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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 May 1890, p. 5

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BETTER THAN 1LUID BEEF!, YMÂN, SONS & Co. Sale Agents for Canada. as peoial device o re eusbled ta fit sons sccuuatly by mail. We hava Lire îest tock and bst vaulctyaof Spectacles town and ouarantee evory pair ve seli. BITGTT a JURinY, rents for B. LAURANCES' Spec- tacle and Eyegiaases. CoACIT BAY, MXAY 16, 189'0. Wall juifi 1 y mail. RÂILWAY. 0 STATION. GoINQ E wu ail....... 667a m cal.5Blu 03oac 95 amn z .8 1 p m ail....... 82P m 1- T. R. AGENOY. isola te a&Hparts ort the UnltedSttstesà auda.North West.Mauitoba anid PaifIal oanst AT LONVICLT BATES. 'UIT CONNilTRONM@W * IASTEAT TENR, mivrrIIOR mieaiYW. Ojitfnu,..&nuyauicon, etc., iy takng For fuil InformnatIon apply te H., JURY, Town Agent. 4 ur'»Ding SMore. 4-tr YMANVILLE, MAY 28, 1890. cal and Otherwise. Edward Cole, of 0meva, vai lu n Thuis4ay7. e early lu the do6y ta Tod u C'n ost priCe Halo of dry goadu. ntry submribers will please psy at &ranà~offe-wo have nao agent.. ..E, S. MaLtt.wi il billod for si ~iPqaddrcsis at iokeriiag, June 2. ELFACOIDENT insurance, VmToui, Agent, Bowmanvilllo. ti, Duke and Duchess of Connaught the "Ss.rdLnian" fraon Qteb8co o 12. hava recived a rapecial imprtation ,s' and Msishase lu plain and 1almo a good heuvy ribbed Ilnetafar John J . Mason. UAlat Lin. S. S. Sardiflnu on Mr. Albert Wrighlt s an o 7rnk twright, tisiled made a fair passage n ut Liverpool on Baturday morn. getrush for that supeiair style lgtstill continues. Thuse that Diate a good fittiugg nt sad veut go n, and thotia that reslly appreelato crb ftting pants go in hlooka ta g thoy know that lis the place ta get 1Rleady-inttelolobhlug neveu fit. ibotcheu inl the making snd ii only Y-Jý WnuuINQ ElHiSBUoCuzee-A veuy plmos. sut event oceurrod ou Wodnesdsay nigil nt thé wareroot fthe Mendessohn PI. tatne Comipany, tire occaîlon being P, faun. trol aupper giron by Mu. Bre Coulon, tire able supeiintent of tiefr, m vii about to, lever r is aosuectian vîi htIreur Tiro fenture of tir eoeung vau tiereous- etatian tau. Coulon ot au address, expnrcsslugtire gaod wlshirofaitire mon, sud a tutînronlal lu tire tarino a ai sd' soi gl hin aud looket. MCuo u inl a fovr well choson sud guatetul yards. Mr. Coulen besonutire 24tl inat, fou a %week etfiroidays lu Nov York, sud on returnlrrg vii corumeuae Iis uer duties vitIrtire DominionPlnOopy et Bawmanville, on thre 2nd J un. aui May 28. S. S. Vixooaruur-Iutenrd Log paisen gens by tins favorite steamner ehldmaIn o1011, application fou bertirsta M. A. JiUS 's Dominion lino agent, formas- villa. Shoiresli oux Montresi ai oliows. Wedneadity, mait 28, Jul» 2, Aug, 0; and frein Liverpool May 8, June 12, J Uly 17 Aug. 21 and sept. 25. W. baro crasser the Atlittio tIrée tînmes lu this popfflar steamer aud eau ireartily recommes hoier Thre "Vancouver" raoti usguet advas- tage-rr isbas, ritatorooa, musibaroetn sud bath noamne are anildtînip virr but littie motion Io foit, and carrnes scithr cattiensonr sheep; eire Id lighted vitir lo trio lgît, sud Is oeue o! the fastost toan. ars sailhlg tram Canatdian ports. Hor seceuf Cabin au lutenniediate accommo. dation la veir y une, sud thre Steerages aue oty sudwvitivetilated. luteurdiug Pal ogerr iraîld arrange ta mail by thi at snd voli appolntue aturs up. lu tire report et tire Primttry ousminrti troci o t Olle éof! Pîrysioiai, of Ontario we aue leaied tafilnd amonig th ire sceosi- f tl eau.idates tire saines of Miss Jul Thomas ansd Mr. A. S. Tilloy, of Bau. manvil lean sd Mr. Herbert Barber, oe Oubourg, os guaduate ai Bowinanvilli Higir Seirool sud tic ouly student ivin obtnined honora t tis xauination ; epis Mr. WL J. lîiddery otf arptun, T. lioati o! Columbus sud H. A. BruceoutFort Perry, sophew of Mr. IW. Bruc1e of tii tavu. Amasg tiras. virapuised thE firal oxamnationi for tire iaimnie aithe Onliogle and are uencdy for praotlcc sic Dr. ])vid Archeor, ot Cartwright, wlrc loftt lait wok (aforSotland, Dr. R. J. Nid. doeîâof Huxnip on, Dr. C. L. Starr, Brook. WMoillvery, hity;Dr. D. cunl2ing ,la puiser ai the 1ansie mlas, otfKingaton;, Dr. C. B. Carvoth, lot lHape;suDr G. T. Bligelow, Port igix tue i- )Omo tetire eau gt tire printed lu enctan u rma Fresh urival of etîaw aud summier hats at M, Mayeî'sà. Caws were tuîne&ita the f Queei'is mecadaw lait Tuesay. Mr. Chas. F. .Hill bais been warkiug ln the Inteuprise office, Caîborne. Remomber the coit p ricesala 01 dry Soadi lastis until tho n1àJune at Todt & o's. Mr. und Mis. John D. Imcaie aud daughter apout the aueen'a Bluthday with Markhism friands. Mu. James G. Johunsan, can ar Mr. W. Johuison, Belluvillu, la tihe sert puiser on the steamer Norseman. Re in tharough. Iy capable and null fiii the bill. Yen eau buy watches clocks and jawpol- lry chespor at Maynar4â'a the Jeweiioa than auy place lu towu. Try hiin sud van wJI be cauuicd oft tie'taoi. LÀii,call nt Mrs.Douneliy's mlllinery store sud zose.tailades'an su isses' 35o. snd 400. sîraw bats in aIl caloa. LI aW Speinq sud SLlmmer styleInlutansd bonnets. Fou any case of nervouainoan, sleep- lesuons, weak stomaoh, indigeson, dys- mfis, try Carters Little euve Pilla. oelfî sure. Tho only nerve modicine for the pruce in market. Thechoir of St Paul'a chuuioh wua mueh nnhancd in I11.5 inging by thé proisence of Mr. J. Grant, coafmaater of Sb. Audrowns' churoh, Toranta, who sang a isoae t the eveniug service ou Sunday. 'We have a nige 0c1oi90 o1 bIaacgaods lu heuriotta etc., with trimmings ta matahitklo a fiue rang.e black silk rib- boni le plain oud wisterod. Jahn J. Mlason'i dry goodi aud jewolry hous. Dr. W. Li. TilIey,ý M. A., of Bowmen- ville, busbisen appointed. by thea Sabbath 8011001 Association at Ontario a dele<ate te thé international Sunday School. au- vention ab Pittaburg, Ps., train June 24 to 27. Rov, Dr. kBarras, or Pickering, in alo a delogato. Mu. Oco. Stevenson, nife sud daughtcî, sud DMu. Jclin Baut, wife sud ion, et Oshawa, Mu. Samuel Snowden sud wife, Ma le Grave1 Mr. 10. Trenouth snd wife ssci Miss Lillie Trenauth, of Hampton, woue gueta ofMr. and Mrs. R. Treuouth, Quoeu @ tract, os the 24th. What's the diffrence-Haome mado - Caosmnade-or Ready madn lY Wall, there la a differesce. The fiait don't fit rteil, tho seonad high priced sud noither ara a wbit better thsn thre ueady made alothes, crspeeiaily painte, that yau eau buy st T .Maîou's clothing store, fou lois money thon yanr would have ta psy for thre baie inateriai. And the fit 0el Sir its got ta b.uaà good ono aud coott- ablo, anud yau've o t ta bc pleasscd before we lot Yeu go. Tie Dominion LinoeoaI Royal Mail Stestmers effers excellent tacilittea tai thre cauveyance af live stock. Thre asteamers sue steady at sua, have lotty 'tweu docks aud splendid ventilation, having boisa built specially foi tihe trade. Imuporter& are lnvitud to correscond rtith M. A. James or tira Mantreal ag enta, Mosanri. D. Taruance & Co., No . 8 ;asitsl St. before leaving home, wheu thoy wiIl ho pleaaed ta provido thetu nitir a tuee pais ta Livr. poul, providûd they are iavoaed nltl -Feureotion." Thre Norneman uow maIres daiiy trips ANOTRER I 5G BLA.ZE]. ta Itooheter. Peste'. Dye Warlis gives gond satlife- The flre flond han boee gotting lu mare tios. Sue advt. oz bis diabolloal work linl3ownmanville, Worklu po~îrfsiu os ho ew Muh. 'th very serions lais to severatl aitizeus. Woki rgrcige he wMt.Shortly itter aorla1ck Slinday mouslug oditit Tabeunacle. Ohief Ccntabio Jarvis discovered a blsze Blaookatock la puepaviugftrai bg de. lu s shed bilind thre Siun oflice snd bu- moastuatian J uly lut. Ileving ho cauid extiuguiih it witli s clrem- Poît Darliugtan Harbor Co's annual icai angine ion ta thre Organ ]3atory tor meetinig in on Julie 2. one but cauld ,nat IUnd any. Hlo thon Thre STÀTESUIMAN office iras bcen kept rang thire uebol[ sud the two brigades very buiy ou job priuting. voue 00oon pouring streain ef Waller on Mr. J. Il. NMasing, Tyrone, lioa ,*m theîspy tspieadiing lilmes. Tho flue several colonies et boss fou snae. prhad eutan sd west lu the fraure bud. iugs adjacent and acon enterud thraugir Misa E. Shawt, ai Toronto, lapent San- thee rtiloiansd door into Big; 20, tirle day at hieu homnehoe. flue large book and itationery stoe ofutMr. > Mr. snd Mus. L. Lyle spont Sunday A. R. Dabslon snd brother, sud the con- with friende ut Brooklil. tents beirg palier trom and to end tire Mus. Johin Alun sud dringiter ietuîned fians inl a sitprioîlugly short lime fillod an Monday tram a riait witir fulonde ntt ile Olarge 8sirop wleh is 11211r7Y 100 fooet 1>terbouo. long, au quicinly that Mr. HaryDaban Pl hall only tiinote ru atch tire office booke Pl The timo ta buy dury gaodil.,Ted &an fN invoîcas. Nothlî,g 0ai0awu a( Ca. aeil for cash idry goade lat costpinîle onmvd, sud s stock ai upwaîdo ai $5000 r for 30 day.. wu& aainoutt wrotiy conuimed ou se badly01 Tire tomperance rtsve liras istiuck Hlamp- darmagod as to be worthlulrs. Mr Dôbsan dt ton, the Division thoreairsving tako n luhà4oiiy ?2500 lusurance lu thea 2ltsa, 20 nort members the put quarter. lits luise thouaforo will ho groat. Mr. R. d You catilgît the best choice af pintN at B. Audrorti owne the building sud hiesd John J. Matou's if yeu want ta buy a logo wll bo PicttY well covered by un lu.81 droas. lR will psy yen ta sec thoni. auranco ot *J2,ù00..üii building sud $W00 Cauncilior Grlgg'a pcddliug wagons go on alop fixtures in tire Weitern. Tire ont Moudsy mning ladon with gaodis other buildings doitroyed weue Mu. A.2 rodue, tc.Bulclc's stable sud woad sired, M~r. W. sud returu a ados with tarinprouc B . Iveso' worksiran sd the coal sit woodl Baus I looaci.-G. Maxwell willi ps heds occuplad b y Mia. W. Borland, cash for any quautity ot eggs delvouc« t d oasmaker, ira live, aveu Ivos' store! i lits drivlng houae, apposite the Drill Shed. 2tr. .L il ieMeie. Dobioau n STATEMMA2q8 in wrappeis ait ueady fou the. Bell Tolephone oillec.r Murdochr mailin g at the officeo 3 colite Peu .opy. Erotirers' stable sud ,toîeosno was bad-d Bond thii week's numiber ta yaur friendri, îy scoichied and maitghtlv datnazed lu then A fine lino ot now hats lu ail the latest roof. Thoe Bell Toelpirone aflie sud ad- ' stylos la sort ou exhibition at M. Mayer'o jacent rooms uipatairs got a soichicg tua, bat sud gone u uuislring sitore.Cal sud but t he damago wàs not very serious. saie thein. Beveral af the wiues rtcro barined. Mro Tire gretoît sonstion at the a&O ila% B rlssad gaI ont ail oftlher turniture sud Thompson é& Ca. 75oekid giove. fou150 effeco but tire stovea, but susttaiud no 01 klfdd glavea for M5u. Latdres you shonld damage hy lire. Th2e ahopa of . Moeurs. none them. Ivrsud <Jîtîsie woude mud considesr- M. . Jmesisaget fu IreAllîrably but atheiwiio siuttaiu.d tnu great ln-y M- à JROd ' agnt or t sudla"i njury. "heou ine inarrsînce othery sud Dominion Linsmi t stamBhipadin thau n lanntionied lbovo. Thore le nat making up a coxnpany ta go taeBcrgland. thre sighitmnL doubt but thalt thi. lire wos Ask for particularis. of ilnceudiary enigin. Marris' Carrnage vaut. ha.s got a irat- claspalutor. Parties lntondnug tu, have Comipllmentary Oonuert. tiroir buggies repair.tod tus s pring bing t thonsalang ut once sud have thoux doue The itizetirsi! lowmauvlhle gave ab up in gond style. 00nnplimerauy concert tn D/Miss Lizie Thre mn a stomiera vIira ooold ntot elutiin rccognhtt()aof otber valuabie waited an at Tod & Co'a ou Saturday the mnieînt services On valu oc00ailalanefor 17cr, Caine early iu tire day. Dry goodg iKdf~retit sacleties lu tire tavu on Tnieoday & onitivuly at cont prion. Sale 1laith'un til oventîng at vien a goodiy nombor of. ~atuxrday Juno 21. oubest oitiz.enfi tuuued ont ta enjoy zny Mi. sud bMua. Henry, af Port Dal- rQgranr Of uniuusi nirit. Thé peu.9 houaloe, Mr. Thoisan, ot Onhawik, sud furmidwere aiauoiiatoe lu the several . Misses. G. sudîR. Maynard, et Toronto, musical orgaini7zatiarie of tho toWu sud the smuent tire 241lu ntawn the gumts of Mu. heanty encorue betokiened the approcistion0 ILedo. Maynoud, Qusen-it. ofthtie sudionone asthe nnumbens wsre giv- is ia teek irai beon a big rteokl nUri. Miss AliialsSimnpson epptcsred for 1 sardered clothlng st Maon's oore mIietire firet time on a Bnrtmsnvili'epiatfoîma ipublic aue fast uatehing on ta the tact nais viainiat, aud hlioniyiun wwu adurir. ltirat thia le the correct place ta buy titeir éd by every ons. The irai p art of tira suit bath as ta quallty sud pulce, puogî an inîted of a oeleoti on by tIre D.0. & P.Co'. band ; pian-) dut-Mbn f Eas.that are lbatsant Johni J. Moson'. O0lIle sud N*ss itusel; is îug-"'Tho dry goodisud jewlry houas. Tire vIolo Si "MH.Klit 3auna a af a tiaveller's iumuplua bouglt at a big Ur. TrB Wallisa; tsons-..ltthluen,> uedluctias. Wo eau suit suy pmuin atier .0 ,Alleu; Viollu siolo-*"Y'irilo filistraws or felta at prices that wilioharn !egï MR%4,Si m-çuv 'you. 080" I MILLI4IrIY.-Iî you want a eheap it,* . ~Gilbert. During tho inteumiiseranf ea alri Mis. Diagman's. FHats fou 40a.., , W. Soubt fluell, lix feliitoua termes, aud 50o., trlzmecd buts for $1.25 and îoferrued ta tIre univoisui aud lhearty Sp. $1.50-tIre latot, tire ohoapout sud tire pitovel accaiciod this colle ut by tire m~ hast. Ou. doar weat ai Standardi Bank.. cal people ai ths town, snd tu Ire highly- Hats aoesaped. tsppreoisrod miusical abilitilaB oi tiere - Miss MeICay irad a strauipesud itautllng ciproot. Thanka voue tandored ta thoae oxporionco ou Fulday eveniug. On going wvire iîted, asud tathe tîlonda who lied home sire naticed a bail otflure drop frain aaoîdid generauu sptronage. Tho second tire sky, laramer Frauk'i field. Whcu p st vau Beiruetrd'a alcculai caîrItata, "TIre Itl etruck tiré cartir tire flae and spauka ielit,' with ftuil choruesud orchestral. flow ou ail aides tram tIre filg moteur. Theo perforinrwe oetire Mieon E. Allen, LýttîieGlover, Ido Binglvi, ru ie Me- h giu iir.nzra in SuÂsîrooiN.-La- Laughliiu, Clara Allen, Z. Brlmacomnbe, dieu eau get tireir irir eut ou mmndi shn- Georgie Fairbairu, sopranos; EfYa Glover, rpooed ber oaling at Mua. A. Devis' Eair mieChuae, May Iiinghim, Maggle l arlai, ±, over M. Mayer'& store. Cinrie, altos ; Rer. F. W. Baugliman, WV. 1,chargea moderato. Sireliras aima soaeT, Allun, J. S. 011mo, tenais ; aruy J. really gond aud reliable hour tosicesfor sale. K12191ht, W. C. KLnil, Neili 1ehlowloeo, L.Lureà iiuAcu.-Lant winterlattalegacy W,. Nelmon, bae; Misa M cLaugliIln, pi- à af impure blood ta msuy peuple, aauslug aniat ; Alf. MeEvren, Miss Allenl, E. S. 1:tlred feelings, lack of energy, indIgestiont, Méathr, D. Mouuion, Chaules Roblilu, 1'e iconstipation, biliiounuî, oc. From r1 Glibeurt, W. Raenigk, orohetra ; James c ta 4 btts aifI3urdook Blacci Bibtter B. Wallisi, condutoi. i nevaeu faite ta cure any ofthtie torcgonq 7 remoCiQu by unlockisg tire ascretionia ana i ucmovîug alli mpuîîtioi tuam tire systoiin. Ho1 Fo.r the Old Countries. n À vicese an ecouamnical mother vill BG1Ui -rx N0BN t&Ei sayo ereoîtthre trouble ni making lothes UoUfLOINliOJA UTS fourIber boyis lu tire amily- She lires Canadin. sneveu had mare favorable 'a aurn anrd work enough, goodne:u tates fo abr asege to Etiglad tirar ir baud ile alsoa s sensible mas. Re dozen't iMuA Tcf its afretble t ike thmu an tld 3-buy oireup shaddy truaithat wo't hang thnoosrf i uIrîy $8 cktinauoto - together, but viren ire goes.fotasnuit ofut oorony 80by tire folowinig fine i clte o ieby h sf6ga ti teamori: "Sun a," sal frntrmNon. althotir for teboyp riais. Ho bningetifrealuJuuie [5,"Ore-gon," Jiirue 12, "Do- ut outhe u ota's eoting sthre 1i' 2'Qi" Jou.19, sud "Touanite" Julie oungtorte . r Misonn oothng tor . K Lawer ratés ta clergymeni. t PERSONAL MENTION. CoNinqa EvmNiis..-Coming osr- 0 UUfUNIO Absolutely the Dci. Ail the ingredieuta. user! ln making thls ,artdor are publiired oat very label. The puuity ai tire iugrodiemrta sund tire aclentiflo accuraey witlr which lry are comhlned tender Cîurtrlsud'a supaniai in streugth and officiecy toa ay ethox ainrg puy-« Food rslsed witi tis pavdeu doos sot dry up, as irsu enmade ith bakiag pov. der contaînig ammonia, but keepa motet' anrd sweet, sud is piiatablesud viroleouroe. CLL N» ý11<INO XlqaPow»Mnn Ca., 81 sud 83 Fulton Sb., Novr York. PEA.RL WE3DDING. A lar-go Company ar relatives and se- quauurtanceas monrbicd at th ire innofa! Mu 411( Mrs, flonj. Aiiltou on Moaîrdsy oeoi ung tu uîrlite ruincbrrtinrg tiroir peau wed- inig. Tho inaties furniaieit a sumpiltuioua repuit li which .11v. J. Throm, B. A. s'ag ined ta paîforni tie dîrtis of Chrair- inau, sud arim .r s fu r ucarks lie callori on Mr. eoaa. Ulekard to rend tira faiiuwing Mai. & MuaL.i. BîJÀrNAIIJTON,-WU rolittqod Lu indéulgo aursolvail il] Llire gît. ilclutoîr of calling ou yuu, lxa currgriktulate y 'u airtira attainruet of dLnotiirtiotir yesu utyonu r ppy arrid lifo, sud l to oibracc tiru lapj )rutilrity ut givilng expies-. Mlun Lu tire cur douve, riipeet sur i ffect- loin, wvlriahr yuur arumerous estimableie qtl- ities peraoîrslly sud ir fainii, ireighb.iu. houri and chrurcîr hava woauilaucorer! ta youl, ldividuliy suduniLediy. A tire rount you to tavor us bysctouinaltg tire Lokeure ut au esteuni on aur part urut ta u irreuuauroi hy tireemil iitursic value of tire itrateriial ubjeata. WC deairo ta enter- ,tin tire hope tirattbiorei uy promieuvo your livosa maxny yesrs sliong us, for Liha gond suid juy <of you astinablo anrd ex- urlsrýtiy houurilold, snd for tIre auntisueit icervice sud gloiy etf(lad, as pillars lu tire chîruciofaioui gracions Lord; aud that tirs cum eînuntvegoldan wedding day msay bloom ioit your patn hotoro youu transis. tion ttira oit y whoso atreets are ut pure ('11wG ra N. Rzuie w, A,. J. COwîrîu jr, LANUMAU>. Mr,. Ashtoii roffliJ, n .fooliniz tone. 1 Jiia. Ruikaru, Thom.. Lugmaii, . rM.. Cablldioýk, 'R. Courtiue, J as. Itiokiard, W. Itttxle, Frank AllUn, S. J. <ourtice, JiiIa. Otte, A. Letigmiaid, W. Lsutgiii ttud( JTohn Adhtoin. Misas LltLlojohna and Misaf ndifrusa soani fine. iluie and thel compati olosed the prograini by uniting heart,1y rit singinge "God ho witlî us tiliwo cmoot again." A veîy eujoyable evening was tipeut by ai" preset. L l'y offieu friandsa would gladlly halve been prescroit ta congratulate>fi. and Mis. ABhton lhsd thay buen favored with an in- vitaltion, ai; they have the respect snd poil wlaos of a very wido circle of ae<juairtancus. Tho S.&iiAN congratu- istOI tihe worthy COUPle on1 sttailling ta this poîiod iii their mnarried lite, and hlope. I.hoy will live manly yens yot to 0e1joy eatciiotheor's oampany.J le s good thlng ta have, but wht's it poal for if yaur hoslth is peau. Promeurvo Sour hoati by umeirig Impriali Cuam ~artar Baking 'awder. Notices or mlimhs. 2à cents;i ntaîîiageA. no lent;ittias. Snoents. Ca"I l 5fttow'. -but I4ille 01)<IILUGM, wilea i il l'anerai cardit arc I»rinted a$i liis clle.. flIRTHR. HàARnuae.- Ntr Mtetarmol in EatWhitbv. the Wlre af Mr, J Uarr!son. afiàalion. Yrclinzlt.-Tin Part Perry, an thre iSîli fluit.. tire wt. or Mi. Chartes Viclieri. of a son. Imil.- In Peterbaro un .&prill Ilid Mre. Chase. Lyle, ef a daugliter. DIED. ICILIATIITOCI.-In lPort Porr1, an elle l9bh lufit,, OUa. iCpirolek11la t Bis or oihisge. 'RiiviiAi. -At CoanrtioQ,on AMsy lIed, Ansion MI dddtau,only tsou of R.Nr.srd Agnus ItioharcL@ agcd 09uranthe and 20> dsys. Wnr.ra'r.-In Uranld Rarpidoq, Mich., Ma y lTnh, Aunuie lundI<lororlry of Oshawa, snd vIio or Mr. (À. 3B. 'Çrlht, agea 125 jas. I9 monthq. JAKa-nOrana, ou Monday. Mayi lth. NLîti A. Olstytan, boloyed wl le orIV. W. Jack- sou, asged 0 rosis. CoiIiiLuDicic.- -Ti Orona, an ITnesdty, May 20th, John OoUbble(lcic, god 78 yrisiIl imas. BEALL-At Whitby on Pidai. May' lOti, 1800 liarah lItsan, ridiot oa i te tie'hoimi Beail. aged OM yearsi. ilmentieansd 14 dayis. BOWM.&NWHLLE MARKlETS. EorrecteiblJ. NioEurtry, OtOIT Tusidniy Fwi, P100 lbij........82 00 to 840 Wuim, Fall,t' buâh ... 000,, 1 00 tg Spun ".....0 92fi 1 00 AlLnY bush, Ne. L. .. 0 45 t O0 0 'il i il2.... 042,e 0 00 là i I 83.... 040 i 0 00 R-lm .... ..0 44te 0 00 OiTS, ".......... . 0 85il 000 PFEAs, Blaceyo, 3P buabh... 070 il O 72 i manhl Il ... 0tn. i 0 53 wÎ woo: 1 am puopared t a psy HIOHEST MARKET for auny quantity oetclean wa Quick's Hari ose doea ut at ST Hi m1 <TUBT tsflta) and -Lace Mits. Made a Speci of a lino of H.ENRIE TT21S . . . . . . . . . These are Nice ad Vewv Fine et fail toi DREBS GOODS. Lookc out for There will siaughter à HIGHEST lS i Chlldron Cry for SUPERIOR ýakI"ns j-,

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