on the geveral I)rluoil)lü thst jourtial on Obina by ýÈn&r Foa Wick, of Sein drun. 1; ks foi 01800 ; "Public ol)PXILY" id un âU11, à ô teli(orL, %vliieli wag alloptod. It tôGoul. the cows whioli art allowed ta romm tho 1)00 là Pro, littinton Ira. itor » jï. lg, thu vRyment al nocountu, amonnt- strette out ni) ail the wut3de. Grêàt 1. Dr. Rani, lait b" urtiçtQo on 1 Ou loton, Litur- il.164 tu 1512 06, R4 followu,- Hâtuno 1 ary porkalo-ild. lind othur and the bri tï Oi;iihT»iky AcoovNT-- 0ouil, Jowêll duelln't $ay Miloh. but vphon ,àI gr. Ontario Sliàdu mild Tarpaulla CO,ý, ho duos spoalc. hiii remerkti are to the point. 3. Tho ToxL Pago IIÇ60 a ýizkrilýII)IO papoi, uý "floybItli" alid tout t)oyor... ý .................. _811 no '110 Report of the l'car lialief (joinnifitce 1. The Stra thore un iitýirieo, poetnd and othor foRt modal dnoiirnout. and wa8 flonêrvedly Ily lt nt 'l'hum. 001w.11, Imbor ............. 1 25 Was a 5. The Deal Prion only 15 cento. Spoclmen copy 0 eta. Wm Bnrrott. " 1 98 COMMUU(lod hy Mll Wormhlp the Mayor. Thoé. (Jo1wull, " ....... 0 00 Mairmau I)arcy tikkel; the wliillu li'Lker 6 A Terrlbl Noblilng wasi Pydd about the tgx(jà for Ti9O 7* Tolii Bro In the maeterly pâpur byJames T.Blxby, R0ý1» Alii) 8-0149LT ACCUMIT - -whothor they mulit of noceEâlty bu bighec 8. Tho 151%ci Ph.D,, in the Febriinry Axona, entitled Fied. Boughan, ......... 5 N or 110. (). Tho LgAi 111tobort browning'a Mewago tri tho Ninü- 1 11ý 12 00 Thosellérion of theuffloialoworelu each, 10. wiaow the lovouuf tbogruat .101111 Peara. 12 M) oue exerl at lut yearle 1i4uro"ý xi, Kntckurb pftt will ùnýoy a litorary trtmb of rare nx- Wilà. Poland, ttiamlmg ............ 67 75 The tameu Ktill unoollect(ifl amonut ta ton 1rvý vuliance, 'l lie reutint dcath of Mr. Browli- Johu 0014). cartin 1 00 nourly or quito eue thaumand dollAr»ý 12. My Humi fiag lundti addittonal ilittrudt to this paper phillip Knight, I&Lr', 13 10 13, jstolc of a ne well os LdYordLng awthur illux- Alez. K(ýlimaii, lâbor 2 M tration of the ability of the oditor to 11Uniýl(j Plt,)ImltTy AUOI)Ublx- The Irobruary iiumbur of "Godey'jj Lady'm il. Grandfat timoly papora on t)iieritLonm %vbioho UO.ý WQ041 10 00 liou]L" 0(,Mum ta un L% "Inty Valentino. 13. Tho QWJ fitrongly tu the lierai and hoavb of John Uolùý cleuiiing agh pit n4d te the licatun :611 1& Spoopcn tti o , a (bc le. 'l'ho (ýx(!eUuiice of the clý)fiot.n ................... ........... 6 00 ita ýng0ËA ; bàtkdmawý 11111ritriétione. coinred firet two U Jkud blaulL fümhiouts, and work i1luatrâtionij, xS. RoLrnblôià Uâute of Tbo ArenA i8 vç't 0111Y Lewia Qaiok, etovo pipuâ, etc ....... 40 inaintai.ned in thie numbor, but ln maïiy complote m nuuibur vqtittl tf) the bc)licluy- doar L Mi book lomt lnuttcl. 82 Qu a Year. Godey 1.1sthor. rempýýet» thifi Fébriiary Arena ourpMayé iLs lýlc(.11t)llaD & 00 28 a, produuuagou. MCDOUgM11 & (In., coal ....... 9 00 Publiublng 0owpaDyý Philwlolpb Pa. 2r. The Flà GmANi) Gin, -Tu &Il re&derx of thu Now Lowla (ýtliQk, Aupplius 25 Bnowiiz's PiioNoaBària(j MouTuLy. sh[pý York File Sido Mont po5ilir lýt'"o pipen, ctc.... W 87 on . WBFXLY,-'fhia Muât excellent 15110rt- mj, Tho Prl( rarnily journal in thm Unitell 8tatem. 'ow Pooit lýsaiEy AuootiNT- lu tho time ta aub;cribe. Prioe $3 00 a yviLi'. MOOIOIlau & CO., fzinl - ....... _ on 00 hand porlodioal liaa recenily been sulut, lilà 8iAo for & ye&ell Wili. grouorion ...... ...... itaprovod, and hs iiow publtâhod aj. Thp Pimi Aiiv Pormon solvuug 2b W four 04. Twlu Ti gubeci iptiou will ruceive a bie&utifut (iliroLito pràper ând twille 1 215 timus a nionth. inôtuad of but once as of Moliiâi(>ner'n Gront l'Aîutti2g, *'Priuclltwtl. 'R, Wiridatt. canti ............ 68 w lierotoforo. It gives in uaoà wookly 113 2c. Bogtlpli 180V' Bizo or Chromo 29x2l, inchori. Tiiiii Dr Bayle. iuedioàl attendAllue.... M 00 eue beautiful engraved roading mattor 20. MonA1Aý ï5liporb pictuiro. efttinl, to An oil J)AIntfug, MoDougall & (Jo , fuel ......... . .... 12 0 a7. Tho Tm aïld aultable for frAming, in coplud train Quo j J. Masou, soodis ..... ..... _ ......... 4 00 of buisizeu lettera for tho training of Baron of thé mont fainduli Produotions of thé groNt- lt conducts a 24. The kiqf ont artioit of Modorn times. Tho Original it, Artiluur, roathtc-rinîz dobenture lspeoî&.ýly unefil -Studentti' >partment, zçý. Chris. 1 niahnrè Onst,266. üK Tho ob=mo la va ox- hv.l]Lw ................................ ... 3 00 nneworiniz quefflona, fllutratww pria- .10. Pou.l Aný

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