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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Aug 1890, p. 5

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eLYMAN'S oOfleGf trated Extraot of E EASIEST TO USE, A$4 A 4LLON 0.41 JDE R AS BfASILY AS A OUPFUL. from the bot MOOHA andi JAVA. Homue Oomfort, piantatum, WlJ»g, Tra&voUliind' dally aservItmble Jfor .iwung cont s ale by gracons anti drugglitslait1lb. amd 1 lb. botteu. (BEST) Strictly Pure Paris Green. Paris Green. -Striic4Iy Ptire' Paris Green. 'Strictly Pure Inseet powder. Strietly Pare Inpeot Powdo~r. Strietly Pare Insect Powdf r. COTT & JURY) Jroish arrivai of straw and aummer hiat. Mies Nol at M. Mayor'o. in Aurora. Mra. J. 0. 'Vutone and familyiy re Miesn Loi camping ut Wahburn Island. in ut Mru. Mien Alice Thonipson in upondlng her Mite An holiday. with friondit In Toronto. Oshawa, ar Mensira. R.Il. & T. Osbornne have had Boys' Sb a new iron roof placed un thoir plaxilng $Q 1ç Mill. Mtjoli Kcep cool dunlng the hot weattter by frotu hie v2 b*ylng a thin coct Anid vent ut Oouoh, Whito i Johuson and (rydernan'mn. off t doti Mi"a Minate Bruce, of Port Penny, and man's. Min Helen Màaon, Potorboro, are viit. Mien Wi Izag nt Mr. Thon. Shûrin'o. bourg. Mý Mus. Doneliy in aelllnq off hor sommner esheno. stock below cot. Ail the summar bats Mrs. D. ait 251 t. and sun hats t 25 Cie. eaoh. tting uit lho A new Customi Houso in to bo orcted ington. t Puterboro' tht.iscaumon, the corner toua Mr. Har of whioh will lai laid by Sir H. Langevîn. Wednelia Bowmuuville S. A. corps, Oapt. and Dailiifs. MI«t. Temple and the band wil attend Mr. Jno the big army jubioe t Orono on Fnldaty ha. heen al evenlaag. tiva haro. NoTiux. -Ail accouats agalnst the Mr. and Methodist chtunoh should be are vioitn handed teMr. . M. Cawker torthwith msn'al, Bec, for cettlanaant. Mss. S.1 STÂTYCHMà.Nfor balance ef 1890, and and Annie Famlly Ronrald and Weely Star for vacation at three >onths for onfly 50 cents. Send Mn,. 01 Along your ordort. Gloven, ai You eau buy watohien, docks and jopel- Monday in lny cheupor at Maynard's the Jewellur'o Mr. and than uuy place in town.. Try hlm iand of Stnatfor Vou wili bc convincoed of the faot. D r.. M. Prof. Cha. Ruse, Toronto, and Mn. F. Mr. and Ruse, of Exeter, gave unsl alillait waek. Minni. Sit The>' were ou thoin way te Lakte l5cu&og, few days whoe lit in thoir intention to camp for a Yc mouth.John J. Mi Morris' Carniage work. han I$ot a finît- dres. It cais painter. Parties lntendung te have L their buggies nepaLtad this epring bring Advri them along at once aud have thom doue for Daill op in good stylo. Empire an, Quite a numbhen frein hure went te A flune Ii camp ut Lakte Sougog lant week. amnong stylesfi n n therm Mesuera. James Mui, Alvon Il.hat and go tDobson, M. M. Fenwlok, D. Boyle and neO thout. kev. Mn. Calvert. Miss E]i :Miniastere, Lawyr, Ttitobhors and a fow deys othens whose occupation gives but littie ilton, w!i exorcise, sheild use Carter'a TLittle Liven Hnilton Pilla for torpid liven and biliougnesi. N o. '2 V Ona a dose try thora. Ing Misir The hast dollar lhat iu black, brown of moneyE and fawn oevor shown ini towu is now nt thoir pl boiDg sold nt T. Gea. Maaon'e Oiothlng AHl diso Store. Thay have eld scores and Cutitot them yst get ie morte of sainie lino. ter'a LLtl We have a nice choice of blaoc goodu ià in or disu in hanitta etc., with trniins.te thoni. match, iaise a fâne nîn&e of blaccil 1k b- Do not1 boum in plain and wttarcd. John J. furniture Mation'B dry goodi and jewelry bouse. Jte F. W. Mr. ..1. Gibbard, cf theoBrntford Aug. ,lOt] Collogito institute tuohing staff, wam Contre ut. marriec ou J uly Mist, t Port Perny ho i3owman 7.,nmisn a Fiim. lMnt aizher of Mr.. latho smec ý1 it Our' duty to of a. number of kinds of Jaking archased in a neigh. y for exan'ination, ie we found made of 'e Creami of Tartar; id flot contain any 1 Phosphates, orAin- that was absolutely adulterations, vas nuld apent S 1. Bramoom d Mr.. A ;iuclair, et bore among m gat the bi Mlou'is it j twill PUY.Y( y aud Waekly Ld any othor pape- lne cf uew haheinl 0ow ou exhibitIon i ents fîxrnlshing utc isie Metouif han g, s with lien aliter, 1 ho in t tproient rBusiniess Oollege l'ire Co. arc dasir irs. Omborne & Co. douated for servic lanlnû; faotory, Lii irders caumeti by i stou a be .urod le Liver Pills. No ïioîn[font attendiug foriget the auctio: 3und household B..ati4hmn. onu e 'Tumbl il, of Whlhby, ii Am are being mod oci' ansd tt Couoh, Juhunson and Cry. .A. oacl f Brintford, snd ell, Oshawa pald a brie f iit ioon Mon day. ,Lauglilin, cf the Bell Co., iin town at woek aniong 6n places cf boyhood. Puterion sueont Monday cith amilton andl bai new gono t'nut Witidermoe, Munko a. 1ihen, Mrs. (Dr.) Belth, Miss uti Muiitar Iobbio Both have il te Murray Bay nnd the Civio Hoiday-pasd oif 7 hore. The weather- was de- the uaajoity of aur citizens ky at the ako. ür dram. gonds are slling off euced prices sud soume cf price ut the @mIii n w golug Johunshon'sud Orydenmanis. CIOOL UANTR.-Tho grants meahools have beau dlstributed hoola in the county, aud will the ordar of the va sectionse. bas cerne. A swartby son of ti this townî on Wediioaday ýI orgau and nonko1'. The iuod the littho peoplo, being me te 'W'uÂ,FaIb s....0 0 VLitLEY, Y'b.lh N 1 .... O 45 îî îî î' 2.... O 42 Uni, il 4éé.,O042 il S,.......... 0 38 î PIAS, Bluokeye, e' bnîh... 0 70 Il in uali, ' ..0 0 isBlue, " ..O0 Mi Bui'nuz, bout table, f' lb ... 0 13, EGOS, f' dos ............ 13 î POTÂS, Y' ebush ......O 0 5 ~ Poatu, V' cwt ...........1025 JIY' ht on..... ...... ...5 0(Aî Cookn . whoe osaonld lugodtAý toMr 1minpaon, lUoligWat. 8 U t QERVANT WANTED.-A yoling, ac. K.3tivo tri for iýonerni botusowrrk to gn te Toot iieÎt n septenitor, AppIy te Mre. J. 11 Falrbaktril, ] 32-2w RENT.-T3riclk housu ontrest, o nntaining 8 room, làtoiy coeuple4 by nte. IL.Muban me t psimtn 1OMESTEILD FOR SALE OR EX. LE (HNG-I wimh te mclli niy oume and lot on KCing et. weet, or will oxchuanae for a amller bousen undt lot. Titi. goo4I. iWor pLr- ticulars uppi: nt M. MÀvuat's hat wsue, 1 t T REN.-Fürtermnof siti,"Menlo IDhu "-800 acres. 2 milesirom Whitby- goud buildings and mii. Admirabb? <r toto1L or dairy. CUheoCe for iRing oxtene vely juto Toronto mUik buminasa or mtook ralulngu for Amr: oa marioer. Mon witth capital onlY, pedapply. J. Il. Dow, Wlutby. N. V* MÀTOHED TEAM FOR 5&LE.-A Oolor.brgt bay. moundl,.g oed e1ze. tyli#%b und nlce tempered. Wl uII oeio rmpc Utô. AppItW 1 1. ]BROWN, liamptoUOnt. ai-t and Lot at Tiît mrot. Thmlimonfle lis iensru lasam Ùace cf 1 00 lnetnuotions t co.5 DalIngton.1 0 00 drv iao 0 00 Estate.Agent antià O 00 r1"HE uNDER 0 40 nistrnelons1 0 73 astâtecOf the late 0 ma nle graI i onO O 610 aie. brick O O 00Of y u owmtu 000 0 00FARMS 7 00 T,'plplA.W. LUU LeREVIatA W.tO and. ALLAN Li' NIOVIAL mUL 14VEANMUI LONDONDERRY-ZIVW Prom Montroul, Fa daylliglit. CIILCASST&N.... .&ug la i3ÂRDINIA7.Auig2O POLYNESIAN ... Âng27 PRIHIulAN ....sept 41 IUTU %OIP Pâ.AmIA.u 1IT0NTREaAI. 0on QUlelco4Te LrVX N 0ii~i~ii, Bon'. h intj ury lu done by the. use cf imn. ' ttiug &ripig opounds taken r pr u gatives. La Ayer'sPis _à 1ten h. YT ow n Airent. Eg mare. anud Otherwise. 0Jlliffo 4s v'litng talmuds t Mr. Ed. froua1 ut pet, ne tbey break. Two imt, fornncly e vlsltltag Ila k. il importation lu plain sud ribbad lUneoro en- vall aqica aupoct for yuwr.uaven. ï. o mes -'.. trouble te show goodu. Mro. Deamond. PoOe4b~ Tho 0. P. R. have arraugod anethon Chlargea il merlen cf their populan exauralone tn Man. neufly Roo itoba and the North West Tertory. (sec Aon ad) Au thie yanthe .aropistn the North Ain West are exceptionally geod these excun' grent ban. ien.i will allen' thosie lhînirtoegsu the nard, E. Country ntlits boit, au epporuulty to doseo Allen, Jol ut vor avey lowrprico. A. R. Dobson "Id wile, the agentof the oompany in Bowmauvlile lough, A. ç#i1 b. pleased te Rive any information t othens. bis diaposal regardlng route, rates, &o. TRuuna The Ue su d Limita of Academia Culi- ofrow ci hune, a paper by Professer N. f3. Shalsr te a noiRý iu the Augunt Atlantic shows the maunor forme cfà in whlch Professeir Shaler belioes the of Dr. F( collage could ho brouplht into Closer touoh beho n wth the aima cof the ordin ary staduent. It comlant la f ollowed by a sketch of Madaim Cornuol opan and Madam de Coulauges, wr'itou nbv WiliamI Ellen Tory Joison. Misis Mrfun ce wnll (ta&ra Feliuia sund Kra. Dland'a Sidney continue Suandmiy w thelr course. Mrs. Dland hia, we falîoy, thec ooai noachcd the turoiiR point of her hieroine's evenulug1 history. The. poetry of the number le largaely uti p!rticuiunly good illd h u otrlbuted by te Eâdtu mn. Fields, Mn. Whittieraild Dr. Holmea. mains wue Rougiton Mifiin & Ou., publishenas, On Moi Boston and New' York. of baie hi Augiist Boloeo ons wîiî a maitmnîy wundu iw puper by Prof. J. DeO Luap, au oinouet and the ' Firondal medical man anti oientint, un ing iu a s Hypr]Oioi, u whtoh imuch hight il shedi botinen t on tbf. lnhsreating subjoot- KMa. Craw- "3rd niai ford'. 1"Mute Witnuses c f the Rvolutiton anville gaves an accocunt ot the varions objectae nteret shoiru iu the Rovolutlonary Nzw Si Exhibition recoutly hield in Parle. Tçvo cf Tyrone suggestive istudios fin littmature une the stage boti articles by (4eorgo Saintsbuary on IlThen. Villge, a De Quncey" and by Prof. Duwdou on ab~7lte e '-The Pcetry ef John Donne." Tho sub. ity and ia Ict cf "Trusta in the. United Sttes" les uai ho do utbly dimeused by Robent Donald, andiau font santc economio problem aiuvlved initho ail in- mail Conti ImpDotant wonaon question uow agttating one Whoe the. 1public mtulid fa pnssoitet dor he ail oarri henadng of "Clan Womeu Coubine' route uini Rudiard IÇilpiino contnibuhes a pathuitie regulatiet iolwiR. mon ,01- M.. i power." doiegatas WanG St aI Lh~ uhurub. ,, inri b>' the d al thoy> sitonu pleais. b. held t OUM.ELASTOICI IOOPtqG PDLT comtm 0 $2.00 par JOO slquare tout. Mukea a 00(i for yeur. nd unyone oaa )UL It on. =dt stamp fur mli* sb ud fuil purttoilan. GUM ELÂitTICO IruNU 00o.. 301 & 41 WIT BIuOADWAY, Nitw Xoiti. Local Agents Wan te4. 82 -1m; Stiil Agent for tho, Dlominionl Orange Insurance Oo'y. for Farinera and aime for orne of tho load- tng Englich, Scotah and Ounudian Oom- piinieis. 21.Ouxa. s5ALES ME N e avinq doue1e uioaa In Canada for the pant We o rra .op'~utto undti reuponlbilty aro v tm teake nIawnt, o3 ai ay andi omponses tromha itart Ifovorytliing Ia satInfactor.E N'o previoutssxipeflonôorecul red. Write ta tor terme whtcb aro vory libural> beicre an- se ~or Dun %Wlmmu Oi.t Oc'@ Oommercia uAencici. irsl Rîeewbt Uibusincei mon ; or J8uuuearc BIankn, CeiLerne, CHASE BROTHERS' COMPANY, iunriîryuàeia, the OOLR3ORNII.- -ONTAIO. O RMIN PILIKERING FOR SALE. good A. pLite o, coOIf = ÂY.

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