,tha them 'oke 'y f gingon iingli11,ethis had becLme a very hall ta beri, that ahal e frie.- ia auinaw id t cttti ý' ola inù1 o Nv'i iia ssiion tbat cta fly ina ýiind iarü rb ethe table chlinig1Whieie the lanp stooci, waa feeling anycdiffer- spirits 'ent ta wl)at ahe iooked, withouta a 81picion di~thatt h1, i r er ofdi-ea côV'ered in ruth a Eae~l ry v c(ýauct of fire,'a nmii e w ichmghtit .ý- a~ai 'pkd~o ndehis feet - t'yï e ch!I of 'B y the hy ,110he, iý nmtliiu going on maalb JUst !Jw1 . h sa t I a 1J, ; eitwas e hacgttin tw, ab~ue en n' '~TheIl a e (, n'ii g iflg1 le . Vom ro ,r e n red, tinkînýllg pi a- h tiyfl b l>a J11 Ils v ai h a~~~~n bk hr--"ac av we a -re al to a a a cd tb'an l nf'r1ra'*m e fer1 h,"'"O i 'at Hg gtAre vyiuging ?7 gotcI alaugi, Ihave got a laew gown on pur- alIpose for. ili lichiof ".Rcaliy. Wa-ll, wil ii te dogoat cda ta " O e.per-fectiyý," h rplei -bu t codglte JfoIlowýiag afteilrzik uabou1t ny- littije g 4t f hIlubt. A 1Li gra wa even h'oi h hf~ 'r~driyrwt ls aw\V- lbjcto ta.'atia dCîCwn at Ilirat but' nud efeîa in'1te or tw0o hrý',gjlgt 1hns4fenîitai iviiig 1ce posa ai a sttue ie heac,w eil in u iur tnd Il tluha Lhie baudome 'faet eateided ,, as fa apo-. Mra.Denuis ld 1 not 'kaep 'him w ig ver"y lon1g, ideas athl aj orn openacI the, ù l' f t door, ha e o c ofa a hdo bou " -la tht tha rlenuw f O - aaskeci nci an ' its ae ah1ýl, t 'U. .Vmywor eit tsvery p ftt edeu 1Le prouci af going and L n wtumo-"" mu atedhLit omlmn pieasucd ber. t5f Il -,as (etýrtainîiy a pltty pgQwni, Plain a'l cg aiump!etu oft uiuiu ln.i ith c, n dojn't sailon ha t bULad wît , ceam 1nb ouq l, ln ~t as eciSt aredae her an n a ct Yff aatlellona e~ t coffwi i'e'c "ht' , p)eaa v, 'ItW aldl uit M 1a ha maillthc d l n dllut If Ide1 h1 ta se ncl1c banI tink it %vil!i ha uta hel aLe t ku!pIlle walnm eo )iug humeflL. Yoiï n t ebtaas e0I1inihat hi l trp dtl yoli un tvie ieo, yo'l A Qr ore ,ýLcwilledîmcworinau a sr "Iy Pcjai enia wunig hînusaýli jto t ac rapba[ Q brfeeIllng Juîta in a gloWoaf JcL'atI fact lin j"dtD'-iOi martil aa ;iec Soi' 'n ap. 'Wh, î tiudl gfLI ce1 lovaTh lia- e ':.Ioh "ciuiyo a VI"w -l, tof v 'stc-1g ai çl« <-bIlty-w' uôw l iigc"O, no. lîka b1iis muehbttr" h si nl "o» et aFIopn oad h ay0d rasa- '"Do!e't 'o ilir y ce wtse ip n will'yoa' .lýmI ,,! alwekei" 5; Major Deuinis aah 1 aItllid a!my _.l' th ,flit tepolice,, tao 'if I t'" b ns el of I onden if yon wouîîld i nul aoppicg ati ýte aJfno',fon m3ýinit-lliy for a inutaI the[ hI vlety'im 'eant"iale thana taIha e i- v'g, l iseci uta objection au-Id han I ey c lw'r heillnrtw lihtn't'u lu anuu t Yc-, Ma t31 -" %ndlawayhlu aein a totl ak 1 d FJ ga11 a ge it. I t!tis ' i, i cIhppud at waaý ail ovter in anl aboivi, i just as thle minAn ur'aueswlthall Ilci anaclth lUe, lîoi su is auo tndgae liymtt Ma[Juise Ii;de1hýJ)d xcaý iaci gray hor, aout with i) 1 e liis~lia at Chair Ihîm off a H fauii a iop Laýlng fiîe ilnrrow av11en- satm-att.-ýor ldd a mdertehie '1pag-euntii ct,' a t1ley liaci golt a , odile l-upon the ro"-" i teda ad"(i1ii't bî wit1 sana s4cficulty 1 hilas- hi,iestar pule iiad hîm p ta a waik1. "'h vï athle natter 9"aal5ed cý1 hwo t, et h d beau hidion Éo athaie ,eftei te trapL ian lushe dupeiatioin, epeI vearyniao- megit ta be utia o tht tones. 1lien NtigutcgI hnieueh c 1Y eu ng- Le" aui usput mp i hii ta hie nee, asif taow ~mthe o-chîa -iras1 b djy