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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Sep 1890, p. 5

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syetem~ and rqh junflavor. Juet tihe 4rin] warin sale by- Grocers sud Dxugglte iu Pinto ýuats (Xzperai measureo). chage for cases. Mention this paper. th Sponges Cheap riage Sponges Cheap îrniis Skins Cheap 2Il'y Gun0 l3est 10c. ly Powder Extra Fine Fiy Papers ail kinds FJy Poison sure death ai: Whiolesale Priec'i ps Extra Fine Ips in~ Great Variety Preticik's barber sa-op opposte rust UtJnWe. A fate heifer, cowed by Albert Hall, Brooklin, jamped into the manger an.dC broke its neck. EnRland's national debt ie uu'w £684,-I 954,150. The gpeater portion wae in- ourred throuidh foeigu wara. t Informiation is wanted of a boy 9 years of tige, named Arthur German, whQ lef t bis homne, Port Hope, Jtue 28th. A choice lot cf boots and shoes bought v for spot camh, seo what grand value youC can get at Mýfason's Clothing store. The STÂTESMAN a5s anBdvertlisi- mediurn,ie without a rival lu the character1 and purchâialng power of ite roaders. Rev. J. Thomi, B. A., Newcastle,J preached two thoughtful mormons in thed Mothodist church to large congwegatioiis. Pickering Towriship Cotinoil have a nidB $15,000 worth cf dobentures, to repair the damuage dor2e te bridgis by the storm lu June itat. Yen can buy watches, cdocks and jewel.. lry ebeaper at Maynard'a the. Joweller'ss than auy place in town. Try bun and vou, will 1be oonvinoed of the. fact.1 A youug lady cf Linudsay, who vas anu habituiai stammorer, bas ju8t been suc-. cessfully eured. 8h. now reads, recltes and converses with porfect freedom cf voice. That tired languid feeling sud duli headache is very disagreeshie. 'Jake two cf Oater's Little Liver Pille beore re- tirivg and yon will find relief. They Dover fail te do good. We have a nice choice cf bIseiK goods in honrietta etc., with trimmngs te match, alec a fine range cf blackik hri- bons in plain and watered. .John J.1 M4ason's dry geedsansd jowelry house..1 Seine Toronto izentlemen have puechas- ed the '"Scugog Parsh," noar Port Perry for a sheoting reserve. This la the. finest wild elce marsb and breedtng ground fori black~ duck, mallas'd and toalinl Canada. Thie G. T. R. express whloh pased here onI Wednesday e-enlng, for the east, ,S had ou board between two and thre. hundred deaf mutes on their way to the Belleville Asylumi for the Desf and Dumb. Mr. Robert Grujin, of Pickering, ie bomea frein Scotland, with 21 al~ydedales -Edeven stalliens snd ton filieis, one rthoreughbree filly and one Welsh pony, semne pheasanta snd a pair cf fex terrier dogs. Messers. Hcakin & Weekes, twc thoro- Su&,hly pyaotical niachanic3, have Ieased the. Porter ]l'undry iu this tewn snd are de- termined te ]kaep tup its goed naine. Their adveitisox»,ut appears i tiis pa- per. Qive thein a eall, farinera. Marchauteshebuld tielk te logitimate advertialing. Tho mn who takes a goed space in a gonid newspaper and pute linea readable acivert.i8e rent, changing it be- Sfore it becorues Btale, will keep himaself tu before tihe publie without wastiug lus in money on "fakes. » n M TORNTuo TtA.KS 'ru C-,&K.--h SOEm week. ystock cf new out fit conob, of PEst Oak- farm te Mr. casle, preaob- iday prepara- atit. ntte ne'wsiib m. lat fer 15a ,ent addresses. Mrs. Jas, . Or cf Clobourg, ha Bowntanville as Yocn eaut John J. ?4aoe drese. It will Mrs. Donna. stock cf eheap aud in8pecttbel A fine linso o Me. . E.Kenner, iSt datr ec Field, Brai downon a bloyele tour lastY Bewmanville friends. Mr. Fred. D. Cherry, of N. Y., camne over tus week. Mre. Cherry home, sahe havi freinlber recent serious lue PLUMAISAND PEÂRS. -ADY plumas and pears wanted, for est pricas vill be paid at Joli WeE5t Enid Hou8e, $owmniau flowmanville Fair je on T Friday cf next wft 'k. It la b. a Lereat suceess. The pi b. had frcmi R. Windatt, Sei mnanville. Rev. W.V J. Clark, tise y( wbo drew snob erowde t, li in St. Paul's chuirehisnluths age, 'was usarried. Iset weeok ti Piri, cf Dundas. Mesues. Jardine & Davey immense sale cffes.ttle, md briglit proapects for good pr Thtis will ïefloe a spilendîi for store cattle ciseap, ou a tco. Hate. that are hati dry goodsa nd jewelr cf a Ïravaiie'esampi reduction. W.e au ini strawva or felts at1 yen.1 sugar la giug Up could afford to eloi: cousumners would1 great deil moe.tI the tax on tise coni oenmus. Tise e cf calom of the liver has ruix sititution. Thoso wh have trieci Ayer's e~fficaey iu tiorou rualady, withont ini HI-eurrlNG AN NIIPAL ELEoTIONS. , A.niona, a substance injuriolus too o health, la an adulterant of gscne bigh- 0o gezierally believed to e b. absolutey pure, " Cheap, prize, and gil*f powders o ocontain aluni, terra alba, &c, as els'l as 0ammnonia, 1o Housekeepers who desire pure and 11whoiesonie food should refuse to buy oo oANY balking powdIer, ne tuatter %vbat 0its reputation, unless ail the 01reint 0arc f rankdy zmade lrnown.0 00 or niany years ail the îngreçiients oo 0 used ini Cieveland's Superior J3aling 0 0Powder have beenl publishied on every olabel, and the analysiesas stated is vyen- 0 fied by Official 1Ieports, the highest 0 00 tesimony in the land. 1 10 0 CLEVELAND BAKINIG PWDER CO.. 01 8 1 & 83 FULTON STREET, NEW YORK. 0 BILL1 CHARtLES 8SI] 138 tf Notice to Cr BOWMAVIL MARKTS. t the asi Grrected by J. neHiurtry, every Tuesday nvIilo. c - Wedne FLoup., e100Ibo .......#?2 40to 8? 20 Dayc WunE., al, ebuah ... 000v i ] 00at the ou la Sprng¶ .......0 88 i 1 00 ulinmnt BÂRLEpY, ebush o.1O.0)55 0 O60 ixansit ri il2.. 0 50g,0055buies ' r i 3...0 45ri 0 50 The Cr RY,.0 4, 0 45 hrb e OÂri, '.............0 3 2 0 O37 RUSSELL, ru lcky,~bush..,. 0 8 0 >oVIlle aut hil iSenall, '4... 0 55 f, 0 60 'Blue, ' ,O0 , Q 60 amjouptoe BUTrais hast table, P Db. .'0O14 il 0 15 ,riie EGOS, 4ý doz........... 014A 0 15 ber, A , POT&TOEnS, P bueh. ..... 035 '0 40 Pos, P owt ........... 525 ri 0 00 RAY, ýVton ............ 500 i 7 00 *X-V'r ANED A 1 Bn~ai.ut bov tI n tu. ie hil an lie. Shalcs, Aldermnu orsey. Lmas week the Upper Canada FuruiturE Y-W, and 9t]ierwise. ýF, A&CCIDENT lngâtAu0e. 7, Agent, Bowmanville. tf. ati aarly now," renisekgaa iuno mans who viita a Iow- )coUlacs, the. boit yt, as they ien snd do t beak. . Tvço at massa,3.1 of $1,50 iui fvor cf tisa given ln the libel suit cf I a epeciali inporyticn as hosa iu plslh aud A heavy ribbed line for 550f. - & crç EDITOit STATSÂN --Th roun'Ilyour paper I wiali te Lforus my friends cf the. safe arrivai cf niyalf sud party bore. Have made arrangements te sail to.dsay per steamer Joh lci19~er for Talacahuano. Chili, South Amerlos. With beet wisis, 1 reenain, Your truly Vacants T. S-Irrru. Liverpool, Sept. 3, 1890. J3ast suits te order far below reguiar pricas. Ellison & Co. Yen ouglt te ses our fi aneels at ro- ducod prices. llson & Ce. Rornuant sud portions cf stock dam- aged by lapt yoar's tire, go at issif prioe. Eflison & Co. Bargaine, l3argairis, Bargains. Having new on baud a ebeice assertmnocf Ladies sud eildreos' bats alec tise lateat novl. tles lu toques and bonnets. 1 bava deid. ed onu baving bfrgain days overy Friday for oes mentis commencng June 21et. Call and inspet for yourselve3. D;Q trouble te show goQds. Mra. Desscnd. As a resuit of th.e inqulry jute thse deatis cf Johu Kent, the, Toronto mais wie, when sicÏk, placed iiseif under the car, o f a "Christian Sontiaýt" tise eorouer'e j jury have retue'ued s verdict that decoaBed "ocms te hie deatis thrciigh the. ignorance of Mrs. Stewart in treatiug him contrary to the. advice cf his physician." The moeral, as tise Açvertisar is already pointed eut, is obvions. A ick mn, who wishes te regain hie isealtis, sheuld follow out the best umedical advice witii hs reach, It le a great misiake toEsup- poe that tise adoption of tise course lu any wRay exhibits a lack of faithin lurcvi- The Qco suld efegan ho the.finest 7asy 9thra reofi's iast"lFiree 3Trif toE urope"> sited suchi lversal intereut,the rs cf that pepular magazine offar Id ?200 otra for oxponsos, te )n sending thain lte largest list bf words construed fronu lattera lu inthe tise.. worda 'Baî'rexsi .'RO.Additloual prizas con- FSilvor Tes Sets,<JChina Dinner !d Wstchs,Frounoh Music Boxes, Curtains, S11k Dresses, Mantla md mauy other pesefuti and vaiu- clos 'viii siso be awarded in Memit. A special Priza of a Seal ket te thse lady and a haudacuse uags uucsae. jre n eeally gccd andi reliable hair t( CIuuA~P B»MIN.-,C1Yke on~ iand. a large quantity bacon cf their oves curing swh sali at greatly recdnced ratest stock, Cal aud inspect and< siure te buy. It le resliy ver Pacsons travelling wenis trouble by calling ant thse sgeney and precurlurý their day bofore tarting, Tickets on all railwa.ys. J uO. 1-. oral Ticket Agent-Stott& Store, A Jersey heifer 2 years o Dr. Young, V. S., cf tilto t giviug frein ive te sx: uarts day Oince May iset, tbeiigha hiad a calf, but is duo te cal£ Tise cul1 more wouderfalni sge of wo icis Auctioneer belng the cape of a good in uever had a caîf, uer lier rn cora usilvtaticu to vis pulisinlg house on thesor]0 snd Melitica trests, Torontl te take a look theougistise week. No journal i lu ad greater onterprise than tise G immese scirculation of e par week hears tangible tosi people's appreciation of lt newepaper. A full page iun Srarlc Ledr ed -Newepaper titis week is character sketches taken fro the tariff 4ebate in, Washiiai or ful~l page shows ane rilyn ln the, East River NeÇw York race for .ho Iuterneticsssl 0 and interest in thea matent To seil rapidlly, aud ri row away prefitI3thiasea Co. a4&U iier r Nout tc coimes a kuuw efE way ofg ,,n UR eh nt., mi Our g Quu~n', 4 'VAý 10th, the~ . thie wlfe I, the wifo Sept. Ith, )t. 6th, thie M. , the 'aif. 3r4, the, 4tie wi-fe the iie1 the. wlfo ,,Y's

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