z e Papers om 20 cents. fYour C eiltngs. lno more to have tastefuilly papered decorated than spoil( P. Trebilcoc iays Mr. Johin Ad gog. is art od. li ,ed.1 farineirs we cip a uew eîrwai.s troni las a week',s Bulletin : Ai 'l'HFAPPLE TFLIDE. PO The season for winter apples lias fairly 300 %et in, and suffieient saleii have already aýth beau rmade to establish values, among Ru which we hear of 1,300 bbls at $3 40 de- look ivered in Montreal, and 1,200 bbls nt fora $3.,60, ail of which were No. 1 Northern Do ýSpies. Another rou-nd lut of choice se- dreis leted varieties was sold t about $3. 85, John and a lot of 500 bbls was disposed oif for Fu Glasgow account at 18s. 5d. ($842ý) f. o. f urs b. here. Freighit je 2s to L androol an 9s 6d to Glasgow. Recent adylces front A Eniand show that the wants of that coun- frF try will be large providing prices on ti an g sid(3 are niot too hi gh, A cable wa8 re-ea ceived here front Liverpool on Wadnes- Yo day, repo(rtinig sales of good green fail John appies nt 18s to 26s per bbl., but lawer dress prives are iooked f'or as the sipruents in- Tii crease. soribt TIIE ÇATT1AE MAR3KETS. o Cable advicee froru Liverpool report a dcddimprovemnent in the cattia market ses of Canadian choice steere and hecifere Jieving beau inade at an advance Sof $,5 ta $7 par Ihead. This wae due toa.a meateriai fallingc off in the supply, but Swhether the improvemient continue or riot, depends largeiy upon the shi p ment froin ,so. this side the Atlantic. 0f eboice cattle there hias been a pientifuil lecia, and higbi- ai-: r îEgures have been paid foz theru when laine, founud. At Liver 'pool 2,633 csttio figured iglly ru open market, fair prices being reaiized, who heifere ta crese tram 720 ta 7d60 lbs.fetchi- been ing M. par lb?. ; while ut Sterling home inacla fed Canadians fetelied froiu £20 15s. to ede. £21. per head, the eniiail suppiy being, 1,Waa lere la store stock the trada for orter Canadians huas been of anything. but a set- d-ant ifectory nature ta exportera or importars, )n tIl and quotations are down as low as £7 i ihG!'aegow, Liverpool and Bristol. Sheep polie have gane off firly weil. In London on Con- Moiiday of the 7,570 on offer 530 were ands, Canadien and 1,950 Danish. Coîspetîtion loîgwae haalthy, and best Englisbrmade over Un d. while fureign wvent t but lghitly rich- lower rates. *pro- YIE. sg the The ch case trade all round lias worn a pide better aspect this week and priees have advanced. Primie Chedder je aeiiing et 68s. to '4es , aud communn at 40s. A good business bias been doue iin ple Canadian il.cmld at SOs to 51s, and Aug.-Sept. to arrive is Ml-Te- quoted 50s ta 5,2s and Ingersoll, 53s 6d. bsor, Amaericen je i a the turn dearar. Medicine in AmerIca. Hoou's Sarsarpavilla possesses grea coinical, being the of whidi -"ZQQ cati truly be said. by a Conibination. G&r;os' jTRisiam wantimg the latest tyl Lyoods will find M. Ma bu,'. We have received a of ladies' and Misses1 ribbed, aa a goofi he boys. John J. Mason PtnMS AIND PEARS- pluine *and peara wante est pricea wiil bc paidi Webt End Houae, Bom You eau buy watchef kry cheaper at Maynttr tha~n any place into vou wilI be convinced ( LAmE IESvERD-. the ladies of Bdwmianv inspectmiy new fur goc a dollar. Extra valu styles. M. Mayer. We bave a nic. chaii i henirietta etc., w maetch, aise a fine ranb bons ini plein and w Ma8u' dry gouda and Ladies, Mrs. Dingrn a new stock of wel-Belt Botntitesud TocqLes»of1 Strsw and felt hatî res the place,one door wes Bats that are bats dry poilsansd jewelry of a traveller's samplei reduotion. We eau su in etrawri or felte et pr yci. We pay alue et do net1 -wbere S-1 medicine, Qriginated cd pharruacists, and pared under their per- lear and beautifuil iu )ea$ant ta take, and trengthi. itself ta bc pasitively ýdy for scrofula and al nd the beet tonic for , eos of appetite and curing dyspepsie, iousness, catarrh, ;aseseof the kid- Iia good naine at homne, there 9beirsg more of Hood's Sersaparila sold ini Loweil, Mass., wliere ic ru ade, thair of ail other sarcuparillas and blocid purihlers combined. j ~Ite advertising is unique, original, 10V honest, and thiorouighiy- backed rip by the miedicine itseef., A Polit for You. If you want a blood purifier or strengthaening maâicine, you should get the bet. Ask for Hoad's Sarsaparilla, and insist iupon having it. Do not let aîiy argument or persuasion influence van to buy what you do not want. Be ENGLfSH LETT~lR.-No. 10. trwiks are rare but tin het ýt boxes are conimron. iackintosbea arc worn by ladies y jp withaout one. is are our-ried by ail travellere Ssticks are about as plentiful. ,t are mnuoh woi'n by girlti and s, and soine aid once boa. 'ode s are is whierec orn and focd ie kcpt for sale. ant wha sells ladies' and g-en- ar ià a draper. irls areclled iidene eand boys rai servants receive £10 ta £1'2 a towns and chties. people travel twice as snuchi by rail ordinary railway fare is a peny- 3-a mile, but there arc frequent ans t mucia lower rates ta all van- ita and suimmar resorte. %vay trains go muchi faster then in 'Wc teedquite 5au ers wil1 iiot tai) ta & Crydermiau's adN page of t hie paper, say that what this they will do. Fisid Gerin umade ou cees lest year, thre are uw howig a year. In f eot wo even f intec 4ty ah new goodei bathi We advfisc aur ladj invitation exteîsdei railiwiy condutor je caiied guard, nec the snmeu are nat needed. A station w or is inspector and enpiayees are -For re. A ruiway car ie a crretage or Weeui . TIhe track je a lina. Pullunin New y Wagners are a rarity. Baugage ig lug- ed in4 Guards have nothing ta do witJaexr ,t but are fond of tipe. Nine teuthes chanceý avellers ride third ciass, but portera u'Jeril ine-tenthe of thair attention to the' maci rtenth af the passengers. Thcy live silver ýp, Every station has a mi in.a watclre box who does the "sewitcliilng" and ii ailver ci a sainai). M eAmcuployees wear mare -gulutioni unifarni andc caps on which Est o hau iniitiais of the lim. "Fires iry faris jU~owu by a nmne. There teaevez lo lts and concessions., ,irTE ce filds araeeiland seldoru uniE rriwhich se or shape. The owner of twa acres premiu lamsier. 9 Ade] laboring man's bouse le a cottage no pem ;r w-hat style tire roof ruiay bo. e roads are narruw-20 foot boinga Th road and tbey are craaked a dog's leg.bis cices are the exception, baedges% the 5I5athe ýraI ruie-emnbankmienbsï they are 6 hO e )fact higb aud covercd with vegeta- o n aud ehrubbary. contail ,destrians ta $ce over a fariiu mut No)VTFr b the liedges. Ssting [se geteways arc the onîy apen viewa Sets, ( thev', aVre rirrw Oir goods for c) FE TRip,, Pants ma~de to order [TEED. sell CheË BewmanviUe,1 ), a ruew c ountry bea utiful I mfi,. 'P Goods.1 AQRTG1 Varin Crop IHi next. call and eimen play tenns. r oweil isa orits geme. e gulf betweu tire churcli sud c s ie still very wice, and bigotry art. RflgirChurchism je on the the roade s ean be large or orn( THE Do. *1Tt Que- 2 cei l7tbi, excu mnent tral, Aug. 11 ,tured. thia fiAý A ure. 1 boarud fIriend8 Adt