Clarington Digital Newspaper Collections

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1890, p. 6

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)R5 illLtlAUGHLrN A VIITTO LDLOID N of thie river, and yen reniemibr iôw t OFI cWIVL~ l TIf re i!-on gtsbave openel ad closee P WMsL 11D..BEn.rauaanpeig and closin.g chapters in wr i ar i gwNI r s c intiCY.Ateo L Ibe R Dr At, e 0f the radnto U Il I U~Bnckiigbant Palace, Lanilbeth Palce andi ngish hitory somletimes- and havegiven Iolee et siin ..lteTwr entraneto greait people. Ilere cavethe 00 ebe fth vr iyPscen its frqt stages, cannbe Successfully BYCOG JOGS nfortrinate ladies, Ainne Boleyn and Kath- E i>7&! Collage of Sur. ýt4rgeon,. c g3ons, Edijlbugh. I ~checed by tne prompt use of Ayer'S Teeaesvrlbgbidnsi ondn ine Howard, ýwives of the sovereign with Cherry Pectoral. Even in the inter wbich are called palaces. Tihere ,isl Bucking- Gr edrcncec1 IIeec~eJn odeoftht i,,ip(- te cug i ad ey.Yoitcai ea ýintegrs fCHANGE 0F BUSINE SS.. DIUS - MILLIER ~A1NMAN, period fta îestecu h au Palace, and St. James' Palace,ad y.scamrinterasf H BSICIANS, SUR >E OIS, ETC wonderfully relievedî by tismedicine. Lambeth Palace. These buildings ae ye tcile-yre the b'og,lipierh es, thadw Office -Cor, Church and Temperane Ihv ~dyrsCer etrl lrge nnd hold, but not bnsm.fe -gipris h w Sis. Nlght ceille atteuded hmD.hiir ihtebe fetl o rcie e aese bm e ocueca h ou rines whiose bouies they found at reeldence. wos vit tedbS ferl prepara I'ýtion ceved i av nter ie "oa]ri cls" takubb1len un utleson tera t "Teu reece. LIIM .This Iodru rprti oiesvd tte-palace," . obapal aeiituiiin the wtoe stowr. yleilding the he dersigned wish to mak e kîîown to the puibi c the follow- S.C IL msA . rn nvxy life. -I had a conlstant Lcouigi, rniglit rather frein theipte of the inl'abtant he iflcwittoe.'unssar gmn,,ihàve otute xedn B. ) . %.Tin1nv swcl ats, Iwas greatly rduednullesh, o h os hnfrmteadu f A P ,% ~TUEGON EES in uins raneetwtH ve trhrexed efo Trini, Mcd. Cefle'ge, and givanl yu bys1Vpiia. O h bueitef Tee.nlcs'r0lan11eyoy1h3ist het gc e the business and to stilibetter coiioltetsoir. Metuber CiPy.Sr. n. bttie and a U n Ie he Pctoral cuired thaccorniIf Tes aeplante curstomersit te owi ou t in."-A. J. Eidson, M. D, Middleton, uglybudig-sm are 1built of mare sec the crown jewels. Tlbey aure in a Stonie WIL MEDEwilhvfilcag ftelakrihn Dprmtsu Dit.. V. rlWTCUELI, Tennetssce. Coimmllouplace brick, and are dliug.y as dingy cbamber in tbe Wakelîeld tower, undi(er a WLIMEGRwl aefl hreo lcBaknihigDprnetai I~rEMBER 0F VOLLEGE 0F PHYSICIANS Ilseveral years ago 1 was severe17v iL.Ceau be. London bouses are eanerally plain. beavy cage of iroxi and atttended by " beef- will be prepared te execute ail ordera and do ail repairs in: hie line on shortest notice 0 %n d Surgeon, Ontario, Coroner, etc. Tho doutors tsaid I was in consuinption, Tiîere iiiay bciecii leu une u dt scov- caters." 'Here la tire croo e uen and, best of workmensbip guaranteed. The pricca wiIl be righ t. Offi1oe'nd iteeidence. Enuiekillesi, 74. and thlat tbcy could de nothing formse, erable thereve-hee, but I did neot sec Victoria, set with' severel thiousand dia- RBT .PTL ilhv hreo h edsdPitDprret n but advised rme, a§ a lest resert, te try any-not jil London, nor at.iîylhere lse ilu mouds, baving in it the rub rly wu illsaen foto xesetjgv îîs aifcio oalesoes n Du..1E. C. neliollELL Ayer's Cherry Pectoral,. After taking Englaud. Thiere are 20horises in the EistEnd V. wore in bis linet et fthebatie eof Agin- sprneeotorepneegvefletetfaiot ilctncriwau ]LCNIAEOR Y CLEE th!& mredicine two or three nientisthe fine of the Fiftb Av _menue raction court-a very pretty crowui, but net m-old. Ae heretofere afieele painer wili b& kept and a specialy will bc made of TIETIT0FOAL0LE wa4 cured, and my heeltb remains gond aoegthLg',i %011 eeI.t lkeJsti bac.Alrcr rrtpl oe .Ui fPhsiies LndnI~g.;-sber c ouc rsn0ey"Jie Brhrroadle uier than any ttlI,b W Iin the \Westfotbeeogiwodsemteak eth brch A rprepmpydn. BUsGER AN RsxnNcmIter t Mser Darien, Coun.the MidSt of 50 acres of fair gardeu. e Ilere la thieroyal Sceptre, of gold set witb wllbJAMES MORcIS t garanîerscf the uprorntdty f flic work turued eut.h Hilgginmbothamn's Drug Store, Bow>anville, "several yeers ago, n apassagellhre e that the Qecu is net trrantesby thetrar precieus aones. Aud the eat gol satt 6-lyr.* froruaifor a wter, I contracted e ruAdb ooitoibrqes n sn severe a cold thet for sele deys I cf the London streets. Lambeth Palace, cellar uiscdad t csennaqe n 1) Bi'eK SIM~PSON, Iws efied te y stetLe-re,, suad a toe, bas e fine sronigof lawns and naknrak aor gte the position of' The mn actu ttre of Cairriages and Carrnage Tops will be A R ý'R ,SO I IO ,& .M P I phyvsicin o boardco s eed ry lif e es w nd r d bo tn te an etï teo r eo th at. %tensively carried on and a large nuniber of llÏorfrte e e lrstr&ssorir' Ceryecorl ued being in the heart ofteeconit And yet whole jewelry store of other par1nadL T T S YL F1B. I . E te belty ondtin, ln~ tenJ.acroas the river la the busIe neîihorhoed due share in the goverimeutii of tlie Eniglish[ n.m Londo. rsnl teAeb'lopo mie ill be buit for the Spring Trade. 0SF F MPBBIAGE, LICENSES aeinJ lOadeJntoVa Caterbury came te the doer, suid got into The 'Normanî chepel sud the airmolry aire Resîdence, . E. 'k iectora is carna-ge, sud rodaewya erec r, digni. iu tbe White Towcr,1 The White Tolver is Fr e~adohr vl owI o;v hu a _________________________ IIAr' IbnrIII lied man, witb the strong, kiudly face which, black. Six bndred yeers cge thiey white before pÏacîitmg IhLeir orders. A.C.R1MU lis Cherry 1 yen. sec in tire pictur-sý. 1Me gels but littie wesbed thec old walls, sud the iniie they~ DUrhamI Saes tEne dDOR . . owl as leisuire toe nj oy 1bis banifl areu. gave il then lias steid by it. Bt il .laluît LIE~ UTIO RFRA G0001) yI'CE FOR11GIiosTls. enougli, witli walls offlnt. Agreat, 0 on ihortest notice, aud lowest rates. Address Ae aToaogtt egot i abt e-aersldbidnwt urt tte'~ IXJescl P. 0. 6:f Io'd by a)] Dniggiss..j'rice $1 six bettles $ sec. TheArbiop of Canterbury bave four corners. __________________________lived lunthat nid brick ieuse for now% chose Yen can sec the chapel Iwlîicb tue Cou- Thie>old Porter Fotindry iSs dll boioming. C00 years. Thiat goas IbIack long way ie qucror bcad Set among the sleeping ronia S ruEq4ce,,. English iastory.- More than oua i , ftihse and the 50 rooma of bis stron floeuse. Thereý A BhIDENPtt orthe County 'f THE QANADIAN ESTAT1ESMAN gucod1prelates, Iwbose facesiekdoeupnisau upper gcllery, wbere l 'e sat Nwith bis M Durham -. lsurauce and Gcneral.Agenito. you Oit of anicienit cainvasses in tile diing faniily lu stately seclusion Iwben leé certe oare rayto sipyalodr o atnsO'eeydsrp Vainator and Recal Estate Agent@. Sales and~ ESTABLISHIED 1951ron, bave lied. tîXir veneirable hjeada Itaikeil churcb. ray spl i resfrCsig feeydsrp tlier business proniptly attended to. Box 172, ___ f ntetobe bc hs h utre ANCnINT ARTILERY. tion, the only place whîç re ail you Bownunvlle P. . 36 I ~Per atetun lu avaio,- othcrwise $5.bvTen Bsd h huelo h hpl iere i5 anid brI asa canon.on the Paradeq -I f w Subscriptions ees payable et the fflie of rtifie Ivhere Craumier worked et the ground, w-4-L2iè.V.oceowedau w~ ALEI~N5IElt WANN&~, Publication. AdLver-t iing rateslanlisas bycon- rev ision sud translaition et the Prayer o ok.nnu wbiuh bueditinsucribed a significaîît cnh upido h hre~ntc nte aeo TEEIAYSURG(-EO-N, B I-tract, 10 cents perIl!nnc. nouPariel. ilrst iaser. yrBo.enb upe nteIots oiei h saeo * Y TOC, OT, .enc~tr ~ BACK !tin, sud à cents pýr linoeaestesubse n u ln teciplcaeare tules wbh welire motte. UltsMa 9- Y u , ynre- CenSuTaOCK, rN. D , ty pecîIaty.. sertions Locale, 10 cents par fins. 'laid there iluflie days ef Laud. Here lho "The lest argiîmeîît of Kingsa.- Often thcl Bîsekstocit, April 15,-tf M. A. JAMES, Publisher walked as wc do, sud kucît te pray yonderr. iral argument, tee, snd the nnly eue, in i te I L .-P.0 Buit there are no gbiots-not even i l1tle deys wleethere waai more war than therii atnslreo wlPo oftteelbae iri IlnSTiidadRpie. - was interested tei leara eom Hua Grace's of ail shapes audIsizes sud degreesof Colini- iteel mlade for any plow rafctrd ~L A.OI~STOCI~, haplaîn, wbo slîewed nie the beaiessdcnueai lcgréat: rooma eto the erry. PATIR WIHNTsIPAO PETER, HOLT, . Proprietor. osi if b place, that the elcgwh There are guns teken topieccéanudmadeint Large F'uriace Ketties always in stock. m~TIno rrparneuneehn atuefliciate lu the Lambethi Palace Chepei wear wall ornemrents, and wdsarudlt roy leigwre h oIINOer fHSHOE a cubrubyr-black stoles. The EngliaI clergy fil fanerai sheaves of wetwnefully ,doie. AdWe -pay the Highest Price for 'Scrap Iron and requiire po0ricz, Bownt;nville A first-clas man T.Lfittced sud refuaruislied. sud la eow second do net manifeat the tondnless, Il hicb I bad there are suita ofarmerot in 1olng une ls, diisplay.0TNSTOCE [lew belng lu their employ 50e oue eTONS ArTtfe aco oN-ben e o neooulrnt c Ieditrving publiccmod'New edte expert, for decking thernacîývea cd ou the woeden tuu n wo odnhrses, 11051. iVuuRJ G aRIample commercialromn on groiqud facre. eut wilh coloned ribbons. A'bsî adwhieh wel Ci wnnu onie afine 1touruam1 nets- Stove Castings of every description supplied. Gaod stabliug and shed room. 40 eue day rceved bsreienetollithe seumn i theru, p sitiifec battî , -~FIEINTE WS »RHi!Ipalace te the tower. A guond maly bave: Hene vout cen ail i, This isela i IcsMchiîcry of l kinds, Agricultural m News Biocit, Nhere himseif or assistant goree ethe towen trorupalacescudlieve\ bu b mou wr pred te wee' -riad ea d flAILUNINs FcylS Swig a wi'lie hafouind treru Ss.l oi9 p.mj. Nil CcaliS etnud -d ovr klegin ltleanluPi dy tb a noaD u~u i îr ne teeBqceSwn a e ec.iptI poieDrillIShdalîs rtre gaîn. atitlnle ooked ne ioý tI-ic w *u F 'I Chines, infact everything that cen, sud »yte1 Pr le,dfrctj pie Sh écied. irupoit theti-alls of Lamibetbi. I aliklya1dbeone il wcs fcend llout [hlbesare * leworth.ropairin, weeali do it. Wo by telegrsph or telephons ovili recelas prompt trat the Alihbi seeInde the oiney hy aiarpei thi ite pe. VUp and dowu ithe heu g d e aet epaypdlr n nyspl eibeaet waten. You cen. go eithierIway, by lwaEen onroerîare set thies,. arta q-lý1s(fSIlr 3 oDthv ohe n e(lrsadol upyrla gns * A. A. PO~~~~~~~~~T, ~~by land. You cen board oeeo thte cn-omd on foot and crîigh ,o îneak ' T~gq'~ ~J X T E~ S A IIOTEC.o otswi, ply inceesinyupad down Thora areFsomie qucenvt il n he Ariru S.J. 0 X _rT9 .J 'V*ES Ar! .LLET.PaesdSeifc-teTaisadgtt h getcîl tony. Thora is a figure o' IetI)ueen lizablethl, £.tions preparedfiorevcry Chiesecf tbuilding. Lthen, a nd ,tt h eýiaL a3eo Specil attention gve tel beasting by steam Lo pasayIng un11der the brluidgs. dnessed lu the costumiie i e t lima, witb a SPr1o Pal TOIIS, cn or t wter, and te sanlitary arneet..London iBridgý,e, taioIii i cil d ietn'aqrhymesbig ae rriff es you sceii iturc;lse is o ffi e : G 111 i3l ck , hit y 43 -lyd ees n et, show a nly 1ig na etIf " faliing d ow ." on lio rsebacli, w ith a p a a t t idie ,à Offce:Gorlaflock Witb 4 -1 I 1ii e somoiCyeans yuel hfoore 1thUru i1ina etf hon way techurchL tegive chauka sfor thé.PRTRSOL TN t.Pil'a wîll belelîedftronuits b[roken gýiitrmat tenn wich dletuanIed ItleAmd. onr gsu NerySe. omavle .P A.TE, Tailor " W * St. Pant ËBBivianile OREU' LDSA arches. And flic unifonm w Ibicl tbe Duke et of l , ANCN A i.ilgglen woroeu hj' le n'as Consteble ef the Gentlemen's lothes Made to Order. VETERINARY SURGýÈOR. 11ToIecr. AîdIil e dock ounbich Wolt dlied ORONO, - ONT. Or you ceni go by lsîîd, Part et thîew-yon onu thé takiuig oft Qubec. Anid a finle suit etRof N ES ..RR,.A(K I W O~ the eartb sud parit o et.le wy nuder the CucllIIies raeof saclali wh ic L e peunn A EN S G R R M E W O ' Offica-Pcst Offiae Block. ceatlî ! nîî Lk he i inle Victýraîs exi iisugae te lenny VIII, (u u alwed - DECe1lle by talegrapli or telaphonereceiveîmi. eblkmeu, 'ih Ineaulces alîg Ienlo iggi theéemmie 'teiefAra ~*IR E o ~A.& S rpitr Mediate attentionrmteHne t el letteBiackfiaýrs' gel, I htn-)eo's 1uts mîgvedon t . HU AITNS, P0F-.--o bridge, Ia bnoad wlahk, litlî haytrey a«1 sud ilid wIl-itl b ld And l hie uiercaý,t i MNFCUE F bancwhes foi- thé woery. Here aud illér are 1iieleu et fnîndar called a -"hoiy wvatc U O ~ ~ ~ . DR. FOVVLERS S:ttus of :ni n aent:itni' h:c nnk,"cn osif a short aud sStot0 G RIA E LIQ ~ GJTR8 WA U b meal tccsimiinint along tliée*waySla si,îIlt of steel, Nitk sachuiat th'la e u icBRETtOM&'II -IEX T : O F t~~hc landa oI CntrlPa rk. ii t he lbne alelchl l ib of hap Chai a big sol d K N T E T O M N IL foneiost eafciî eent Pak. ld-Lu- e t akO ltl Iaiioedspi.leasSet ait oven it. ~Won henti e nUlber of velicles (and Slemaufacturing a great many more of lateet CD I L d ars i sudthe mdern voiILf ho,)ý(1id lof the ptersest afinish, wbich I arn.olleritag for sale 8the loweiltPriVeceusse stfsing wpatterns e regardo -worlttanshlp and quellty. The fallowing 1usae 1151 cf thonren efthesliesa niunoieof id 1Egy Pt. vli hd eudndIhen biîîg it dowiîu e 5h0ricpa arce muufourdby1)a S~ A. R a s\ATRF.RRtellyil ir 11 Dobor tltreo Cari..e............. ................ ........ 1 OUPwass 0. H A RNDE I.- CURES ha a tony ua nid a>--ýýtone ceu aldi ut 1 .îeoye csbe IT a oySinigle Phictons .............................................jO s Grdet ltelt~l dleef eta ~ < J '7 Haliopolis, ulhere Mess cd P4elo studied ne, vre ItePlîor But let n'Uýet Buggy..................................... ................. heueath itss a II'bougt )y thie ........Il 4) Sui geone, Ontario A~Gck eAoadi utedy Ccp-othe"r preciou nls lm bea m bad"Au- Top Btlggy...............................................11 '0 FICE OPPOSITE EXPRESS OFFÇE oeC IruKIagve yaPlnbGoeurhos n- o e fthte "of na tkinlg." Dencrat Waglon..................................................... 6 OD LLN .SEILYOT.. ira i ven ; estiniiaiat(oneie lu tue ausbn-Lumber Wagons .................................... ...........51 &RTIFICIAL TEETISI DW OT / S4 D e Ba iscar, standiuow -beside the I dea of Speoîes, Light Wagon........................................ PLATES. Themtnes- fnoîn the N'ile cetheéhms Tahn(tntrlhsoycss Express Wagon ............................................ ......... ~lreet ieducicue luprîco n aIl Dnl~1 'hat e igsî a....o.............e....................................... WcIrk. VitalizeedAir, ccntastly luuse pro. O H MAt Blaclifiars Bideyen uta ike ILIe ngi PpiTwo. Jas' 1h' sanieci Sulky....................... ......... .................. 4 e ualu111g Painlesertr fcQpciO ftîenutat.rng artagcuta'l'endtct331 uing Paite h ems rtions.etichildrs ate'l nedergronnd railwvay-the " Meccopo l 'a i ny o he; kindud 'citter-thle ksîîgarn u eee uetrfclte o enfoulgcrlgslliedt ~very coheep for cash !o-nvi ote eilto fChlrnsTeathey call lt-sud getliot ah the Marik Lille! ekugnate. ppreved credtt, and by so, dolng 1 hope to greatîluomnreaese rn mbar of sals. Wco i~ILLb WOR1K W4BRRNTED.4#EH ffY sain close b) 'eide te Towen. 'Yen lbuy ,sali the wood perte 0nly, or the gearlugs of buggies lroned. Brench office. Dr. ERutherferd's Orono V Ç NTE V yeir ticket nacn.IfVyen s'inlsli tn- ..1 I .iis o ',ehc e E .e ar e ticket the iimiianlheekIgÔ l-lwilITho Gausof It. A l K n s o o i is R p i AND ALL SUMvMER COM PLAINTS give yon eilthiirdl-claýsaticket. 'i'ht, Ite ho.s oicPite n Tli-idI Dsr J3 . RII CO l:E AND FLUXES OF THE BOWEILS Iliea, la alo théewuyatl:thle ondînary nilwcy A itîllesoepes"sgatdIeÂe hre AeE O led lnntoi, PVlreapn annd wg t if DelaBd o. FO R. Yen orn - i t a sji k lce bCo i e cI),1inf le T henle p S e --\ stattee. much hoil oiîy icîbito Saw s, aud.prepare ail kind e of li iber for' arptiters id oth rs for building purpob. IT îS AFE AN RELIALE lar YoiL -,)ni lit"q Ilio1ý ll-lil, thejjj,-e is muhmlcvty il i POaOniePla and fam ficetsefo tcrvcsrIn styry et' lrcdirea, atq ororer. DIENTIST. ZHILDREN OR ADULTS. fouir or fin-e lhuas ,)lof tlnaok l'n hetweu,11 lvocas. st1ationsý, eue on oaci1 mde. Tuie a-agmî "W are study ilg Le\ili2[S," explincld is1iIulu ie ILaton the -"clevatod" n load a iii ne w oelletf1he boys ORYerk. If yen are goiuig dowa hewn * ~cr Q ~ Qyen go te îLLe slat!ou onthe dollni- ThOeLuck of the U-hy Man. MST[Mt ÂER l, E OFFIE :-Zea- of-'LIesss. I sec Sti gsîown ide. The arhe ac. OF~C~ -Rau~ofMesrs wib aretisnunlarad the ides oetfhua 1I have a beautifuil -itfe."ý Iligiboha &So'sDr~g Spre Eyes miwbereven hnel[eyli,(l ea Ynhave, inideai. ±L1,A ILO 1-iginütan oi'sDrgby, arc plestered oL ver witIl roat Signa. l- THWEcHAMHaveyenNacu lir - ,mo't 17ruip t in deul (, there are seîîîaîy pesteraý, lu se0îuny "Ne ;lbut 1I nanan scw an ukman mai,- puîp, chein or rubber bucket puusp, and Su .Durn s"Giai vrIeîi~ il~nae h mmî~gî,îv ud îcv~~ e ak rire fer tic sane. Rubbcr buckets cfü a*'-A LLL eLd Icainil se mbiii,'e Tewcr. Von fiil hear tl 0fions a Iiiildoor kueoba, sud belioe profliable work. I,'c V kAuti 9ý tht hi o i asîl wdpiaon iss a nial1 itatthis is eueeoft t îeîuî tetould (doit." F e C tersaTnd PITG ParNY, lus aeveî-s iqase cf i n-o ýutrit ion ' ltc5i&waa1 ail sizes-Chaina both gai vauized sud inn fI a rnrrioat I O towu, witbs poplathenet ral cnatd sol nfteci. * fon6ço 3w-- -.PPITTORPeNîItn, COanad. okntsha Ioped fo-utes arIsd con- REF SE UB ITU ES t all s Tet a out gwtlt la, ti gras Snid V ilre st ireleIgguese j46j-1w -1___aîunnijy1aitlag1. M.Cb5. ILad' aM.f Prompt attention given te repa-ire cf ahi duen, ail et abot withlTte tici--a, --d-l -e-;---eS IehlamgPlies. ___________IL__GILBERT,_______ kinde of pumpe.BESUE - hTU oweaseat 1hie angles as big as forts; ard ail siugu; ot tnilt wrs ttîatlreparing fer auart exlibilion CitWITudHt rero hotî B UrE THA DTTEtliaiû re nc muer mwlls %gain', with till iniea crélrch ,il g. If clowId le continue E189.1. 9S Cintý WITK BUFFWRAPPEenuscLý ý'-Mlmmcious ced ofomidilfable towers for- touit hmn ei çîh(e lci u i'-h1 ae u cnandy l ltnte ~k yDugas io$. notice. k1ef(_liýc ; ~*~,-. d teus sd finally, lu thi idt of ail, (ratiihfenbedadoaceti aIineà u fQ0 y u-msPrc $1.. wit thse ovehng uimmensLoc iltlalIm ae ecemumWg ý;1r7 ace. WAY1NE'5 mnlili hlîy wonild receivefitfty iaa" oaý"cid C.Ty e 1 ý'- ' r Tower itha"Witc ewe" h OuetUli s st he ilcbiog andhieed il-g, Througlion! 1 Flulaicl, hwrII hi en mAX$EDEULI v W. u hasucrtiin lms R±yiersuýoii rmie.Ctzeso i lmr 0 P)ývYS. 1;m ok 16- - l5 Bowmiazvil PO ND S EXTRACT GO MPAWY!' Yol ;eec the arciwsy lui the eniter n'a11, ihe huno, s. At ilru-;gists, or by imalil, forclsssfalUnejý to Plcse tbeiciels a1are tial SleyJfi'dn~j o. ~ e ulTlA~,EWQR. Mith stol-e stops lecdiug dommn te en'a or 50 conLte. Dr.Swayne et Son,Philadelpbia. cep andl lashce. For Se AVbt

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