JZ.R BRAND, divsio neixt Munay m oriia for Enbd in Toront lare week. Aeci4s Výt Il tbp ewuugtw I.at wee of Mr. J. B. F'airbairii. ihonral ndba g thihr uSAEMNOfe.JlyU19Iý Mrs. J,. R. IRowe, OVMt of t0wn,fell aud Mr[ Johni Banrbsncrc iu. 'T Norhcote Ptede1 the wedding mln to the purity stre t e ~O*G1~WY~Y~W9~~.18g ~ of CleveIand's Superior akng Pwdr Mr. hos Henr and att rotuurneds A~ iocial4UU1 wil bo di h SuhWI Mse Williams and Hardy, Napan~ee, I havea dopted the sanie i(o iise Satrdynili fron the baeecontr Tabernacl fo h coasofta cuiwr the guests of Miss Nellie Williamai myhomaYe. IIEN4Y A, )ITT, Ph>D with rday fneg~ deer.~ neha bek eouintlry Laa Uç~ S. ou Sundaiy eveuing week Mir. Joln 'Mr. IHarry Brvcacmhe8en hTk- Ms Bella Metcalf hiaî rebrneid frozu (Aste *Q th igeins) R A _KeIe sang vpry nicely tht beautiftil giving Day witb Mr. W. T renwy Hailton Business CoIlegie having tiken 1} firnd that Clereland's Su~perior Bk- song, Whore is Heaven? i Tiiat abib dilna Ing Powder o tais Creani of Tartar,PIT t, Rv. T. W. Jolliff went out tu Bebl- Mr A, Hnibly, P~VortHpadM. Ti is the best tirane to advêrtiFse in Bieurbonate of Sodtia nd Flour.' ITIN R T~1~ d~h41 esfla to preaoh on Sanday and fouond th Louis Lebar, Port Perry wer intwi 3 STr*Erru AN which goes to neai4y {ttV « (2n48 $G L B -v r i . setnoeia anils boy for an audliee. Sundai' week. evry bosei 1s Il "Clevand's Superior Bakin- Po-wdr SRev . Phelpa dsappinted the Biw- Wh cala beat ths Wam an r FTus RErAIPr.. -Ltadies, take 'your isth best in~ qutvy th iýgs in. al ekessand Diee of the aD. There were gotod ai-dieice3-at bothl measmared 18 incea rond Mayr befor the busy season. sone.' A. P.UNE';00) forb the Fanl , Q»;',o rfésqýl ir services. ~ Mss Ma~y WVeir "spele clown" a aho found a Lgray Shaw1 Mwitl purpie Gklfa or~.~ Gov't, 2Z80o. The At oewbtr u LuIgs Ima Nurtin etc A ul attendance of the maiber borde oboa tqbwo~ ~a i~weemn Hq manille and Hap I t Q4jý ûi i Pure, Fresb, neardy Wellinmton Loçlge is desired f or Timebday odist churb. lUon4ay igtu Lev at O.M yoe.ofl3419&18,cpigt iatlss n tiherr raos sit- à1r NV, [E. Pohc- D. Dl'O ,t~ bai. bb, 1 >e ses by aBriu fora progrtaifor F~iffth Thrugl Reîsi adLnfrg abeVo delicte digestion, Non Ptlik will pay the Lodlge an offoil Whitby S. 0. E. lodges wh3 ime reci Chs Murdofl and Gao. Peckldtm coum- t'houel -b nan fW>ç'sJ4or» Th D.bon 0.I4 bai P. Co.s@a intuenscrUe]atoilwol zobti rvs 9,o 1? .- .R.fs~rs~naoica ev., R , F raer inma us tha hi ti rmmored thiat a spirite~l citizen usbe uatv pors o v.o stmêpd nehl ca.psule te worldl, the Co. havinIg j u8t ebiippec1 a faer, Rev Dr. Frasro Barrie, who bowe 0 and4 90I yeur of aga in the Ton______N________n ne um WHOLESALE BYlarge order for South Af tica and i .so for ho visited lt wek is soebtreo- uth Ward is ab'ntt IL marry a lady of drdpi dtra j'oeshv EUIÀBB nglnd. They are putting some beau- erea bu~t is stilU contined~ tu ~t hI~ bose 4lÎtinu1she luege, id tu~ b thme A ladly sayB some lovely furs are a in, been eqaýduo t LYMAN, SONS &iye m iemmakttu rl W A B4Ar.«m POWDFU IAL ~W2 US, other of 17 chilrmm. ERvidently slhe shown this season by Mr. Mayer. preara r beoeteqrtca MONTREAL. ~ are oemi i nely. Imprial 'Creainrta Bain Powde ismata patriarch f or lier tribe.Cgra n 0cnseaha ,E wspitd _________________ here is ne inore fruitfu source of dis m~ale f rom pure 90%~ Cryétal Coi - Mr. III, R. R. Cake' buefe sho Peticarbe rho oppote PostW Ofie B cina-iivtd. aIl e ansC'EYT e tbala vitiatoil bloqil, 1t ittvolves' tar~ andi Engui Soda lhnei tebe er the Tow Hr~~all w'îll bc kept open FIRE, LIFE, ACCID>ENT Insgrance. CI. & Ç. ltItzRAII & O. every organ anid functiom1 of the >body, that can beumadea. aill4ay unti[furýtberntitI. $'arfons ow- oi urE gnBwam1lt.a~.4 BE CAREFU*4s and if not immediatey correctod by th RoB. nmeettug Agnt timeavile Wea 4wlnflld V.g S.z A« atii4vyrqaa o wé eqeti ~ use Ayer'a Sarsaparilla, soner or later ,ot andot o~o ~ w pay up~ t once. AIwraya on~ hiar 8 ~ ht a erchiefs for 25 ets. at keIr.4I~ê -up po lag e m d s c fl bui e si h Lat wek th ora arm'fred fit ChicoO 10 a.m . At 7.30d p . a tu le b e t et . p u ft e o oo o m as l h m r Q U , M e ' w R Q sa i e e e ! B E A Spetacle line is I$rbTe li va topl fata Meula waSm uue C. 11ILLIEn,1t3. t ,00tobo sit~ te ive stock yards 91,519 cattie, and the ing wiha held t bem addres by Mees Richard and4 Win. inna, of The betacet ui v.2 caual $laced on the prsevation of total for five weeks was 422222 bond, and roaminent mtnmbera of the order frm a prt trits.in, S. R. joues and Wmn, Cas-' coat ig m, T. Geo. Mason's new Clothing f go* sg3t; 2ad.-Qiar ability to give Par. the mairkets were eleared out on Satznrday ditace welh, of Cflarke, anmd F'. W. Wllson, of Store- See ad. T Ap RWATDfrS.S o E ao ai thorougSh exatulination and on th wtth 11previous pricea steady." Fod f Tell your meighbors and friepds tbhay the Guide, retummeil on Saturday nigbt Poultry-O0O tiirkeys, 2000 geese, Apply ono ib i- 0 ~e rlmth Wtrn taesau fruer Mn gat Tii F STATESMAÂN f roms now te an from a two hak'âeiunt in the mmorth. 3000 dUcks antd 10,000 chbkan-wanted 1D. Ont. 2w_ exc fi eosr ocrettordfc are sellincy off their cattle. ey kile fiv WLe an oasile 'teWs la in The Collins' Bay Presbyterian co-ee- Ma, Epi~2 re,0~o ieWêJ 1b~Teykle iede n ot mea ttaWs altome Mailie pasmpeirc fr ai o Witaass, FansilyHr or' ganmm.-Gudo. Drsod jai to oethe lout tc of 4ar4w hk b d lsQtacla Îs t1at they eho a cissro ~an o prauai~r e OPi n, nîtaqut any other diollar paper at the san, Brantford had~ a eath-rna t of ver 14 dress gfua bus ete h lout st ouchagyMlIwr dadrkto hie I precr, he igita no 9ri r 1 I .A. .,fr loaving t resnmo istu n prime Sithecriptions lIbpr100mtyer imcuding 89typholid Johmton & Cyoia'.pes ev 0 ~-Wlmu eowoiscng i g ~ atudesat Queem'o, 'with four vols. of psàid tu M. A. JAnEs, Bowrnanville lever andl .58 di theria cases. Pepula' A coole lot of boots andi amoea bought RV1TW TEt- it uouen yoeanci dealin in ~aispeta * Jamieson Fausset anmd Brown's C'omment- RATWNE - el* clsmreyasao e elzdterýayon the Bible, and throe vols. of At Quen'a CollogKngtn hee s14.7.ar h siepridBw.frsotcsseahtgrn aleyuS evn. pl t r . , oIà,Wp somblilty retn o n lig to awards of the mnatrieul'atio u he tiOi r ,2$or twi saisisn 8t.,o rieur fublr scp9tl cahaq wma pndviey disus çf nykk wtehe Geîkie's maour8 with the Bible. TlcholvababoI ar8hiW mesmvll r~odto typhoid ciesanzd can get at Masons Clothing store. usina èorrect ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s a disas ofo diithelz 1, inr popuŽlbloul abobeuundast TATESraN mvil bis seamtto newstmh. -lc vte tr ihhrOrpplto saotille,1 1be of the. eye or ojf any otiter mmmmbe of We are of'atig flintsplondid fazuiIy follows : The~ D. S. Dow, value $100~ ai cuirter of Brautford'o. Thisi ne omi f ecribers fron t . lst to Jain. li; for 1.5e CLI HQlBULLEOJ. FBUX4- tlie bodly, and we havs given te eubjeot wsely, dhs Western AcMvcrtiser. wit N1 4hro, .4, wv the heaithisat tows in Canada. - o oisfr2e edfeai drsesIZ PRCA~l et e twil a.ttention and stuél wth a b hrpn n>mtu rcil,"i The Buchian, No. 1, value $80 John A. Thes Toi ento Mailisl revig thou%_ Bowmanvilsleoug us ~. o Fai fa'~os d 4SummvU ~~aIs~~~~~lmmg~uc of 81.80.ig e t nDamhrsadteS TbhA am i Black, ' ampmbeiford ; The bominiou, aimis of new subsoriptleus froz personsa wanting thse latest styles and iniost neby ar i ail its branchs so tat we wudremarkab i kw figauur,0eF. lB .,Ptroo;ayxcst odBicalsacun fbsgua ilfn .Mye' h lc t $ISED O AEO X ta~oretay fbie~noa .pepsilar piulicationse for al.80. th rase vaist CH7V,- O.h t.oy, .A. stell inya tanhotrlm1iacommt f U ooemiifndM fIýrsto pae aleSBh)FR 4 beausa able prirrcseyo hevrou e Thoe Buebais Noe. 2, valeju $60, W. D. life noir appearing in thse Daly and bu.r f~içs fes tlsat su ht pressînt thetaselves aund o! one!t Sansples free. Atldr,,, T,,, Wilkie, Carleton Place. Weekly Mail. We have rend aIl thse lo iont lýitrlg 8. w.so ilfi- wenwcan ob beto do tisi in a TTSM Bowmaui$JI, 0ia' eîeuigo' ehpra Malt spteitsae Onmy whab cheap caps 1is wlmat overy. 4piallor bouseo an 1 of). Ti,, I'é1ic ,I Ise hqrmmgt stte~Mu' JesisRalyan asszriauld ~ ald Binehali, szmtemtced te b banc h n have fouu4 thora intenssly sretsg bdyy1wenie s TGevaustulSupIe . futory ~ t&1 ucusirpras. lu addition- so-in-luw, Rer. - T Bartlett, to Laike, Wooilstoelt ail Novetuhar 1btis;Ji B f We do notkmow who kile Bsswel] bý nFw lino timt hoe bouLwh at auction a e1mort JASiIN[GTON TE1R AE.-Il tethi fat w bae mde rrageents field mimera they spant Tituke iig Day, onet a t'gdl Mst ~ 0l t'hig dima rta nsaly that Birehall t'i" ago- W-vliv r hlrul o cu wit th ceobrtedOptciam, B. aur. guests of Mr. JohmnHumll, a loading Novsi... 2 1st ; Williama W. lnh mdas beonat fast bo for mny years, anil 3?Rmineh that yonu nga a suitf 1 or trntet ed nif ailtu h a 41eI te o o p u t4eafur visits tioes an of timat place aud brother-ln-law i~,.A4 h o . fheato p a etao~oat tue r at T. Ga0o. Mao' e m4ta oo fo~rto tn d bu be hagdi hrroejailDàeno fh8cre ima4 bru'ogt hrder ttoto the Ovs drn a yaan taytm enofMrs. ,' J/A. Johnson of titis tewn. Mr,1. - rhu oy yt b ano i a.os twol hv be aRrag Copig trai bnar otwstn oeacetal tnnt t eyiiidrnÊ vi y co e an s l t M r - a r ý rur ab e om s lie la un ter' A ' mr ~ I> , t aoW dm l ' r s~ . sin.ug W tetitxt clocks anf jew ra o f rePlM ia 4e îovû e ur ~.$'ne 10 5 ~5i.ontagrie, sa asmçed te b3 hagd iu Shr- Wilaeo~aai oasy fuq~1 igIs ist~ atcrsoe I h best Tt la inteaisd tat the igh,2elmool wil breclue 'ai[ Decoesxr 19th. =â= 25 pa cet oertancinelt 11r duGoie4 t ha or rn Tôs 'leavicean who 4 iecsBa hI, b a.dy for opening Dec. 1. miten, it is J%.~k peitr prcstJh via'nedy orn;vr Wehae o dou u tha r eus4. Hou. G,. W. Ros and other ihtuuiis c tfrrs w fÎ W ae 1uai# toer and th pbicingne will aP- gentlemen wiIl bc p,ç.sst. h ltbsn otry r. Davas and>1 We watadm ave Weae fern peoia au n mrl& are boirg-$raite inm -sonie oncarted pissas for~ One Weda a y au go4t la andallevey pssil attetion andguar' tin4atisalacloehiji of MN. J. Keasie, McDow,11, 4atari)Lde ,ýee_* ;ý(fRF HUAD o 15.Jh .Msn Opican as. roc baiul copystrthe oses. I. Épand rhs. hnaitaei on ri n od.oie àtr n t)alý 1,i mnagazine, andi se realizo witat aiex ar Vesmetona and fenil y spent tea tVr ag hpet fvaecoe h rprv ,rilgI dinrtr offer wva are making mhen we oIIer Mrs, Brisnt's busse Slina. on 11n' Att () ___vain.Tl wiie __ aêw1ll cheansut ardones tr to en bosth b the Cottaved larth and U , - hi s- ~1~ ~5 t5ai Isapar for a full year for only $1.6 n( SHORT, BO imll tn Villesi Onset.o~àÇ1 aOf WS he prsc of the ot>tage 1Reerti alone i8 Dr.da aight, Stooretti.eso4s 1p as ýû1ow3 Jos, Zuebutteni, Dr. Bait, 46rBwavle besoge ....at n4a IM i .,ns .... 5al7 a ni $ .0a e. Beitis, D.Burke Simipsons, T. B . M e-Imm 1NW cilu,- iii~tU Auie ~ r' Elpes .... 1 3 ani Lca, .... . 25ani Th Slvaio Amywil hlda ranid Msirty, W. e Ka, Thos. Brodj.e, S. Bwavleadvent osiswiesosOeI2ýh' r ... js b sas Unght of prayar at the Batrdeu. Vice mkips: W. P. Proer, S. gIh SitQoo Bo~4 etlt ludhe tfsrsavil sg andsit tela sa ýrÀt Mal ... Mi araa on :Friday ni&lmt, 'Z4 it, lad by i.3mal ..,Jots ..~..nspt m saw fur goods beforeu inve i hs. TLi(rito lea S?ýoru Ecsal. Wp.rer Jeiti y31 .» i .om Jousi, J. N. Godn The princip ll business traissacteil at a dllar. Extaalurnoyltetwl erwxdd on , o ~ ~~~~~ Eu R D. Daidon bRl. aith C. L. Mus.n thesisb ike,5.ae a. l ~ u meating of titis boaril Iast week was stsles. M. Mayeas of ls rsfol sdroidierapes ftaa fo sin s ot ua a seuuert fMia aofund a ade, usrosrcorps. sa naSo i nacifit teobast Ju- O ple fur s ainea Naý youug'e percent Idno cotinO 8is roornsiO cfuae th soto frn ont aslTqeof aet bie i8pain. ererybiob ticket, 5nc. b y h aan ealar as site is now reclviug a 155W stockl of wel1.,elacteil "gOods: Rats, souga 0t ogeen cuidyM ,I I.W ~~tt .tmdrtn ta upcei.~retecipai Fe'uwîck on tisa susceass of his visit Strsw aud felt bats re-sitaped, Raemmber again lsesoWfýoIrrN> Oyn Ab points.w w l nga t-etago i eex e d to New York;i and the adoption of a saleI tilt place, ee ileur werit of W PPower'd. office. for pati ares Win" Anllelarl of . M.R re 4t > the T rnopapers sepak in te of fe to be eaatect front El, S. pupils Couii, Jolmustois & - <ydermant hava Sel!'5pcia Cooni Tiketswit . o uidestad tht M. W MHor i igist praise5 of the populan dyersan nex4 year whs1ih are as folows:- oyemmed eut thse Isul of thein fall Importa- T0 ENT.Fiir terni of yerGlm C,1olit leprprvleen le 1 negetiatiug for thes establiahing of a ceaners, P. Parkear & Co., of Toronto, L. All puspils takingu a purely P~ublie ttma 2mIeqko iw nleeas O in "-300g acr.oFi fl. s AI fnWity 0f~~ ~~ ile ntnifactiory in town. n effort in re,,ard te the fne work tltey ttu'is out. Boso Ot5 ebalsbi rgoelsat4pbaat iibts ietOr llding8 Oan solir e LableÉos i'lk~,~eu4u'ef ~at~. of nad te esur a Qisadan bassi Thra is ot te sligtest doubt they are 2, Othoir pispils in frat Division, 40 ets, aven slsomvm by ttem or by any otiser ~ mltb us tyeses, illos, cmforersetc. of he clobrateil Warwick Clycle Clo. hors. tua leaders in tteir fine of brade, Laie' par' 'mesuti, rsekonng 10 smonbis te the , ise 21riuia mFroe.Mowp, aptl Cors)n lssbs beau already opensil aud gens' guwsmnts r i iile p r, cis uppy J.MDw*Hib. .3 r witit Mr, G, T, -Warwickt, Pres. of that a, r inteveJu'shado PAptrialsof zud r Yon ena get botter value ini Gants' batsTBAE BSÇ '4O ~d1~d a~ roserus oumornmu prngfeid Maswork is asura to give satisfaction. Loiok~aebi -,6 15 psof or stiff at Johin J. Masou's dry goods sasumma ~~~~~moth intrcton for sehe aaabiitn o!ivt sal by 'mr i, etHv Ças nbt nrrst,7 us oslutfot oilte 0 sseb.. p ~ a t~ udw hpeilatarageens ssy aont -for -tlmei repneaputiatives; titey will 4 Ptipilsrpas ans for Juiobr, Leaviug ins Bewmaltayae tisaisn thae sarez -w 80n sum r o 7, cosmmtdfo h etbiaigOfab leathswek aei alu ter orl epaOvle. ver six itundredibts JNO. 1-IH. JURY) rc factory. - guimteurs dyod lita uêw. Agesssy - ar tumontbm ouh 0 et on the frmebn, rvng hose an stoble imp Genra Tike The Union Thamksgiring service iteld - r.Çea ae br,5. Whare tw-o or mocre pupiTs from tho o'ollar iuyý aiesring ont-as whuàŽboHyi nsai iLda la=i qÉoff,~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~-' Y..Ti-'çsai,911i h Methodist churels:was largely et' Thiewmapapar pub1ishessr andl writer sane feail attend tisere wilt be a re- nes-hapes differeat qualities. bc sol at one. LutA Sf4T ,, Hih