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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Dec 1890, p. 7

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11 Got a Tooth1 Ont of tootis germeý, from e lite, le eue et the ineet c f hnagrow-th. Passithe liy jawS ef the new-cernier. e notlliug whieh presa-ges an excisanue, but the jawýs tee delicato ani frail te be- iiy-twe teoth germe hlit- ing thocir tne, tisough net -1 bE detccetcd by thic meet Tweity ot these, are for- th, with whîis in du e Lurn, gjn) te gnaw vorexhew fhie Fe; tise etheresuciolde thse A tlicsmolare, noue et wiich sir preiceuce knewnvi until t six year,3 old, andth ie do neot ulisaly appear nultil p-germ grows andi develepe tcs tise shape of the teetis then it begîns te caleify, inear ef tis rowuI, wbile iozited by an independent thie crown attains its funl Oces cff longation Commllea- ially h pushies its way eut- t Llrea yuars of age, beau anere os no uni- .ty or cer-talnity iu regard te the age er I i ftlise four central icsr will iirst F111. leprioceese;f Ilteetbing" is aissostînvari- eue et disturbance te tise heaitlis efthse lie ile hable te fret anti sorr,espCcitlly venter nmembrane or dam ef tise gun uýi t1caciouesuald deese t Lruadily ai)- tlîis il sbouldCbe lanced-an opera- ,vtih ish e buane, in tthat it rolieves the lioLeso' of Lth e hiid, andd le entirely barm- ,as~ thsieei-,seldeoin ay lhemrriage Itbie aine, aud if tbere Sbhould he a tflow of blood itreadiy yields te Simple mnt.Tbe application et duel cf or d alues l ssl i sficint. Remvi O %luder frornthe E .F,. le proper way te geýt a cilider ont oetdise t o draw tlie upper li çlowi over thle ,utizn the lashes'- of tiseloe for. a ., ihat it may sweep tlie surface et the cir anm! thus get riti of the intriuder. O r, ýy drs-wing the lid away frein thse globe, - ciosa camle's-liaîr bruss, 0or feld ef a 11lk hstkrittm0o or three timies eeon thiemi.Thiisprà,oecetre -wvil, la y ait calses elises; wl.ul it cdoea net, crf a nssii are cc""tv ce iLsIcdute tilitishe feeling 'eocots lu Diabete. et dliabetes have heen treateti i resulue by VàaIentihi by isn Ininistet cdiiersiaiy.n-)ue paýr tiens-'we-e gÎveiiai firet, <bein te arilsrsete Jue bstreatiment ltse sug-ar andtid titi etretis-nwho ise Li il te est eiarcliy footd. Tise wse ive six tropei per diemi, Ily u-s . Antidototeho Poien of Chlorfos-m end (occainle, usstrie etamyl je commiended te i mcc ionni andsuces antidlote to uýse u-beLre L)ýiefilOru r <seCa-ine esern o t etnlits 0iet' sà aosabeaction 0on tise iseari. em to t lirLite et ansyl, aivininissiret inalationi, u-lI hoe Ue Oethlie ust preb- 5 meane oi vestoring ise Iheart's action. Toit i Checking a Coed. favorite u-ay cf psepas'in ginger tea is :Put a teaspeenoittal e ua sudperliape saspe(otuL etfgreut dgin geos-inaa cnp well, stpous- oves' hiboiissgu-aiter tilîl cup le a luitLe moreflisai hait tfull. Wlise Ç'ugar l issletsieu bjte a misssoaiesy115 oIC d a u-b1ile, tise lh! tes muet ho takýen c tise fot are ni hot -perepiratdioni, whaich -ch tise ceiti. Thse rc bei t once afies- an , sd ept u-as-es Sweutts. dijes for -dose et akhen ais fer 5ev- Messrs. te $ReLnove 'e l estoas ;lys-ihi's truce cf ec-.Ali labos- ion, sheufd it nver ese -xha estien. ,. Sormucfroin frin bus-nlet wcel CI ssusefs-cm n as, ý se grset, elief frelin thee su- leng Theeasese it ail woi flaunel c)1-it sue arrow- wstis a feu- emait sll, (I ( f t p beaten eggs ancd cracker dit.É4, aud drop into boililngKta i VWhen doue, remove with a wire sonad drain a moente n tIluO The Behring Sea Question-A Sociatl paper. PBtoovmn- enrl 3oth's Por-To cÂLors-ButerSCilO!ppanis, fil with Il asheQd pe4ttelightly batel, etanip each ,vith a patteru, glaze wvith beaten egg The emiissîi of any reference te éhring's applied withi a feathoer, aîîd 1brown in even. Se-a freri theQues Speech lias provoked CRueT ozvr.-Fjll a bakling çdish with comment. Mr, GladstoneL comninjted on il, iwnzshed petaio reatiy for the tablegiaze tit, nbsjýi1gaddlniiewe witlibeatcnii gg, annd bonthe top %wivhtl hug uhi aa uaddlngaewc salanjmud.ertorred-hiot tuoveL. Garnjish tolUching Out 1oreiguAfai .Lord Salis. w'ith sprigs cf parsley. bury 3,iî nothing about it in the lieuse of PoTTo .~IAn-lic f iybi1ppc~~.Lords, blit litt iltot the Leader cf thell1ouse. tees (Stili warmj luntc) a bowl ; add a white cf Com ous e ecireU sentimients cf the Ololn ut into rings, a tabiespoonifuli of Gvrmu. r rihjesei capcrs, pepper, sait, and ehopped pearsey;Sihi Oeie pour over it a Frelich dressing, or miaek WiLi thought sanguine. Iledoes, at any rate, maynnase.talas hepeful vie-ws of miaiy difflouut subjecte. sOBAoSer-Si ci 'eghit pûtatoeýs Behiug's sea le eue, l liad hbl o lieagues 4lâto three pinte cf imixed rmilk and mwter- add a carrot, twe or three stalke of~ ce lery, have "every " hope tlhat the ]erîgcSea and a ieek mninced together, a few erhole negetiations will maku prggrees. Pnt lhe pppere, and cerne sait. Poil an hleur, strain discbarges hlie debt te truith by adigtiat iintothe tureeni, and serve witu 'othe0t Ot"fl5"they hiave net advaniced very feai thew (saebread Puti mie dice and frierl cri3p), Potatoes %vheii properly wvarm-ed Over are preseut tipse." H li bs, nevexthcleas, "nei aie a lpetiziiug, as frcshly prepared eues, and reasen wbatever t,) appreheud laliy ultimate frec luetly aliew 0e1e t e eonemio Urine as diffijciQîy in colm-iog te an uuderstaudilig well as iaterial. Anlong the f1et~rc- with a powver wviibh _licbI ndeLlubtocdly v-, cipes will hDe fouind a few deirab1e disleseght te]have, uindcer ali circinnetances and for breakfas3t or luncheen : POexfrs 'us ý G,xn îss.-Thlese are Cut a1t ail timeis, ~the meest friendfly and cordial juto tiny balle, by means ef a scoop eoming relations." LauLpnage of that ilicd aimeest for the pin-pose, and boiied in sait water; imakes ene ýish ibat _Mr. Smith, neot Lord wýith chloppedl parsleyr and meited butterS1 liywe FrgnMist, pocwred over thecn, tbey form aun excellent Slsuy eeFriuMnse garilis Ocf ilh Wlîoiin>nsd te garniies roat 'fli Social Puirity people, -whe, under the ceef or veau], they are boiled te a dolicatu na"I'e1ethtIe Nationali Vigilance Associaion, brewu la fat or lard. The rernairs ofci the supermntend public and private mnorale, hv potate whiich eeitrt he ,uttiiig cf tbêse tuhrned their attention freini le. Zaeand balle are beiledseoparately,nashed, and re- Rabelast r aui.Teoao fts served for croquettes. occasien was Mr. 'Stead, 'Net content witb Pewr OELT.CU coidboiledipotatoes oratory nerely, MNr. Stead, who,ýe e ese cf jute dlico or sal lu mps. Rub i nietll te- dnItY leads hins ati intervals te flrod Loudon gotiher, wiihout eeorcbiug, a tablespoon each with filtislbas i9siied a penny pamphlet on ef butter alnd fleur ; tim ,,Igbtl i s tockthlio 'Sbea-Paruell ca'se, with sncb comment or water ;when beoilîng, adlc died pt, as uight be expecied fronm tlit source. The teeýs anld leai te-ouhly Mo a , t alje- pamphlet, of ýcurse,sel as "Tise Maiden sneoll ofbluter in a sper -pour ilaie jt Tribale eof iederl issyisoald, and as tise petatees, brown nenels add .chop- etisrhoiwoll-s literat ure selle. (Iicijà y. Tïhis nksan excellent saccon- paumenièit for hash. If mninost imeat lasboe lef t frein a prýevieuis mui, warn it, and lfold within the omeulet insteati of parel,,ey. CiiEAMED PrrE.-h c ocîti hiled petatoes ibite a sauce miatie hy thinnjing a ta'blespooisulfni f btter antioeeof fleur (thiekoeed and seomcsd. ever tlie lire)wjb bot miilk. Heat tiirough, suddeprilnkie withi iaicoti par sley. Tise ou ecf Ail. One lttie hed cf yelles Isst, TVO Suilecheeke 5 ousnd aud fais, Twe uile lips wii sfragraut selise, One liui oeandt t ue ieye; TAU-eutile hands as soit as poacis, Tu-o Utte f(etU ith five tocs qacis, Two l) itte sinliios andt t-e ittie tears, Tuo 1lit ti1e legs anitwso littléecars, Tu-oIijtte eibou-,s andt uo ittie knces, One Mimte gnunt and oe littie eneoze, One little heart, buit neIhtie sisss, Plenty ocýf irts antilois; cf pius, One little cloak anti plenty etftroche. one iitis Isouti and.twe ittle ocks, Ae big dPosition te boul an dte pulIl, One littILetonsach tisat's neyer full, One littie mouth cf tise rose's tint, O ne ULItI ouie of peppermint, le tteuct anti lots te weýar, And Yeut iis baby je as cocs-as a hear. A Love Song for the Ohilcren, Shle winriùne, seeanti honnie, Ane as neat ant id tri aDsy 1Bahi-renisbelle;' See ber- eyes et Isquid bbîn Tbiey ean look yon t IbouIgisani Ibrengis, Little Neill WhisesI ishe bler onIsle river, Anti tise gaesuaibeame q fuives' Ver eu- boat. Witislber Iutile bande luiiimine, Tisueshe ulises"1 arnihn" Wbile u-e fient. Sise is assoeteai atiyei fearlees,' Thelugi se lowiy, euh lse peerisess, Cannois-tel] Wisat itis te teel ceurrow, Neyes' aiglist c ase dosors-cw S~robassai sb'llne'sr tiecelre mle, Anti uill nover, nov er leuve sue, Bait 1 W'Ps- Wbi eb se ile eer gs'ewa, Sîse u-ill lbave me, a Il sie. Wl b a tsar. Theugi s ise soiinies,;pouts anti uhirn- poýrc' Andti efi eiss er utile tempers, Speaks so enel ; So"on ftie 1 isterents ,,5give place To tisee esie !lslber face, Li 1ter eleI WesltIls may gang a',aeltq-e Ieaaing jv'bisu islithe anti cbýme, " i e ehl Cas-e I net a jet (os- tileI. Wbîle I 1have m1ytalîug hui Dausgb tes' Neli. Ulssgu-. cetinti, J. F. O auto. The Woes of l'armer Frill. 3[y soui Lord Fiys'ossJames 1iits'jamcs pO,-lande home- Frille \V'Ii [e 1tilaind niust tilt. Attunsflto teNiuse's harrnny, issepis-eti isy sntnspp's breeze, Hi, t endes' ve'rse my peet -eavesý; Ne liceuer spade'liesuses, 0f 'ceuinis-ylite, su-et(rural peenes, Andi hapiness gales-e, lies grounati oit"peines'" eiioegis te rcaohs Fs-cm borheete Battimeire. lie sinige et ",bs-eun asud s-nsliug leav-es, Ili des-k sud s1isadý'uoeti Neu-, lYil ad mit i ',la tes- bll Brow-n Icaves are mnigjisy geot. Iu frenzy fins lie rs-c is e ycs, WlViie f rs-ci p my seves. Ile sng, oetnn'aemnmise, Whiio 1 ratkuni tise leaves. hse, Ou-l-osedutesoutld tat tsh lie'd bett os- il) lut*-"gesr"dg Sry, -They're wastîng lu thse greuntiA. But no'es- millie tise cow; Thoe "gleIry et a tas-mers lite ties But neerý drives ho tise plow. Mase- Hlo as!ngisoÈ brd by tise broo, lyvse Andiileu-'s-ets lu the feu n El 'Tu-eeLtIMbettes- psy, i thlluh, te testi Tise epigleis ln tise peu. s-et 1 tel yen, tellks, D'es ettin' s-lIed 'N'If Lord and-so-fortis Frili h s Fil eut e tei mworkl 12iey PLE.INT PRxIs)IUuc eLuta 5 tis iot ûes IAtoese. nu Ucld iLord Granville lu t1iseUpper Hlocsýe. Lut iMs'. Smitlu ntise lieseof Commnons and Lord Saliisbury in t ise Ilions c f Lerds seiti m-ithis iecison iat lnetbiing of tiselâintiwouiti be tcle., "GCeneral" Socalavation Fond apsonnlted ai t acoais te $300,OOO. tThizc deoes net ilucide ,3,000 wieh Lord Derby was ferreosly an,ýlý-miti spyagely saidt tebave given. liead Lord Derby, really gi ven tisai or uy otiser suin te ",General " Bcoots, J luieve bis ýfend m-ould soon bave reacbied a j' , ion. The bond eot thse flnuse cf riey le- hincarnation of çold gooti sense, a smau entirely tievoid cf tisi curions capatcLy fer unreaeeoning besseveýolüice u-hich now runss threugb ibe Counniltiy iixp au epidleinie, Hlie appreval wu-euld have heenu worth teO "oicr al" Booth tar' more tha 1)snny glft, iceorlarge. GIStl'cep fo in iTise L articula s sm suppoeet tehave cerne frei Lord Derby proves te ho frein Lord Airlie, a very diffrenit man. AHOTHER LONDON TFATALITY, Maid Yn'slsmauharry Woopig Cr.,naa Le T)r ec. 10. -Asseiher terrible ac- citient occurreti tisie oilerilsigt in tise C.ILII. yard lbore, tise viotiin ibis Urn e hing Harry Wooley, agesl abhout 19, euipleyetias nigli y-ardsman. Wlsile cçaspling c ars a aber d1ýianice frenintise Stationen ho ser clippeti or, was uceketid dow hy the Cars, Vrua over anddrliaggedl for a censiites-aise distanice bingbaidly nmeugie(labout tiee hipa acnd abdcomnen. anti loti arrnbs-cou above tise eihow. lie tied i afois"minutes later. TELIÇ*RAPITIG Tt0S. A Candielin Pacifie yardermna ssnedt Weeiey wae killeti ai Loadeon tise cuber evening. It is expec(te(1titi tue Mnitob)a Logis. lature xiii meet turing tise firet weehlu Vebruary. Sovero frses anti snew have visiteti tise shores efthtie Mediesraneani, au occurs-esses unkisewn fteshie pasi iwPenîy ycas-s. Suveo-sitite he-orking fer tise Noew York Central are ai werk on a lins ,frein Ijilca te W s ao n sd i IceteClayteni. Jugiro, tise Japanleso mttiLerer, -ae)-es- ierd ay seulence(1ti te cby eletrieîty iluin Sig ?risýoa lan tise weh eg iuninig Jesuar' The Qiiest of thse Reert. 0 Isarti, go ont et yeur hidusset place, And wasidur u-ero yeu-tvll, Tlss-eugi tise ciiy and iisrougistitheu-nr, Os-es- tiscfe am sd il. Over' lieae u-th isethousanisies Oves- tise r.vcr--gO Iii setfa ingle humian seul 1/ ehuts neyer lruewna a ue. Ye syeter thse palace ofthtie king, Tiepe-nas's humblle ecci Thpa h es-e greai u-ealih iseautif oes, Ând -ws s-eit bleetcfisneýt 1-ut. soutti yen itravel for long, lonig eass Till centuuies isatiilou-n, Liu searcîs etou estaIs sors-ou--ps-oct, Yen wenid cerne bacle aloree 0, Ibauds lit hiavemuuels u-l ork te d, Au'ftweansofyotyes-toit, Tisai ain w uld cîsage uith ile hende, l'air saude tee wlite te soul; WVos-l0,ce1 for yen have tise premieq su-set Te tise aitistul telles-s givon, -As ye ou oroi eoisalong tlis e wsy, J/s-cm easth te tise gatüieu haso. 0, fest thai are clirnblui- tise n -iil road., Orti lî'e.wiuththe s apeatis, OfiÎ'tesmpted oui et tise nars-cu- way, Jute otise lou-s-ylaul-i ; 011mb ou. withth ie aid cfvyens' rnsty staff, Up, upu-arontowý%ardt1iltis un For thse goed yeon ùskcle j met ins ight Ai tise brig t e-u-wn alnses weu. 31cess Baby was sitck, w. eve ber Cnqtssrie, -$ nen aise ,hilti, se eried ftes-Ceetoria, W>sen siso bceese Miss, gsue elesg to Castes-la, Wiflu ii at iulâten, sue gave tileow astorla5 l'iles; jqîes? I ltb CHANGE 0F BUSINESS. The iindersigned wish to rnAle known to the pub~lic th,- follow- in- buisiness arrangement, with a -view to turther extendia- the business and to stillbetter accomixnodate eustoiners. WILLIAM EDGER will have fuli1 char 'go of the Blacksmithin, »epartmet and wiII b. prepared tu execute al ordeor3 and -do ail ropaire in hifs 1hne on ehortest uutioa and best cf workmnanship guaraintced. The pricea wil be right. nQB'T. A. PHIILP will have charge of th~e Wood and 'aint Deparbwintsanîdt wiIj apare noe ffort or expense tcm give f ullest satisfaction te ail cuabmners, uew and1 old. As heretofore a first-claee pain,îer wili bb. kept and a speciaIey will b. made of Lhis branch. Ail repairs prompily doue. JAMES MORRIS will pt-rgotally esperhiterd the Trinuming Departmlent, which will he a aufficient guarantee cf the euperiority of the work turnod out. The marnufacture of Cardiages and Carrnage Tops will be 'ex- tensively carried on and a large nuruiber of' LATE ST STYLE 0F CARRJAGES ,ç i1l be bit for the Sprinig Trade.. Fai-mrJfr;amid ollierstw~i do %veil t. give them a cali betore pflaciig zIheir orders. The aid Porter Fouindry is stili booming. are ready to suipply ail ordiers for Castings of every descrip- tion, the only place wvliere al.l you can be supplied on the shortest notice ini th-- shape of castings, larg~e or sniali, Plow Points, the celebrated diamýond ýtee1 )inade for any plow rünilaficturýed-. Large Furnace Ketties always in stock- We pay the l-lighest Price for Srrap Iron and require m 50 TONS AT ONCE. Stove Castirgs of every description supplied. Maeiery of aIl Iinde, Agricultural 1ev' pleinento, Stoves, Ipicyolos, Sewing 1Ma ý chines, in faot everytbbng itat cau, and 0 is worth repairing, we eal do iî'.W do Lot have te keep a.ny peddlerfi and ou]y eupply reliable agent3. S. J. HO$RINl. J. WEE]1KEISý, Corner King and Liberty Sts,, Bowemanvile. PORTER'S OLD STAND. ~HAINES '.CÂRIAIElWOK IGEORGE 0. HAINES, Proprietor, -MANUYACTUIURO- OARRIAQE8 SLEIUll8, OUTTER8e WACOHSe &G, RING STREET, BQW4AýNVILLIL veonuhassd a numober & ehieb1les(anis massuacturisis a gseat many mrlof'Betlatest patrne and bet at is, wscsIasotels o ae a icW08,-eirice cesnsistesn5 wtis ,due regard t ol'naslsast 'uit.TI11ýais l teUQng itua Ilsait tise priacipal vehicles manufaûtureê by me Double Oovered Oerae...............1............ ..... 8150 Upwarc. Shuagler Phoetonse ................. ............... ......lot) 1 Open Buggy .....-...................................... ................ 70 rop Bu~ggy ...-.... .................................................. 90 Deuseerat wagon....................................... t...... * 65 1umber Wagon........................................... ....... *:... 5 Llght Wagon ...,.......................................... ,4ô Express Wagon,...................................................,. Sheleton .......... ............................... .......... 560 Sulky .......................................................... .. ( se2ssng sn pertor facîGlfties fer uauaeulgcars-ta es3,I intend teoe~il vos-y olheup for Ca d appreved cosedit ' uit by se doing 1 hope te) greatly înOrO5.5O my number of mlates. W U SeIlftise wood par-ts ouly, or tise;geas-ingfi of buggies ts-oned, Ail-1 Kinds of Vehicles Repairect est No ai anda 'ds ,Ld.R'll F' one, A tic aiig, .wnFAntr -"enm WALKERVlL.L%, ONTARIO.' Toronto Offiee---4 Adelaide Street West. , Ib1R ~~ZÇ> U- Purebasen sbsould look t o the Label on the sexes and Pots. If the ad&res s l nt 533, OX1FOR)D ST., LONDOiN, they are spurioiis.

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