j'the latest designs. nze Fapers from 20 cenits. trate Your Gei1iugs. miore to have decorated thau spoiledt. P. Trebiloock. MANIYLLX, $EPT'R '-4, 1890. PUBLISIER'S APPEAL. r oui- appeal in last issue for pay- f subscriptions or other aeccunts ir@ectkaqt îny of the (oe"ar ,iently ou thin. d for thho money Lrough the paper Erans, cf Çlorie, i-sponded. We treatientfri ter obligation te long. We hiave t this week amd, pectfuly request ls Ki- oexpE. NV e isk us tiice for J Gi-c card. Il sG Isý T T T yer.nefealso to tliank hl-iýbrethren i Rev.fu.B. ae qae very eloquent rol in the Ministry< for the kinidness shown ind, 1 fuly thoughit-out addi-ess ou T imii, wli(i he very highlly valued. It 'Christ and Socialism,"e t ww3 the duty of Coniforeiice to eteot his O1 Missionary Sunlday the services nied sticesso)r. the High-street Chapel conmmericed with and Th~e voting was by billot, Rev. W. l1i-- a sermon at seven o'clock by Bev. W . E ,hos] man was elected and delivered an excel- Gilbert, which was followed by a mission- lent addxess, thanking the Conferenice for ary sermon by Rev. J. C. Stedeford. Iu the igh hionor conferred on hiini. He the afteriiooni Rev. J. Woolcoelk preachied, entered the Ministry in 1851, and is now an-d in the eveningt Rev, F. W. Boune. Til stationed at Taunton. Rer. F W. Bourne An open-air service was held afterwards thri was elected Secretary. The reverend on the Promenade, conducted by the Rev. resp Dgentleman is connexional editor Aud auth- A Haincock. lishc or of "Billy Bray.-"n e thanked the Coni- The anniversary of the M%.isiouartiy 5e- TI ference for their conifidence inli.i Oth- ciety on Monday was celebrated, and the favo er appiatmients : -~J ournl Secret ary, Rev missionary meetings occupied the whole jam A lancoelk and Mr-. W Rut, er; Dupiate day. ana Secretary, Rey. J. Woolcock,; Correspond- On Tuesdny the Cornferenice further to C ing Secretary, Rey. S. Mliii; Precentors, considered the question of the re-appint- and Rev. W J Micheil and Mi. -. umiphreys; ment of Mýiniters to stations bey'ond the was Repor-ters to the ible Christian Maga- usual terni of four years, aî:d several ap- wild zine, Bers. S B Lane and J B Stedeford. plications were gi-anted. Several other are One important duty the Conference lias tionnexional mattera were ciealt with. and to perforni is the revision of the Ministe- The R1'er, J. Dyunond, on behiaif of the okie riil list. The fi-st naine was that of Rer. Cominmittea, introduced a resolution i-e- beeç Paul Robbins, who enteredi the ministry specting the ocmnclConfereuce, and as ar ackas 823anddie ony afewwhich is to be hield in Amierica inthe brEý ionjiths a-e at Pownnville, Canada. Heauatumn ci f 1891. Hfe imoved that* £100 bce ng Had iendered distiniLuishied service both appi-opriated towards the defi-nyment of gi iniEngland and CanadaI,. He had filled thie the expenses of the representatives. Be wes office of Pie4dent of the Conference in aise recoiniended that two repi-esentatives quil England in 1836 and again in 1843 and in should be sent fromt Austi-alia, oee minis- jier Canada also hae on one or more occasions terial and one lay, and four inillisterial p was made President, and filled other mii- an-d foui- lay fromi England, that the nomn- Eup portant connexional offices. Rev. Rich- ination should be in open Conference, cial ard Orichard, who entered the ministi-y in and the election by ballot. Beni 1866, waa placel on the aupeiannuated list. Airangemients wvere made for the Con- I o Reys. .) l ancock, G Varley, W T 1 saac, ferance of 1891, which is to ho held ini titil H M Fowler and T J Roach, laborin-, on Gi-eanbank Chiapel, Plymriothi.'171e Rer. foi Colonial stations, havung tendei-ed thecir J. Drew was slected te pi-each the sermon hier rea':gnationis, the OConferenae accepted the te the Conference. Far nm.Rev. Chailes Deniïig, a minister Resolutions of the spiritual state of the ent cf 45 yeai-s' stainglii, requested superanu- varieus districts were rend by the District a et ation and his requesit was grantedl. Chaii'xnen, and a resolution axprassing cai Votes (<f theinka were paý sed te retirung their substance waa di-awnl up by the Rey. hbe officers, ten candidates for the ministry J. 0. ReD. D., nnd npproead by the atic ,were accepted, candidates for ordination Conference. A profitable discussion fol- me, were examniad, soe ciicuit grants were lowecd. c considered, votesofcf sympjathy te mninis- ¶Ve can only maik -ern for a summiiary esp, tai-s whe had suffered affliction were pass- cf two addresses which did niuch te i-aise fort ed and the comnittee on tha foui- yeas' the toine cf the discussion and protlu"eda st limit reportad at thle fi-st day's session. profond impression upen the Confer- wit In the evening, the annual sermion te the ence. niev Conference was preached by Rev. J 0 Rev. J.1-. Batt was cf opinion that the foi Keeni, D D,.in the Highi-street Cliapel, conversation on the work- of Ged ouÏght te te whichi was ci-ewded. De teck, as Iis8 sub- be the most searching, earnestü and spirit- hsï jeet Peiliii xcii, an-d discussed the Divine ual cf the %whole Conference. They aheuld ]ab KÇingshipiiniïlsrelation teo creatien, and neot deal simply with sida-issues, however dut said they need net feai- the ievelaticns cf important it may be on suitable occasions. to, science f or Nature was greater than £cienice There was ne other subject that se touah- or j t-nd Sripture was gieter thani theology, ed the gi-at end cf thecir existence. Al me and Iýatuieai- with bier great Ring. the iest cf their werk was but ileaxns te wir The Sciiptures had netb ng te fear fi-cm an end. Thir work was iiot te build in« the keenlest investigatiion, but nch te chapela or te maintaini a deneminaticil, but Sal fear fi-cm sheer indiffecrenca, îgî,ratice te gave seuls. If they failed ini this their at1 and inattention. The reverend dector existence was net justified. The wholce er held the large congreg.atien in rapt atten question was a question cf power cf theaho tien for over an heur, during whiah there Iloly Ghost. ]in listening te the addi-ess- chi were frequent bursta cf apluýe T hoeas lhe had beaui sui-prised that se littie i-e- the Lord's Supper was )bieired st the cloae ferenca had beau nmade te this power. At do cf the service. old conferencas, as he biad licai-d fi-cm bis abï Most cf Satui-day waa occupied in dis- sainted parents and grandpttrents, theyth cussing the four years' liit and the used te get great baptiîsofet he oyC report on Missions. At the close of the Ghiost- They used ta ireeiveaiauentut ai discussion 11ev. J. U. Martin introduid iu~m wh eh they carried eut in t - svirpgj a a deputation fr-ont the Penzance Blue. work in the year. It wasuch powermthat je IRibbon Union, conisisting cf Mi-. tlwell they wauted there and thon. Nothiii Pr( ý1.%lbtt, piesident; Rer. \W. Thomas else wculd set cthe sea upon that Confer- thl and Mr-. Il. H. Pezzack, vic-presidents; one. This was net a iniistera question ma an-d M~r. W. J. Laundry, secretary. only. Thiere was ne lino cf moral conduc-t hie The Piesident said they wero lad te niecessary for a inister that was iiot a ii meet thein as total abstainers, and. heart- liue for every memiber. Ha had sonie en- Sa ily welcoued them. couragemient, however, from, the fact tliat ok Mi. Biowll Mabbott said it was withi as a rida their preaching thi-ouglieut the M deep gratitude they gave the Cenference denoimination ivas erangelical, plain and Il( a welconie on behaîf ef the tenîperance simple. They niust pxeach the Gospel, ja societies cf the towni, focm they looked anmd praaching wâas uot reciting, nov iead- mi upen the Bible Christian Chi.îich as e- ing, but the proclamation of a message Li 1presenting the mnen whc biad- bean iin the 0f irbat use was it te have memiibers wo wi 1front cof the battla all the way thi-'ugh. simply received a. ticket and teck ne fui--c Rer. W. B. Lai-k, in replyung, afsui-ed ther intereats in their work. Ail the n io 3the doutaiitn thei hearty manner in present weuld soea day stancd for judg- t whi h ithe Cenfamence desired to mneati -theni. IRefemence I-ad also beau niada by1 i. oeaof the gentlemen te itha fact i-at the1 1 innstars cf the townmoi-e %with ihem inj -the great work,. Twenty yea's ao e ha 1, was a miiter in thiat town, but tii-re 1- was niniister te staud by bis ide, but the people mare xvwith hbu. Miristers could net afford te stand on the opposite i, ida te the people, and a great iaiiy cf i-hem iknew it. For a second tiimie mithin 1. w ya-ta had mon a glorieus vîctoi-y. k For tire years the prasent Çovamuuet, C; the embodimeit cf alitha viri-ues, bad r-beau doing ita utmnost te secure i-hacan- ]- dlownent cf ithe liquor traffia. (Usai-, ýn hear.) But i-ha tenipeaauc pari-y had - dafeated i-hem, and se ciushing- had beau s iha defe-at tit oe eof the Miniaters had J girani it as bis opinion thiat tamperance , laguilation was at a standtill for the et ýV twanty yeai-a. Well, hae prefarmed stand- d ing stil1 te going b1ack. But hi-a behef - %vas that a party aufficienily strcng te l baulk ithe intention cf iha Governînaent ýs in the direction cf tha, endownîant cf the A' liquar traffic, weuld pi-ove itself i-o be in sufficiently si-roni-g te inaisi- upen lagisia- t, tii-in in a proeem manner. Thay lhad hiad S seerie conflicta in the past, 'but i-bey ge wouid have savamer cnes in tihe future. t J would bc a biard figbit befere t mas doua. T If the liquor 1-raffid had silver and gold c,. on its sida, the Lord cf Heats, rigbtcous- S naessana-d i-ii- mre on i-ha tamperance J ide, and haie uid rai-ber stand alono on ii si-ha ida cf rigi-eousness ;and truth tban E haroeiha beie we Nrld in i-he oppoite di- l, i-ction. (Applause.) J A deputation of nionconfommisi- minis- H tara was nax,,t iniroduced, consistitig cf s, Rara. NW. Thrnas (Baptist), E. Morgan, k- J. W. Bai-bord, J. P1.L ir-nii, and F. nd Geodson (Wesleyan), H. G ocidard (Congre- ý- gatienal), T. adlai, and IlH. f5 ai-gett 1e (Primitive Mathodisi-), and W. J. Clar-ke .- ai-d C. E. Everitt (U M. F. C.) Frai-er- ri- ual addressas and replies were made by le; saveral. -iiter sud i-ha fraternal groct- rd,, ings wazo i-aiy cordial. rd. Iu i-he aveing ya -est "Poose a MIet- e, iiug" was leld in tha enra all, wbicli was pi-ssii-ed evr y Mayor W. F. Boira. iid -Rer. W. a. Beimu, M. A. discussed br "The Drink Question" in a humerons mnent befora Ged, anddlho di lock baak upon such an occai beau eue on which tbey fou,ý gi-est quasi-ion. Tbey cou peopla if i-bey liked. Facl wbacroer their spiritual ira Evani fastidious people d going tote haSalvaticu .A theughit they ceuld get goc speke tius bcause lie iras oc omiinii-y. The Rev. F. W. Bourne thbe ramai-ka i-bat hsd beaui Bai-t. They hsad no righi-, i tbey filhed, whethar niniai-e bring a 'aoridly niaiment i They miusi- have a lioîy ocim ed thiat ha mas prepared ini humility te bis owui pasi- They must i- raite uuptied bc filied wi- h le IHly Gheî ed worik as morse than in The hîyn, "Oh, cenie anid was theil Sung ,witb greatIl i-ha Conferanca sadjourmticl n ing morerglug. Thea anual Sundny Scio, beid in the aveirtg, W. V C.C. ini the chair, lIer. A. 1-ancock subn nuai report, which showed bei-si for i-be home circuits a: si-s aud 39,237 scholars-c tesichers ai-d an i-case o! Theo reagi-aifnl feai-uma i-ha faci- cf diniinished tea- Many Sohools i-spon-ad col cuity in obtaiming suitable fïald8 ai-white uni-io hai laboureare ai-- ting tc>a 'vain. If i-hMClurch cf C isad lbar respon-sibility te bier best talant, lier frashasi be consacrai-ad it thagiest 5.christian culture. We C- baving cf thai- tt the udd go ae mat. n, Sniud Cl if they . Ha B s foi- bis Ir U.~~. Oanradian Fa.rming. f.,lowiuig extracti, i. lipped fi-en dworth y (Devon,.L, land,) cr-- eime te. the Wetcrib Tiimes, Pub- [oVst . t Mi-.bb mitry thora >svon ri the e bas raiser- (Frorn Hali's Journal of Healt/h.) Wc e it our d1uty tQ state that of a number of differ'ent Ikinds of i3aking Pow4er purçhased in a neigb- borig cty for examiatiotn, theonlyQone wefound made of P'ure Orape Creamn of Tartar, and that did Ilot contain aniy Alum, Acid Phosphates, orAm- mlonia, and that was absolutely free from adulterations, iýs Bakiug Powder. STTRsitIr'%S in wrappers all residy f4 miailig at the office 3) cents par.aopy. Send this week's nunîbor te your friands, Advertistuents ieceiyed by M.A.James for Daily and Wiekly Globe, Mail, Emnpire and ituy ether paper in Canada. ,erOTHE i-g. district to fesd ;t. 01 are ju-stil ow passiag througo. *unless thora is soon &a deaided ha btte, many of t-horm wll s"Il eut ai,'ti ïê Jk othar cccnp- SJames B-S.*a sr",mt impi-ora- ho poau ion of ithe Iabourivig e ha ieft this country ; thls is lotaipabIe in i-heur home cen- Clothing, adueation, mnnd social Ha thinka farm lebeutreris oesy Photild net g'uinto the tg cf Canada te start fý'rming- vos but,would do quite as irel n England. Since thliaforets eut down in Canada, t-he f aim nd t diffiuit te pi-caure work winter iiths iBan many have anything they scgai te odo, ae ii>olipy i-bey eitrn in the au11- 1n eiilelthe thenisalves in the ýne tibingMr. James deploras [th.at is thbe disreSard four thie id n.iateda. ofa the aqe :Fou IADE IN reri.ect 1. Opel We, confidently offirm tb.at th every year and more ini use now and what is more, they all give ei We present the Ran.iga for 181 teimai appearance hlas been coinr makimmg it an exceiedingly handsoi remnains the saule. WE BELIEVE Il AUthe peculiar fétuwre fif Great Clearincg Sale of Dry :or a sa.q @ctspe.. oyae u uiviuin ff Canadian 1homes.Ç Resolution of 0ondolence. and b. kept At i-bs regular monthly meeting of the Bowanvllae Mechanies In8titute Fridy quickly, the- aight i-he following resolutiopiras carried unaurpcus1y: Moved by M. M. Fenwick, B. A., anmd Oottons, secondad by Jchn Reachie,-That thbe Silks Board, ai ts finit meeting afi-er t-ho re- movai through accidentai di-owning cf one of i-heur ni-aber. Bey. F. W. Bau gbn-ian, C place ou record their deep oesesof grief At t i and loss. Mr. Baugbîuan, although -but Vj,îes eurt do for a conîparatively short tins a resident of' thei town hfd won the esteem of the .AU1 reumi Coun'try i1eýters buying Tai1 Suits to order fr m 3 o 4.00 Bowxuanml, Sept. 24, 189. t- friands. If you want the Di mad~e for any Plow sure you as1k for P< tak~e no othezs. Ag Weare open to taJ ings of every deseri- given. and is saJin Saturday, $1 tOoc itas wilI hoý,