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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Oct 1890, p. 5

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ris are in love with the astics. k is shipplng consider-1 1apples. ens believe that eggs can nped to n noe1. prices at (evitd Mrs. H. Lin Lbain tO ltonl. Blakely was in Port Hope last Pr; guest of Win, Quay, Esu. *Lounabroixgh, fariner, of Mari- ho he Liberal candidate, for South rer i.* BovxnanvUle buisiness men are advized to give peripatetie advertlising fakirsaa rd Rermedy for 'ide berth. eun ooot Te asasssinent rtrso oot 1 Diseases of the ho1w an increase of nearly $10,000,000 Nutrî1tion, ete for the year. 'Fresh, nearly Remunants and ortions of stock dam- aged by ladt year's fire, go ab half prie. Jolliffe, of Bowmnanville, r. Harry Skitoh Thiureday. The Britishi farm delegates report thimacves deliglited with what they have seen lu. Manitoba. Mr. R. J. Stewart as a stylish cutter lias fe w superiors ini Bowmarnvilla. Young man, try him. Poultry-1000 tunkeys, 2000 geesa, 3000 çlncks arid 10,000 chicken-wauted aL the Weist End liouse. W,. H. Murray's paper on an "En- dowed Press," in the QOtober Arena, i. calliing forth munch comiment. Gymnastios maire vomen dlexterous and nimble with feet, haxids andi bead. More atcention should be given ta calistheniçs in Bowmsniville scho!s Mr. John Bowles, wbo lives ou the Pound fari. a mile or so norb of Port Ierry, lost a teain of hors..i Scugog lake thare the ether day. Tho. Port 11ope Guaide extends Iti con- gratulâtions, and Êays we have no deoubt but that the. I3etu. WorlcI vill be mucli imuproved by its ne w assistant editor. A& Whitby lady raad about those ul- stars import.d frun Germany advertised by Ooucb, Joinston & Cryderman iu. TRE STATESMAxN atid carne cdown and bouglit one. Advertising doas pay. Tii. best literary work is being don. by wvomen. Mr. Bok says that of the. fifteen most suocesBful books published the pust twe years, eleven vere writtexi by womnea. Some Bowmanvilla ladies fi the Fote 165,. 0Pr(- reis- Samn. Clark lait3 Mr.Haxies fri prizes 0on carriag( sold two buggies, The Ottawa lui to a comploe ta. of recent tarif ce 'Severai persor good houses toi house to let ? Our MNianitoba cousins nîom tliey wiii have a clear surrj million huelhels of wheat for The resignatiorx of Rev pastor of the. Western C( Churcli, Toronto, has beau. a Mis. I. Richardson andciàd were visiting Mrs. G. El. neturneçi to thef r home at M: AIl teaciers inx this distric Sv.ArasirN; therefore tnius ta s3ecure a good un. should it. Ladies vho peruse Tira, make your.e1vvs as intleras ble-an intelligent Iook- talcq years cf age. Mr. D. Burke Simipson cc Crovu. busïiness comîing befo: fox the Counties uf LcnLox' ton this week. Mr. Chjs. Hlambly, Midla ited his nxany West Durliam cently and suibscribedl for TH tu -et al l e news. Several Wost Durhamn f bouglit farnis in Wel[ini through the advertiseinents i of Mlcolmansoi& Co., Moort Gen. Booth has ordered t] tokeu of mouriiing to ba wor wif. by memibers of the Sal shahl conisist of a white b aleave. ,Misses Diniadale, the. noteý commeced on Sunday last i Street Methodist Olwrch, eiea of .vaugolistie servi( mnauvîlle are Prea Trip to salesi in this of Canada. fariner should talc. acvantage of aoffor madle in another couinu Parmers' Institute. oh~n Dobson and Mn. ,DübEon, of re visiting Mr. jusaph Eiclcaby, 3r friendis t Lýindsay. IL 0I)ates, 1B. A., bai moved miev rick dwellîng owned by H. Turneî, Centre-st. ýn who do xiot utarry bring help iness to muauy householdî. .Bow. 3ia blessed witlh a goodly nuin- Sarah Orne Jewett's next story ýn bouglit by thie Ladies Hm ,and it will shortly beg-in iii that .Ily veqe- mn injuri- lu its ,cur- ohn Allixi las enlivenad the ap- aof the liandseieme residence lie bougiit frein Mn. Sliaw, by a ?aiut. elcome back to Bavinanville Mr. S. J aines MFeeteris wlio have "idene. i their former ho~me ou inca street, os.-fthe. man who took S. J. 's hiat iu. ristake frein Mr. D. 's on sale day viil return it to Mr. w' York legis. inder sixteen ig in public 1. is $1.05 to 880. to 950. ht he NP.? If so, your ated with i n, 'whicli arc ln useçi by uns Simply to Ie andi ipereasei HOIooex 'uperiolV,' F, pQasessec< r, of produc ,biscuit, ca itural mois 1 fl. creamn of tmtar powtcrs, inauies Vieve-. land's Superior 'IAosolutely ti. Bst." P Sumoe persons spend more time in tramping over the oonntïy looking fer1 a etray horse, cow or pig,Ithian would payj the pria. of an advertiseint three times in Tjir, $TÂTESxMêM, W. observe that the Landau. papers on Monday gave lengthy reports of a me- moreial sermon preaclied there by Rov. M. P. Talling, B. A., on the. death of a mem- ber of St. james' church echoir. Mr. W. R. R. Cawker'.g buteli(n shop unden the To wn Hall will be kept open ail day until furthar notice. Persans oWv- iug bin are particularly reqoiested tw eal anid pay up at once. Alvt.ys on hand. a supply of tii. cliice8tt meats in the. mar- A 'very pleasant tixue was spent at Mn. J. Flewing's, Weliiuýton st., lakt Fni- day eveing, Miss Maud hiaviug invîted in a number of lier young f iendà.x Games of ail kinds were piuyed and at a suasonable hiotir the comipttiy roturned te thein homes well pleaged wiîhthfie' venl ing's enjoyuxent. Now the. Fali fains are over and our assi8tant editor-Mis& E. E~. Hsyr.ft- lias entered upon lir cluties, we shs.ll give our readers more local nie'w8. \W consider tIis a 'ver y ne wsy issue. Oo xnot~ you 'î Seu.d this oopy te a fiiend to let, them n ow that w. give tii. balance uf 1890 froueto new subscribers for 1891. t 5venxntg. -- t coin-diatl tventy haugiug baudWel sh, a enterin w, tors do uot no view lb. xezt spot li'Bowmuauville in euriohed by the prosenca of anid daugliters, bowxid tegether - ad tuether lu a oompaiiioin- Lmakes age a cooutbutor te youth a refreshinent ta aga. ,rnpap)erSasys-,Fo a ora a distiller gars four gallonis ,vhich retails at $16; the gov- 5tý 83.60, the fariner who rais- gets 40 cents, tha railrQaci ýe manufacturer gets q,4,the ra- $,au.d the consumais get .LADIs-Mrs. E. .A. Desmnud ure in au.nouncing to the ladies Lville and viciuity that 8h0 lian coted stock of lats. bonnets, e, ever broug-ht ta the tovu. îg for lesa meoney than any a nthe. country. SeIlven years as a trimmer has fitted her to most fastidjous. Remember Pposite tii Pomt Office. 3ard of the Canadiaxi Mutual Iu.vestmanit Co., Toronto, lias d iu. town witl thie followinug directors: Wm. MoKay, Pies. ; [over, vice-pres.; R. H. Hen.ry, ;R, R. Loscombe, solicitor; W. A. Forde, lias. Osborne, ýg. Persons dcsirng ta sub- ;tck nmay do so by applying ta r of the Board on te R. H. al secy. treas. at euit nuxabe in the. duek, I ý rfowl or tainr briliant succes. in future. Tha "Big 2V," vhioh lia8 bh iugo frein the fire since isat spri conmplated. It lias been very.h fitted up and idi a decided ira oear what it vas bef are, It wi pied by the. old proprietors frein their present quarters Hall ta their nea' premises ail Mr. H. C. Brittain wiii ala iBig 20 bis ieadquantars in tie That bravny oid son of Scot Alex. MeCullech, is now ne diaci at 12.30 p. mi. on Tuesda5 affects of a broke lig reci weks bafora. The. ol gent nearly r.acied his four score;y dÊath steppad lu. and won. Tlireugli almost tii. viole of ycars lie has rasided at <iffer.n the townships of Darlington,Y Reacli. Nothing vas more than ta hear hlm ýchat abo)ut t' half a century age. Rîgit wv rememiber the. trials and troub finst settlers-, auiong viiont ha cr. Being always a liard ver a severely economical turn, lho hind a very large amoint of IH. vas father of .Lv. I-.. to Eng- ;. Tliev ida. Darlington, or )f Mr Jats Poo1ey, or hester, Oct 7,AIexan. ùf Enfld, as(ed '7 ctt2,Mary.n Sharp, 10 rars- -Mn. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. cattie a mile ceeti by J. lWc5urtry, .vewy Tuesdaiy 'Oo0t. xi fat- FLQtn, e 00 ths........ $2 40 tao$ 20 Cfeeç WIIAT, Fall, 7Pbush ... 088 ri Q 9r Il Spring, 1'. ..... 08ril 0 95 on of BxtARLEYe buh, INo. 1....O 0 0 ilQ050 ýuday d t i S....000 î0 40 1 p ,..Rsi. '.............. 000 10 55 xceues.' Bot1i services ver. nded. Ou. Monday evening &d au. admirable tempenanca IlTiie Emaxicipation Bill of He. i an aarnest andi forceful %va wish hlm succesu lu. this oriaus venr of rescuing fallen ial service vas heid atth mnuai Missiou.ary Qonvention 1 asat wvek toenêbens wbo1 [urin in evear. The dad , o. CARE. 15, 1890. recai.v-

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