Auna. OU TOW~ AN AYTRWARS.. Â J A BOWMÀÂNVÎIL£ I 890. , Johnston and Cryderman friends througb.-1 ENJJLELD. ed And .ran Aný ItAPLE G Mr,.'Willoughby Eowe visiting amrng 1,wsi8 i Mro. Ditirlr and f;*niJ are guEsts at their broti George Powe.r. ... Don't Oarswe&J is coini-g. , . . S( are doing grcat eceutic: key8 .... 1Miss B Farewell of Oshawa, ar) guiesta cf . ... Pleaeed to seoeMi naine amo~ng the su ceessf the Eiitrance Exain,... sarv of Maolo Groae D out the county nil' N»' ftYEAR. while thankig them for support during the cald respectfully solie- mfcO of the same for s~ F-wReasons. irhani shoud deaI witli hini. Are they nob splendid I at bis store, King Street, Dowmianvillo, (oiy uorth 10 wil convixtoe you that they are. Hero they are : t cash, thereby givin, his cuBtomners the bonefit of. from the maniufacturers (ini niany cases) thereby e very low, theroFore he can aff,)rd te o u e heap eYOUghly practical man, he lçnow8 how to buy, whst tu buy, therefore can suit the taestes of the most Of ail. ,p-worn goods, but ail new, bright and beautiful, to Buyers of Watches, Cluckz, Jewelry, and Silver- ,ur -choice. PolesPopulajr Prices Prevail et a ch ýs. TLD USE îîT m-- Lardine 011. Axic Grease, Paraphinie, And ]3oiIer purgers. »est musical talent in thie jocaitý mission 15c.or 25c, a couple,( 10e. A good thueif is expected. Munday, Worthy Patriarh.. , .Th den boys threshed at Mr. Thos, Suc' on Wednesnay lest, 18 bushels clover in three and a half houri. The mell h-nown strengthiepr of ThoN, combined with other toi a most perfect nervine, are found ter'fi Ion Pis, whieh streugthea vos and body, and improve the b], Comnplexioni. N~EW HA 17EN, Mr. and Mrs. Diokie, of Oshaw been epending a few d4ys at her1 Stonyhurt.... Mr. W. Worden, t ter shot of the Hont Club, nr. fine specimen of an Arotia owl rec *. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Witherdd goue ta Toronto toasperid Christux relatives .... Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Toronto, are snendinsg the holi Mr. John Piokel'3. . .. While cuttii Iast week in Ira F. Pesace's wc Huggins found a swermi of bes 1 a hollow log. Ele intentls taking home and hiive tbeni i the spi Ms., Jas. B. Wordon je siek. Thomias Power is Ppending her Ci et Orilla, Ont .... Mr. Ww...Sim edding id New Year's Gîfts. e, . ~,We will soul the balance of unr Plush andci Slver Cases at 20 per de cent. di scount. In many iiisanc Sthis the. goods Iess tb.n Stwholesale cost1 ti là STOTT & JURY, ý1e ~THE DRUGGQJTS BOLI2Ç fu ni Prtainfl.i .âr. .J, .Ksvell. ofnDownianvill, palm a - short visit to bMrs. Geo. Witheridgc, e, Scoo1 on Christmas Bye, et th MM B E, P, Or uuxL LEGISLTU-E-In to 111 addition to the testimon~y of th.e Gover- of Mi nor of the hý t) of Maryland, U. S z A., a frr sû nmember of t-ie-Marylan d Legipiaturs, willIa( Hlon. Wnx,. C. lLii-d.en. teetifies a.sfo1lows-: J. Lk "î46 Dopiu St., Balto., Md., U. S. A., escha Jan, 18 W0. Go» tlenieui:-I miet with a anniv, seve o cdt by f sdlîiig dowa the, back ing ,re stairs cf uwy resîduce i thocd rknoss, ezerS and was bruised hadly in my hip andl side son. and eulfered severcly. On raid a lhalfif ent bot ties (f S t. JaCoba Oil comlp't0tly 0cuired meo. WaxN. O. IM~~. rember ,:f State ENIVJSKILLEX. pleasa Toron Riggs snrd J. P. MecLaroii, fiand Mr. 3Bsxter, ail of Toroiito, and Master J. O. tario M,1111,, Oshawa, hiave becon down-fer tho eý Xssvacation. Mr. Josophl Martin, of!odç HemiiiltoLi, le home ont a visit. . . . Rv. A.,be' MoLarûn, in the Presbyterian churol a reo homo on the 2l1st Inst,, delivered. a very Miss logical and interesting discourso, on bap- mel tism etlting forth very plaiuly the sorip. purse tural mode. ... Rlov. Mr. Roach, student cila ici of Toronto IJwivesity, preached an ex- snd11 celleut sermon at the Methodist chtirch .,o,.i 3 but b '-n a are Branded, Toronto," LEADING DEALERS. )dy Interested nerry should not overlooki fact thiat '.eo. >Ecwai Rov. Meesri Blaltsktock; aid R. Sasi ciscUit. Rev dorson will week day ').30Oand7 re-oflen on out a stock of bat will astoinish you. Gent's Travelling Setts, iiiieure Cases., Odox Cases, ottles, Perlttmnery, &c., &c. 1 T.HE wa years retrnus to take u haero this week. Welcome )PULTION OF BoWMANVIv, '0, and we 81hould say at re troubled wvith son affé uoat and Luntri. as those e, bruunier fon uI' Mnr. J. Y. Colo, had th ýontents oomplately e ias Da..... MeuBrs. l n have gone to St. M! 646. . ?oe3**.uL atUto cAJ 4VitiU offeýr, deemircg it un- iptioni, yea audacity en Ipt anything in Coin- eulogisti o ald Iheant- s Of sympashetic grief,a fmn to gnsh f rom bhisa putigent ese. Of 'fail ta -0 there erat ee The spread landlady isi enjoyable e, Cote, Genev Why his Wife is ,'Fidgety.' 1 have thse bestcopok in town, \,Vtose bread le delitlous and 1 whiie: AFTERWARDS. OVR TOW'X AND 1 illu