)LD. My Rebbie. Thl. What le my Rbieby - nknvao Wi t tntfaraway looklu in cyse Je my darýlililig onec",droasuiingo c ays YMï Ashii llte long ýgr^aSss ho lies? [, Does e eêiii hligh lt, flecy ýdcs as e p&isoil j'q Faioua obecuretifrom muy ighlt? thora casa Does lho hoar augel voiueSésoit chautin th ,ths <}»y As, they cone on thoir errende et light? ig course Gaze oit. littho droamer, Èl'il eak t bee't otil 'See1h 7011 bogin 1'h t lde thço ese ast 1» its poer, Akdlfpray that tie yoare as they com h fer vr heir t1cm', Meois Vay bring thie tiuli ot stwh an heuor, it untl 1 »nwbiçh f(L a sprrcw sMall troublet azflla. -A 1 hoart, rod il] 0o! Not a wory- ehaU rutile thy brow. and cern- 'Jesse M. Drearn ou1, effin Be be, my cwn darllug bc May thy fuitureý prove bright as 't1new. blindlly," said thie si ieisfor," ig lupon. The ftsin the fifth, acoti a pieýtroat.' 1in, Oe s f 2his sol- 1te julop fro11dtI o te h iret te>it. e g'IyV P ndew Uorward! 1" Anid a uiiîtatry saluts, leapçdu. ly giiard," order- ame nioxt. Thec yuuirseolteut of GedI help Ie te keep my doar bey erer Hie, 1-0 May imy chtld ho securs in ii Ii lov , Ç May ithe path cof hie jcurnepytngs lbcd l in dlouai- ait lest, C To, the lheaven of rçst thaCe aboe. AsŽix fi S'rEr c qnesti Isle Cateuipe are a pItasaut additien te méeats thtemjj ga11ine and fiali, are micclimore vitloiee dronu than pjickles ,aud ats vsry oaely preparod aït ais Pc homte. Every hous0kseipsr, wtll iiiid use- if we dcr&ing the wiuter, fer cefsups, in eseasoensng and sc axs wslt as eervinu thsm wtth suitahlç d1isew. ren,j TomATe C.vreu.-Pcit aa itfhIUShel cf ais all tomiatoees over tise ire and let theni beill 1 t a steve, Itetura Pthe ijiue te the kttie ta rgai cnd bell very tow. Acdd a quart cf OVOi treng vinegar sudbhal liha]!au li r;delDtle edd accaIýrtereýf a nnnnanfsmaar, ilf e. tl a 01' l0 u"a>31)ncÔItpIl ait cil uyv.en lepePpa1, 'adsi uttij welt mixoci, Lot bell pa fes miue.Betie and] soal -whilo e -t. OUrnBE OrSUP.-Pare large, lriple cp- enihere and r emore the s(eedeý. (4itou ie, ani teue dozan cucumibers aedte» mîlj filuins, tWo tablospeenfule ,vratherse raish al a toaspoul c f ca.yeune r(peper a teaspeenfut ci f 'whte eg a hlttissait and hlacL ' pepper. Ocrer wtihccld vinlegar. Lind al S-, , 1n FOu)CI ennO'ru.T large, ripeccmbrpool e d telleit, eprifikls witth sait, and lot stanc twecty four hue drain ithrcugbi a steve. P8014a quartelf vin- loi cf win - oy aoidiers al kiulg te h nrowq Un set lni o il. anecdote centaine a anuy officers et vin prvJtLuflai c deceratod ])y picture lutJ lieiarte cf the saine levableo far iithe ha' Or somle lmot A s weCH exp and drawer e; mcld et cf boa other te writ; muiisiecfdrclnû tale, as anl igil oulir chidrenI- witlln. llssedh antor metic ansInogit theut t, o cfI ied bjui hli vallu FRXI'BALSFlir J.RGIBOLM& The OiRs for nuine satjsfaiQn 1kw lfor agsots of1 A- N- Ilse y hemûrgi i you I floa tanld for lav e w fcma e uetar UAr( per ; epr 1-iglit;d witb 01olle 1, lnvewý, LÀ baÉg, put i ý1aSe h Ptlies >CI'le nu n~r, -uequart et boilhsg wctsl, r in, Mwipo cue fcayeneppprig-ire»5 put ever lhet ceat yrUc; bris qu bila oznTako up, sprînkle wýith pt od, top weêot,a»don e1 ltecj butter ain fi sQrerv Ocrer and stan d aSde for FuiMn SocPnAMr-PL Strain throngh a s»Nave O dP lu gre"dcracer, tl t catsulp ai a tlalespoonful thoi n tu cackor aaij c ; put àu a etone jng andi lot 1huttet. aes. Bottîs &nd ,eAl. Thise Pn-,ExArjLGREOe sU1en t subst ituts er l.Wcrcos- ter and two c f sugar toge 70 CUlUe-Chop ne gbn o dor, ù h thseMI etç,a hall glleaetaoba f entonms with sixpocf rod. inki wMith saitdaai]et stanid draýin, mad ft w thseon cuetrcigluer aai hackpop. a-abboepcolul ccis cf clu»». of bwnsugar ; 1peut .cv1r thoï in a preserve kaettûeandi heU whenl it heemiles thlick n GRAI'E rentTes in o peunde cof grapes, remiove Itemn tho, steme-, weigls auf pot u a resevo etie ; set ou1 the lire anfi ecafi;tu titoulia cllauder, add live peunideof engar, throe tab)lospeenfule ofc et- m"uion eeeaclx cof grouinfi dores afi aU- spic. $011oi fifteeu milinotes, thoen add the viea'celd. Bottie ait onue. MoTHR7Su'sTouare rrsr SF. -One-half bupsheol eprfectly ripe tom-atos. WVaeh andi break bii piecos. Place thoin ever the fi re anfi letthés» ceme te a hoWIV hsu coul mb them t1hrcnghaq'sîovo. Afifi one-Iialf ccp of sait, Que teactcpful each c Upc u cleos, c011Uaý1LIýrt: of trcng vinegar. Cookieue heur or istil quuité thîck, tirrinig ail tho tlme. Boie andcl el while het. DOuRsstUA. Our Nue-G-ils. I sonaptinis e odrwl»r th~e içjçare et sucba pyp.niun, 'TeOtecs re Cbave tise Mpelomi wprde "Thpytnt me OweleJav no neofi cf a physýicien, buit t1hqy uthatare sick ;" but wby uoed a physicien?ý Wa spe4 o ur uxonoy rîgbt reyally for traineud nussfer. euy sick. "Wo etaie neo noeof ci te but frein ite lozse M and we cetnut tiat lest spqut eway frein tise be- oie f oct dear eujes. Day Mui niglit ara oee.The 111e and stren of nitie :ANvII tMomatont cloffhie ondetalks' and pulp, ,priuk'le wi'ch seil t Ohqp a ppd. f olfi eat fis toMate juies dda sie e&clf, fryme miu ou»t»Votter, culp cf hread crumbe, te eggO ccdl( poppor. Mix adl thoroing tomlatoeesand hjaiýe. CeORPN ne.- Otate tho dezen cors; saq wîtb Saît, p littue sugar ; and the yelks cf foi Cicuasasf butter asie a qa rt C w hites cf fourr ve brouwn.pervr e can b A qufrsÉ "Ill muet ditre Kelaimueti a cia Itlea4jwar tors iWes t I FINE Dinner aûd Tea, Sots, Chinawara, G1assware, Or oolery. Fancy C Bauw 1ma'nCn xsk ai sts suda whlero ure It welI LoweII, Mass. Worth~ $ a botuls. FLe R, E R 8