- r~-- . r. 7. .&rtS. _________ ___ lunch y cr*wa-, tite right,>'sleai of0 be able to stay here-tha 'very ebi Il of souinclj. ell, as soon as Wil is setted, I shall have to go W'l )t to the Clifl-not on anyv ac- rep 2 ;ilfe. 1 "l came buck wvitWhis message- eVE Vellunsky seads lier compli- 11P Ilcomie (lo wn lu a quarter et an.iY C est, 1. Tissa erder loncheen for i5ýe dease,'aise saidqcuitelbrigistly. h tisas Mfadame Woleasks was was iu tise meod te runanad tli ýry witls the enthuisiasin of eue do, romn seme unpleasaat situation El't 50 glad to see ouItheughittilt r cornlng te see me any m ore. " Et )r Ittle mi . n 9V " asedca1 Medilcine for :hildoea as wèll dt eertainiy niave do 5h ha se viei ; ia s a mnat ter of d to gtve arjlyt)pain w--tisat O)se had net would 1be doulel'y Pl: nelctedi ýt w,ýhicl ef Coli i;but t] 1sue naci eQ had netI ýlt for-f police las no j on any Tisej ien s of tise Llre otls0 2e Ddrra Large, 50c. erybody Intôresteti ,fl you day e' ever s( ni nios corne ini oeeril 1 should have beený eniskl drew lier oni ,where in maauing Christmnas rnerry shsulsa not over>oc» On than - cat new the fiwt that d1elber- snd aud vtv ~ I 4ave Qpaned out a stock of ik isat bas Coule te jacI always ben ausclisfrieuds, -u," -Ma- f low lu it àMadamle wilt pius by tin e, and tissu you wil marry ta plisase ynurself--r-" ', Oh i u sdg' peak ef t," Ethiel crled treroi niig auti lcr*im, round Ïf ar- f ully. 'lNo --no-wo -will inot speak of it. $ut for the ps-enlt you are lounely and daIS ax'd ftlv'cus. But yeu are not left aJonc Lur your hiouse surely 2 "Yes-quîiite abuserüý,cept for Zèlle and .Juidge," aniswered Etai mocrnfnilly. "Ald tise good mlother *?"' enquired Ma- DIelayI lnay ce UIIIILSk mahmore s'i ever were belc "Yss peri fully-but in1 tectty uwelth, flot whallt I Ceýsmo, Sise isad bee iis tragic and have doue ai avertsd tisais 11ea8as vvr. %vrl, 1 yeun weuld not lîke. Rüesember ilow n tulrb ail yotssr frieudaý. tat peisaps yoil are )r tise Iissband than oftssupeuior qaality at prives that will aslonish you. Brush, Comb and Mirrqr Setts. Gent's Travelling Sette, H-andkerehlefj and Glove S'-etts, Manicure Cases, 0Odor Cases, gq Fancy Basket iPexfumes, Shaviuê Càbes, Shaving Mas, and Brushes, fla4~ir3rusies, Cwt Giass l3ottles, Perfumery, &cç.4&&. bsas Ille J. FUOQINBOTHAM & BON.o te 4': W inêît e r is CGom itgl ect T IotI have oponed out a large stook as'o iurs ingS. S. l3a, eaver, Miîik wnd Coon. Newest styls and splendid valuie alwo in Capes, CoBlars, Caps andlBoas. Ethel, thse ."Yen usec a Nea4s' frs for repaîrng bl4Qre the busyi qi slioulde. ep saMd tie otlier s j! j ttise aqt sppose. i AA. ROWEftMÂN, iifenr ntl tete oftl od, e.! bloc 1e dCIOha, ast the mav sîsteuti: at Cheri y w±îai eliser T ea 10 .1 tf snaîr'aid 18 UU15aVU ii tise happy cday Coing osoner aaaoy mie are wl to go 0e1 el i evidelices of Sb, n ahc will be found tirst-class foot wear for yoang and oid. Feet that cannot be fitted wit. h ready-Inad% o&an have then fitted tQordler. No shoddyklept. Goot- reliable goods wvve 4o not selirnder cost; must have a living. We do not adver tise what we dQoflot carry out. No trouble te show geods. First store west in Neads' B3look. 100ïR Jo STE WARJT Ti -e Taior and Outter, fer Jiý Sbop on Sqcowl Yloer over Tod wssh & Co's. Dry Goods Store, Side llhtranoe froui Street. ien Gentlemen'. owu material inade, asLj JpJJtZ85t aL dluin;tzisle bis ipea tisepae, ï.-alaA Élie,. t-. fias jgst rscsied $3,000 w-rtb of Yreuicb, a;4d American M.ýillinery antid besxad te soUl tkeLm et lw prices Ltxsuiîtishe timoen. shelisu a large asso)rtmaent of Wrngs, Biris, Ribbe)ns, Fea ihers, V'slvete, 1'lushes,, Unitsiamed aiid Trimsa.ed Hss5 suid Bau»cfs8, iu ail the. latent norpities. Ladies wisiîg ta purclisae will do tell to cadli dlutpe titolk bfure pur- ohasiag elsewhere. Ncoubete shoew ýeut-Stra-w andi flats re. -casstyle and 2mUnWeU ai raij " h iu -" bui kuowl t nise.I bia bee nie me.l te, Mass,. mreri. sel expik At i alff- ENNINý