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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Dec 1890, p. 4

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si~SON ARRIVI NG P. ITRUE )1 LCOCK'CS. ýSuday S&hoýol Libraxies very speciat vane. WMÂEVILLE, lhC. 10, 18',0. ýE METHIODIST COHUROII. RDICATiORY CF.EAMO-' AND TEA. Goodsl ar, etc., wicel Tire ase Co. in three distiuct sections and formaec inte ùragular panuels batweeni the principals a~nd large and handsonie, Gothie arches at the intersection cf the groiuied ceiling, is supported by six cast iron piliars, wîth besuitifuil ornamiental Corluthian capitals. There is Is a spacious gallery on three ie nîving fiva seats in depth ail round, whichi is supported by the saine piliars that support the roof. The front of gsliery is a neaat pattern of cast iron, with cherry coiored mouldings and caps at top and base. The saine desigu surrounds the orchestra. The wholc of the iron front and iron pfllare are filiad in gold bronze which bas a most piessing affect with the cherry coiored wvood1-wor. The galiery wiil seat coinfort;dhly about 400 and the auditorium vrhich1 is Saated with a necat and miost moderi chair conitiningall the uecessary conveniences for lis, over- coats, uînbrellas, books, etc., wili seat nicely 600 persons. The chairs area set in at circular formi, all radliatingc fromn a ceu- t rai point about whiere the min star stands. There are five n% entrauces te tha audi toi lum and four antranees to the galiery. The walis and cailing of thec churchi arc, fl iish ed in piaster, thw aIls b eing atucc oed, the whole being handsomoly decorutod and frescoed in beautifui tints and de- aIu.The wood work of the churcli is bckasic, and birchi fiuishied lu oil, and pine flnished iu cherry colour, The choir projections and nïinister's dias are beauti- ful places of work,builc of beautiful turned and crva-d bircli post aud diagonal ash panelesud cuirvedl stops. Atthe niorth endand adjoining the church and projecting i astward of tlia church isl a spacttieus and haindeotue building for waak nigitt meetings sud for Sunday sechoul pur-poses 86 i 50 t, tire etories higli. It l ises built of brick with rubble brick tricningi-. It le octangu'ariu shape on the niorth asido, th()e sat and wesr, beîng square ail tha roua;)is aud çdivisions radi- atiug froim a centre whiera the auperlu- tendent stands. Th'ere je a spacious allery dividled for classes, ýwithi larve chass roome sund ibraryffl the roomis hav- inig eithier foldlnig er tiding doors. Thiç inifant claes room and young people& romr are very lar-ge and oruamiented with plas- ter cornices sud centre floirere, the whlole bLiug lit %Vith laýrga trall-0otned liglit win- dows, and a maguificent centre skyight filled withi beautiful colored glass. The entranca te the sc'iool is througha paaious lobbies sud lhai-dwýod staircases. It is admitted by experte ln u Snday echool m ork that this le the beat sud moat comi- Wleta Su-nday scicool buiIldii,in uthe Pro- vince., k will accomnaidate about 800 pupils. The plasteriwg is a nice siooth eand finish ; the wood-wurk le of elear red pine flnishediin ohl nits naturai celer, V<hich gives a inieuaffect, H Tnaernp.ath ù,uh buildijng is sa larg(i IGH SCOOO OPENING. The Eon. <2eo. W. Ross, firiter of Educ tien, the Hon. Edwa 4 JBlake, Q.C. NI. P., chauceilor of T,,ronito University) Dr. John JHoskin, Q. C., inieiaber cf the Seniate of Toronto University, Mesere, W. R. Brook, E. Douglas A rm-our, oflTo- route, and prominent Eduçatiists of the l>roviý( are expected to take part in the- opening of the new Hligh School Building on Friday this -week. The pro- gram jes as foilows; In1spection of Public Seh'oole at 10 A. 31; inspection of Public Reading Ioomi and Library of Mechapie' Institute at 11.80. Iu the afternoon at 2 o'ciock the lormal openin.g of the Hlig~h School b y the Minister, will take place, followed by the Comînencenient Exerci-ses of the suehool' The guests off the Iigh SuluIooBloard and a few others ara to ha)e, eertahied ah a grand baniquet ut the Ben-aett flousea t 5 ocok In the evening at 8 'cka public meet- ing 'wili bc he]d ini the Towni Hall to bc~ 'addressed by Ilin. Msr.Rs~Ba aud others. Frlday ila likeiy to ha tho moaL, intoreet- iuig day, educ1tlowdliy, that Bowîuauviiie has ever seen and a cordjsal invitation is extendced by the l3oard te ail Imiýiiters, teachaers3, tuteeuetpoeso ]Lien and ail otheLrs wh) lo kaan intereet ln edlucationl, to attend the aftarnloor. and evenit-g meetings. Contrytrustees Fhou1d give their touchars a biaf holiady, so that they anay mâines,4 the afterinco» proceeding.'. The Hligli and Public ichoo1 pupils are hein,, traîuedlu in gu to aulliven the o)ccas'ion wvith song, M4ethodi3s Next $unday H1ave another bir daxy fofpening ser- v:Cei when ltav. W. Brigg s, D. D., of Toronto, tha Clhrysostjm. cf Canadian IVethdisi-n, will pr, aeh nîorning ànd ev- ening ln the new Mathodist Church. At 2ý.30 a service of smng will hegin and be conduceedb y tho Sabbath $chool. Al tý,ill bca vory interesting services. Ou Monday evuing oee(df the bost~ concerts ever gotteu up ini town will hbc given by tha ch, ire of ail thea ahurelhes ,qsi- ted by s me superior outaide talent. Full particulars wîll ha anuounccd in postersi and programes 1,00' O0F DOLLARS -WILL flBEJ?ÂID FOt- on. WU'S 4N MTJ C4 W~ -Yet hie -discovery wiIl neyer lielp afflict- X M0 x P EU Illustrated London News. London Graphie. Holly Leaves. jPictorial XVorld. I Toronto 'Saturday Nîgb±. Dominion Illustrated. Figaro (Paris). B ]ritish Workrnan. Canadian Almanac. j Young Ladies' Journal . for the peopie's palate. They are miodest mien end prefer te shlow thair tender aud juicy triseand the other ceinandities kept for sale te reccrnmsud thei. They understand twe things vary well, iareely, the VaL e of priner'8 lnk and the imput~ suce Of buying from)i the bent breed(rs ahdc fet dos inuMWest Durham. lu beevesi for the Christmas trade thieseason they havo houglit fine beauities-aIl ýhorû' bred- fram twe cf itha Ieadiicg Shot Hu breederiiilu this e uwy, Ibcbig t%%o each roim Mr. william Wacrry,Soilitia, sud Mr. Sarnuel Affin, Provideunce, msudoeafrei Mr. J. Il. Werry, Tyroneý-, aise a extra guod High Gradecl froin Mr. Wtrry. No better beef wil ha show» lun Boriwuvilie this y-ar. They have almo irucired the choicet-, upply cf ucuttrin, lamb, perk, vcal, etc. The y invite inspection eof their dispay whenrai dy. But our reýtders Muet Det think they only heep gooid meets fer the hoýlidlay seesot-thEy al watye keep goed imeatesud saIli a nmoder- ste pricee. OCawker & Alun are th-aikful for tbe pubi c'a liberai paîrouapgte in the pss8t sud solicit a centinuaucii f the samne. Christmas Presents. Thes ho are loeung around for sema. suitable gif t for Chisýtmas should read ivhat COooeh Jotolnst i& Crydernman have te eay on the iret page of thia is1sue. It is getiing te be qoiite common ýmto give as s present soei biug that wil ha really usýeful as well as cmamnental werely, and it le quite fttiieg 1hat this ehould be the cae at this season of the year. Te meet this growieýg demsand Coueh Johustoea & $-rydermian hate laid lu a good stcck, of usefuleIId fativy Dry Goewhiahi they offer at rreasouab'e priceâi. Amnoug these wil bc ond clLades' asud girl', Coi., Over Coits, Furq, Blanketcc, Underwý,ar, Dresa oeo, Sira, lLuisi ry, G'loese, Silk lindkerchief,, Neektit-, .ýcP. Ail at LI inivited to, cal 'and sec whct ttîis fùm iiare sbowing before buý in. their Ctcriatm»aý presentL _________ OoaI, Wood, Lumber, Laine, &o. MeClellan &(Co., Bo)wmiviile, have JACK FROST says t'tme to get your b.eavy Footwear. We are REJADY with our cold-weather bargaine. TIIE Somae watc ýaoi Baekloa, 8et-lst. Fea Set-2Qnd ttern or Pair have opened ont a stock of of stuperior quality tat prices that will B3usb, Comh and Mirror Setts. Gent's TO 1olise ir. . 1. Mr. Messr ?ree Cail and see these Papers and Journale. They are the mQ$t appropria4~ wremembrances ta send to absent A friends. lîOLIDAYý AT TZIF we viff st End

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