. À. 3MJ cordial invitation to the Of *0%N \% Ourham their biçj of Mr .Tni VOLU3X. VLNDALL. >s Henry, Sr., of the 6th lino Sarm. Lokhart of Newtonvillo o bo the favoite thesher on the Peùcoe fall wheot,a fox the other The niane of the Po g this fe11Ow iý Blngngyoucan g' thy cal ug o MayiiaXr the Jeweller, where yoli oc»n buy %witches clocks and jewellery oheaper than ani oterplace in town. You caii aso go. your work doue ao t will give you gooc satisfrction, and warranted by Maynard, the Jeweller. WEY GO WEST FAIMERS9 LOOK HERE! WrirpqtAF)ric n Wse1inz wife have beeu tak- through the north is 'working onMr whlgb will be a fille t an A 1 job should th is viaBitig here, baure to the -Dental lin, Pa. !coe, wbo a been Joh Hcý s~& Mis Polly Qell of Orono wa viiting her friend, Mrs, E. Morton, lat week. We notioed Dr. W. El. Tiley in ur o i comrunty last week on hie tor of lu- 2 Rev Alx.Leslie preached on Sun- day the 7th inst. frora the text, "Iis la J, be net efaild." It 'wasa n i pýiig dis' Of cou~rse.hi No service was hold in connection 'with b theu b thodist church on account of the011 re.opeuing services at NewtonvilIe. The stcratuent of the Lord'aS upper w8.î di8pensed in the Presbyterian oburoh lest Sabbatb. frit ducted the preparatory services on Friday, fo K BB Y. Mc Mrs. John P Ban~ka, Oswego wIll apend a C daughter's, Mra. Mr. and Mm. retuneud frova tbey have boen v Mfr. Williamu Arscott has re )h Bilod&g arm. M&r. Go. Lech iB about to r( 'wdeli's farru. Several parties who have du oes, coumplin of rot in then have where oplectic Gerrnany. ini & OYDERMAN. epent' enilie. Gloves. ugow, ,mmin, Mr. G woiKe flano4a 'I8rs visit- the Guns, &C., i , si