e~tuI'~ 4E~93. 'Univ becomc 1110fl, evel Çoinplaint, Becckway ýrCaMr.1end iaas supel Li "8o.Oxford M ýH1' TICt. SOIIORo&ô. LMOPYLI OCZupstalrs,. KingSte. wan vile. oior fer the ÇOnritBank *P.rivateglonteysloaneat tu lPwetrates SU ' ,FM.&WIAGE LICENSES C. EVNKIING L4 ICENED AUCTIONEP.FOR the County of Durhamn. Sales attended~ o on shortest notce and lowesptrates. .ddress8 CUVCcc , nom . MU ARY SURLGEON, BLACK. ONT., Deni81try BieIIy prit 15, 17-tf J uned and epalred. Ayeîls 3ars8puîiIla, PISEr6.EED n"f Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co,, Lowell, Mass. ~'ie$1; six 1bottes, $5. Worth $5 a botzlaq, RROS OFYOU ,H. ervone D07 JtSLia osers and remtsr2e Decay, CîSiied. of tioiired1 aàbalke -ýs of tw l 1LL 1GGINBOTE~M pper, u Iist i BIEj Used by the larcest mil1nieu in the. country, ani Opast that ti., To Nervous, Pebi am ad Once -GORG~tE ELIOT B OWM/LN' DÉ and Tea Sots,, MIsAN U I 1JIÇ THI EYTin Lun Ne uleIm îLaûhee Baltimoe, MIL ,to, Ot WEBSTER' S DICTIQNARY Is always well su] very beat goocis a Uigb.est Prioes Leading Seedsi Always pleased to sho"ý vie) oria Bowuxanville. will be found in bis old shop, uei aQor tQ Epress. f00,e BOWM-A-NIVIL- on. wb.ere bhe A. LARGE é -0F- Coarse fo~r Mon anid Boys, SpeciaJ - i whlat w b lttle tl t it was o. 1~ '111ce e r dons--,hoi, icw ci- tei oUýe dlela re thleyc -IRear of and for Farm P . . q - al& Fine