hundreds o Gail and inspect. nOLIAlt. 0 sahooil Jiaird1 orehîl h,,a,> a nia tsat and every customner satisfied. our $150 Pants., to order and ail wool, wc or$3.00 Pants, tevery fine Our $8,50 Pants, order, West of Engl'd,, our Halifax Men's Suits, ail wool, on] our Black Worsted Suit, a good arti otir Boys' ail wool Suits at $1.25 Boys' very heavy Tweed, ail wool, at Cool Clothing Coats and Vests, from ITS TO &RDER AT READYmMADE PRICES. have any Tailor you .choose. Quality IL will pay you. acimitted tinit ce m4dû in not eqlulpmeut ln The Lowest for si br or uitudont Drow, J. R. t for the Old y af thia town a victimea who inue, coté st, re. The furn. ,re ail buîned. ra et présent T'aylor (,f tlitu thié town vas n An nie Mo- iL MoMurphy, f the way the being carrled 7Step honton, ?for Proerla, are making an- g théir dam Eflood. ,thé eutéuemed ocit Ohurah, a'u pulpit, in tho McLiiugh- 3turned fîom a aninuail eupper n Wednuay ioccupled thé nt and seéion- le lire and wtor uummze, nif eniginieor, and ïievoral hée brigade. Meisura. Von- [anDell, Kirby and otheris oking the ime both agre. mit. nlng luit wéek, while Mn. ,of the Quen's Rlote! wére iy oollided with Mn. J. -iage, %Dd Mr. and Mne. rown out. Fortunately, no ken, but Mia. Rie, y20 i ath, wua sevene!yalen strict Notes. Polit of Ang. lst,ohronioleu ath of! Mr. Dingle, of tht Mr. B. Dingle, booak-keepér ba,,,' Cartwright Counoil. SToiv ALLBiaokatooki, Augubt 4, 1890. Tho CoticU mot pursuant ta adjourii- malit. Mewbera ail prcAsat except Mr. .Wnlix, The minutés of lait meeting we rend anmd conflrmied. Commutnication. ver recoéived au foi- Iow : Prom thé ia rk of the Peîae reupectlng thé Ontario Statutes. From the Oounty Clorkr, glving thé amount of counity rate, $S59; s3ohool raté, 8264. Prom tho office of the Itegiètrar Gêner- al, aoknowledglnig reipt of birthe, mar. riagesanIId deuti. A petition was proi3onted, isignea by Thou. Darcy and '26 offer ratepayeru, prayIniz for nid for Jas. Kirvin, anl mdi- ganit. On motion, Ja. Kîrvin wa. granted 82. .0 Mr. Taylor broughit ln and carried tlrough à by.iaw te grant $100 to eaeh of thé mverai cohoc>! Sections in acoordance wlth Ohiap. '.25. Sec. 117, à. S. o. Mr. Devitt broughit ln a by-Iaw ta levy and collect the Truastuéî' rates, in ac- cordance with the applications. A by.iaw was passed for thé purposecof acquiring a pièce of land ccntiniog 2,lOah square féét, boiini part of the 5W part of lot F), con. 6, Oartwright, adé- scribed y W. B. Yarald, P.L.S.,for the purPose of a road betwoen the Sth and Gthi oncessions, opposite lots 4 and 5. On motion of1 Mr. De3vitt, the U ý rooood ta Toron luke, with theé hlm the pie o0 foregoing pinagrel Jau, lko 050 cai and in thé éventc ta nctlfy him that heeu a poInted b3 wlth the arbitrai %miked ta narnu. On motion, the thé Tréiêurér, as Indliget anid- J.Jlrvin anmd W. RotEgomtan.... Mrs,. Kimaok. Ut will be found in his old shop, n( ctoor to Express Office, .B OWM -AN -V IL where he lkeeps constantly on A LARGE -0F- Coarse and Boots1 d they 'loui e by thé Pl Alli radthé CommIitti e of thé soris rcqulnéd for c a purpoues durnig thé yen,' a of taxattion necffaaY ta ni petive amountu. We summum doçorneaéf[laolloir' riesï.......... 8s kd ndStrcut$....... ........ ...9( leu..............12 iu PropertY..... 10 witer ................... 0 ir MAt.......... ........15 intit .. ................. . . i chaloeh' Intitlté ........7 bintré Aucotonht...... 538 'h Séhool, currolt éxpénssi 31M75 mil ',. 535() [îuty Dato .................. 721 tinguilaie .-..-. -............0 aténjéflt in tRxiiu.........."00 m.irc ta 1801. .1 .... - . 8 Total.-.......... $271 estlnmmted sourcels oai co bhenï thé Lx levy, nau' t .....SS .......- 8,180 . ;. 870 e..........17 id fe>.........J- labor numdd10tex .. 45() tbid oihop iconemm . %otal ............ 05 AtVY ro Sdollar 255. âoe bot ot in ton 'oun. Alleu itattd a discussiionl on Md, Lha olecticin Qof tattote laboan nd dog of tex. The Tréasuran stated, flu roply to aei- P question, that oniy $25 or $30 hord * buer, coleotud up ta daté, and the ed lenk îltated that the amounL asualiy onilcntud trau, this source vas 8450, lif whiié the Urne for payméut of the sta~ for tute labor wau fixéd at tho '2nd aof Juiy, and 11h0dog bax a litié earlior. n d Colin, Aé mit the vory mili ne- tory staté aof a1ffila. ët Tho EIve éyé - edthat ' iogtl.1 'Io I. . thé C()unii theru scemed .,)uotlh tdiaueiectioll witlhtho way ,4 of thé Collecter discharged hill dutioo. Un- C)oull. Porcy îald that whilieha de, the preoatad the paësing of! a vota ofci!cn- tle mru, hù thoughtthé Chairman ofi!111, IFinance Ooiiiiittoe shouldi poké tp tha M[r. dlinquont. tee Ocauxi. Allen thouglit thé poking up igt shouid bu oflliai, anid noved, scoandéd ? jy by Canai. Cornishi, that thé Clork writo Ito Coliétor Virtue, calIing ie attena- die. tion ta hie duties %undor thé by-law. Thé mvotion passéd. nd-. Coun. I'eroy sid thé Pon Relief ta Cominittue would like thé Couicili opinlions or instructions nogrding thé Geo' unfortunate man Nichiolsull, a sullibran Con- froli nbaumnatic paley, wholiéfriends Nth wîmtod théeCOuncil toa gond hlm te a aile .110sitat Nicholson belongu ta New- M&V- casUel' and it wee feit by thé Counil tht the town isn t bound ta amumé the exponué of keeping hlm it a hois- pital or lnewhéré Lnformally, it wue ducided ta bauva tho matter with the cotmmittue. Tho communication tram the Nioctria LIgt 00.. vi .reforred to theé PropértY committée. Du-imîg a discusikn <on this mttér géverai (Jounajilors exprosae- éd an opinion favorable to thé movlxmg of evoal llghtt tu bétter locations. Thé pon quaiity of thio Iighlts vilal noérdto. Thé Olerk wati inîîtruatod to sond a cotntcusraiy ta thé Hjamilton Band Tournamn mitOnaittué, and Lho Coun. cil dheu adjourned. inn, foli- saie of ail Sil you Cali nuy 8 HAIF W. e nwlid twG y. and se Parasiobs, regular prive $1 49 cents. Bétter ones equally low. Large zumber t o olet fr4 Scotch Ginghamui,woth 12. 7 LargQ White Handkorclà 'ýeersmcers, 4c. Swiss Check MuBlins, for Victoria La1wns, for . Cretonnes, for 7c. Ends of Pints at hialL pxiq Ecis of Dress Goods at là Boys' and Mene ]Iate at h OarpeLs away down i%~ pri 3Men's Ties for .1.c., w( eaehi. 12.5e. Tioeql'or i2îýe. .$1l SiIk IJandkorCh)iofs foi Hose, Gloves, ail roduced. W. wilI give stirtlig bi dlear out balance of ~goads. Beautifuil LaLWJB at half Do not buy beforé you ir bangains. JOHN4 J. mi mort or àwiul<N<.-Thê brotiier y Patri Banou wu oiil' thirty 1, Bis beard waa tlunty-two nd extendéed haîîaontally in n as lie walked. E.e invented to express bisfe elin swhen ka wéne met on hi, tale. Ris always make bilucult ta pléalé afing Imporial Cruam Tartan OT 011 Evit.-Dyspepbia mand b xueiAioct Aor 14Aure~& ipepoia mand al dtsaess gt uro ; intou é it*ching bab )i gt ; vorae by ailowed to continuo DÂILY! Chi D Headquarters Dinner and Tea Sets', Chinawara, Glassware, Orooloery,_ Hall, je and Fanoy Cups, Baucers, Vases, Water and Lenr OUR FAMI GROOERY & PRI DEPà Is always well supplied very best gooda at loweý our we guarantee or no sale. rtment of Gents' Furnishings, an~d special Ues in Dry Goods. THE WONDER 0F THE AGE 1