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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1890, p. 4

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___________________________________________ I Si~Ai ON ARRIVING P. TRELDILCOCK'S. Sunday Seliool Libraties very special value. G. T. R. AGENCY. Féor tati nform sor the United ttatea ,tManitobs aud Pacifie wEST BATS. nation SPPlY te lTown .Agellt. Moere. 14-tf -4 -14tu~n DEC. 24, 1890. readers, "A Merry rates for ro 1s weék'4s B RATES. Goods ýâ:xlw 0 L.1 ID AV ý Remember Absent Friend. We reopectfl ly ask evE ry personI who receives TuE SrATESMAS thiS w..ek te Mail it to a dis,,tant frieni after rvea iting it~ thr tgh Write on ail envèlope- the ad- dress, eut both Ind"s of Oe,-elopa and Yeu have *a han'ly Fself 3eïting wralpptw. xOoe cent staînp iL the postbge to aioy part oft CnicIa et Pie U. S. Two cents ta the Bowmnarville Nimîght Sohool.. The teachers of ihe above sýhnol having bern so successf ni in the last~ termhaivinu, had 32 namnes on the roli, have decided to continue for anothcrermru. Suibjecýstuh -3okkeig A ith- metie, WtiCoreaodu ,&e. Nkw teirni c -mmences Jan. 5th, 1891. Ail persoins desirous of joinýng shauild cainicate sith MesitsR .Wt o hYi. stan for 1 trms and da clrs o 7, B3- wmianvil!le. 2 v The Old Relia.bie Stali. At Christmas tinme the ruiîdAs of lovet of c.ood beef and other rneatâ are sure te revert te the oid reliable neat sta1l kept by S. H. R, Ynolds, the people',; popuiar meat vendor. Ho leeps extra fine meats aih the~ year areid, but likes te mitko a special display fr the hoiidays. flus great trouble this year bias, been toep j the dieplay up long enoingl fer inspection. The mneat was there te Peil, citizeuis waut- ed it, and it had te go. Dis holiday stock includFed tççe very fine heifers avd twe extra good esteers bred and fed by Mr Rich Osborne, tewn line; a two year old heifer-a reql beauiy that dressed 650 Ibs -fed by Mr. D. Ti ucott; two exoeeding)y fine SUffQlk piSa frOMr. W. H. Per-ilIS; two Ber!;shire s fremi Mr. Thomas Darch;1 anid soine 'good iambis front Mr Johnit Heard. Sa turday wasss busy day for1 Samuel and appearances were that lie wouid require te rep'eni8h hie suppiy bci-1 Fore the end of the week.t The late John Oke, olsworthy. Elngland. The feliowing extracts from "Tho Western Timeis" cf Exeter, E lnwi be of iterest te the many relativets aud frîoeLds of the dEceased who live lu this part of Canada. Mr. Vke wvas brother of Alis. John James, Oshawti, therefori, uric'e of the Editor < f Tira STTES31IN, aud b)rïather-iu-iatw to Mr3. John A4ahion, Enoield, and Mis. Jus. WVrd, L1smpton; aise firtt cousin to Mrs. E. L. Wlh Bowrvanviile, and M*ssri. John sud WYn. Oke, Ebenezer, Darlingtou : Ua W. diiesday, Nov. 26th, sud gloom fell over a highiy reflpucted family asud the tewu getierally, uccarioned hi' the death of Mr. John Oke, et R,4hertoen. Not üuly bave hie wife and fainily lest sa debr relative, but the Bible Cliristiau chapr l hsa lest a godc supporter ; ini fact, â1r. Oke'd smilitig face atid geniat friend. linEsia did net Lail te wia high respect fort him. For over 15 years sud up to the7 time of hie death ho wagarau.r fore Adam Brown, Esq.,oea the Ratheitun Est- ste, by whom hoe wca highly respected, éas hoe was alise by the wor kuaer at,der hie ,0, O, .0, 0Q.0 WeThe ellitaitswer reeeedit a post cartl siatjiIe a zaf pilller <f tines the Jet. ter n)p4-ýislit Ibis coliui ve ek, Ientit' the seuder to a nilve booêi, AC1Idrùss, STATESUA.1%Bww*uaftellville. BRai Weast End B(oegeesiug coni- tent, Mra. Donneily is sellig 1eor large stocli beioýw cusw. Wa are selling Xmi-as guodecha Stott & Jury. Our pý ifuaies ii ! bies are lovely. Stott & Ju'ry. Big p)rizei dfered. by the Wert Etd ïIouse. See advt. FIE, LIF E, ACCIDENT Ilistiance, RoB!r. V!titrup, Agent, BoWmnyinzvle.tri ïMen's and Boys' Overcoats in aill iz es aud all uw at Cauch, Jolinst' n)& Cry- der ina r'e. Conch, Jobuston & CrydeFrma',ti are showng un stck f Ladies' KidGioves itu black aLd colora. poultry-1000 tarkeye, 20011> geese. 3000 duekesu 10,000 chick na-warxte4 u~ the West End ±loume. Laisand Girls' Ulsters audJakt reliiug ( ffut redluced p.riea at Oouchi, .Johiston.- & Crydermian'o. Fur.a IPEPAIPs.--Ladies, tako your f urs te ha repaîred or miade over te M., Mayer before thre bupy season, Iesery, Gloves anid Underwaýar, a fine aï2ortmneut in ail grades, ucw sosi at Cuuch, Johnaton & Cryderrmn's. 0GaNTS FiUtaIRIGS.--Ycnng I'e i-lna wanting tht, lateaststyles and ni )t i obby 2oodi ardi fiud M. Mlayer'a the place te buf. Yen eau buy vwatches, elc k8 and jewel. lry cheaper at Maynard'is the Jewte.-or8 titany' place in town. Try hurw sud Von wili bc convinced cf tire fac Tue mn$' suetite snd tee mny overco ttp. Priceis aro now very nunir in theTfavor of tire purchaser. S'eo T. Qeo. 1Mason's Cioting Store ad. iii atother coluiin. LADiEs Iavrria-I espýeia'Uy invite the ladies of Bowumauville and viciniity te inspeet Myy uew fuir goeda before in vesting a dollar. Extra value and very Ltte2t styles. M. Mayer. We are told on gond autherity that thea buik of the ILeady Medt) Ciuthuiug of a reliable qualiîv o'd in titis viciuity ls bouglit f rom MUasori's CI îhiieg lllouae, Neada' 13hck. They cirtainlýy have by f ar lthe largeat ohuice. Mr. W. I.R. PiOaèwker'ii butcftsr shop under tire Towu HUall will ho kept epen ail d4.y untii furtirer notice. Petroi ow- ing mm aie pattieuiarly requlet3ted (oceah and pay up a se rc. Al -ayei on hannd a suppli'o ett. choicest mimats in the mar- ket. LÂlulas INVITED --l et ptcially invite tho ladies of Buwmrauiville aud vicinity te inspect nmy winter stock cf niillinery whril will bce eoid cheap, new feit hts- trimmed fur $1,25 and* $1,50, feits for 75a. Cali snd iiuapct before purchasing, elsewirere. Mas. DiçG-M4N. PHeTOS $2 A. Doz.-uring thee mentit of December only aniyouee au ohftain Qe Dozen Cabinet Phiotos for tiodola,. ol stnAak-, qare, BowmauvilQ Sarsaparilla R8oi4by alrdregglts. e;sfr- P*paeoni by C. 1. IIeeD & CO., Âlpothecarna,, Lowrl.-Mats. Ft 100 oses one Dollar Forth. Wonderful Suocess of HoOd's Sarsaparilla, the Most popular and Most Extenisivoly SOId MedIicine in America. IlBaad's Sarsaparilla posý"s'Se great I nidicinial mernt, wvich it pasitively demnstrates wiren fairly tried. jI t le meet economical, be-ing the o nly mecicine of - h "oo Doses Onie Dollar" c an truly ire said. 3 It is prepared by a Combination, SProportion and Process Peculiar te Itself, uniknawn te) other preparations, and by whichi ail thie mcdîcin-al value of the vaieus ingredients is s;ecuredI. 4 I t effects remnarkable cures xvhere other ruedicines liave utteriy failed te do any good wiratever. 5t i j a modern medicine, originated by expFrienced phiarm-aciçsts,, and still carefully preparcd iunder their per- sonal supervision. 6 t ;la lean, clear and beantiful l appearance, pleasant te take, inti aliways of equal strength. ~It lias proven iLself te be positively 7 thre best remecly for scrofule. and al blooti disorders, andi the best toxdc for tliat tired feeling, ls af appetite andi general debility. It i l unequalleçl for curing dyspepsia, 8' sickr headache, billousness, çatarrh, rheumnatismn and aIl cliseases of thre kiti- neya and liver. SIt has a ,oe)d narne at home, thiere 9 being more of Hlood's Sarsaparîlia sold in Loweull, Mass., wherc it is ruade, than of ail other sarsapanillas andtIblo)od purifiers combined. j Its advertisiug le unique, original, *10 honest, and thoroughly backed up by thre medicine itseif. SANTA CLAI has his 1l EADQUAIRTERS this year at THE BIG 20 Everybody Inter i n ikiing Clirisfiras merty siuld flot the fact that have opened out a stock of of stiperioi qnality at prices that wilI aloi Brush, Coinb and Mlirror Setts. Gaznt's Trï Handkerchief and Glove -$etts, Manicure Case Fancy Basket Perfumes, Shaving Cabses, Shav I3rushes, Hair J3rushes, Cut Glass Botties, Perti Cali and ýsee our imînerne stock. Great Clearii 550 1 80 180 I80 1 80 I0 l 75 cr for two TE STATrzS- o~wn al e 1A iris 80 Wei tuldy cf r, Robert, geston o rnejuLis ém neuu copiam .I eu Ct<ê w. i ÂJl 0ÂAJ.urii Mr. Oke was a native of Bradwurtby. equally as good for photos. A~ large number of iris relalives nmaray I but call oady in tireCday as yearre ago emigrated te Amronca, whee tu be a rush. tire deceased i3 wetl rsnem ,ered by njy I say, frianid, do yen k wiro row survive him. Tire funeral teck place on Satiirdaiy toeoa bey grocerieE sad prci Bradwortiry eiurch-yisr4, 10 miles front la towiu? Why, aak Ille e0 Helsworriry. The bearers were Mesisrs. Everyhody keioýws that Ca' W.HriCasend, W. Kivali, Pywor. renews tiroir stock often ain thy, Wm. Brimacomibe, DYtriton Mliii, t i band n oo Vm. Taylor, Circuit Farut, T. Fowi. rpasotiirpee. T caretaki of Ratherton flouse, und Mr. with a £air profit. Tbey Badocck, Rlatherton. Tire cortago lufý ver>' choice suppi>' of Teas, tire homte about 2 p. um. Tire f uneral waa ina, Currants, Pooels, Spi numerouBly attended, sud wtiile te pro, etc., 5pecially for tire hoiidî cession passed Cirapel Bill1 sud tirrougli have kt pew Tea tirat fur Fore St. tiresirops were lartially clostd ious flaver zcels any y(t sud blinde dowu, Several ou fout folio w. lb is cailed a fuulny nialin ed asefar as CarlisieCottageo. Nmtar Brad- Pure Indian Tesi, guaran worthy the proce8ssoa was imet by meti-pue adn uacre c bers cf tire late Mir. Oke'a club, beariLig in India. Try a lb. I L. ilitir flis draprd in black, se well as by -. otirr of iris feudsansd acquaintaeces. Thie Secret C The Rev. Mr. Gasgg, Rector of Sutcombe, iuipreaaiveiy rrad tire huriai ut rvice. Thre Ilow dues W. R. R. LCý hreastplate of tire cffFiti upphied b>' Mr. SIWSY5 10 le'ýd thre tewu in Benjamin Westaway, Bradworciry, bure cîtizeas witir the ciroicestr the iioscription :-"JL)hu Oke. tld id sat boee foud ont by 'Vr Novenaber 26cr, 18fl. Aged 57." The Se, wide*epread is iris reput chief mouructîs were Mra. Oke, wido,, ing Euperior quality of meo Mr. and Mit-. James Oke, Londton, eidesL tirat our peapi. visitirrg thi Bou aud daugirter-ia-iaw, Mira. Ilokira, other places frQqueuti>'g cf Hathrlri'h, eldest cdaugirter, MeseFàrs. meat te tako te tireur Ti William, Jolii, Toransd Fred Oke, Of ton occuts. W. R.. iras senis, Mise Georgius Oke. danlirter, Mire. vatag-F1e owne those tI John Oke, daugliter ini-law, Mr. atia Mrs. the tow» wthich af5ürda the James Oke, brother sud sister-in law,Mr for sueurpar feediiiLîg, snd fo Win. Hookin!. sunin law. Mises ophia ing lh asi. peciaily fitied Oke, Bradwortiry, Mr. and àMrs. wVn biidings for tire perpose. Oke. Lifton. brother as iter-ini law* collent stabliiog for 2tl. head offce cf tire aitL-r, Jurs. Thuomas .nversun, cousin, sn j af t0rwarde e tirer relati%7,3. Thre hearisea aa supplîed 3of tire prea- b>' Mr. 11,miiey and tire morniug c aches ho Supremie by -Mr. Hamiley snd ileed, of tire Whire Eted to) pran- J1{rt. The arreatirsa ero cf a beauitiful aiied tu thre desý.rîption aud aere sept hy tire chiidreu, ire had tire b>'Miss PBu rowz, Bude, alld b7 Miss t noral ex- Ch.inoiug, Huis wortiry. Mre. Jottu Oke, leapartaer Rolsworthy, suppbîed tire tautily rpouru- Giwynne aud img. Lat Sonda>' morniug cite mourners vas raiged to aI tend ed the Bible Ciristai'n chape]. Tire le Il partuer ahl. preacher, 11ev. J. Daie, ini hie ftree id remîained -prayer feelingl>' referred to tire deceasüd. aisaed te tire As usual timone wab a large cougregatioI. nue m iado a -OLÂNEIti. din liras now -PS-.ýLLnRT sPYICLSAE cioty for 15 PiSNLLBR~ ' MScLSAE ~tltPosition np.-WeV are alilf ree Arrtrican ettza-us, titioliers uin ýorying eut- pet-aonai liberty; but utost dent cf the 'f ne are in pirysicîl alaver>', auffeiirtig tieni, asud Lt fret acrofula, fsait rheum or wsoeotirer in Lunatics fort of impure blod. Iood'aS arsapa- la ias irrîti tilla i3thtie great bloond purifier wlirin-h di- rneatfer rolves tire bonds of disease, gives italcir and perfect pirysical liberty. , aud la ono atIcles iu preparrug yen fond. liïpêi; Iuiversitiy of ai Orcamý' Tartar Bakiug Powder ouuteamn Uanivesity neo ipurities or adulterants. Ail grocers ýr d0 ey reeù o!fsollitje l.a CoinLeted Some aatclies, portions ef tire1bite ~int tosAaron I3nckler'à stcck, sud iand leiglis saweaz'u giveui away aitir boys' suite ut T. Geo. f ire iunur-! Maaoni's . iig Clri8tntas Present Sale. -rowv whero you ,ïsioas ie lbort Me-Itiig liard. eker & .Allun td beiy tir e ct ne ever crn- 'cey are content hiave got in a Sugara, Raie- )icea, Ezetracta, Jay trade. Tirey plesanit, delic- 70U ever tastedJ c--PtRaiiLail' tted absolutel>' on die, gardenas a lice. Out. awker manage Iauppiyiog t' ie meats ? lias st Ha STrTSrANs. tatiori for ktiep- ste ef all kinds Ldl5' feiendd in go to hum for, hia lsa sfaet and 8this3 great ad- Lfin f'te rast of hasLet pastirage ar ainter feed- dup hie faim 11o bas ex- ofe cattie, 100 abeep sud 100 hoga, sud ever>' conven- ience for feeding theintfer tire irest e- suIite. Ho Ltudlies ch.e waata of hii eus. tomersansd is cart-ful to auppi>' only higir grades eft meat. lHe i8 the hutcher who me net sfr,,id te bu y te aaughter tire beat beef te ho got lu Oauiada, asefor instapes. killing sucli auperror animiaisse"Lady Lansdowne," the "PrinessH Louise," snd otirer flue thoro-bred3. Thon agiia con- ider what a fine sirop re iras ltted for himacîf, uiotiiog eqi lte it p: asibly titis ide of Toronto. As iunteý past se ho aili, do ln tire future iread tire prcesion or~ drop out. Excelsior ie hie rpmotto. For tins holiday trade lire ia bouglit yepmng beevea and Cales from tire Well-kWIaWn breederesud feederd John Elford, Esq., J. T. Symotis, Esq., Alex. W.ight, E2q , Samuel Riekardq, Geo. A.we, Esq., Goe. Heury', Esq., W. Ceurtice, Jur, Esq , and pork aud peultry front ever>'. body. Ooal, Wood, Lumber, Lmen, &o. MicClellan & C., Bowruanviile. have ]JON'T WAITTUntil the last thing to buy your Christmas Presents. S&art 110w. (Jali at the West End House to begin with. They have ar. ticles both usefad and orna- New Frillings, New Kid Gloves, New Gents' Ties, New S11k Handk'fs, Just ini per express for Xmas trade, And ini our Orocery 4apart- ment :i New Dipner Sets, New Tea Sets, New Toilet Sets, Just opened for Xuiias trade. Fauicy CLIPSan(] Saucers, Failey Stonle andi China ware of ail kitids, specially ordered for the holiday trade. Christmnas Groceries of al kinds-niew, fresh and Pure, D)on't fOiJ'et ftat ery 2"wO Vollai, purcdit of -Dry, Goode givts you Oac chance «t the $0 D'inn'Sct and othor prlizes, Hligliest price i Cash paid for Hogs. Ail kiuds of taken an~d hiighest priees paid. gain Sale in al] kinds Of SilVE &C., oomprising Tea Sets! EQwIs, Biscuit Ja~rs, Tetù Sets, Berry Dishes, ? ( Napkln Rings, Spoonsp For] Cutlery. .Adso a fulll Une of the cae Aocpe Skates. Inspection invited. S. S. EDSA Maynard's Few Reasi Why the popi lý of West Du~rhami should deal with . Are ti rossons 1 Read thera over and eall at bis store, King Street, B]owrxan% aide jewelry store in town) and liewili convinice you qia they are. Jet Bvcauae o c uyafor spot caish, thereby givnl is qsto the cash discount. 2nài. Eecaue*liebuye direct from the nmanufacturera (in rnany eaviiig the jobhar'a profit. Ord, Because his expensce are very low, tharefore hlie an affor and duos adel heap. 4th ]3ccause he being a thoioughly practicai man, lie lçnowg ho to buy, when tn buy, and where te buy, therefore cap suit the tas fastidiouB, snd the pocket.booka of ail. 5ilh Becanse ho bias no saopworn gooda, but al new, bright maiakng bi i Big Bargýains a Bo te Buyers of Watphes, Clucke, Jew, ware. Corne early and secure your chaice. Peop)le'a Ppuiair Fi Maynard'a Jewoiry Store. CýeRepairing in ail its branches. AUOTION SALES. S.&TURD,ÀY, Dec. 28thf-At the Mart there I W. IBJ1 wil bu mold cook-stoves, parler cook, heirmre, bed-rom eet, aewing machine, Grxo crockery, etc , at oe e 'ciock i. m, Arihltc~t and Burden,, ctioeer. TErs.A.-k, Jan. 8.--Mr. W. Wocidâey S1WR< wil Bell two farmes by auction ut Cern- mnerei,tl Hotel, Blackstoek, being (1) 150 acres in 3ir en Cartwright and (2) 10 lns, sneclfcatlcna an( acres lot 2, coi), 3, Manvers. Sale at 2 WrhoUSOPe Qta re l? o'ciockr. Seo advt. sud buis. PaFu Trncr fOLv, Auctioneer. Pan torree l xn .&lSO Building vahuator The Globe of Friday eaavstwo un. 1 Lsebra diaseul John. MeMurtry. I von. 44 44 46 4* 44 'I 44 44 44 44 46 44 c acte -1 nlnlflrn 1 E çgm RUMMONnamm BiG- ý1201 Reasons A Point for You. if you waat a blood ti priller or strengtheiug mediciue, yeu shoulti gel tire hest. Aek for Hoed's Sarsaparila, and i nsist upon lîaviag if. Do flot let any argument or persuasion influence you ta bey wirat you do net ant. Be sure to (geltire idleal medicine, Hood's

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