me our mirrors. Stott . 1 ,-"Ç -il v V %.Jl.L, tandard Rcinedy for e3 and ]Diseases of tho iired Nutrition, eto. Pune, Fresh, neariy 1therefore mast Suit- &Co, TLE MEN. Lie? Box7es, v4utg Mirrors, îligCompaulous, lies' Companions, ff sud Colar Boxeo, ported perfues, If yen wantte fo gefargainfs go te Mrs. DonneV1y. Alunia hos., Newcastle, advertise a stray cal?. Mr. T. H. Spry, of Brantfoid, was home 1551 week, Mr. Arthur àMcLaioghliin je hotus from Toronto University. Mr. Archie Bivigham), o? Chatham 'sptnt a fe3w daye here laet week. Mr. MW. Allen, cf Chatham spent Clrsmsat Mayor ' Âllen's A lady eays some lovely furs are being showni this season by Mr. Mayeýr. MUr. Chas. Greenfield, of Pýý,rkdale, is vniijn hie brother Rocbert, Ontario St. Beautiful neckties at very low. prices a, John J. Mason's Dry Gouds aud Jerelry buseîj. Order ail your Canadian, Amecrican and Briish papers and mragazines3 from M. A. James. Lowesit prices. Chas, Cilebriat, Eeq., (if Port H1ops, Fieheries' Overseer, wa3 guoat of Mr. (Gp'rdon D. Fletcher yesterday. Overcoats ta suit the etuallest boy or tha biggest ruse, faBshioniably cutnt nd well made, ail new goode at Coucb, Johnston & Cryderman's. It je really as3tonishiing what beautifal articles of silverwvare can be got for a very' jimall surn of money at John J. Msîon's D~ry Goûds snd Jewelry Houise Mesers Chas Bmklerville, John Robin- son, W. Kerr, W, Lockhhrt, W. frclyar, Harry Keith snd Wes. Porey were amiong the boyse who came home for Christmas. The second bible cilass o? the Methodiat church presented 'Mis Jonese, thefr teaciter, wth a hanc1,rome mileure set snd bible snd a beautifully wordred ad- draEs on Suinday lat Çouch, Johuaton & Crydermani have sold out every one of tbei.rLa s'Utes but have stili a few Girls' Uleters and Ladies Iisckets which will bce old very ohettp in order to mahe an entire clear- ance.. The f ollowin g Torontonians have been apending Christmas ho)ildays i n toýwn Mies Grant, Miam iI-elli, Grant, ThIi. Misses Andersou, Miss May Shawv, Mr. Thos, Fairbairn, Mesera. Harry and Bayries MoG,'ilI, Miss Ke-ith, Mr. Bort Thompeon, Mr. W. T. Cherry, Mleurd. Albert and Norman Tilley, Mir. Thos. Loch-hart. The nieest stoek cf watches in town uearly al »ew and hsving the late;t iru- provenuents making them imore reliable timekeepers sud more durable anwi seiling at loNwer pricas than are being asked for old style çvods je whst yen eau fie-id at John J. Mason's Dry Goods andi Je wel ry Houes At the regutlar meeting of Brook Lodgt, Sons of Canada, the following were elect- ed offilcers z Pres, H J Weoim; Vice-Pres, W Samipeun; 2n4 Vice-Pres, W R Knight; Sec, Dr Potter; Fin.Sec, J Mitchel; Treas, F HilMason;Chap, Jamnes Galo; lez Srpw- ard, E Morrison.; 2üd Steward, F 1Lies; n lst Guard, G Mareh; 2ed Guard, S Alie; ! Physician, L PotIer, M D; Trustees, J J Everybody i8 req-ioested b t send this week's STÂTES-MAN to distant frin Evetyono izîa Stott & Jury have the fineet display cDf ias gûonds. Sce firp page. Mer. Geo. D.ibsoin, of M.ichii,,ai, is vîsit-i in- Mr. Jno. NWiliim, he, fat her, in Port Hope, Mr. Frank and Mies JMIiinio Hancock, of P'ickerineg bave beLn vieinIg Darling- tonI fr:eind. A large stock cf fur capeseloIinig at les3 tItan wholesale price-s at -Johni J. 31asou's, Dry GTýoode aud Jewslry Houes, Ptincipal Fenwick, Jas. ýMiIflaln and~ Mieýs Eastwood are in Toronto thii week sfîendiug a meeting of High Schoof teachers A fine tssortmeent of mci'.sud boy's overcoats, ail new, ilhe bost ready mmde~ goods in* Canada nt Couch, J.ohnston Crydermian's Mr. Warren Sanis, of Clamke, le? t yos- terday for Sarnia le spend New Years with Mr. G-'eorge Santis, hiq partner in the oil business. Mr. Jas. Berry, of Tyro-,ee,was prasenlé wded thadressb ie pudils ou the evL wodedi~ a nessb i ib a n hetiul of hus departure fron-L Franklin school aset week. Miss Laura Brinuseombe will tLke charge cf Mis alcPierso)n'a dress-makiagl business ove-r Tod's Store duriag ther ab- selnce from t own. Personal attenitiýau given toa itl orders. AUl wishlug ta joie the Short- baud Cia. to bc tnmuted on Tueadsay, Jan. Oîh should he prtsent at lb. o rueove Mrrdoch's Store or commtlnicate with G. J, Rowe, B:,7 77, B)wmnyil!e, "'Godey's Laidy Book," opius tho xt&cw eeir with an attractive nriuber, vie do ual consldiithe Januarybook conldbebeji. ler.iNow je utsetlsrteto ,ubt,,crib8 for the beet $2 00 ýimagazinte publiehed. Godey PnubliEshing Co, Phi!adrIphir, Ps. Visitors who speut Christrnai at Ex Maýyor J. K. Galbraith's : Mrs. Couteý, sud Mr. Cliuries Cotes, àMme- Uýroadlfoot and Mr Kenne-th BroadUoot, To).,rnto; Mr bitd MrLe. T. D. Taylor, Miss Taylor~ and Mis.1es 2Taylor vend'X toasterS.A 12 ylor, Mme. Abbey, Port Hoýpe; snd Mmr. iad Ms, Henry Wade, Kingaton. Tho December number o? Ourt Homes shows sarnsrked impropvemiet over t~e~ Nov ember numaber. Tii. contents ont- brace fiction, potry, faslhions, houe fiu- nisbing-, sud house decoration, and kist dred topicis. Thi. prizze etror comipatition is based ou Ibis No. A sarnpýe oopy, with rules for Ihe Qoupetition, wil bo sent on receipî cf 15 cents, Our Homes Publishing Company, Bruokville, Ot. STATESIÂN CARRIERtIS will eaU on t cir1 nuiumous patïons in towu to whoai they hiave delivered thexpaiper cring the year on Newv Year's Day with thoir acuuai ad- dress: An3y recognition thoir p itron8 roR, witu 5()( mras V'. tuilion froe )utt iiie h Bow)%maiîville H eurt seafiof teacli CANýDIDATE. 0gba R. Adatir ~colin Çolvillo Goorlgina Hylandl Fred T Ili Walter Ricleard Normlai. Heatîme P ýnuy ]illenlor Lousie Audrew Etta Tait Mand Palks Perry Diýbsýon Ida Hoskiin Bertlha Oshorne LauriaHamibly Madry Hsm-bly Ethel Trebilcock Fred R Foley Willie Toi, Gertrude Haino3 Bessie Jollow Jossie Hill Wm Spry 0lorley Cawker Fannie Martyn Muset1a James He3rbert Reynolds Aunie Kumh W Logau Elmer Beliman The tesehere ef lows;-' R D David.eon MVisqEB jraden E Crawford I B Barclay isEs M Manuiling Thios Kirkpatrick Frank Moines A J Reynolds Fred Werry Miss Lintoîî Sal,udtherefome gels a whiclije worth a large igh ciaseinstitution as ligli Sohool with its ex- hers. WÇ%ell doue ,1cgl'! R D Davidsoau 508j Miss Liniton 500 E T W Crawford 485 Mý1ueIM Manning 4801 Fred Werry 476 Mies E Bradgin 466 Frank Moines - 457 R 1) Davideson 457 451 449 c' 448 1 B B.trclay 448 RL D Davidscon i 446 Il 446 MiWSsE Bradcli 432 E Crawfordl 432 Il ~431 R D Divideoni 423 Thos Kirkpatrick 416 R D Davidean 414 413 413 'r 412 411 406 400 A J Reynolds 394 R D D*vidson 392 te 388. et 386 3t8ü4 f the s-vhools are aq fol. No1 Darlingtonl No 4 Cartwright No 2 No 5~ Darlingtou NoQ 6 No14 o No 20 No 3 No 22 Clarke. Mr. Johin Corey bias gone to Moorefield. Miss Joanina Biekeil, Montroal, is omo. D. B. Irimacombe, Mlariols, Lid., i. towti. Mr. W. Hellyar, Sarnia, spent Suaday bhome. Mr. James Spry, Loicdon, is vîsiting at lfaîber'.s, Mr. J. S. Bond, of Toronto, was hoe a Saturday. Morols' Lýle, nise here. %Ada Hawkçins, re , . P. avidms Peterboro, apent Pont Hope is visit. op. it speuit Chrisîmim ,rcs with hîi. Thýe Officl:tl epQortls of the' Cnivee. r r ïrGove'nen, 189, Yewjere y G,,i o' 889 Ohio Food oriso, 187 Notices eorIirths, 25 cents; Itarrtiagea, 50 cents ; liCettlï, 5Saeenti, enel Insertion , -IUiFCEI OF UNi UtGg3, wivsa fthe funeal crdsarc DriIted at tub om ce BERTHS. ToeD --lu Uxbridge, Doc. f29. the wite of lUr. Thomas Ted, of a sou. M4URIED. SIIAW-MÇCLELI.Â-.- t the resldence of the bride's fraer, on'%Wednesday. 21 D»eem. ber. le), by Bev, IL. 1). 33'aser.M. A- Johne Sha~w. EeTrno and Magie. daughter of Junies MalBawminnv llQ. CEÀPMAN-LTUMP3QT..F-BY Be. T. WV. JOI. 1iffo, Dec. 2t, Mr. J. W. Obapman and Mise Ella Clemence, botli of ÇCbrke. MoossE-WLSoN,'-l3y ltv, T. W. JolUtife, Deo. 29th, a; the residence off Mr. David Mut- ton. Jowmaiville. Mr. J.,hy Moore. of XKm inoiant eand Miss H4anna Wilio,o of Bownan. ville. mIE]. LE-E.-In Darlingtoo), on Tbursclay'.Dcec, 2th, 1890, racoeLee, reliot of the fate Simon Lee, off Solintt, aged8J years. D mc.nBownianville, Deo. 28t1i, Winlfred May, seýcond daugliter off John aend Bessie 1) rob, aged 6 yeare3. BOWMÂNVILLE MARETS, Coretedt0 by J.. eMurtry, every Tuemday !Ltnt, e 100 fbs ........$82 40 to $3 20 WHEÂ; ,F'all, P bush . 88 le O 95 il Spring, 1."...0 00 , 0 92 BAUEy, V bush, No. 1.... 0 00 et 0 45 LA I l2.. ..0Q00oet0 40 LAo '3.... 0O00 If0 35 'à................ 000 et 0 57 à...,Il......... ..000 et 040 PxAs, Blackeye, e bush.. . O0 0 e0 o O95 l e aili, 'I 0.55 le 0 58 il Blue, ' 0 65e 0 60 BuTTFRuabeiit table, 'lb.. . 0 14 et 0 15 Eoas, P doz ...........0 00 0(20 POrÂrrOFe bush .......o 00 0 O40 POK' P Ot ........... 500,,5 25 Towiâ f »Bowkinille LADISÂAmi)OUSTZEMEN:- flav'n phMd sa licnor of rcprcBertingýyou i ii he Co- ill fo 1890, 1 ogain 1r6i>pe-iful1y feclicit your V,)oeand inience lfor the 'ear 1891, pledgpt n i elfWi elccted, t0o do rmy best fir ihe interêt,i f tua. ward. Wisliing you al a hap;)y ainu I pre- euls New Year, 1 e~n 'Mh Fe ets uube S av" J>OHŽ{ GrýQ, Bowmnvil, bc. 2, 1891. 1-4w Darlington Ellectioxis. FELLOW ELECRoS- Havies bien solbtcàV te run for Couilloir forli O, 1 have ooûýsen.itm to stand thle contt, and leriby ros, e.otuUg sûoeC1t your votes snd inflitenc0. yours faillifoîf y. WM. T R W,V T Darlington Eloctora. ' NDGrAuEIEN: I1ivng bmu noruulnatocd for COuueUýoý or tomjle t.ovviitspllpI Darliegton f,)r 1891 tnd haý,viDX d eoided te beoX candidatü for tbhat oftlce.I mort mrespict(>i4X 2lieft rour vote 5uni nflii¶?toe lentuy'behaM If lectedi 1hh use n v,3y bivt eîodea7i'o n ltt. interest of li-,e Teweusbup, yonr oLelcn, servant, J. -W.. HARNDEIL Maple Grova, D.C. 30, .1.l Clatrke Dl ections. LiDiIms AND G2TEIN s'on for the lîtueral spot igave me fci'tbe oifice of Ccuneilk.r lite psuî 5'ear, ap4rienv sMW Iona eeealof Th~spyct ~r1S91. wk&. Ing s'on ails p 'raIa 1fn ~orlrei,¶ult ervanit, JOHIN DAV'EY, DarlingtoIl Eleotors. 1 h tve lesse agPta plaeed before yen fore r o~l4.iioffC,riçtflloi auddças 1 ara the candidate lving lu thýe usoa northern or th e nifoipalitv, T , in cou- fideutly aa'Xfor fthe volan 1inutenceto' eveaW elector. 1 sam lesd te beliceo abat oy course lun #bO Past ha5 been generalîr satiJsfao*ory asu proise, If me electetl, ti do my hest te iuic. moto and guamd titelnfemest OCf the ni epas'rE Iu every part orf cur ep!endid lowitehip). Your humble serviant, JT. PO1L90QK, TB RO-BRD Ber"e Bou A ir service on lot 8. cou 2 )ariigtD.. Ternie, 1. HauNoR JacuE, prý,priesior. renewal of con- retunned at the STORE,1 C'en. Ticket Agent. anud Otherwise. je <louild lehome front Mont- au je anxioiinoeti ws oefront Ber- inTI luwrappers foi, mail- Osil sudl order several fer 7be will ho held in ch Weduesday be- a suppîs' Osiers' lu mhasers during te in P. 0. t. îs recently presented and Bible sud IH mu snd teachers ot the h School: f Mr, Edward Cole, mbus, will regret ta on hy tire ou Christ. suad contents,- in- ýar, of about $1,500 [y tse remilt of de- ýomacis andi o? a low ru genorally. As a ýtisser ofte sut- Pille are invaloable, rap3 .tteuded with Did it ever ocur to aur readers that Messrs. Arkell &-,larrisoti havesugst- ed tfie best possible holiday present thoe eau maltete f ieude witom they desîrebo re- remember the douer throughont the s'ear. Thes' suggest asubsoiption ro FuANxI iBs- LI'S ILLUTSTRATED NEWýSrAI>ER, one O? tibe moet exrîrtaining and instructive public- ations lunbthe United States. You eau eend ibte a fniersd for tbrea nionth8 for $1, for ix moiths for $2, and for s year for $4. This ali lulds tthe pemiunm' o? the "'Arigelup," Ih wili remind thent evers' week o? yen. Trs' it. 110 Fi? îh Ave., New York. Frank Lesîjes' Popular Monthis' for Jannary, 1891, bias au elegant cover iu clr. suid gi4d,while ite contents, literary as well as artistie, are notably rich sud varied. "The Amateur Photographer rand bis Camuera," by S M. Gibson, le an illns- trated papùr full o? infarmation sud on- tertaiemeunt. P. E. HeJ.rves' contributes su article on "American Mie su ad Coru- posrs," with wich are gîven pamraits -)f twety entiosut living composers, Other illustiaaed articles are given. Theo are short stories by W. 0. Stoddsrd, Lues' B, Hooper, David Ker, John Mscmiullen, aud others; sud poems by Josquin Mller, Madison Cawein sud Cosmo Monithouse, At lthe begiuning o? eaoh year thse in- telligent mn-espectalîs' if lie b3 t.he itesd of a fsnily-deeides upon the Ps. pore ho will subecike fer. Titis i.ý a mat ter of very great importance, sud as te amnout te ho învested i s ustilly imiiIed, liot s litle thougitt mu8t ho exercised if a wieo choies is te bo made. Ne :.t t 0 t he local pspr-f or ne publie spirited citizen wili fail bo support one or other of bis home papers-the journal which affo)rds the beet value fur the mouDes' in this ecoun- try l is Gir, our national hnuorone jour. ual. Its woekly visite, freighitod as lb al- ways is with fresb, bright sud cleanîs' fun [o? peu snd penoil, àre eveuts o? the mout pleasurablo description, In Canadian homes frointhbb Atlantio bu Pacifio, Gip 1e bsiled wth deig-ht by thse ciildren as vieil as. their eiders, sud for ail it le a source o? profitable instruction sud helthf I laugiter, The eplendtid success of Gsuir, wiicle now lu its thirty-sith volume, je a credit to Canada, for lu tIse opinion cf good judges, 50 f ar as pis sudi pint are coucernoed, lb stands inthfrt ia ik ofte orld's comie joumnier. Homse. It wil open yotur eyeasue s how cheaip you eau get the vetmy uewe2 niceet ,oods sud if >ou are -as intellicgoe ne g s give yeu credil for s'ou %ill hesita bef ore buying oid sown goode Wb( you caui get rnow as low in price sud btter quality. Last week a Court o? the Independe Qrder of Foresters wss opened home, wi the. foll.owiirug officers : C R, J Lyle; V Keachie; Fin Sec, A J Lrckhsirt; Tre-, R Beitb; Chsp, E R Bousail; S PB, 8 Reyuolds; 1 B, J Mcbonald; S W, Morris; J WV, N Hall; P.ivysicia, t sa mimait; P C R, S J Hall. The ne3w Cou ig calied Simpson, aftn.r 1h. lato Senst Sinip3on, and starte with a charter mie bership o? 22, sud bright prospecte the future. Wtt beg, 10 caîl attention ta the advei isemieut o? W. T. Baer & Co. of Toront which appoars on aunjidce page. T. applisnus are said b bue superior to an thing in the iusmket,an.d are ii-eeting ui gratifying sut-cess, as i. evideuced by t teetimouisîs daily'recoived as ta their of cacy andi the cures efiected, Afflice ones should give the electric applianc a trial, Gels' by this firtu eau' 'Aetini,"t greut catarh remiedy and oye restorE be scpplied. Apply personally or b y I ter ut their office 171 Queen St, We Toronto, Ont. Proved Agaîn. Thal the Christmnas nmeats ezdibited S. H. Reynolds in the (51d reliable etai have given the very best satisfacton,, kuow, front the libemal patroniag,:,e ho xeceived front the publie. -IPeople ha oteii wondesed haw it is that lUeynol could work nup such s good trade and supporteti by th~e hikbest and nmostl pectable farailies of the town sud -o try, while there weme s20 many establisli butchers ln the town. Reynolds sdart business three yests ago, sud lvad or what customors waould leave the butch le support huma, sud by Jteeping thse b qualities o? mieats aud by his houest 'w obliging ways ham nov :secured aboutt beet business o? the towni. If nitt croiseo SVjiiis,re tlspspgh the Sr.iTEsm xnauy cuistomuers fort duriug the past s'est, uation ofte same in ors'hi, yeats ant the, pricos sud wil give t csbtle, liambe, porle, p low.. A lhappy 'New' wlia Jollow will spend New th hiei youngest brothecr lu y Shaw, Toronto, sud Miss 1, Whlitb)y, are visiting friands .We hati a plouasut caîl front Mmr. J. E.- Souch-, ianager o? the Ontario Bank ut Newmarl£et, last wok, Messrs. LJeomge Rico, Guelph, Bert Wesley, Toronito, Will Percs', Kingston, Chas H1ill, Boctoni, are homeo for th3 lholi- Chrvisîmast visitore at Mr. Le3wis Jol. Iow's were Messrs. Rl Warraker sud Sin- lair LNowat of Toronto, sud Mm. fHarry Jollow suad fainuls, 0Oehswa. Mm.,-W,.T. Geensaway, foromran o? the Guideo, Port Hlope, witlh hie wlfGasud chil. drea speut a few day. vith frlende iu Bo wutsuvilie, lait week. The revival services in lte Methodiat chumch at Aurora, condcucted by the Mi.sses LibIsie snd Gertie Dimeidale, which closed Iass week, reaultefi lu op, wards o? 200 conver-sions. 1 The 2-yesr old daugliter o? Warren Woodruff, Pickering, met wlth a terrible accidejnt. The itursec girl while uutytug liem sboe lazee used a table forle. The ferle lipped sud the little girl, who wae stand. ing usar, hsd hem oye piemced with the tines. The sight je gone sud fears are ,enemainert that bIhe organl will have ta frz removed, Ttito ohld ha. been rmv ed to tIs ospiial in Toronito. S.AxD DawNoAerntN. Anuniben o? yourg people met on Chmritmass Ev. at ho rEmîdeuiceaofM. J. Arntt, nesi, Ries iLake, at a social dance. About 5 o'oiock 1 Christmass monng, seaventesu yauug men c ud eigbt yaung ladies fron thte vicinity pý f Uarwoid left in a large lumiber aloigh fo1r horze by thse ie on Rieo Lsleo, but tbefome remâihing IHrwood the tesj broke and the whele parts' weme submiergedinto th~e freezing eold water. Oas lady, a Ms Johuso;o, wae drowned sud five 1 c othrs bs expoure ini the cold water are 1,i4ý expocted ta recover. Thse teani, a 7ýluable one, was lost,-G;uide. A A GÂ'rLîC MISSION 1-1; BOWMANVêvL, A Cathohýlc mission wîll he opetued at te Catholîc chunch in Biwiiianville, by the selebratod mzuisioniry presober, 11ev, Fa thser Wje.sel, ou Suûdas' Jan. 4th. As tue preaclwr iuamed je a most eluquent aitd forcibIe expounider cf tise vital doct- ~iriues of te (lsholie cunmh, tiih re ASERVANT GIRL WANTED.-For partloulars applY w1thia two Weeks at STOTT & Juax's Drug Store. 'NONEY TO LOAN-Private f ceds iiiLl amounts te suit borrowers. ont rsi1 estatq er approvitd noteS. Usie notes cashed. liaquire off M. A. JêmEs, Bawmnville. 50-tf -L WE3 ASTRAY. -Came on lot 2 con. 2 JADarlinigton, as haarling ewa. Thec owner Li requested te prove property psy cxpenrs4e and talte her away. Jolug ELFOBtD, oxý 121, H ELIFER ASTR 1Y. -A spotted heU.- er, ted. and whitu. strayed. ffrorn lot 35, con 4. Clarkes. in June la3t. Informatiaon lesd- inv, tu ber recovery will bo rewarded, B.ALPU Dowsoy, Orono, P. 0. 50 -3 w" fJEIFER A8TIR&Y.-04m0e on lot 9, con. 4. Darliiigroîi a few weeks ago, a two year old heiffer. Owner ie requested to prove property. piy expenses an(teke lier aWaY. ROBSIiT CoLLA-,oT r, Bowmanville. CALF ASTRIAY.-An early spring isteer calf, red and 'white, inostly red, strayed from lot 27 con 2, Clark~efin Octoer. please repo)rt whersýaboutq to Alinn2,zBios,, Newast1e O SASvrseK&i OlUC,BOwmIlanVille. bP WR, . Cawker as butcher'E stails tacing n Marketscl~uare; aiso stalle occnpied . Tole, as enectton room Pt.A pply teQ J. PÂTî"NsON Chairman Publie Property Oom- mlttee, Or IL .WI-NDATT, Town Clerk. 1 -2w. ALSIKE OLOVER SEED. We will psy the tlighest Pric( for any quantity of CLOVER SEED. W. QUIOR.J 'W. BUN NEYi IArcjltecçtand JBuildig Toonto milebusiness or etock ratu g'f monricari marle% Q, Me wth capila ' 0p17 need apply. J. H. Dow, Whitby. 32 -thi F ARM FOUîtSL.Cosigof 31 acree sltuated mIiet cîeethjý opo)ra. tion of the town (of Býowmninv1e, 'Meetz 9(),)- houe, buiF steableon tiue<?niep aise aboLu I ss f Youug oGr ovl be" Kinngto betarLia 8sisl ne oit, watar crosses the jprope3rLy. , - LIgla gond condlition asud stiteo o ui[v-ý)'Pua tX prolpery wl ho sold chesp suad on 3 t'y tnriup off eaYment, AoplYMM 5.4. 3ixEa, o is 8]uoi, Bwavle'n.4 BOWMANVI LLE Wednesday Jan. 7 '9L Surnd for circulai, to 52 3w, M. M. FENWIÇ, Nlotice to Creditors. Lit t7e »eatttr of hc Etafcoof 7NIJ CORNISH, oae f tue Z"onh ip f Dar- lngtor., inihe L' Cuntyjof DUe'-hc<» ttib, , 1- deceaeeç iaten for tansd Appralsor, Bowmawvflle. 'il. )r to el-5w ýr cou