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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Aug 1890, p. 4

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onze Pa -from 20 cenits. inucên 7Mu- ivrjioc mier-1 man gr&ntéd for nemi- ilig CQnInuI[tociû by tii. ne nponiblu. Tho. lino Qcîwaya ueo» a ila- lr poneionea iru o tun- litione, iuteludmmg it of laumilton Ln keepe)r h palace cf Iiotyrood. kmmal to pay Vite 817, 000 duraI governnnt fromu tario for lte niaintetn- ni. the nco diepuLteci toba mIylun, willc tue was pouding, wiii bo . ThOro imle uithsn ma undaticut for ta fia- tIlalmu, mîid Sir;oh enu1aicnud Ihie noîmýlut- il EtaVemuon by pro- u Dominion lien paici ianing lupatica froin )r'that façt ad'ooil ual goverint a laim tho.apuî du puid. Ad Dut, the faderi: goverul- iy righite in Lhie dis- d Lb. çownor cf il pro- 1 u refond Ici a trou- u.vae wbich th. letton A, -kkil EDITORIAL CORRESPONDENCE. W. Ispent Sunday, Juiy ]3tbat No. J, Marine Terraca, New Brigh ton, the lovely rivoreide reeldena. et Mr. F.. Miouiedon, Ofths flrm Ot Meilrsi. Arl & Mounaudon, brokere, Liverpoul. Iin a ituatec cit tLb. baik ofthLie MOrney, and comnmande a wido viow cf ite rivur, e dllghtfispot to âpead a Sabbath day quietly. Ail the shipping cf Liverpool pâanbefore th. docr and vith. marins glana and ilutrated bock of ennigne, tunnels, -etc., v we re able o tell. te voeei, vbsnoe hoy crea. and witber thoy woeo ouad. Alil day iong the river vas dotteci vithoarafte of various kînde. Titc ferry honte were rui- img vittu preoinse rogularity ftrom Prineo'e Landlng, Livorpool, 1<> Egrcîiont, New lirigîten mandi othor nuburban rnorone. Crowde of people lhroiîguld thune boai. and al t e.pleauure rerta presoatcd n mont lîvely appearenco. 'l'ho mimerout resaurantse vesopen and solicors waîked utp anid dwn in front of thenu, niking ytoeV waik Ixnsido anxd partîkeocf Lb. goeitbilgspsrovided. A good heot and vigctabbe dinnur o 'ulci b. had for e shillbing and e plein tua for oigbt pence.- Strawherruon for four-penco a poind- luci. Oua largeorlnes, tou, l ie ut ofwhioih e ney'er cwivnlu Canada. Judging fruni what 1 saw, Simuday la Liverpool in a ne- ereetion dîy. aure and idnmple, et titis eommcn cf tiie year, and the meredes cf tire dayace o u bo earociy Vbîugt ot, But uL rcat ailoveuxco munst bc.tirade for peopie ebhul nup ix dii cofethLi e wür la tih.a sioe mLin dm1 o f thie groet coiner- cliîty. Juiy 12-a day memereble te Orange. mon-le a itilbi olebrated in the grant centres la this counitry. This year lire annuel pienie In whioh tire Oranige body ut Llverpool are woat Vo indulge te aomi- meniorata the vlatory cf theoir hure, Ring Willlim' Ill., took place Mcndey, 14th, îu)Steitd of oni Saturday, thz spot chorion for theoveynt boiumg alon Cachte, a pie- urcrique ruin cru twIo or threo miles distant fromEununoorux. Fer neoyeetrn pat-wbether tram ineoreaelng edueatkmn emongit Lb. rieing gemiration or nut it would hc bard Lu ey-lheohabahen a steaedyfellinur off in te iumber of those 14iMux io Iiiban appealud Vo by bjoth womcu and uldetî in the pretiont quarrol iiContral iiail 1 etvoi A L ~ ~Aineriont. Mexico eewe o bo lita oer. cirsioniti olevon r'ol( abiy tnottlud condition undor Presidontù Runount( mlent of Diuu and it imaiy bo thant ahu hian got of a dozn thriloigh tho revollutiolnariy period. If it ment Of i f E R wecortaiin fle.Lad, thon tihe bout tuîlig ci bannera weregIariig buE ates wouild bu for Mexico tu, moLLoilxth.or two 5pec ýgns. quarrol finally arnd end rovolutloniii Cuin- the aime of traI Ain»Arca by aniing 1h liefvû simili Mr, Toi .. ....promont fla I rS T1l.1. EAor tht th Sait leFrainci soo.A iatio meary of the et uap ehi p in sh av a ui ic co p ti i a i t, g1 o1 of tiie (Jnadian Pacifia 1iùîilwvta (>keoly frona ,,)Pie " a 80u0ecthe 110cueity of Munaktng VictAoriia the priaelei a vort ofc non o e e uefvnt iimpo(rtanle u i iberty, anq Canada, impiying ne it desthatPugot Ood'a boli Sound and flot Sai Franulaco uluent bc tho r.ieT. futyr îtarUing point for Pacifie OCcanL regeoution, travol, buing nearoer eaetcrn pointe i e t presenlt. Aulericla and Meon bundred and flft.y momber th lilentir two days neurer Allia titan t11 Lutional pa SI1 8 G olden Oateliq. li Witza mI wero attoin Tîii, BioiuiAnr<l of the Saîfit FSto Marie upon Ircli t haeCîtualinl a gruat blo w tLI ihü g rain ail( trai e8- civil ver cc toi haveportation trades of the northern hoit of cd them b3 thlaconinet, nd iltiouli f bt sOLthut thoy papered LteOftfgliidiliogic u hr and holp t]- duration, yet the umeis taoA moricans and flght (a 1 woied. Cauadians wll ruuu up into tonis of thioti- If homrnu pîe. ands of dollars. Thie canal, hetween would b. t] la Ire1Lnnd Ltko Superior anud LiaoIluron, tihort nFraiceo re àO.t..i , 110 o f te bunieet and amolli lm- eka.tion w( portant luiflic world. Ais the Ainoricau tle for lbg anid (anadlian Xirtlî-Weet deolope, and. dolonelf j. WM 11 the production of grain incroàne, ite huai- the rescoi no-e1. r nna1. (vr eight mrillion tons thüt day te 6,1~890. of froighit paseed through t1V let yoar, anîd the Boynre _ _tinyouar te quanVlty wiIl bu groslu Vl. th. ooera Âiréady tho oocke of theucanal lire tht e it avLit coity ae iles uîîable tu> mwuanîrmodate mucily ail tho quesetii oahîbrtii. votieele Liat ollèr,mandi nom louchaarui prenaut tine bonor are about ta be, bujît by thie w whli h boltaghit Vo it conitribu- Anurican (Iovernmonb. 'Thoîbroakcflowri îhoy wcre je eliticluciwae As îimîius Proportiolnatey for cana- peoplesvol Sio no po- lianenan for Ainoricasiei, asi <Jîtadian juring the wjiiLh eould voîceile vhav y lVruaity Ibetwooit Urourtthat Lley oflia of Uni-Britltin anîd thite îtd 8tates tlii. igh theÂltso b to une this ecanal on thu e nal ine te1ai alcendîaci Aiericaii vveeeolei, Canada nccordimig tii. look wletI N rejoicing mine pivilago Vo Amauiricani veinule iii heur thoir ferefe n1 1betwooeu canalie. Canad le itotaily depoien on kol>n crryLu ol ý(M(iJc Iteamn- thime canal for accommî,odation for bbr do wac tu nUI Venld teo lb(o fseuinbotwtoen the Vwc groi a ukes bed gel, ai Ch'ina maid and mighr very confldetly roilain ten an net tae.Il tt kln4red peooples o tti. continent arae luc) noLlikily Vo go o W161, and thie letI lba ticteu r tcveranuno un iiitngoiey at ail likaly to dopuivecuia--1 nid ta is or 818,- lait cf Lbte f o 0analll. ludo, i tant,i'and t Xi t f an- CANO of ver, a canal on Litecanladinlide tant Loglis 1, ourioiully 'would bu seized if wve wero o (t ahi tu de- tenpt etfi ditro or ondIvIlwiclu wouild bu ai great a taelc ai. ceseu wth mnont an to capture mid hloldte Amnican ("No, l) canal. Wicli tihe douîbeloche nIow Pro ap to [ai oac .4r..ncan am at so dene e taIwhil ha.blouoociLb.hSault Mue hrecte( daodoîittld te. Merle cail mil t Iisintimo wil bc in- hemaelvr, friond and lPo.ciffile. The. coxîitIuction cf a Cenadin nity 01 bpi ) worlng- canial wolild thereiforo appoir ia neodlinewh wer ot tg onept xpendittare i pite cf lth pre cu <i.e.hould b. th inIer. Nevcrtiîelue stlii. anmdian (lov- tant prînci] t Mr. Mo-. ornu ontl mrittod Vo thio contrucotion the Orane tsqaUuiof a Cana"dianl canal wIvIioii, howover, vil to e i& n04.Btfot lie conifloe for eomn1e yoiba nyuL. îhey oughtt 188~ woeuci aroe up ita ad oaix fying ina ecegent iontenc ýy of the etrago preceedill rg of 0éneral Bonth. (AWUU or LUody for oe teken le iUtw. WAMiruA IiUiemiU own. Sold by Stott & .Jury 27-tf. Lbacrîbons viii pIonne pay at Nt cffco-wo have no agente. or T. CLARK, Hamptoil. F'elt arndE Gents' Furri at a Grea - c"> M. out' must Neads' Ml3ock, Bo% P'. 4-9 J"Z4U 4 a =9 -WIO l Prototnt firaI mand aparty maxn if ter- wardo (epplae). He aid the time bcd Corne wheo Llîoy ought mol tue ilio'aa mari to repreenL îhem in 1aliament unions lie iould piedgo hft to t. aîntala tte Protestent Contittiin (bond npp)laus.). The reacluiion was thon put tote meoeting, anîd vasnaneimoucioy ad<pted. Yetoïday, J uly 14 Nvue St. Swithins, Day, henco the weaiher vea the moet ex- oiting91top In . iCnada wu take ne no- ice£ utc-noday, buit here linEiegiand itj! watcbtsd wich the grcetitoesot, vo May say, manioitpy i tii.interceat ot tho fermera wbo arc un the midet t haying and aolicitouu about thoir wheat ad po- tatoce. Biet thbe honte êýf holiday cockers, who are et this Mmnct prcpmring fer Ihoir flight are rnakin« a carefui eeutiny ufth wbavather. 'nelleh peo;plo i ova and Citlon have heauome fer varie thau ,Amoricans for ipending imaldeumnwi beli- deys "out of Levn,'r and the rage ie in- crotaumiii 1 he yoarn go by. Thorefere, niover bef are han St. Swithink'a day appear- ed no important and nover voe the atnxonpheniecConditions more *nxiouaiy welcohed then yoetordev. Etiu ay be rue, et lb. popular notion tbat a voL Lit. Switbia'n minsanerata fer somma portion oaù the torty dayc mand nighble following, lot Lhe pupular iimaginiiqîj maree aothimug for Ihoir thiorlee. It voulcib. er-uaolese e. It wod iiah.iin',nibla tu diAt.i- 4tf... the West Endi Ho0u se is selling goods at rock~ bot- tom, hot weather prîces during July'i( .August and 't you f'orget it,; convincedi epaid ds of for ve3eke Oaiy vol pioteuron iç arnr sort j kWOON & 00. WM. MaOLUNG,.é las becoîne theo moat famous Mi] wi n coucm pot ne an Or& Radical (appiene.). 1: ipteil la tihedirection lad Hoo ni ue, nadi bcl hothe recuit, au )y Iboîr vol,. thet day ,would hc wilin L boir brothers inUIiti )hAseg, and à voice 'l' Ule niere granted. Mr the, firâtInani Lu make d for a hostile 11imt, eup in (Itpplaumi). ruld h. a muent mone: ho Orange Order, but hur doing thoir duty( Sandys, M. 1P., ila tien, a-iid thoy lbcd ;commiiomorete the 3whero LtheEnginh r and for all th a quostie mment of the cointr 0 Pop.e ofRome, aid Jou whlch vaa ati, i mu (apl)iauae). The ho ea re oured (u the ailidreni 1.coi. neot. boue. ain Ihui Bru 11cosepretuiy att feelings ut Roman detred vol.t eci the!~ aof Eagii h hstory ý tttle the question ofi y waâeottlod ,but ii bher the prinuilic athia fought and d t. They woie not, ai 3a it; but inhet thocy hi u auu tlîatthey képt, nd thit thoir otipoi any more froîn thin Twu hunldred'i Your Oeili àh cost ino more1 rooms tastefully1 decorated than al P. Trebilc 'LUTIOt<M in favur of roeipr tiued by the Saî n 'iitee SNi, ru'mhLaeM no literaturo f Uiirit." mi tbat Mn. Si iipout l'Thio1rc ipetlta say iLv lUpc»l

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