TO COMMENCE TO-DAY. eopened outon Friday a large lot of Hats, Caps, Ir nib Caps, etc., part of a Wholesale ]3ankrupt Stock t] bought at auction at less than haif price. We cans these goods iLess than andi other house paid for them. aind eveiy form n c THROAT TROUBLE Ltlg9 Li 'k, -u r Fali Clothing is nearly ail to handf e SUITS, OVERI large choice of fine Buitings, Ovdrcoatiugs, etc. Clo- ing to order, made by the -7HFE B ESTTýrAÏ,JOIRIN TOWI- Satisfaction. guaranteed. TUR IBOOT AND 8110E DIWARTME1ý proving a big success. Very few people this season ove savin~g a dollar andi youcan save very considera' 7 buying fromn us. The best American Rubbers at lov prices than. CanacdiarL goods have been sold. all at the most complete outfitting establishME j.1J. >VWJ-L ,f Neepskwa. Maitôb't, er at PoDtyp~oo. wbO Dwmlanv!IIA, won a$) SToronto (2aen "wo'rd )rtilniobezain ith Fi ýt the age of nine yeftr s has rturiied cloPOrt ;h roilaitves an,,rent iville. ,s chiet magistrateOOf natioti. ha Iea9ed Mi , H esidlencO on Centre eC, inmouth. ,a wrtten to ',%r Johni n Adertierdelning John J. Feit arnd St- Gents' Furnic at a Gre at'E Fran~k Leslie's witiiout a colopetitc titre. Every numbE tensive galeixy of reading, ,$3 a year. baok nittbers as; s mil *Avo, ,;O~w YorhI reTeis seUling out hir- mner Hats and C n306 greatly reduced1 ýtl salong and secure most ex-must be eretwog for tw0 110 ornnile j wilL received al coOfl. o viis!ted To- uld. Mor- a tguesi st Detroit, are at , B ataervIlUe are Éting lsxre His ýpet bi Tacq- last Week from ýVsley, F 'weýçlpv, F Hl Pope. T oLaughlIn, J M tGordnn t, ,,Un, 7te arc e bcom1ng proficet tni e theis 0 tawa ,Orangemen, N OV theme, ,Our Quscen. ont oountrY undertalçers Nle iprs Levi Morris Prower, a1tterded the ana ,a ie Und(rtakere s OcliatiO i n o 'eek. L) Davidson. Jas Gilfilan, Charles nt Port Hope on ýSatulrdaY &t Ia the ý,ejjtve f the Durbaam ]son passed through here last weel; 8seed the A-'nericafl heisphere, ru6,and bathed in t be surf on im..,loe ye v[élt n g i viit ing at Departmnent equal to au) thinug in the (Jounty, a' arLyone wantingl, either hig] pricedl or low-prioed Good cau see as good a ehoice ar better vtu at our stcý than anvwhiere else. The sanie ray he said ,all -the Departmeits of oi store. We want the understand and the followinug Fa, lst.-We have now, an~d always wvill keep, the argest stock of Genteral Dr~y Goods in town. S,-o muohi for choice to select frm. 2>nd.- Our g-reatest~ care is to keep iiothing, but Qood Goods. While we have to Ir.ep in stock bothi low-priced and Coar law, o for Ment and Boys, Woi Rubbers, Slippers, et Trunks, Speoial atention giv ock sharp. Liavi A. W. TOLE, ýoneel'. Dtx, OCT. 16..-M'r. John Colla- __________ wtt! dispose of bis tarin stock and ements by auctiot, on lot 4, con, ariigi W. e Toue, auc t o frT A I îrllng ton, aone je sTr. T IL. , OT. 17-An iipreserved aitotion L F of farrn stock, Jipeients, etc., - ake place on lot 32, con. 1, Cflarke, roperty of Mrs. Johnm Otteri, sr., it the middle ofDoct. For date8and Pu. J, STE) a 800 bill.-L. .A. W. TOLE, aUCt. - Tailor and C hoi1sehold ýrof Gus t1,O'elock. ho P0005 an 01T.-Our vrices arer uli tneettng of course,sonie Ciamp hsve just to atttiact ai ýe f ail deer 1 lnsa uI carup StOve corniehusa b ýabte OSmuP. cays; but the lie est Durham # as to pay ext: fo)r South other lino to xual iîVen by tle ast FridaT We resort to no si alla familyi but do biisiness oi N,,OBwortht' and the publie v andAirI caniuot do better n, Olt, has JOEFS J. MAý ý1d BOWliiNNV, )II, lot ill sell BOWVAWVI ~'Shop on Soan Floor Block, over J. J. Mo.sor's Enotrartoe from Street. Gentlemen's own ma.ter and trimmned ia .first-c1ass good fitscguaranteed. A. AJ3 the 'whole of POR 1 toý, to Pl -V rot wil1 ýuL -0 SALES.