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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Sep 1890, p. 4

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d a dut ral pý Mr. M( in lltbe Jatest desîgus. ronze Fapers friom 90 cenits. Your Ceilings. il cost nio more to have roons tast efuilly papered decorated thau spoilect. P. Trebilcock. wîVtu. 8-r'R 17, 1890. LISHEV8NOTICE. nt uftu ti .t we publicly ask our ens and SUUbe lIeraV for meney, but ýw ive aru teeo busy to miake out ase aud m wo i»ed a feu' hundrad te ue thid munth, we raspectfuli; ent1lr rcquu.t .very person owing Îlbr aud upw1ards at Tirs STATES- ce toexý .ýr obriigus u the imonae th. W0 ask LI-is as aSspeciai favor 1hepo every parYson te whom it ap. ill oblige wii M. A, JAm. Q. M W TWIN$ &GAIN LAýW DCIDEI )NÂL COOVT. iy-General oe ler-Genaeral e ,vered ou Sat- of his administration to bis as8ociates in t he Cabinet, but it is unquestionably true that le lias had wise, prudent and able associates, and the ebeice of lis associates is one of the best proofs of Mr. Mfowat's great abiiity and distinguished fituess for the direction of governiment and adm~inis- tration of public affairs. And neyer bias O (ntario lad a strongler Cabinet than. that which %vill mieet the ne w Parliament iinder lis invincible Premiiership. Mr. Ballantyne, wbe bias been ahosen for th(- Speakership, is one of the mnost popu- lar mnuÉtat has ever lad a seat in the Legislature. H~e s invincible in his cou- stitueucy for the renssns whichi give hlmii his exceptional popularity ini the Assenibly. Ile is a fine debator, a man of broad views, & Liberal of the best type. No member could have grater eommnand over the 0 Iliuse or te le more acceptable to botl sides of it, or would fil the offii dutiez *withi more dignity or prepricty, or performi tlie social duties m re becomingly. If bis fellew represautatives had beau asked to vote without nomination it is hardly a *question but Mr. lýtowat's nommase for n tleSpýeakership ivould have been the al- most unanimous choice of the Assembly. Mlr. Harcourt, the new Treasurer, las *lad an active part and an influential voice in the proceedingas of the Legislature for three Parliments. He is a native Casnadi- an and bears a naine that will not readily dia out of the records of Canadian history* "He ranks as one of the foramiost debaters it f the Assembly, and lie bas done good I1work for Liberalisin from platformes in d inny constituencies. The Provincial y finances will Ihave the csrefu,jintelligent 9 4nd ainbitious care of one of the best -brames of the Assemnbly; and in bis pro- y motion a Young Canadian le appropriately Sand deservedly lhonored, and an old, his- torie naine iarked for frosh distinction ln public records of Ontario. lu appointing Mr.Dryden of South On- *tario to the portfolio of Agriculture the Premier bias hionored that oldbattle ground Dof the g-iauIts of Canadian p0litiCe whiel first elected Iimii to parliamaentry position., )f Mr. Dryden las sat in the Leuislatiire for ,f three Parliamients, but ho was firet choi.-e ;_ of -lie Liberals of that hietorie old riding y for Parliameontary honors long before ho Swould sllow bis naine to go before aun ,f convention. He bas net striven for pre- -ference in the field of politics, aud le las *rarely spoken ini the House except iipou sud prejudicedcl ritic carmoorfind serio fault iu their lives or seriously questioi thair fituess for Miinistorial respousibilit Ontario uever iad a stronger G011141n The inew- ppointiuents niuut give cin plate satisfuction to Libeals aud give thi meet popular Goverwuieut uaw strengtl aud new popularity with every seetion u the commiiunity.-(Giobe. EDITORIAL CORRESPONDERQE.. PLEASÂNT rI:R llJft1otYGnCORN1WAL J3ecroom a n CON~1NU5D.par day, 75 day, 35 eeit Pe>zanco e 326U0 miles frein London, 15 cents.1 380 fromi Liverpool, 385 f rom Mancehester Octobar to A~ and 604 froini Glaseow. The naine "Pen- $10 ; July zauce" signifios the "Holy Head ;" bu t te fu4mily hlotel1 towu was originallv knownu as Euritori, the larbor,n sixteenitl century, reeeived a Hanry VIII., and enother ation front James 1. In 1M was pillaged and uearly destr Spaniards, and lu 1646 it we F'airfax for its attachimautf cause. Peuzance is a thrivii prosperous and cantral marký a miuch-frequeutedsasnator good sanitary arranements calent supply of water, As sort with a very amati mean1 perature, it nisintains an er tion. The wvinter season las vember to Fabruary. Flere troiýltl plants grow iii the climats advautagee are so gr tract a large number of pers( seeking reetoration to biealth invalid.s are sent to Penzane iug inedical practitioners of1 the town beîng witbin auea Londlon aud the principal kingdom, As an evideuice ot tuli eu« Penzauce we narrata the fol dont: As ive wandored along kin tes,2 ,or eggs, r cold in ,gS, 40 ee olie per. ,son. 6 un te is±ands are aarly aprinsad la er autun. . .J. i, Par Inn, Cornwall, Au.". 4, 1890. Y, is The olcaxriiau sae wilfl go on throughout f the 1055011, Ellisoçu& Co. t' The prime object is to raise monay 'I quuekiy. Ellieon & CO. 'y Sone goods will b. ueld at less thau jr auetion pricesa. Ellison & CJo. e, Even at chcap sale prices, due bills, vii e be taken UiXPO as cash. EU&ison & Co. e The difforence between f orme>r, and a preaent prices wilI bhow the reductions. y, Illison & Co. at id e HEIAT ELEA' 110f Jin was ' iPl of ser piece le inorroNv;1 Feit and Straw Gents' Furnishing -0. vo.K7y 5JAey lL&V4 ana 'cd uis ocrdiaily and few inuites aud ag bv hesid, "If you te the right,"poý lui the direction I Candidate for ,iSlIre un.These thi the people of ng, aud popular politicians -, Wise ors. F'or nearly at bias boeauiur- ie. Throug-hout )eral ruIe lu this eded on al l anide etrongeut Cabinet Ele lias ou more le av nt bis , in the. fulftled d logis- heu tiiey in weighty pari îe affaire of1 any dcebate in which lie intervenes. Rie a verïatiity of inteiager le ihardly, a controvrial pehiian~s, but lie of reparte. thkat would takes neoman's insolence aud riu3 froni crdanary mai of 40 yea mlanif eted a dicuifled ne inan's blows. Ha irhl inluprofunud umually characterizes su respect iu the Assamibly, and las lu un- man, but wae courteouis usual dagres sud confidence aud. good.wilI speke freely of his die cflsopnuu al otacpal habits sud mode of living of hs oporent. R is ios aceptbleragitrar cf the borough on the pistfermn, and lie seldoiu excites sud whan speakiug Of his the bitterer bostilities of bis epporients . ha turneci up )hibock lu lus qualitications for the position of Min- tered the deatls of citize ister of Agriculture are heartily, entbu- aud read ovar the ages tei it so very reinarkable tha siastically recognisad by that muimerons memorandum of theaaga sud important ciasu of wlicl he becomnes 25 on the rr Hte. l the. special reireetative in the. Govern- consacutive order as tlay mnt. Ril a plain, practical, enecesful, 81, 81, 19no, 83, 72ýý. farme. lu farmis oe oftîs b 3tl ' 7ays. 81, 72, 75. 7( faror.Hiiý armis nc f he estin70, 5277 years. We voi the Province. Hie famne as a feeder aud. if another such a record c broeder of stock exteude across the Domi- the whole world. No mi tmpon.lueje u tuel wih al te mve ony to the leaithfuli iantsHefor ntIcprtion cf lia rithe turs e- au .baprodueed, wet mont fo thepronotin o agrculureregistration of destin. aud the liva stock iudustry. He is a of the town is about 1 familiar fiiure nt the local farruers' insti- arnount of business doue tutes, Ouae, f the active spirite of the from the barbour dues for iauy earstender annually, fox £6,5( Cetrail Institute, sud frmayyer enzarice îu ciie±iy cc maintained su active comiectien with thceComimrcial thoroughfareý Agricultursi sud Arts Association. Hie thc Market house, ferni elevation wili le wiaruily ratified by the Towix Hall. Here is mieniory et Sir Humiphre farmers of thc Province, The Agricwl- said to lava been boruiii tural Collage su-d Ex-periisueutal Farm wil occupied by MUr. Oppenli le aaintained i icreasiug usefuinees Promisees, at the top of Mz and efllceicy. Agriculture1 thorougoT his je the principal cent wil baefit îhi apot nt-sd frequently p rasentb ail ite intereýstu milbiei b i pon-eepecialiy upon Thureda. niant to the Cabinet, sud lu the Heuso principal cf thras markat tera is no "car but le wiil prove a keen being Tuesday snd $atur sud vigorous champion of the, institutions Aunxensaive enzpin, COP 3under bis Charge, sud of al u4vaiiced gr Paneotabtî, fcepE ,meiasures and niethods fer the inuproea- latter are chiefly brouglit 1ment of the farmner's position sud the de- juant villages at Mou-sal velopment of the, agricultural resources wlere the fiel arc oured and capabilitias of the Province. Hon. ing lB an important induE kionoiin of E. T. L Johln Dryden aud lion. lRichard Huarcourt more than a local re must go bacl, ti their coustituencie for "lMniuatedl Pilchards,' re-election, but thie eleetieru of South On- prepared as to fOrni a tarjo sand Mouck should feed 5e grateful relieli. Thiey1are sent in for the distiin9tiQ ourferred ou the ilding l,, eugbcut 11) t.d tht hey should al le williin- te aUow Me hacI very pleas *tiiesa Liloured ropresentatives te bj xe JEpanade, tlat for nea ïturuied by acclamation, Wc hope it wiilieco~te u av Tn a ii rwrst ýrrv.of Great Clearing SaleQf Dryoc lu fu d Werrys, ai) iou a visit ane ina foi pair couild n dness or i pric~ lot lave Cash Pinelur Prices crnt down so 1Qw Ail rejunants and of last year ¶vll go at Country dealersi Suits tp orç1er frwoi $3 N. B.,-No mat vqiU bc taken san Delz tuapused- OlIf you~ want the Diamond Steel: 'made for any ?low anfactur( y sur'e you ask for Porter's Pointç hi take 3no QtI0rs. Agents 8upplied, Os-We are open to ta1ke orders for Tiis * , e people wýilI learui with the greateat sud fction ti4at Mr.rolsou, of Ottawa, beael aise beciu lvited tii a place lu the iay Julie net. Owiug t e i fact lhat lie sTii. ýeued witii tlheumanagemenut of a heavy fri exaatixig buisnes, le iii4d or wth- tract yrave dang-er to i 410persinal iuterests t r charge of a departumuet. But b instil iugý, the Cabinet without portfolio the. StreE ramout aud flic Pz0o i ll have Poli( )Qnoft of bis couaiil and eperieuloc ad lachines, infaet ami ,nd is worth repadii Se Jm KOSKIN, u v eau

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