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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1890, p. 2

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TîAI LORINC1 IL J. STEWART Tailor and Cutter, J3OWMÂNVILLE aa Shep on Second Floor over Tod tIiCo'. De-y (Geods St*ee, Sida Entrance from Street. e Gentlemen's own miateFial made and triMMed la fixst-class style and goý)d its guaranteed. 49-lyr. Has just reoeived $3,M00 ecrîl aiofFrench, and Amiericanu Mibinery cnt je boundte1 seii them eït ica- prices t3 suit tic limes. She lias a arge assortent cf Wtngs, Birdls, Ribbouls, Fesîhers, Vlvels, Plushtep, Untrimmed aut TritmedIlHale anti Boninets, lu ail the atest novetties. Ladies wishing te purchase 'giltd wea-ai Le caIlaeut inspact the stock before pur- chsting elsewhere. -No troublle ta shica goots. -ý21Straw and Felt Hats 're- ihaped in al the latest st-yles. 5h11l Agent for the Dominion Grange Insuranos Oo'y, fer Faraiers andi aIse for some c f the lest. ing Englitli, Scotch anti Canadieaci -> paniez. -21 G uNDRu KN LEVI MORRIS. 8bo1ram f nllyprearte attend Ftîneral-ce, "h rÈsinotce atheloweist possiblEr-e C zkets and BurlCaserreaiy on short n t ce I'Lrt.e,'a.sp hearse on very m3derate ibrotIs andi Coffifi censtai s, on hans!, 13'ten oa~4 s ~ t'.rnure shop & RIOORO'S SPEOIFIOI (TM..Q MARK RZGIRTCREO ) Boltil b y aIl drulggiats. Scie Proprietor, Hl. SCI11FUI), tiehofleld's Driig Store, FLtS. rnor.Thle ony Ildy wii1. wil Pei 3xtnenly ureGonrrbeeGleet, and ail private ani seuccessfally uýed in Frenc1h antci Englilit hospltails. Two bûttleeý guarauteeti to cur'e the W'On;t caýse,.rce~ nature oni the la, 0euu. ~ . T hoso '110 have trieti o- theýr rernediea witbout availweill nt bus disapi. votuet iii titis. AlL WAYS A T THE HEADÀ ji ! THESZ ANADIAN CIRL "'SKILFULLY CONS TRUCTEIJ' S "DECIDEDLY CLEVER- "ONE 0F THE DS$T' 4nd may tuchexpt le ar the pil of thusad f hein'var iable clarceoac f the che q tark Gulti Pilled Watoee. TIXE "CANADIAjN (+GIRL" " I' ' , - v is e d r tt i a ch i l t tt t hen- C as e cair lteeaet.aat. fçr lt-sye, oil tiseaCai reaaeee c nes isslto etti(Stttfe i ysrPlutt, matilt îe dr -ôn tyee a mi&tise suta ,o uustîal -lpued es. RIEta uche ?amil uyR'sDiec., [nlid- ncluing atis ilns wcJetowlery, il. iir, nl ,steIonerC artnagellIs, aoe r Ttttld feateieed u t rchwaers.lý boi [HE CIUSe. SJAoRK à LId m t& 60 o HUa1:C , fS-t., OO STRANGEL A Tlirillinog Story0] CITAPTER ý,Xxi. "lia a-h o kuectbilngkel nugi kuciraotoo le silent." U1irtunately for, bis prece aoftei, Lt Rossîrevor as net able te, gel e papse- Ipsa-icIi. Wbien li e heard lieuea-s-bc calling, "'0e-rit mure-tr-of an ofilcer lu 1 ils," lie Ibrust bis lîrat ont of lte wiud, suddclînutet toe of thens te liring liitu paper. But the boy noerast 10 irnask waiticg by a eieorete olt lady a-buse f g-ers wera appcrectly all thnnbs autdt1 mmd iciseswlielatoi ablecla, a-be havi batugbt e Lcdy',q Pîioreisuccecedt ai score or lesa a-cote of time castimacy Ojaxi igîlous te extracet five pennies from varie recepîccles clieut herutuple prson. " DE -iear-l'ut sure Ive got acather peut somelite," she paeti "Hcsen't yon e sixpence, or a ehillisi Muni T"aket tisebey a-bu lid signaiiet eue- le-ent that llie d liee-t is cummu atîd aoulti coîce lu Ihu aas seonas Jha cou] "Doar niea yrs, 1 tlink 1 bave," ce-led t oit lady in the lune of asiele a-%hem c stal Iisîgly aiea- idea lied juet come-anmdtbhon c luxcîblet for lice- puie-eagein anti a-ith cr ous lingers malisagetoluget Ithe sixpru eut eudtotu ake-becklte ceppers justeas t' te-clu bogau le meve lora-art. .Thie eews-liey mate a galbant e-n for i- bot a-,bat le t114 sport of e paie- et hall- g e-v humait legs eaginaqtthe superier sport ai ttam-engine ?T1I nord leae-divsay tliaI Il eng1lice a-euI lie race anti -e l]ameostîcal on1 b)eariing xx ijtîs ber an ange-'y men xxi thle igetof big D-' 1auhie lii anti leýav-iug un tbe plaliorut a breat, becs na-oy, a-lio11etIh e pea-er ofspeei: reteernot gve e u te ie lujureti feelings I a ste-ing cf ser nîct ie reence-ke about "6. cat. tbatca' coudi, baeeig laIount liy tli salves. " But eue- poor irieut lied te endure itis -su pense as beot lie couit anti gel on te Ca chester a-itbeut boiitegaile te gel a pape Asîd-bee t lest lhe ditsiicceedin'ugettir eue, bis bauds a-ere lrecubiug se that 1. ceulti net boidthe paper stili enengli le s( the lettr-. Ho a-as alune ini lie cee-e-ic anti lie stamapet bis fothard th l icr î emuger et buis oa-n a-akuess, aesti t lest L menegedtile aIte un thse det:iils ofi lice nioi a-blcls the Iboys -arr cryiîg '0e-rrit ecue-ti of u officer lu Thýe Flats. "-Yrs, ilace jus a-li, llie iedlou-tMjrDetinis bat ber foe utouteide tIhe ente-acce te bis ow suiteofai rus, eledt,-it earisifoe tict ieug jilebi s 1mod13, 1 bce-tly kuca- hua- te )drece-ibe thie eoc af tee-tCitossîror's joYue-ey to Tea-e the ite-vuigI lIa frit ceufusetl, stunes cutilever egeina-leetbae- il aespossibie lia it couiltiClie tre, thal thrmeailufrout a-heci lie- biat parti ochy\7 cifea- tys beoere, lu lb fuiluese eof luectisanl ti ste-nIi ceesîtib lyisîg nea-ietani ol lt toua te-stlib f rom behiset? Ho blat nerveelikrt MajnrorDeis iz lhac iesPise(1hinl-ut otihe fie-et enceeseetlt t h I batl set ey es upon liin,lu lie d ben fille Miillia fiee-ce Lanti a i tbed aeu ot a iiig cf bic a-lil liholied. sect tise marks, ( is- brutal fingers ,ýupon Elbis I'ý le delicat a--c.Ati LI mes hJie lied stetatli ipas sabla barrier lieta-ue l iantd ie ho iruah leveti, .1alnti cea- lie-asogee, gunle, aun Ethl u as %e ividua- eut lfee aaie- iteg a-bore ebeile tandtu temarry a-liente41 obe t it lt it -as treilul, tireahfuli dereetiful cuti Lord Resstrmveg feunt ibiset self shvruat bbc le Intuee ti leav-lu te-cgedy a-hcIichte na-p perprage-epli cotup bofore bien. Il i l uaevery long ,jo)ue-nov Yfrem Col ceeter te Landau, ant i lieu ossrev '0g te) Li-erepool Street, lie seul eff Vic*eere la bic e-orne a-twl1(lJibis In 'ggage anid hlmeieli a-on tu l'le Fiels as feas ie fie-st Ciie-Ia -ie bie cauiltigel mb a)-cuit teake bin. 'Hi fount oeVorytlCussg at tImigeile of builti iegs a-berrthe muei-tee- lidtalkeu piacq luokiug vre-y udlasusul tougli lier( a-me a oouleaipolicemlen stcniug u, t Itu( cuenînerentbIs ta-ewor bb tree cures a-bt -ee-e ae1a-ya 10 le ceu about thse hall, look. ed sceret u eenio. of aihem-lic offie-clrla-elkteupnt !sirnahuen li( euteret ccd seemet e9utIile curpe-iset. " Yan've lbatde- cretIint pioce of businesE r-, " sait Rosstevor ettiressing biensall to lmi. "Oh ' horrible, Sir-,bue-rible," lie an- "Is-I suppose I cca eeMe-s. Daunis T"1 "IOI en'tkuca, Sir, at alL YO e -re ain ulimaiue fi e11t of the lamiiy, Sie- T "O!Y-,s,2ry ilictiie. bl I've ro ca-wn the 1uce-y oIeny bceti cifil a-ieun . gel flie papar hclfmaay eTo m,"Ross- rovr asa-e-ei. Yen t1u1't llnea- bea tr.Demasis I, Isuppuse."' "Oh I or lady, lbeysay elie ba.Sn't spokena a-ewrd,-ti bae-tlysin'ce," heclark e- hlid-"and n aactr. WÏ-1 li tit il 1fe e beygot aclcue yet T" ',I ceni't say- tlie ie are very close aboent il. The y set a iratchu eot the lieusee etd 1heyaee a ge-ealt nmuyquestionls Oi veryaue tsycaisse ross,huttoyelt sp etathing aI ahI thiemealves." "Havr Yen lied aeuyou lie t as et cli " et'e it aà f il," zepsaeredt. lie clark rancpty-" il'.xi-es a vee-v bat cight, peuir. "'e-rible, sir,:aeiia"ceae-tJtg ce-ce abovo a ahsee-oftIi -c-ta a Il a-as tle iik Int aLbien nt(i te utc- ecs partet in lu nguor anti thant ho shîthi ablird initise beck a-hile a-e vaas eepisîgJ i lie-e li cf us,, âas lIcucctasMbb;.ýies." ivre-egnet t baud te I' - -t---i a le, cen ibmei bacai1 ll uallie a-as gOing 1lu n thea 'tre, a-th sutan ali aasclncs li I is coipteydct he a-eut avyi eeieul cc-cekJc- but il"?,na-.1 Ai1,,acc I nover saw biin aisu tii-lil Oh It i', bec leeiai.toc horrible I Y WEDDEDI' f Ronancesanid Adventure. Rlosstevce- tue-net slirply bacla lae-ibigE Jutge' imaaiu' ice-" Pati flinLne tielga-Wýliy, a-bat 'd o yncsa "ie jListl aia I ey, Sie-. The Major ai te-t Me-s. Deis b lat 'art a-ort0ieyestee-tay lavfi et ecg anti the Maijor -,ýcuil euineii age, 1barn ye eug lie dette-lit telbreaa i tl tieglaceluilt ýle hicvore. -Nat thaï,I've nmetienet .lie fa'i a- Sie-, te anyenemLýe, uer nmeais 19,; îIbatuP( l a lice," a-thî a k lwtî ook, "r usfou etthare's ne kueioaing N%-bat tliay ighlt teà il,- intotheir a-otien 'rets ilf-a a-as eslyt tee-c give 'em thechne As il is, t1 IIllnvt ng fut anythussg out et ahl, neyer, notei blese it Ling' u- "Anti Me-s. e sseT )Us IlToul it tIrrible 1bat, Sir, eut ciuul te to make tect,repiet j uIge cs-Tlpejtlietic ýny chiy. IlTIen Major iras aggrraîiig et lisEC Iiee-e's ne dauyiug il. I ace aitb lm ia g, balcucu fer mauy e ilang yeer bafuroe n te tolin t of mee-eyig Miss Mortlinut or anl )ns oîîr ose, anti wlseu lie axchcnged te uIbe Fif c. leautht, lie gat me excheesged booa:;aa( te Iben lie lieught me eut as I taeestýy 3i jýt anua-, Sir-. He's tiet cuti gona ea-o, upal lue gntle ancd a-hats a-cese, lie's gene ie r-. 'urriet way ea ilb ce kint cf prepara ,e tione albrerlself or for Ilerut a3wai lie njearesu ta hit ut lucieas't Ilie 'usbaur lie iii hbave bren le s yaung tiii ing 1 b; ehe a-estant iamny s the 'art a-ort hoeflue-i ,Vi et Il(-er, andti many's the tirie h'sbeau fit ti ta moureeelir as clie sLooci ; but, ailthIe saute Ile geeetc andti yi[l!use is anl hueeg ami y- itee-e l ateothiese iI's 1ne iettre I Lb 'yuucg mnistrees is uipsot as she ie, to sse PS nothiug et al o-- b- "Jtia, sait a voesau aI t momtent. oh Yes, NMieut"," sit1 Jige -ltlea jnmlp. ýy "Noa- a-lie the tevli blave I1lieardl thti d voîca befere T" sait Rossîravor ta liens self. e- "11ýMe-. Teevor, Mum- -te areisIbe tietrece.' bece-T utigeey. 8- 1i aill sep I"r. Teevor," sait îlie voie j. endt Ilin Rossîravor lounut imehf iu th e-i pe-sauce of a mittbe-agat lady 'aed -memor gS.LstidaIUITiiyspplietimena-tb a namne tefi e a-tl the vic-it as Ethel s mtier Me- eMotiraunt. e Sbe met bien aitb c subtina senlie andti il, a-bite liant outetretebeil. it "Hua-do yendo, Mr. Trvri'o-r libonl VS Say Lue-t Rosate-ever nea-, ehouit I net ?" te- 1 an quite a-ail tbceh tliyau, Me-a. Mor .t dau," pliet Jackt, jnst t Iuciing liertseré nbut re-tuning xsetillie thse p-ssure nor tIl n cuile. l'Yau cama toeanquire formy (ltuliter-' Me-s.Mordaunt liogasi, a-leu licstreveor La iltereuptet ber. t , 1 cant useu c br"lie sait blnuh]Il-I1 î, u le n intentionu a-baterre- ýrCf ieltieg Me- r Mordeesmlut oerne e go-beta-ren aitli Ethi n l "Ai I ys, ncluirelhy, But I den t lIb le Ethiel aillie eqalleseriug ,yen sle c es tuee-ily ctpet liy Ibis dretiffu 1ýlifse- e y tua-s se orts coli t al-anti sbelias scarcely nspoket uta Wesince I caa, wIlIichu1 ti'lt ilui mietely upan lecirsber lelege-au." t " Tliemî dia a-te- t yeu " e-o et-k le Rosate-evori, -a-eiicring a b , iait ine td also et once appr)iset tefî im ýa lied [taeo ý)place. if Il 4he telegra,,plieti tetonue, yes,55 Me- Le Mordcuîet replet-" eut I1 set off aitttout au insteut's tirhay, in faut hreving ity iid rto beilig imy tiige ebater use. 1i bond lie tine a tircetful elale, aiidty exiteteant il! c a-it iefedotI blied na iea Ibet ,Etilîr g a-ca s(ýe evotedt thle port'Mie*r, , h e r, as tho rsitOstesinthý ýçvrt iL- o 1 aeeyouug gir's fauicy.ý luI waccon the lhp af Rasstec-oe-'s lanivc lu scy tlnaI Major Denulis nveiat làake E Etbl'c faucy,%(atiahetlue wCýere- xcitet eut )t ihlýi lolsigbt l ho nuaitaas e-aid1ne SI'itlh gelai.Hea-vre-lie mt gt ta do1p thirneo(1filI utime u cln lu e-epiy boMe-S. Ail-iatit ui ll aie-i' ivlsaasi UEthl Iis lnatul",ly rory enci iupset,' - a sit Cýoltly, "anyolieseinlu lerpoation els ,1 aoblie, But a-l yuu let hber kuoi cla 1bt c are, Me-s. Mrdaunt i, pluese1T -1I e-elly deni't tbik liat Ethel ---- a Me-s. Moedaucl begen, aliu en c clusl . a-ent tel. 0I thick sesaa-il ika lo e ce e-i," haid qeiethy. "At ahi eeeste il cen tIoe-tu,1ars le lot lier lanoîvi that 1 irnisere. Y -ose 1 b ave boseec e vry intimace -i hont I sieuce tisrylfie c ceuete auyrgeet.I Elliel actes siot frai ( queil to soemlig ng lue a-lcet h&ate t uscy se, l I ec ur.Yen oun'mudmy eingiug lu-oJtig,va-lI yenT TItanhs, se mIny, Haesrang Iliabell beicro tbe lady ectelti tI) Orce sey eyhgte stop 1ii dm uiheîe ga-iilb eL pole Cexpe-esailecof thites suthas mate Me-s. Mortanet rI ealre, cli t noe, bat se li bauetlest met ea eua-h a-es net the lacet afî-aeti(i huer cnt a-hoý110 eseat le g"0ic uvey eu lt e telu lispîteocf eveeythilg esut canît or a-onld Adc tapro- Vault il ," Tien i tueor openiet cndthei soi Jutige ippele-eud on the Èibreablti. '"OhI Jutige" a uck before Me-c. Mot-tendt, Qeuit spela, "a-il yenvoit tyour i5te-as8 kueca- thial inmliera aIIICI If difs irahas eqeabl.t e eicg tuae" "The utistrase keea-s lIatIyen are beo, sssy lord, ansa-vretJutiga e muy ansd 'elia a-ould lilce tle ceyen if yen lUso lI tlite bootore." "I ii-ll. -heashaî eyg-bye) Vale yenMe-. Morden, te1cse I tene a For aii ie c.ule r aoMrs. Denuis dlid net f1om)th1v,-ai lusp aq) i bis ani iutedof set~~~~~~~~c utiuec xereewaiesadsiglit81 asii 1irail dtI Iý I sc loa îatJekabert 1mis- -"eve iitu tat lunJs aiety e apre b lerj She eliudderod violeutly and lier face was se ghastly white fthat site sensed as if see would feualft every moment, Jacka teck lier bands again lu hie strong wiarm grasp *apd h leld them least, "'My poor cda.rliug," lho uiLlltn red ;Q0tIIiII0y, '"'yen mueIIt try not te thinkla aout that-you muet inideed. Por ait Ponulis ween't awas imeoIf-anti, of coutrse, nocither lie lier you had .aely idea Of" r,ýv whitas geiug toblappen. Pray don't thiiin d ihbout thiat7 more fthan yen eau belp, Idear, remeember bow of ton Iboforo lie eAilX t1iinge thait lie dîd, not roalyv mecu or was sot ry for tO "Ye-bnItblut 1 was so iangey," shiei apo ere Detcedl, se anigry I ceuld net. Sspeala. AU I could t1iiiilkwasthlat .you were te thiat-that-Olîl! Jack, Jack, I arn se6 ci, wIretcheld, su wretchuied uow."l 'It will ah pace sby -It wîili woar off ie ed,"llie 1told lier'Ilu ootlurg toiles. II-iad ne cauise te lave hlmi, por ecapi i, ut Iive gh You "'ywod telIwedgi er- icthiug IT arn mortb eat 1Jtivmoent if it, weuld C-brinlg hlm bJack again alive and wl. ts, Se looked roundt fearfullyv as if ilewa asafraid ai the solnud aI ber 7o11 vo ice. Jck"hesaid lu a 0hsp -, t liat was a ucl aoyea a wispr-" if i1 could e-nly tidf el like that toc, but I cau't, 1 ccn't. Tliet' idwby lIIIm se wýretelid-I'm - aie-aid aofmy- m slf."t 11L T spite of thie gravi ty of tlie situtatioindud a that dreadI in i samebiuig 1lyiug lutheo nextç a- ini Jack kialmeethlaugbod, but lie eliokrd t5 wi the dosire aud drew lier vory ilear te ' ie " Dear cid"lie ae eitnderly-< te-yt L1g net te lot yonirlf get tl1inkiuig such liis atlese. Remlember rnather hu-: geed y.1u e, were te hlim and hew oftess yen bore witb IL hliefaulte aud bow ,yau resisted temptatien lie like a saint, or like wblat yen are, a goed ,Sheic Ieýred agianad loeked round lu the samje frigliteuied \vay as Abo lied cdune be-o ttfore. "Dun't clIle tli;tt,i,' she said pite- et usly-"1Ivisli 1Iwere goed, but l' I'csf{cedof mrni, J acla 1'mwccf«idcj1of tet -y UN-'ýLELSS 6 ro Dent .iuiup eit iresutlt,. T'Pli etIser yen 5jumptebsceti a pg b[e uf thoe exact spot on wvhivli y-ou wîtl elliglit."t a WIli tliwor -, l'ut afraid a of of, Ieft Ethiel Dnielips (t'Qhýe third titnec, Id Lord Reeostrever begals te fQel tIsI eiie- ting iimt lie cue te bring lier te a sensej yrof the eiuna of the situation tnaid tlîaa li m- ould bave tuble tlie eue te o Ii. ie " EFthel, my dleer," lie eaid lu a shiarp, J cirer voice, and giving, lier lbauds a li'tIl -Ilblake as lie spolie, "'dopuillyoureelf tagethi-g Ser aud try te realize that it wen't do f or'yen ta lie talking like til. Retisiberci tlie'sit- le uctian le a very grave une anid tliat t lu our J ;S business te fiud eutilio coumittedti is das- ci trly crimle, I mean te finid ont whq did It a~d en met elp Ilme. But o ts' ik salke, miy child, doita t lot yoursolf get jute aL e way of talkiuig ,ettch-1 lnousenlsoas yen bave ejuet lot slip, 1te)anyone but lme. 0f course 1I [ylanoiviea- ,atyen are innnerved e inliing l t~but yn mutli e reasoneable and cohected lu spite of that." d . Jack, I can'it lie r-easonabileI," she crjedJ 't pteoeesly, ', ît"s ail se hubile, sneh au end ng tesncb a fý1 ud-andmy ethe- " ', Yoe- luthr ied nuII)busitiese te caulne i etci, aid lie sharply-"ste lias ;bruiott 1 maufch for lber toe o t iny ree-l use te you ri% eow tat yoju are in trouble. Buti, mydear, al iyuumntulcusi ogethier snflic2ieetl'y ,l îte talk bbga ao'er vtt Ilme Ibefore alr 1-ot0ser cones te dlietue-,l iius. Firet uf al, you lknow thet IJndgco le aaee ieu u ,0 die -Major bacil ae-dsast oiti ' eev'identlly tryiug bard to coIlect lier peie. "Buit lhe cdes lkneiw it. 111e tob 1tu'e ai f as esseen estIcaieini; told îne too thatblihad s Loet spoken i.ofit t a eliving seul, ced li1e question h, m-ust it be told et th linqneat., Il wbÂci I suppose iil lie tc-o e-orow."l Yus, to.morow -nvafternuon Lethtree El o'ic, ehe saiçi. "Ithouglit se. iThoni Ethiel, le therue any Deeti for yen ta aeîy anytliling cant iblat ., m andt te facet that lie went off te c thecatre týi a-ah onaCau yen poýssbly oe ap2esail that ? Ouly we muellt arranige wihJige auld probelily witbi yonr iniitic <,'o No, hewe oult. She tid neitoame lu Lt til estu 'lok, thllreplietl, "sud, of wj ct-slier e ne tcce10 servatîts of oursi.IC t tatfheurlneer ay uf tlie lieus1e- erateabout, assly Judlge" withl a long-. th di e,ïl sobiig breuth, "ws t icl llkely te Un ritandJtge"qu "WilI nover sey c word if lic le, toIt niot te dIo sei" Rostrever irolke lu tecidedly. lpr "Se,-in shýaIltelll bina thlat ceuil acune w tiukii, t ,iIlli be tter if Ilie emenilsIvrcs net hiug -about thiecircumastanice. Aut uiow v tellIll, ea-,wbat aboutVere 'h ', ValCie , Shie startet aýs if elie lioba beaebo. Ol JaLck, ,te yen thlnla ttJu ' aeie T eetainly 1I(do !, ho saît li iseltdoitg for hlm Ilie fie-st chancer, 1ie gt? eh Dont yol thiink that thie Meje knoew per- 1ý, fectly weh liat aLi a'mC-inet cha1ract erlie bcd te duali witlii? Else wenld lie biave beau In it sncb i iiue-tai terrr le ie aparton xx tlihe > uj,,a urtecyl Wu\Vult lie have ]bit the Srieeddlberateiytittebrb fieilu t1h place, forin1stanLce? Ne\'t ho. Oh1 ! dopent u pos il, lie lknew vthe inta ultimateanuoyence cund trouble, lha we pressinag lier uow imure bartly then she lic strengtli tu beer. "Jack "-she sait idetile ngtb- -eu nt yoi uailerstai 'dc thet I would rethaer do aîiytii thian bave theat wmocn's cama iimeullonied V' "utalîi"lu àestol ishmaii nt. "W'ly! I cau't tell yn-I I -don' ksiow-Nlyte pleaseo, J aclt-for my sake le-,t the police fut eut ,%-bat tbey a-ill, lin ulou't b temi about tha wumau, dec: Jacka, pleesedn'. Hler toue wa3s se urgent, lir- aola faci in usner se fulîl ai ete-eaty 1that ie ba( practically n choiceoii (ha ett ."O0 coreit'a sioet My busiess Lu sey aenythnié oua aay or thie uther," lie seiid uîswillingly -" II m uly au outsider eutdxviii prai13 bavýe uotbing te say abouit thie affae-. Iller shahf 1 speala te Judge for yuîî? " "If' yenwill, lueîvery meela toule. "Arîd ou yocr sidle Ethel yon'll pronJies me une tbli" lie begenu. "II wit promise el ce-led wilîlly- "niot ta-nirlit 'fý, erlý)i dn'tey it, Pi'ms filet itl-thbbereor uf lb ail -l can't even tliek ratioucally, su ask me uuthý ing to-ni g1lt,1 1 ck, sire nothlug. " ,,But onut s yuethg" lie per- sîestet-"D)ou't lie graui ; 1I cm nti guiug te say aulytbieg e-eletiig te o eccs. itïi only that yen uot pli', a watc ou on yar Oa- teuu yen imuet te careful mlîat you scy; sud for 1-Ieavcàn5ba ke, my ehlsd, for yeur iawul saule, fer wmine, lot nioeoxcitemeut, no feeing of diic-oea t yoiir terrible situation, tempt yen u listu givirng ittereaipe egeat te the ~ ~ 'yl -.ud tbe iusit telume jous'na that yeun vue r-aid et yeursa;elf." ~i m ill tyhee îsabd htsbly). The meekurecýof lier touie maltet tsi,beart hxesbaltly-for. the spae eoa a fewI seopd's lhe lied frît a dicte ue-lit tilheh o henitauve- dleeely imiagine that lie was gcaing ta speala ai thle- ca-et future, lie hbat aven frît a tiill of indiguatione that ,lia abould, aven lu lier grief 01, et ireetber dieleese, thli i hlm capable cof even Iiiitinig aI bleir feeling lfoiune anoîber vleile Ledecv i rebiuil xwcs Iyiig tclose et hul.vti-beit lier e-ushiedti ue ouquered al tIent. ý1My Poue-reit ti ,i, lie ceettsfnderI- "l'tS sre-y eh titis bas coma ulpon yetu- liow I a-isb I cüunîtdo cejtbiru lelp yen tebeur il." " Yen (Ioelglir~aek,"Fhe beganeand tlîru the do*r eppeetieut ndMe-s, l4oeuiitu salrd lett'liJe rpec. She prefesýed the grealest possile osuriprise Lýord Rôssteeyeulooketi et lier with bo 1 btelse, 'l No, 1 i em liersill,Mrs Mortaunt,"le saLit qnLietly Ibaelit guod ted lu seyte Ethel, andas grea-t cdalte heer frombeur., 1 doci't, thinik Ethel la et ail irisa tetira te-eflu tiae,"M-.Murlinul remaLrk- et witle o Iituese ansuahe lias a ver-y tryinig day litlookt fe-ard lcite te-morrea'. " - eyc-r yig" lia age-eed lilatckly. 'Wlm1, 1J aes jett gainig te sey god-byeý a-hei on encame lu, so l'lsay t toa, Etliel," aut lie lield eut hlie blaud tet lier ais if lic 4lit fiat liuoi- bliat Me-s. merdeunt -as lis lthe raout. Ethel get llpfrouthLer clsair- "Goet-bye, Jack," sîis jit, - yen tâve been ve-y intl -1 ebeil rover forgeL it." "Gout nigt" lse si uen-hnwitbl c~~~ ~~ ctislttobuM-.M-taurit lie a-eit ont of the reuin asut celose htle lcor be ut "Dear Ime, aal e e-r akbly isagree- able youleg mail jeck Tevr iesgoa-n," ait , Meaaoelçn mouelt: Ictar. "'i1 alays rtheugliii i a edoetalble bo. Yçu iront vary itlmetel'ibh hl, Ellel." " Wo aere vee-y intimsatr aitic in¾"i mthiel irepl)icti 'Se it eoï; c lid Cosnio liteIta Poor feliea-2 ',Casml-o aa xetgyfenld o a il," said Me-j. Delnis witb oyliiet, tecisien. "Ceente elweys thouglit mccl bigbliy of "Antui dtlie allew yen to e eJaek ant Ithel toeoaci utlier ?" Me-s. Medant ce- Luîret. LILPlektiup lu sue-prie. Wy motter a-e lhave been'Jccau t dEthel le ccli other-ail eue- liee I sieultiPLaS e00u ofn a cithhi yen "-Me-s.AMortnultas if cclling hlmenytiug lse but Jack." "O11I!a-eiI-a-atl-Iecyskd hee- tion," sait the altier lady eresl-n dt el irself biat il -unîtlie bottor net s ely mllcli1eb1nt the yeuug ie sînilCe il was crvjdecî liat liha bat ir ua-a s tire Isosen f riecllcf the bhouse. Ant Jack sîseentime batde-cra-teJuteiot tie tiinig-rout. "uie"lue sait lu an luide-ile, "yenwill lebcret etftle ni- " a-iltIa sue Sr"sait Jutige 'ortie ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I) baigpse teeteMajor aeut >Ire. Dene Sh elavry auxiedus tLicatueoth- reg sieu11lblie ait cblit il." 'Net a wodshail ie sait bly Ime, Se, Jutge decleret. "Anç Me-s. Denui,ýis leauxieus teo, thet utlulng -1baî ca at i in lie belpetl, set is-b thavt wa-cccu a-ecarne te hertseýey oueCday anidinsisteti o seingthe Majo ; Cdo yun ernember T" "I renassbe ita-e, Sir," Judge si aoklng ste-ciglit atac1 a t lie barne thet -as tIse olencen as',dunie :t, sir" lUnirs---" sa;it jacük, ant Lil tbcli ke iisalf ebruptiy. ('ru BE OXTINUES)) A NEW IMPROVED OYE FOR HOME OYEING. Only yLte reqy.ire4 in Uding. fi aer do-sneýt kee»thete, sddieto te h aaufaur J. S. ROBERTSRN & Co., Montreal. A. A. BOWERMA'*N 11111%REMOVED the whole cf is m fhn 37 tock, etc._ tae I R T -P E F RR-Y nm acconut cf the reuent flood, and 18 aow oeeared for business. Twea'Lty.flve tbousand oueds cf wool vanted, for whieh the higheEit price wtll be paild. Custom werk a sipecialtty ýnd ail! work guaranlüe tt be done lu a ftrst. ]aâss mranor. A arge stock cf maQuufaotnre# vooleIC gotis, printS, Cetten and general dry otis always on hand at rbasouable, prioe s lo0undto lekeel i il npwith the limes, aba ha weli-kuown Mille, andi yen wlllalways 1ge ýberally deaît wilh, A, A. BOWýýERMAN, 23-lyr Proprietor, Newest sityles cf wdd c Ards iaia 800cived et S' 04EMN %.s as GRATEFUL -OOMFORTT NG BREAKFAST. ,r E 1, h. îl~~ried our breakas8t 1tables wlth a Ïlentely laordbeveupage whliilh may $sav us =anyheavy doûtor.1' bille. Iti leby the jdiou use of auch articles of dJieýt that e A CDtitution xnay be gradtcýA1,y builtU p utU )f str(o)g 01111,11to 1resit er rtendenoy ta disease. liundreds of s ubtie asadieýj are flOat i)g arand U~s roady Ioa attack wherevOr thr saweak point. WVe may escape moany ya fatal shaft by keepinz 0Oursýelves Weil fortitied ilwith pire blooid &antila prooerly nolitishtd futnme."-"Civii servce e Gacte" McadisimnPIY With boilinig water ao, mlkr 1016 Only in pmckets, by Qrýoccrs, laJe d ~titn te CH1E 'ParS .ac ., Iossea hein~s. lsts, 'Y 4.CollsrfmsPtloenCured. L Anol pician, retjired f rom practioe, havingh.d pl,%ac.dla hie hauds by an Eau India mlssionary thc forumia cf alslmp,' Ïvegetable rernedy for the mpeedy and mauent *ctre of (Jopsumption, ochis Cstarrh, &Blhrma and ail throat and Lung AffectiOns, aisea positive and radical curE f or Nervoru$»ebillby and ai Nervous<com- 0plaintso after havlng tested lts won4erful curative POwer$ in thusands fcfases, has If* St his duty ta makte ihknowsi te liseUfferiu1 f ellows. ,&etuated by this Motive and desirt teO reliove hurnan sufferlng, I will sendI free of ohasge,, t.oall wlie desir2 il,, thIs recipe, t, i German French or Eiigllsh, with fll directions fer prparing andi using, Sent 14 addressi.g wl1'rnain~e, natng thia palier, jW. A, Noyes 820 'E>owsrs » Block, 1Rocbestei &f . Y. f ~A4viee t. e-tiiers. r Are yotu dizltucbed at night and brake of t our r st by a eick hl s eig ad ivg 'witIipain cf CuiQg Teeth ? f sa snd ab onand got 1a blicte of " Mrs. Wnçlw 'a lieoothing 3trup." For obldren effing, lu. value is incalculable. It will relier. 'lie Poor lîttie stifferer immediately. De- pend riou jt, mothers ;tlsersi le no mistake treiuatî sthe< 0tomnchan Bwels, cure WIid Coie, sf on te ams, rsduoes In. ilimatnrin, and ivem toue andienergy to the whale svstew. 1'Mrs, Wija1pw's Spath. Îlig Syrup forcr hlkfreateethipg le plelteei to the ta8te and i8 tihe prescription of on e o the oldeait and Jpat fem~ale phyzicians gud nurses lu the United States, and le for sals bv &H dr~uggists through the world. Price > 25 cents a bettle. Basumre and ask for " s.WlIýSLOW's SooUOTUNG rytandi takenuo obler lrlnd. To Nervous, Pebifltated Men. If' you wll se 'd- us your atitrese we wili mnail yau Our illustrated pamphlet explaiinig ail about D-r. Dye's Celebratedl Elec tr.Ij \ 0 ui ýjBtt1,,o a4.pplianço,andtîheir oharulqg ee cl upa sn.ervous ciebiltatedi ay8tenan1l leow they will quickly resterc you ta $gzor and tus ilýot. Patn Met free. If you are thuo sfflucted, ws wll. se(nd Vou a Beit andi Appli- ancs on a trial. VOLTAIC BXLT CO., Marahli. M Aieb. r - ly, Off to Toronto. C!B. CHANDLER, Newcastlec, ofeer ,3 Y pîaeslor will ecua ,,ra ae rprYr, aUl cf bis p)rOpery in Nwai1 Cgpelsutg cf Stores, lessandti tata an4 vaiuahl 0 Orchard, Ilie bomesteat bei!eg one cf lthe 1110.1complete inlthe cuity. Tertus easy. FOR AGEMNS IVo J afitî ütJint, Anr honorable snd praiseworthy b lusi- ures3 without any possible chance of lose. Steady emiplceYme3ni and con trol of terri- tory. Bave doue business in Catiada 30 yeare. Liberal pay te the riqht mati, ta S'eil aur iiuexcelled Nursery tc.Sn for teruis.yStc. ed CH-ASflI BRO Ti:ERS OOMPANY Goçlborne, Ont. THE WONDER Gý F THE ACE 1 bettor then ethar sa-calsai Emulsiens. A cuderfut flesti producor. SCOTT'S EM-ULSIIO-N 1 put esp in a salmos eoIor iesn'appes'. Be autreuad(<rte ete*tace. î9ldlbej cl >eetlers at 50c. atid $1,00. SCOTT' & IIQWIE, ]Beeî. r

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