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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Aug 1890, p. 5

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was in town 1 aunimer bats LYMÂN'$ Concein- rated Exztrac1t of COFFEE, EASIEST TO USE, AS A GALQON C~tIN E AS EASItiY AS A OUPFUL. FIEST LVURED1 oum the beat MOMA and JAVA~. liomie Coixfort, auting, Fislsikg, Tratvelling isud Ily serieple for calltp;llg ont. ýale lby grocers and 4rugglats in 1 lb, BIatli iges Chieap is Çhieap Mr. Ed. Haggath has takLen a position oy'Shaher flanuel in Morris & Field'$ factory, Brantford. See them at Naon's Ch Cigars et 5 and 10 cents each at W. E. Ciigaretts in preat - Pethick's barber abop opposite Post Office. Pethick's barber shoP OPI The general Conference of the Method. White flonneing enil iat churoh of Canada opens at Montreal off et cot at Couich Jobi on Sept. 10. msan's. Mr, M. D. Williams and family, Mise Mr. and Mrs,. !L . i Hall and Miss Burke have been campin gogne for a week'd vi atlWahbuirn Island. in Western Ontario. We are pleased, to sae the cheerfufl face You cati get the best of Mr. Jas. Gilfillan on the streets again John J'. Maaan's if you after his long illnesa. dreas. Tt will psy yout Reep cool during the hot weather by Advertisnients reoeiye buyinig a im coat and vest at Couch, for Daily ai-d elol Johnson and ryderma's. Empire and any oth-er p; Mns. Donelly is selling off her suminier A fine lina of ne'a hats stock below cot. Ail the aummar hata styles la now on enlhibiti at :25 ta. and sun bats at 25 ets. each. hat and gents f arnishing Rev. T. W. Joliiffeof Queen st. churoh, has been elected Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge Independeant Order of Odd- fellows. 1 Master Clara Montford and Mr.anud Mrs. $id Montford sud child, of Toronto, were visiting at their father's in town last week. .OTîCiE. -Ail accounts, against the Churcli-st. MethodiBt ohureb should be handed to Mr. 0. M. Cawker forthwitb for settlement. STATES8MAN for balance of 1890, aud Fainily Ronrald and Weekly Star for three montha for only 50 cents. Send along your ordera. Mr. Jas. Ohapple, late clark in Stott & Jury's dntug store, bas gone to reaide in ]illings, Montana, havlug secured a good situation there. You eau buy watelies, elocks sud jew-el- lry cheaper at Mayniard'si the Teweller's than any place. iu town. Try him sund -vou wai be convinced of the faot. The best dollar hat ini black, brown ~and f awn ever shown lu towu 18 uow being seoit at T. Geoi. Maso's Clothiug Store. They have soid scores aud eau get no miore of same liue. luWe have a niee choica of blaomc goods inhenarietta -etc., witb trirninga to match, also a fin.e range of black silk nib- bons in plain and wittered. John J I. ~Mason's dry ooadsansd Iewelry bouse. Burna vowed ta love bis Highland Mary '4while gras% grows aud water rius," and so longý as nature continues te preseut these phenomena it ia saf a ta bat that Inipes'ial Cream Tartan Baking Powder le f HÂ.1RI'BR'S WEEKLY tog other attractionsI, a see theni'. on Tuesclay asat acý friende on the way t< "'Sardinian", and reli eveiiiug. Backsche is9 almnosti ed by wearng onei Weed and Belladonna' Try oneansd bc free 25 cents. Editor James and Jamies, of Oshawa, are Bowiniaiville on Su ilext, as they were toi on oehursday laat by S. Rats that are bats dry gooda and jewelry ofa traveller's satuple itely Twitfl Clevela ciency1 ipowder does net tith bakiiig pow- but keeps moiat e and 'abolesonie. G POWDER Co., nl St., New York. axid aummiler hata ened on Mouiday you, UÂI.CJxrioAN DSHàmpoo.[N,-Lq dies eau get their hair out or heads abar pcoed by calliiu at Mrs A. Davis' Has Parler, Ký, over M. Mayer's ter( Charges moderato. Sheo bas aiso sonu really goed and roliable hair tonies for sol Persans travelling would save mïuc trouble by calliug et the town tický agency sud precuning their tickets th day before starting, Ticketi ta ail pain on ail reagways. J No, 11. H. JURY, Gel oral Tieit Aget-Stoti &Jiry'ti Drt St ore. If A ïarvest Home festival in counectic with the &undmy Sehool at Sha'a's Schco flouse 'ailbe beld al the rai4nee, Mr. C. îborne on F'iday Sept, 5t] Tea aerved froni 4 p. a). tln i a i st erve Froc, convoyanees leave towu at 4 aud 6 30 p.ui, Everybody corne e'a pipes j ust reeeived at barber ahop opposite the lark 'abo bas sa ably of St. Paul's churoh for btbatbs in the absence of R. D. Fraser, hrought a close for thd present, o excellent dsousslast even-inQ: takiug hIi3 text hali enlargsd very ably ithe pregent lufe and the gatiloDq, i ople of the held lii the on0, Slondsy W, jolli9,q Lpýig2ue waa, LnUrrLing an aI*uUtJdcharge or 1W tr'iJ street iîghting of $1,000. The extra JHI lights are ttb go on the aide streets. eTail fine gti Piles; Pliles : ltchilng Piles. lESa, 0 SYMTO S-Misur; iteseitching o ln and stigling ; most at nil-t ; worse by Rleai E seratchivng. 1f aiwc to continue - tuniors fo rm 'ahicli often bleed and uleer- FAi ate, becom-ingi very iore. swÂ&YNIE a OINTMENT StopýS the itelhing a.nd bieCdinIg, hecais ulceration, and in mieat cases removes the t.umors. At druggista, or Iby mail, for otbail 50 cents. Dr.Swaynie &~ SonPhdiadelphia. C a loi Notices or Jilrt;is, 215 cents; Marriages. 50 cents ; fleatits. 50e euts3. cacl iwsertionà. fumerai card% are vrlateîl ait titis olilce BIRTIIS. MÂ,ýNi~NG -Inu BowmanviIIa,Stuuday.Aug, 17, the wife of Mr. Fred Manning of a daughter. SucN. Ne a sydon, on the 22nd imît., the 'aife of Mlr. John Siemion, of a dangliter. WORI-rAKER%. IflBow'a&vjlIe, on the luth ist, Jeauma Worrakev, heloved wife of Reg. inald F. Worraker, aged 29 yrs. and 8 mos. BOWMANVILLEI MAR1KETS. j Corrected by J. icliurtry, every Tuesd4ay FLOUR, e 100 ibs ........ $2 40 to 83 20 WIIFÂT, Fall, Il bush ... 0 00 et 100 Ji Spring, ai......O il 1 00 B.ARLIIY, 1ýbush, No. 1.... O 45 fi O 00 2.. .. 042ri 0 00 3.... 040 Il0 00 RY, ......0 42 i 0 0() OÂTS, '.......0 3)0 1103 8 PnÂs, Biackeye, e bush... O 70 te O 73 i Smali, "il . 0 50 fi 0 53 il Blue, "il ..0O50 JeQ 0; BUTTERt, best table, Vit... O 1 3 ,,eO li 'EoGs, P'doz ............. 14 l 0 00 POTÂTOrS, P bush........O0 35 if 0 40 PennF, P cwt,.. ......... 5 Q25 OO0 HÂv., Pton ..... .......5 00 ,700 ,SE1RVA.NT WANTED.-For ý'enera1 housewcn'lc in a ami fantily. Apply to MR..W. C.N. Beach Avenue. 3-2w w ANI'ED.-A servant, good plain Ca)Ok. where hanseniaid lake tpt, APPIy t. m"s. Simpson, Scugog-Ht. 32- t 5ERVANT WAINTEJD -A good, strong", healthiy glirlfor gnea 101 iwk wages3, Apply at STvjý;mv iDý buu1dIni,s. $[5000 "hcl, Bo0wmlauvU'e atnd Nowvestli acres. (ýL(b<?0 will pur buîilingp. aIl eloarod, good s S4ares ,of land e 14 0 olie Ythe best Darlinigtin. good buildings,' muai bo 1(. ~rany of apply to alrSLVIA.W. fei1seAger Bowman-villeHi As the uew bidiug 'ail occulpation before October, wai re-open jfrONDAY, $EIPTE Iu the buiilding formuerly occr M. 2-1. FENWICK, B. AP .ALLAN LI LONDONDERRY--LIVER POLYNES[AI ,,, Barnels El sud Ica 'ahich the Lcwis QLicscK. m 7es, Strayed frei Irove, 3 red heifer- An honer nesa withou d puis are recluested u te b ,thoir attendance, as formes niroç and >ork il beglu on gao theu firat day. promiotion examninations fer 'aili be beld on the 18th ancd of December, The limita, Iessons, &c., will be thosa lie asat examnation papors. ho did not receive a set of the be aupplied with a set ou sp- the inspecter. Bargainpa, largains. ERavlug d a ohoice assnrtmenlt of Ladies 'I, AucUST 27, 18910. and Otberwise. rt, of Cobourg, 'ase lu town il fur ber rèaders and ~tr the po'aenfui impressio froni the ight. Messrs àager Fiable and 1-. Botterai had a li drewuing on Sunday procured aboast lu th( wore enjoying a ssii ci through sanie mimauag, gelt casizdan sd they fý âtrugviing iu the WatE cries for help attatod A buildingi ediice iin tb pea8t cori to thmi 'erecived irK spo t thowo yi os badly gutted b4 ty guisbed. As sei of ChiaI Jarvia lii no. -with Carr'a Chi ut ,goocl service un 7or- M r. JloQper wi ely toçon sud Lai rettl bad no insu: by heavy. The d ilît which le owned1 a soon on the d wlliugs were ould be extin- alarm 'asa giveli the scene aud, 'w af .-ieJu for samiple i ýiî1is noient 'aîth lil IêI5 fratcautot, andi lie push eecnao lard & Liast. aI piik at Ibe Dril Idl word afternoon tc ir an- between Oshb lu this the firat for Goal paint Caver Point Defonce Field Centre Homie Field tle boy 'a 1P.ft lie wa, - Re l'PowtIo ÇhiWdren > avci 3d at tn SLindsa AGENs jll.1~f )mîmonG - w,. it a feý saved Sfat ti .The Caaly inlo W m ioat eoubd Ier tak'ing liners fram tiie niadeE n lino bas public te ir whIarf Ou ot stop te e- or hiow ai ,as lost or :hat a little ,of course, ail matter rent, baw- ýake stesi- (pcfernsce acres, trota ý anci

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