ndrecls of Suits at Low ry oustomer satisfied. Pants, to order and al WoI, worth ?an'ts, "C very fine a very of the ,à to be c9 worth C$8.50 Pants, to order, West of Engl'd, worth $6.5C Ua1ifay, Men's Suits, ail wool, Only $5.00 rBlack Wiorstocl Suit, a good article, $12.50 SBoys' ail wool Suits at~ $1.25 SBoys" very heavy Tweed, ail wooi, at $2 00 c ool Olothing Coats and Veats, from 50c, uç AT READY-MADE PRICES. y Tailor you chooe ws guarantee or no sale. ýrtme-nt of Gents' Furnisb.ings, and some special Unes in Dry Goods, pect. lb will pay you. KIBBY. Mfr. P, P. Linton bas ronted a farm at Scarboro. MIr. A. MVorrow paidi a visit ta J3ow- manville reeently. Mr. Wmn. Staples, our pepular threigher is nce mare oni the road, ho is capable of doiDg frat-C,]aSS WOrk, and farmeiri eau gerl a goad job clone. Miss Dodds i8 vi8iting friends in the vie imity of Peterbero. Fralîok, our tetehi ier, hatu nirived. We -are 110w holding our ws of aur schoq-l iis appearanc, . Reuant S,-)ale, and this ton. The Boaard adjourned. ORANTS TO SCHOQQS -110W THE MON11Y P)STpflUTE.- The following are the grants to the rural schools of the Coaty for the terri eading Jt4y 44h, 1890 DÂ1LINTON. l-FBmma Braaev., Bowwanvvll0... $19 .20 2-E11en Goode ... 4 15 i-J?. W. Werrye ...13 55 4-Laac Tonkin, Courtie.., 26 20 5-Mary Manniug. BowmansnvAle*...24 $5 6 --Thos Xirlcpatrick, - ,.'24 4 0 8-W. H. Tonkin, Oüurtie ...50 30 9-KizabalilMorri8ori. Bowmanville i 1685 10-James Coleridge. Tyrane . 1G 10 lia i { Uroab, amPton ... 82 12~ -8. J. Courtice. Tunton2-2 6. 13--Lizzie A. Dean, Tyrane .......251 14-Frank M~oynes, UEfield,. ...... 22 1 15- J/,B. Reynolds. " .......35 40 16 { JO"" Ycuug EanlIllen - .-.-72 70 17-Rowena Hezylewood. 21 35 18-JT . L io Tyrane .......... 33 75 19-Minnie Snderson, lampton - 8 S65 20-A. J. eynolds, $olina ........ 41 26 2--Rendal SnÉlI, Haydon .... 28 85 '22 -Uniion .................... 8 95 23--inion.......... ........... 345 Totl..........578 00 aimd fbV8 will be fouud in lis old sh.op, -n ctoor to Epress Offce, IBOWM-AN-VTI where he keeps constantly or l'or Mon and :Boys, Womn a nd Childrenl. .Mfrs. Pepper f 'ý U l G T I of Toronto, is U IN4HIl lýlborhood. you can buy Summier Goc oro, 15 visiting~ il Mrs. Robt. Hocdgo has late]y returnod ,n frein a -viit ao London, Ont. SThe Mýethiodist>, will worship la the SPresbyterian ehureh while their own che~urob ï-s undotrgoing ,repairs. le Bwv. A,. Leslie preached t e faneraI ýsermon of the late Alex: McRay on Sun- i day the l7th inat, taking hiïs text frain i-Ps. 46 1 and 2 verses. eA very Sad and painful accident oc- c urred here on1 the 13t1 inst., by whieh t.Harry Alvin Palme, the six year eld son Le f Mr. John lPalmer, niet his Jeath. M~Vr. '5 Underwaad wIt driving along toward aJ-acksoui's miii when the deccased lad. ýewith a playumato, 9rawlod juta ist wagoýn. 'sI Mr,. Underwood, who raroiy goes to the miii, took a road net frequencited cf late, 4andi the boy informe 'd hini of his mistake, leMr. Underwood oautioned huma in turn. r ta liang firmiy te the wagon whiie hie 1- turiied the rig araund, but the boy by :a seine niesus lipped bis hold and fell, Lthe wheel paf3fin gever his head crushing gil frain the chu ta the temple. Weorc was quickly conveyed ta the parents whase sarro w can more readiiy bo limagin. ned than discribed. The remains werà ni- hterred in Orano Oenietery Fridaylisat, 'e failowed thither by a concourse cf sarrew- Iing friends. Mr. and Pr.]amer have, htbe synimpathy of thoe ntire community in 1 their isad bere3avemient. l Tris RooT OF vL-ysesaand econstitpation are sources cf various dis-] lb ca, but root and brau.ch may be re- ws niaed by using, Burdack -Biead Bittersa Oaccading td, cton.It 18 endorsed 1,by the preSS, the pibliiv andI the prafesa- r- ion, and cannot be exceiled for the curel o~ f cou,,t pation, çypep1sinansd all diseases 46E I IAL We nmeaii -liat we say. and sce Cali Parasols, regular price $1 Ite 1,5 49 cents. J3etter Ones equally low. Large num1ber to select frein. Scotch Ginghams,worth 1l2ke-.,for 'c. 7 Large Wbite flandkerel1iefý,, 25c. Seersuekers, 4c. Swiss Check illuslins, for 5c. Viet,ýria 1Lawns, for 5c. Cretonines, for 7c. Ends of IPrin.ts at half price. Ends of Dress Goods at hall' price, IBoys'sand Men's Flats at lialf price. Carpets away down ilx price. 3 Meii's Ties for 10c,, weie 121c. eaeh. 25c. Tie,; f r 12ýe, $1I Silk TIlandkoehiefs foir 50c, Hese, Gloves, ail reduced. We U give startling bargains to elear euit balance of Summiier goods. Beautifuil Lawrcs at hial price. PjO Dot buy befere yO14 ;nspeet Our hargains. JOHN J. IYASON. A G ENTS WA;'ýNTED' For Fantll 1'.1- - -L vise I l Qoý_. ... ý)q 20O-Union .......142')5 91 -Union ....... .....10 15 22'-Union .............. ........ 20 90 Total............5760 0 k MÂNVERS. 1- -Rc'at. W. Shaw. Yelvertan...$814 450 2-.Babert GillilesBIalYduff-...35 90 3-Minnie Winolaw, Bethany t... 21 3 0 4--Mary Eariner, " ,.~.., 10 90 5-Edwar'd 1Mitehell, Liffard .' 28 85 6-John P'. Walker, Fleetwood .-... 2: 30 7{ . R. aCampbell, Janetvie392 7- rilaArinett, 92 8 oh.Hooper, Pontypool ...1 ' 9-J. B. Jackson, .........44 30 10-Thomqs A. MiI], a. Jaetville ... 24 2-0 3,-a.Berry, Frankln-u .....13 15 12-George l3lackwell, Mt. Elorelb,.. 5 25 13-W. J., Stacey, Lotus .......... 26 10 14-Eiflis T>vey' Portypool ....... 22 95 15- Henry peau, PBetlialy ......46 80 MWary »obson, ~ 19-Unlion. ................. 12 35 20--Mary 1?aull' INeW Park .......9 50 TomaJ............ 4C2 0 J10LIEP. J -Li72zieWitlker, Port Hocpe.. $ý31 65; 2-1,ilian.Lelaniere, Weslevville.ý.. 23 99 3-lma Pearce, Part Hope . 3 *0 85 -Je.unie Fdmniug, WMleme ...49 60 5-Eobert Graudy. C ýcot .... 35 70 6.-I.aura \ ion..........21 60 7-Jenny G osanic-)sWult ......47 à50 8-Fred. C. Philp, (anon.....o08) ,9-erte alynv Welcome ...... '20 2,5 10--mary D2odds. Osaca ......... 2-160 11-Marilu 4llt. Port aope .,.....10 G60 32-nneDodcICs, Perrytawu . 2 3 13-2\. C. Taiblyn.Ji1z ,etvl1 M53 14-l. fi, t'ea-ce, 3ai-lieboro ,... 7 60 15-Àman a malill, E'erytown ..15 90 16 -Jennie Wrighlt, Gardemn Rill .....1049 M 17-O0. R . Stacey, ý ... *.1410 i9LeiiaIamilliz,tljuzabsville , 10 70I T.otal ................ 482 0 $20205 --f 11 I0 :;1 7, G~ ù3 0 Is always wall suý very test goocis a Vic) oria Buti1lings. Bowrnawi TAI LO INO I J. STE WA-RT Tailoa ndClutter, .Shop on Second Flour of central Block, over J. J. Maýon's Stoïe, Side Entrance froim Stret.' Gentlemen's own ma~trial made anid trimmued ini fix-st-o1a.ss style and good fits guarartecd: ALARGE 8- COMIPLETE Assc Coarse anid Fine IRubbers, etc. Specîal LuïDiii Chi Headquarters The Low est 'Pies ever.quolted for shi[la[ goods1 l OCUS AT K A LF 75 45 ~10 -aff-M -âwwý"pols and jr-% Quality and fit j 1 T M', E