AS IJSULAL 1 have a verfne of WALL PAPE R ii ail tue Itest designs. ~ro nze Papers froum £0 cents.. J.ecorate Your Ift will cst o more to have your roomas tastefully papored and decorxated than spoiled. P. rebi1oook. WUBT DRHAMLM bOTIONB3. Nominationsa Thur*dy May 29. Evorybody vota for W. T. Laakhart. DuiLuiu the iait e g14uen yeirsa n. 0.- Nowat hias boon P nalir i£ ai Ot4rtu, not une aot of corruzption Imia boon brought homo ctu his govoernxnont, but tho lhioxy furi1the laab cdlgtuoii 7ear of 1the paity ]cd by Sir J(ihn Moiollld aolimncus wth tho Pacifia scandai and enids %ith thu Me- Qreevy revolationn. A Queoe Proviinao journal miyri. I> wais Mr, bMow.t1ç p Bve4 hi&f of Ontario, wit it vatialeinienan in ibor, from Sir Johnl'm gra6p, nd 110%Vthe peopleofo tbat Prov4iqa o awked to d4amlss thafr cham~piona nnd Iiii ovor tbafr Province ta the "IloutelitnV' "of 010 Illinawho triedý a ard ta dospoil thomn. Siroly the peoplo af Ontario are not arazy. Mr. Mowb at lkid(on>9 a goael for- worii<opin h its tfinc. uc pyothoin the Mobanica' LoAc~ t, the Eup1oyera' Liabili1>y Act, the aotoi4qp .Act, thae Iail- ivJy .&oidont Act, tho ÀAct io iaollitate mon fr a rticipato nbooisadto Tune eleotion in1»Lhwincoln, $U! 1l he vu- co auaod lby tho rmga14ao of J. 0. ~Byart talcos placeon aMay 23. !Nearly overy papor, Orit aria Tory alieo, con- doiiig ykort'is coduct in die thubor limilt tràneaotioii, the Empire offly aacept- vil! be a sitanding disgraoc tO ca». ixdAifRykurt iii ro-aecotud. Huroly the eJecborx3of Lincoalnîhava snioerepoob fur t . l A ook,a rentMiior 'Of Niigara Conferonco o heMotIol ChuroI, epcaking at a&inau zneethig in the tow-n of Dunidjw aRtwmb iild:"Jhv ywaItal the adiiinit101h of the Pro-. Yiiolal Go>variionit by fan. Olivor 4owy- ab and liii aufloaguos, and have booa» muol î4owica withI t. Of caaua40jt Ivould lba out of pbtwou fr izn& t<> îay miueli On any political subjoot, >bt Tcan teay Il[ have île for w hatovor f o te libecrtylt fmyseli and fio4ndm undo ia loMowat Govarumenit." ffaiiynot; why rihould ho? Dr, ' Qan~ D.CmlDr. Dewart w i iy other opbnbllt Ch('Iristin i oltder have Q~xpross- cd Chomisolves i lic hE ama tteuue. 4Q~,pirxuuiit goiterlly is eqiaJ toimyjpur in Qunada, but tho oitrilupèrwonit L Qgoftiuth andjustiau 4 in si2tbli h pub1lioacwanilmotivas of poUticua uppaxa- ejji>. )V c l Uta co loiw suali very to tromo utterances cunrpi-ove ai dvantage wa tho consourvative pArby. Mtr jliilatan spdko at lengh atethle iiipJ4ug Moniday nlg4ht on tbie intitorl, snd the Emnpire dily republlsiîea tue cir- culi- stiet by Mr. Proitoni, Mccratmi-y of thc provincial Refuim Assoiation, tu manie inioxîdly office holdor whîo hîad eub- scibod bu tbo funde of tho Association, askiag toma ta rouit the ibalanîce duo on eaid subaiptione, neo mi dollar ai wiih vas ever iutauddeb bu uteod for illagiti- mnato purpesas. WVly do thinsa pensons nat say that bath political parties koop ami organizer un aalary te smprtnteîîd nffaira, at haadquartons and te vieiL btie1 comîtuutw olccaseionx rsquilles. O! course maoy lias tbu be eubnoi-ibud ta pay blîir sialantes anîd oxpoias, for prlntxug,1 oamtpaigubltraturo,eco, ,anîd who ipa niai-o rigbf vi oulbscionl tlai biosa vha hold guud positions, 1te sua umouet gavanxiuocnt otoiils ocoupy? 'Thio rrtuuue Empira uhoute daye alter daY "mowat>s iund for cornupb urposes, ' but lias 'not a word for bbe metiioda whiah prevail and flouriali unur the iastonlng camp oi bbc Tory ruions ut Ottawa-lediiig civil servants for bic puapoueof ai nig pi-osantste taMhiitars a? tha Crownm; tapplmîg tho tille ai publia countactosfor- bic purliase of gotting up tueebLmriaialta Cabinot Mnietoa, anda s. scesing (mi hîircountient)lîhu eflciar- las ai tic protectire tariff ta provid aa hugo pleabiomi fuud, ta e xpmîlducormi-. nuptly , fin wasdue in 1882, thnt thoey ghoild net foi-get vie slîok douru the naneorna 01 iol thcy Wooafoodimîganud fattelning, lias speclual sigiiifliceo; andl su Us tho fouiug airciilarî- eued ty itun te bic sanie gentry ilu1887: (Prxrnlt.) EÂau~cLr~acî,1Orr4WA. DESui i Bcm,-Abthe pi-osont Gri-as lb le, Ila my opinion necessary thait aiorgablo s a ) 11ould ho bakeci te obtaîll »x Lad inant of thc Natonl Poiey. Wibi th îis viaw, 1 venture ta write ta yuu, togothor wibi cheir gentblemeanfavorable toa t ~icy, tea meut mu atatheoeiioLo 11 e o nm t, umn Tuesday Lie lot l'b ay, n 2 i, Bul lovo uMc, Youxs Vary truly, ,J ol il A. Macdonald. kasib: A hititoric meeting in tIe -1W* Parai-tmtand the aucuiciulabt>n o! anufinî-1 mondmeselecoofiuxîd wviialgot in lu ewurk ln i-ai-ydoubttul ai- :cluosons)lbitlemiîia lia tie Dcmnmioni; of ihiiola Laîxuiupyard o? $1QQ,O0 woi-o cent ributod lh) Moatroal -$40,000 by fou irfirme irosrspoclal ini- dustnice subsaqucmtly raaoived vax-y uilal o onalderabions Ilia tiesa "nadjuat. 1-1a01t, of btie Ilin dutias. If ta Ontario (lavcrunaoutahtmeld raise an (bction tund hy Imîîropor ineoua, or i lb hutendcd to use smchi a tdfur on anupt purpuae, tic Empire would bc qulte rigit Jaamn»4»*IL;but Jî mustuM waê i-e floeu of acland ftiofi tniothan; lb mustt ut tho saine blute condom» ii.e bt4ealo biodliiig wih r&apoaùtrs io huai-),e-om.go- iug on at elucblous and botireon m-Ictoiîî undex- tii. puoploos ai thoelDoilmiin Guy ennuiiûit, iuîdioabod bu somo exten nt at i by bhe ravalationa muaide u n aîumtiun Vitil J. C. Rykerb iînd Lie cypresa ills blumibarliuitathbe McGrovy and olwr un- savox-y saxadaus. FRENCE[N SCROOLS - Oua oing poin't 1 in M. lreclitih' spo ol i riitanviule vas Lt l iglia)h mli ho Uic lauguago of Instructionx lu n]l Plublicoule liof Ontanlo. Wa mgrecà- yit llm, In tilematan sd the Xmavat (loyrx- mmnt in legîalatmug lxi tint i-amy dîreetion. Tha îolicy outhbic ad Daîîarti4n oiib ai. lic itruction, was followod îie rulation to Frouaei anud(Germuait choolit Lilii>85, vie» theIC ducatlami Departînemit of the Ontaria ovo xeimade ia LÀe unove in the ipattar of tocclimg Emîgliali in htliertea) xelus3ive Qvrinfizi aîîcl- Plencli ichxoohuui Iail tlie yu>areii h. Publia Schiool sysitqi lias oxisitOçL, ' Lis mus bbth iiîtal stop in bue ilirootica iof ncasuviug1 ai innuly thnt lias reuu&vud bimu sanction o! lonîg usage umîder- Dr. iLyorsopa'm adiilt- Ing botter attentionî toethe teathlnig of Use Qi Vo'meh l, 1»Publia ýoç(Biaus li lEg- lieh, and 00 fur Choir 0efforts aîob t teçdu- SON* N GL±ANND.J .U. ] WX1 Z WLIW DR LIJ W -±±UL The Legal Staetue of This sud__ Other Friendly Scit » iuAn Si ï.--&Alaw ian. aId fatni obu givô liqui. elvor xw ~Mir. bMuwt anad Iis gavurlnnant. fin farmnor le the borie nd icw vof the colin- We foc! mauathat niombers of the sons Ltr; wilon bbc fari e e peroLu s ail o? Engiand Danovoleiit Society as Wal ne whou branclhr s of bouiins arc isc, and wonthe fatrmor la Tiot Iipori thora of other frlondly sociables in West Dr agane0rafly a doprossion i li h o uitry. ham wilI hoartlly thank the son. Oliver ltewla ue o tcoosity Of Ctio governmiienb Mowat and hlm Govera ment, as the Su. logie1atiuig for 1,110 litbcvesb Of tho farinera. preme Offlotri have done , for the action 1Ilarn eorry tClaiir are flot alive tu bicir uwNvintiioromZTg"il y aliow imanu- h~reiaf on oplate4.facturai-s, labou radonandmi mbtnabions An ot-membai, ii the Saons of Eliauid of every kind bu formn t humalves into Bonevolent S8ociety7 Iodgod formaticoin- uions .)iand irusts for thoir uwn internas' plaints againqItuilheooloty with the In.while tho faîuis reinain a dîsorgun1ce,à apector of Inuranpe% wibil a vîi', ta porti on of tliebo aomnîunity.Trllv oy g L the POURs amd Vote rogal C s o? acr in- uslig bthe A.borny-GoueraI'o nlje i t eltsand this if% tho roalion wbyILbbc far-. promeoublg theofo! ers fo-allgel rd es inmur lid llois iiti bis proisent s1rieiit- ai thbe Inscuraaoe Âob, and aimau for afleged eicd condition. Whilo ail other callnge admÎnlmtration oi uni>wftil oadin, T'~re oforinig thisiBloh s lubu oixblin sand trusta b pLo )tMt ,tilOir iatUrUiitd, lchOfr. question xalmed by tilomo icmpIaintq Imer inla hlpinlg tha mnitfacturer and aa m- neaced fur beyond the parbiciliar moieay bin8to, ur>pile ta o o ii9c1f igainst liii scenced, and ooncernaçi parly, if inat own hbiturent, and for t-abmrllion the far- qut ail, the fraternasiorders and secret mer finde humiiinsoif bidlyliaind icapped ln the race. Thal cro liodi'.sbb but t ho e ia sooletbom in Ontuario. 11> thoxotoro boame tufaaburers and conmbinsters tare îuakIng. neoumpiy for theInoaupoor of Juisuranue iuuuuay Out Of CoN. IP.; but out of whoin te auMly expiaore bhe whole wIfiwQitho ub- du theY îuelb? Thù "le farior lethe ina» ject, and report thbe legal otatum sand paw. Chiat bas ta fout the billanîd bont- the houivy burdon. oreso ri nldy aotie in respect of the As cho lion. Mr. Mowatm, Premier of matropid b m hel cage The Onitario for aighteon yeuri,i&i).ut o t) up-_______________ Sons of JBngland&Society ham 1way orne cal bu thocountry for axaofliîvrbase of au honorable reptitatlon for boumflideni aur yoars, it in oui- luty 4ail ibr5 Wt- th be dlfforeat ga)VOrIlnOetk r0Oin alluer'5 sixi ~w aregraiedA> Iani hatiie u irixo Jto hi is ocr Lmn lgalQtiasr w1ciioypoint ?f vieiv, as hey linviu logislabod lfo- speto acuis to aaia atthe In-wr gwbethor orinçl lb fa losuoili as y11 wt aaU7 bc h - a lit Che Intoreest Of tofarineralu apecor aoqi'tâthée0cety f at wongf4ta8i-nsiiivipirIlo 1 ien bcausp paxb t hopes.118t n 3Iy stfr UT tÙ&o ure lvol dol»g, Ail fiendly tociotieis are deoplv bhe presenit o un, and lln o F111 Ùniost ii the Politics of thowty ant in ~O5P~ U~uu~ 4mçw3o ~ hodone for thi iabelitoste i cgriuubtuirieit. f~janta egaa or 1710 In- We illclidn1»luuhclni ai-r thi eto that btoreBw Of the armanir. Anxd 1 a BLsure Qi-- Inspeator, ana front the reaolution printS-iehu as passed ai- i-loue tinios, lihat luo e, ur ir cxadrtofvithe diffeontib cd below lt wil bc taon bliat the mci3ty liasgrLlîtod jbo[iuses bc> rairondita tho poîîUeîiaîs, very farniar in tho Prûvince1 amks thé CIovernmenbtauprint and cirou- atrint (if asimillion doUaI-s. Th t1 asof Ontario il b]ave o nuleiosationin lugir- labo the repart far the information of 11.aILalargo surn i gvenoidàodly for i-10i intor- fg4 Mr. frO'wl4t thoir baarty *ujP2OI'b Tld ct of the fariner, bu onitba lo I t to iiii ttliroulgllot the Proviniceand i-cturn liiiuîi weil hope tast bo oI's ronaestuwando "" - i 1 produItcu cha)LiLuw rbINLfwjth ailgood majop4ty, las lbulias buoia» a vr hp tatte x)ltyisrquatwllbotoo1,titi(,lbt. la,1and oi tic lanuor ait l til-ougl bIis long granted- ~W illnd Mr. Lfrtw ias111 givun ai great caraoi-LI a plticialn. 1'armalrs in West Follôwlnq ln the neolbonnamnimotie. d0al 10 tiln tCoisteriuug a nd url at, fl gplwoMrMottb ï vabing ly adota~t a metngo te zcutivu UT) Our cri (llogo. and U in for Mr. W 'J. Loiu lart an June b. 3lo oio(oiCioolos hooiiotlitli tnoli A LD PAI01ItU ofth upenbGan Lde fthous iatiuln utheo î-vimce, iii îvbieli far -_____________ of Engiand Buawolout Sooioty, hold àt rputrs' sons cliu got 8saitio knowludguoOf O D YNG TS.M TIQ Shfesuy lalToitp,üx&.8udaiy ftu-ihiyd ilble aclibbed by gijodaudi- ~ NG TB MEZG tant: ority luat Lho Agricuitural Oulloge will (Io U emp.lýd ombo of te 1,o"1oUgood for t10ilipruvaoio! ofagri- Mr. Maredibl i wasgraatud wltlia fll Sans of EcglanaBellvlotSoity ct nlture t1inn axyliy ter inutitution ium tho bouse ou1 bis li-at appotanco linLdois towil, ]y attomptod tamnetfi motion againat Mr-. Meoth as estAiblishaod fartiiers' iilling a largo nuisiber ai ladios. Mr. bbrieii bhe GQ d Lodgo (acting ilu stuttes thiauglioit tio Province, wlol W. LL1*..ido, of Clarkes, occupied the~ tlr ojl apouw th tilà ai cl&uiofem ai w bu ia grent boon ta bbc faroleue, id c hair. Mr'. Pîuwer d0loalineci u pekaad the. Ontario Ineurance Aab by Iiling car - ea Bu good recite a very daly Nwbeo fa r- MI,. JaioI8S, Jullortouu, a Toruito law- tain charges wttbho bc Tipeotor af lueuir- duofgotiltrâ icussecingîmîoJ. yai-W", heas t i3peaker, but i-ca».but a sonné agnd.-reiucit(ng parîilamluno? f th fabrine antid thuia' pruduco. 13owmlalivillo iaudbceilowoulti ilavoa low- Attonoy-ouerl te. cmmen1-pamea. Hohuegivon i bbc rlit ofaifrancehise te .od liii» tao ucoupy thc tillio front a o farnra' saune, giviCltio fiirmig camu- îii inte 4ter 8 bua quarter ta o 0 'olock, biensin i binaine; idry ialargor tshare of francohise than au yand eve» hi ainewa xitsu o And Wheraam tub.salol cooiplainant b uocies in tlic Province. A4ijui ui aine a xîutdli furtuipi-lodgea &obarge ths he upSociety tbhelnw le fno, ubnnLlged ito a auihiood oi- thay tieid to 'wbiistio and ta]Inp in bad cndredibsef hbleta Sa cîî a o iowbl t til shows tho lntoresit Mr. dowu, but lhe seod bu toimagiIn l$ 1mw b redrd ilf lonla< uno th i4 oinalot a t 11ua8talion n Clio a arming ceamnnîu- tbue aw u t he t>a veiing ana ILIQ1 uth itim nemiberc; Mr. T4owat lbas givon bhe fmrioser tUble vp~ esn~ u a rshat Andi whera the Soiety by itu sali- bosS drainage law af any province in bbc tirod. A laa4uig Caoorvativ olWd aun cIterDminon Brte lhn ado~~dwhialillias bueni n gronabft do th at tbiilg mehould zat happe» agal»n. wtor 1tub 'p c r f jsumaddike4ts. hefariaerii iliioclaifliiiig tiouila» e i f Wo roter ta 031 Part of is spa0cch alpc- wiohcee aisweburlanc"&t. l_____of_%vit,_______ý menoin ans . we o t t charges man ik . Mwit lias;appointû n tY>AgÉ~lflti: 1juportî ie satemnt ocuontry ialt'ý0nimj8mIen bu in Iuira initu tf i eta r. Mn eredith fclhwedu wîwth a bilai évpi td 5.somotdence; ofy i mwrlulbuiro n lu thisl>rovluoo and repart lspeechli i whi ie cIa aiiod crogi-4t fur uvdne n ihe epi oai fimp rovlng tbbc con'- nwchî (i thegood logilaaion paasad lby And whoraaa the Ilupeaton a! lueur- düofubl io b far-ner ai thîùrorpat lias tho OntariLogi4l1ature and dwolt lt grout- aac, J. Howard IHuntor, Enq., baié amide bac» of greut vlu o Che i tamupos of tbinIsest jexxg1>bon thFl e n-~uoh and >p4 ta hic repart Ste eHon, 0. Mowat, Attor. PiroVane. sl quaI vtoiW rpy 4 ns.enriaA la Seat iabybc Mr. Muwaât Ibas aidod and» td tgr sllot uoionts41dtu t appea %u tffl brus 4 &OYGOnrFJandthe ociey hile,1y te ulttral tocietios wlbh liborgr n>tielsewobro.e ddio port ui Âtbzuy.anra'so.~tsybeau permit-. I a ivnlbia gaîet air mssai- :good lp)41>t6and raIi-e>vey littlo othu: ted teta b aacopy oa!rtbilanman; itioiii ibîme Province.i amecpby]sprotiilitaro- On consideation at îaid report, rosoîv- Mn. Mowat ]lias creatmd aSeat lib his »£ ~ b~ l arrto upbbb cd, SuaS bbc Shmuîksu'et &aIlthe fratornal (jabinot for a linier anid flllod bbc sout iSiuabthe olio. Ordrs nd ocible- l du, uad eucy plaob»g thie Iloii. Chai-las ]Irury in t Mn. J. S. Lai-ha, of Oshawva, wiis Ordor and octote& ladue, nd tfo m inisLur oi Âgciuluru--a t goilinUemaist splor and dolivoriad hinseli of a thanks af this Society are ilcreby Sender. !f Loi iCio iceulautftbis Prorluaco xuay loir ohesltiuw wl xtlic tweipeibi ,gisla- cdte cth Ontario (Goernment for tlahe o epro ud, Ils anitaagiculturint, anîd farinibluntil. 110 raisikiAlaugIL by aaylng idont o4ouimpr sulad concliusiveq un May oXpot great illi iooiient and prog- Mr'. Prowri, as opreaoudaliv (XTem.roa in h bbc scooieaagriclulture by liaiy--rprol aud0bw t it{inwhleh thim reorat hais made it ung muhain able anîd taLlonbod fariner asasn an oJig a vioti»t tu bruiag dinlk andl un- tuhe legal ctatue andl igits a? Jriondly Mr. DîurY aL tiair llîcad l nthe Gui-arn. worthiy of bcbg aassoiated vith Mr-. SooeLiee lu a niro1. yhanby evei»-liand- iiojt. Meredith~. tIxiaeçtooi aso cd justIce ls edalt aut bu li Qrdcnm And last of ail, tb(>ugli nc4 lavaiit, Mr. Mowat lias gîvein four thouBaud dollars tu for bimna w bliiaoulitbut li ~e vYas glaol itiouit distinction of race aor reqdj ad ocdi aaunby 1ic wpiro c u oaid atmm4 as- bu fibd tlao otaWrios more lHos. kMois »ob a whîereby fan the u*ux 'lainoOrder phall ho aisb lîiei in building husasof refuge fauîd drinking xiciL-inat il druualard-iiid 1ma liable ta ho harassd by crinilnai promamc-i b. ou a oaci eounby !n thc pnoviuoo i i i psdlin Word to a atotal ablipurcer iens ior proaindod breoossgo f the la,. avit i i5alf f tLia glt, forl' vitill 1110a ad theGo~erntaeheob rspct 9groit bleuing ta tîmaýt p ortie» et aur coin- and iaMs aat drunai for a imouîth. iIwob ~» O ~ rpy aunity tuîat anc neot able ta baclp lmln uio a vii lb. He iê>uot say, lioaevtr, ully raqueatod, iorbila go»érlbinf armi- oires and (j viii bc a blesaatng ta biec euil- tbbt Wqst Purhni pjîc eectooi a roiarin- atîcîx cf the nuuwroc5 frateeKailê wbo bry foi- ail tiliio ta camle. cdr4IiuirN&tLbthcmont lamaentable oquaily with oneseires 'are lierebthd in 'Thuira oc a IL relcatnte cwaqli tua. Ipalamt u.dyaîaiî ~Mr. Muwat and Sir Joli»i A. Macdonald. rosmlta. The Iaudliene got vriy rost1oss thi IMorali M vauale eprtt Mr. Mo wat lias boe» laglslatlng ail aloxng undur biks efforts btu dolude thoai» ai publimh and airiulaba the mane, 4ma t aSbhulillo il, tli mterost of thbo f 1 4~il »tt;sadttiaot~~vssu tuil diatmrbiiig and vexatiat q ctloino whilo Sr Joli» Maconald lian buoa»login. c aied witb tic iuwil bocrti. that have reoeutly lee»n alupd moly 1bc latbng i bhc ilItorcet Of tbbcmanufuaturer___________ setaS oa; ad ii.Surem 0 Aud su aumiwt aamaainu et aineYwr, Mtiriimii.a duty fsbiuck (AL. But the t(luverinnaxî bruo bw tip prlnciplos ai tube N. P. put IL t VZPi wi l aiaamab lba4local 1~aba buOn u mfrier for tic bonoit ai tha ii Boti aries twov ý u aasti v ii afauturur. Tliese are) omaîy a flwoir ai, ~Toi-y cxaiiULtu8a u»b. &upplbat i vlk - tic date o? thao cltolz but oanly a na inîy ua ilue lilchoie Uvoinnma3iît la.rouita ipdOU diors 011çoipt oi a themoiri ilbo iwiti tic reslt. IIint parby yor t U iintaciaor againmit bbc intorest fatni.appüd ogvebQo. ~>Ad'a>s JEmiro oQ$ae. in tic ouibi iuis »s boi bro iuuinit- ýi.xtto t. nlotter not iii tha Iiai-cebt of 1y lsd by Oiivnaç i)A orua igilitelan amy alibifllparty, but lu bbc interkLo iet r onetut AlAN lp ~rh1 ro pov td ycmirs. ~ibo ýi~Unxnr. i diâeuelolly thie ntionis of v~?4;;j5)4pa Mum3 imov ........ ...... .West E~nd House, Specialty for Saturday lIreS clue, and at ppcecs that dofy cana- peoitlon. Our stok ftwaccb, vorateda sand pnginlarigoand oliwrmth u- opei n. The pnîcesaire Iii , 4415 larm shirts, underclothing, e. Our lage SWc q of .nts will Ie of0xraëçonSatudy Dou't m~iîss thWs caç Jlohn MoMurtry. ~? 4 hi~, i