~Tornnto, q, svored ii W. Fogg, of Chicago, uiullg.a wvek with relatives ii 1". ]Mrdoui e b f tngatWJil nanuviiIu. y uvening ut. 8 'olok. Af ,io~ il xrequostud. 'tly isot of n! rw »nd 1roidorios iOW sW oving.it OU S TIU iii wrappori ail Tea4Y for ma1iliiag n t tho oliuo 'ýc0uoL rn; pr OPY- o Bad aËnwock'a xliuba)ortoyour frisx$im. c A an (if Qu.peJ TVuiportigoo workere was orf4oiit7ud iii tho SoLUth W ard Tabor. naclu iviut $unday, their bikdgo buing red an~d bluo.. 1tud tho list of! prénontus that arc6 boin g given aW17 at J, . .Mso' Dry (;Oode aii J<uwl y tore. $ou advoýrtitiemslnt iii thits paper. YesbILBillSaSis dlullbuit "àfaiüii' ]Big oussalsi"ifs uting 0hlngs lvely arotQud thoe. Don't allow othora tu mouro &Il tho a4vanktaiis ofored. Ilin. ]dwavd fiako, M. JP. foi. Womt DurbLtiwiv ith biis uw i boralitLy, lianâibmcrlbod e4o,oo to TJoronto 'Ul1- vormfty Buhldilig 'und. at . Irs.Donuolly'sm ilflins(ry store aud âeo dis i adios' and mssB and 40a. mn-aw huts iii ail colorz. New Spriniq aud -wnur i tylesa ini ats and lbonneta. F~or $1,00 usv isubecribLý1Vd UII goft TJ"1 k&I mA xd theo Torouto Woulit»7Mail, (Ilobo or JEwpiro, tho Montrvai Wittess, Jalni ium~did WciNoily sLiar, or t1w Weeterti AdvertiBer tho ýIiuosof 1890. 'l'ho vowstI hown srnhuu propur- ticesp! MN, I-, uomblns With OAOrtOiiils anid a momtperfet erviio, at)s ouad in cartor'il trou Pilla, which .trngchoau the iievenani bdyaod ifmprovo blood uand Mr. Joun M. Joxwaa has bought Mr. ob()Drfukupo Mr. Cham ing fctidi hia Ilortno ii. MYr, . F I rupniai 010 lîrao4rigo Gaz, .Rov.Il 13 . Nm&tt.hewB Biowmnaniiie soioc, foras titu IjjnpIuls0ry olidren nu âLu(i turc, Ipicturee, etc., a 1'purchamu 1 hs ictu 5011W o.auriIig5i Lu&UJ[t) Tha ý toayai Ârcalliu' ouri growytb. Urguin wutli 1) wsnLborki, kt 1h bore. Mr. Thot3. Osbornit a builock ta Matt ]~I weiglicud 2,200O at 3 n .W. Tbiolo and -.N.- Kivull vîi S. 0. ]E. 'lthursdnly ii il 1iu1didLtG 'Jt) 1ýlya Wuplal boowu ith he resttC ()Veriff700 ibizsns sgi ~$25,00 ordüed tatfor *S15-00. ()f coui-liewo haive otfierlin08 Oequ"F1lY yen ctinnot atlbrd to In BOY'S and YQUTW'S we et&n gÎvQ yotL ~lui-go asort.Oflit of btyleu and riopù5 at le85 imonoy thiLuyou vcrn buy Vthe cloth it.ono if you bWita Cogot thin~ ma.de io wrdcw.J1)011't forgoet tbat we are gîving away ut A good Assortment of Genera1 JDry Goods at Special Prices. Te. CED. mMASOÏNM in rý HA' INSTIT AU t q_ ou l' pihoto sittu*i ulttuirO of 0111. h argett and best a8sortillent of [toay-iadeuaothlg o ver [sio W»jin1Dow- manuviltuL, im ww b,.iruloid ty 'T. UsOrge, SMazon in in ld i tand osast i shop Na4s'j »~r bloolc. The vîooplu of! 33vuttlaivlk e huuIt aproit iiu bou of o! ffeîixg thezan a. butlir qualiity of gouda at loweî men. pneuas thasà uver bdoro. Thoiiai»isepFitaoni, ottio and Mos. S» û ttafIt, àu»villo, 111., baetrumed to - Uit City UfWer a Sow weekii' plen st with hir uld friondu and reltheri 1 VIS ). Tuoioto tud Ilaniliton. iks eail uid Torouttimus, tho isses l9iuaofl say emi4dncp '"tli.hs lit)nu jduoe 1k. omo loinuu oA4 Queu Oityr-Toronto $Situds A CQ0LLIMITAS 1ilUflQ D-.A VOry PIQa.'I c ur nt Aàtru~ taîutirod ut thu lUaudi$i luaixuoas Çoflee, Ianonsal. south, luis . tiUig, M10O ,oamson biIJg a vooIft)iltýil*it Vins.o arny mipvl'ad dromA tsndoed Mr. 0 S J. R]tvW, I%). ,iILI b.oion Lbu t4T iu Qu ,inthe iiiaiituti.îu dnring the pýimt iwbdLs' j lq]rs Y 'The. drob A aani iglLd by àuiiu. It.. 1- Warçlsr, J. IL IIjti»y a W.,l U gr 3o latoist an.-. x pro sutit i tehigh e*nhei i'n awiuI ohzieton ZMr. ltîwu ià hlwldby hiis f rionad.-Tilp W. thiuà %l uik» pobitiveIl' aythatoui ankimntd »,?u iiiÂuS a the tlw ie Mu2tI~,-r5. i>MgUIaXi Il Ia. 1ns ouci tif spring Iaul mesr imilI1icy, *0 Wrm, tlOtit, UOv lavesl, "mala UolýIlid whitu id 01 sitraw baI8. IStrtaw lata cotaned ar mhared, 1,110 Losntl oporienceu of Mr. WUsuin, oiangolst, &, raiiitud ili ta sitroutchtoh Lh aai wuýl oIwriu ofa th vllu haractur, Mr. Wthsula lia Youotu, y fyienldl3 duing bis short iDwimazIvUls. Thle Sratford 4dyjrtuur iti o buriod. 11A isto proprieturaP.trI h ard to Iouap its lioad abuoawutoi t f11111. Th faut i Sbratford hi Lutày piapurjs Whoti a city or to à plajOud luthât poatioln somULihlag Pu y0. lit W fruittr*oil Ij fh car oa ot wbat yai want hy apyn yA. Jiwien at olce 1-ho Iw ita s h 24thNoticewi( 'v, Or a o, - 1itrlPiniot &ML., OnN Lh0. 11fitnrrmhiP aineUs liray. of a - wt§()u thmuxdormirm d Dry 1 uii t 1 toor irHwav Brick1 H.[ L nd- Aces ~v u iv b vu oeured largo i4 iwhotnoutul f prellsus. 4A lvilaut u lyi'o 1 ~theo advai 1. ks tmiiijnkvtu s114 omrsfer nud I)Lb(roLwsgt1 dwding lisa gdIIIasL d. ud boipes tautbu w thL I n bwn or tro NN BRICK . J. 1