AIRUVING( AT - * eo. asoI's Cloth* V3~ROAT ÂNDSUIS For Men» __________ANDSUIT_ byfI«ar t loiee ever shown hi Rowniauvîlle. Style iûad of anytin.ig yet shownj. story, contai double brie- «n 7 roowý 1Tarins and cý LFvi A. W. MO-NXI)A, SEPT, din and W. 11, con. 5, 1 able for fattd 12moni ha' or A. W. TorLx, 1 otLtage frame, 1 3 rooins and hall; I1 e, 2 stories, cont.ln. hall in opach house. ons o11day of sale.i ,Auctioneer. j -Messrs. G. Dý Jn.î avey will sel On 1, igton, 65 cattloesuit. the comiing wintor. sale at 1J. p.. a. ,ý..# I con. one. -WE HAVE ADJMED A, SIlO »epartmeiit, and are shoe sellers ini the senise th at we have al kiuds, for Mlen, Womeu and Cbildren, that are reliable. But we don't ask shoe-.sel1ers' prices; we seil shoes like dry goods. Give our Mr. William Keut, who lias charge of, this Departmeut, a calI. GMOMTG 1M4$QN'S CLOTIflNTG BTOII 3mEý.sT- zte and , s.uct. LI5~V. EPTr.20 SIOP, frnEOD$'BLQQ a f houschold noperty of Gus w at 1 e'eloolr. eer. i. James Trigg, Oshawa. Sale le of fnceliold tel, Osa.wa, et . C,. l1u:2rIG, R. Vinson, lot ing ton, w'lJ1seli mu, etc. Sale postera. S. C. ExtrA OC.rd of Thanksç. l'O flie fifflcers «and MceLrS of HJm(or0ý circ, NO. P' of te . C . C 14 1 have very greau pleasure in ecknow. Pr Iedging the rectipt this Clay' of a Checque CI ou the Dom juion Bana u i y favor for « the suni of ',-1000, payable und,,r the ea boueficiary certficate of nmy lat3 daughter, Eliza Jane Rerstake, foimerly a wemnber of Hampton Circle, No. 9. 1 also thank, those officers wlio acted su prowptly in Uperfecting the proof8 reqixired and setile- ing this claim in se shoit a turne. lit aM fords me verjy grent pleasure t3 n ecota- inend your Order te the public geaierally, D, andi I trust it will continue to receive froim thq publie that confidenace w1ih fo your straightforward dealinga se 0juisdJy i werit. . arn, Gentlemen, Pa Iaithfully Yours, MARY K-FUSLAKE. HAmpTt>N, Sept. 4, 1890. w t ter Sy-,poms- M oiït tre ; intense itching oli and stitigg; most et iighlt ; woree by ta sonstohiiig. If sllow<d te) continlue Ca tuilors form ni h c f (a bleed ta i - ecB ate, beoomtng vrv !stre.* CWAYNE's 1, OrNýN'eMmeroi'qs t1le il hing and lbleedinig, an, els i1ce aton, ad in mst o ss ie tie s -" thie tuniers. At druggists, or by mail, for N' 50 cents. Dr.Swaynie &~ Son,phdladlhiaOCa J-' MO VL HOUE. st Home festival ,pt. 5th, and was one., A base baI] the afternoon be- cl our homo tearn, àe former. The ad- ernuoo by Mr. R. )no, and IEev. T. W. M-n. .Earry Linton is having his rosi- idencea wyshingled. Mr. Joseph Williamson is home froni Chicago laid up with a pois«ndhad L. Drew and son WUiliamn, of O8h5.wa,weren in town Sunday week. Mns. '1. H. Odell is viitiug h"et sons, Jame3 tud.Arthur, nt Rochester. ~Tha elebrated Jonu> famnily will give a tconcert h',,re on Sept. '25th. Mr. R. Fes!.ton received an order frei Kingston zeceutly for .15 road c rts. Mr. John Hall who is laid up with typhoid f'caver in Torouto, 15s aid to ha va. elarge height lIfF. Il in,, taken ave;age ild. The offices f,ýr the ensuinÉ W. 0. T. U. Society are:-- Lonýg, Prest; Mrs. F. L. Prest; Mrs. A. Knox, 12nd Mrs. Brown, 3rd Vice Fre Clark, vocresponding Seorete Odell, Reoording 8eey; Mts, Treastirer; Mrs. A, A. Gam, FJ. L. AnJr21s, Press Oorm Mmn Davey, Min. A. Gamas Brown, Visitiiig Qoxmzmttee In a leCter froni Harry A. of Mr. Thomas Oowan,. who jNoRiIsk, N rO ýil ATTENTION!1 . Mr, Thiom's liorse S at tea 9 Base act, ' 08JLl 4 Dwant Dewar, tof lowinsuville, o'wn asat week1 and gave us a Muuidsa,Eçiter of the Rleformer , to Denver, -co.. te visit his et T îeoting in, Mv ha Sy ro boat -- -II rorn wh1±VU wU .pect Uto he5L1 40001 Rey. T. W. Jac'-8on, Grimsby, preach- bushels of wheat and 1200 Of catS." This1 ed iu Mthodist church Sunday ovea. news will ho necoived with satisfacrtion ing 7t1m t. and dolivened a venj iin- by their many friends here, as it hadi toesiu ibcourse. boon oxpected their creps were badly Clarko fair w7ill he held in Newcastle damiged by the lata storn-1'. flsrry i1so, on Tuea a d Wednesday 23rd anud 24th expresses hiniseif as boing deligbted with sept. ManitobP, Mr. Jacob Cobblelck baî bought a 501 Professons T. W. Jackson, C,. G.. Arm.. acre farnk 1lot 31 con. 2, from Mr. Richard atroxlg, T. A. Brown and 0. A. Garaab7, Barntt for $'5'000. took part iu the S. O. E. B. S. entertain. Mr,.-s4d Mrn. R. Knox have returned ment hoeld iun1Hampton ont the 5th iuat. aýter e fourn woeis trip throiigh Muskeka The saveral Professýons looked very httnd- and wetern Ontario. saminl their pluga and must have oneated Te. . Dunlop, of Tebttenhain, former. a sensation in Hampton on t tlir arral, ey. hscruii pnin e a as they rode lu Mn, Jackson'e uaw GQ1.4 wli orn ths ciret.s pnd gafw a stoue buggy that's got lamps on the ides withfrieds hre.of the dashboard. Tbey al had thoir oyea M1r. Jamnes Bell returned from. LIka glasses on, whiclh added greatly te thoir gcugog Stutrday ichere ho bas been h appearanco aud gave the affair an sito- lng sud aiteot~~~~~~~~iag e brought with hum~t. i htma,. nI' 1~ toen necoived alevenaus nuniben çf ducks andi a quantity of ltsh. g reception tuto thel Ww, Waasru., bought freni Mrs. Medcalf St. chureb,') James Poltrd the dwvelling lately occupi- of te Twn ,ou eil M y a Mr. Wrn. Boddy, jr' the North ely teniong ounilWnd bte ee.prt xetion!Mise 'TruU bhas gone on a visit to erhan ta swe roeciotpanants aetlPrince Albert. d susaimed on r~ M ns. Harry lYunafond, and dangbtern e y usaiie cnsde- esie f Bowmanvillesethuna tii. litaaccidenter'1e,$on Sn a Ly thasn waa at fir8t Week at Mer. James llatts3. ar ie prescrit time lie huas Mr. Daniel Calishan hualiamoved hii e bo out and for a week boet and shtes business to Pontypool qu ,to enain lu bed as whern hoa intends operning out on a mern 1ns wilt as bis thigh extensive scale bsrdy tl le o Th3 ,ale ai furnitune et Mrs. Jehn t a Jaclrson',i woDt off fairly well ont Satunday hi .reilo, wa3 ini towu week. C. J. Hughsou waî the auctior'eer. bo thosnory1M. J. Hsallett, of 'oanto, was home d , irockville, is viSit- Sunaay weo-,ek huas beer' on tho sick o C ~. Barton. list sud lcsa littte thin in cousoq]uence'. fa bas, D. Prew sud J. Mr.C. .J. 1luglison bhatakan eut Ivi ti te Enlgland, return- soine licence again this yoKr. Fan- 'ty niera with sitock toe soi can't do botter te le. of Brockvilte, was thau patronizo him, eh 5ng fniouds aud left Tho 4"At Homno" et tlio Methodist tu for Winnipeg. ei u-h Fniday evoniug Stb lit.,,passed wi oliveti frora Mr. Jas. ,off veny ploamintly. A lengtby ntertain- ba a. vary fineo samspte of In, programu was nendened. Tha atten th gvrowth. egtdsawas faInlylarge. on Dh Dnetta sowed egi At theo Public sobool meetingont t he Goryell SaedCe.Gtl it., Mn. E. Hall wss eiectod truste. o »ib ni;cce, ILI Q f Mn. A. Poilard wloh bs loft e voiall, editon and prao Pleaaed ho Asec er former citizen Mn. nbury Standard, didi B ori'd u o a Ist week. Mn Doh e set uIt foreged Borand js nmucb pleased with the bnsiuces Dooosse ad s on- rottlok at West Toronto Junctien, eand *~tew, su is bro her is alresdy establishad for him3ielf a fin e Veil. tae QaniaeCD. sbippod teo ond of veny handsome Weddaiy eveiýng the d1welling o- osrtE,c, to St, cupied by Mrs. Milanr, chunob et., sud ) exblbited at the ex. ewned by Mn. R. Stewart, Newcastle, *The. firnu ladoing also the stables of Mn. Dridely Jones, woe increasing business 111 dostnoyed by fine. Mng. Miller lest ail ries. ler househeld furuitune. tMr. David MeOCullait b as failed tliis3 -ý11 - -.-Im---r Lulli - w' n lt ta wonk for theit' living" feel bad. Thae Late Mns. Jones. The inhabitants ef Port Perry are uder a gloom titis week. The sudden leath of Mns. W. M. Jones bas ceatna eling cf sadness aud grief ta pernm4ate fi enttine coinuunity. It wfas toaudd8en wd iio unexpected that it oould hardlybe realized for a timne. 5h. was nt feeling uilte as well as usual on $uu4pa' an4d1ti eot g-o ont tao hureb. Monday inornng, luet after Mr. Jones anose from beêd aIt ,omplained cf a pain in iA ho tart. R i once endeavored te caaeolhan and wtb1le e was doing so, h. was fitartlecI te find her spirit had suddealy taken tts depar- ire. Hleart disossa was the ce o f oeath. Deeaeed was tho only daughten f the lite Ulenry Sylvester, a success4ul Frmer of Darlingtou. The motetba ur- vies the daughter. aima four brrothers, NEW GOODLS' - Wo0 have received from Europe sever- ai consignments of New Dress Goods, both by the yard and in Eleganbt liess Patterns. We are sparing no pains to maké Our, ]Iress GOOdIS lLepartment equal Vo any- thîng in the (,.Xunty, and anyone waJnting either high- priced or low-priced Goods, oan see as goodl a ohoice and botter value at Our, store thanu anvwhere else. all Mii store. ,ame -inay be said of L'epartments of our1 bUc, to ieiaber id adways st stock of' Su iitown. e te Select and they ,r beaten, ores mnay, tion, soit for a few sn &Co.mpetitor eau undensollii Our low pnices wili asteniaI ou ulîlson & Co* Prices will ha made te suitt Ellisou & Ce. Our clearng sale hegina 27th, EBilon d& Ce. At this sale wo will mil at mxense. 'llie va iwes andl prices I are unequallad, the siyies aret the newest anid the, LADIES of this district are especially inviteci to eall and be shown through our UEstablishaient. Don't forget our rearly made, Mandes and Short Jackets. They are dandies and so cheap, We are showing a very large an'd choice tissortinent ofC loths and Tweeds, Ties, Col tars, IJfderclothing, & c. GflINTLEME~N requiriug anything' in tlhese 1 lines wil l ot do theinsel\'es1 justice unilese; they cati and look through our stock. 2-W'rý P. JSSTE ýBOWA -,C $hop on Second Bloch-, oer J. J. Ala ýEntranca frein Street. Gentlemnen%, owni a.nd trimnned in firo good fitti guaraiteei BARQAIN DAY, Sept. 2Qth, 1890. On Saturda y next we offer special inducements in Dress Goods, Cotton Shirting and Hosiery., Reniember the prices wiIll be away-down 1ess than-i you wiIl be able to buay them iii the regular way.Wed this to advertise and we are bound to do it righit. Calil and see for yotirselves. Highiesi, price paid for pro- d lce. John MeMurtry. ,- is ,dll-wQýool Pants, $1.5Q-a)iy su. QOT S tilt Ageni Dominon Grae.z ýorFari'cers and also ig Engli8h, Scotch m ?arlme.