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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Dec 1890, p. 7

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%LOCAL AGENT rioit Dominion Organs B6WRIA.NVLLE, - ONT OFFICE A.T FACTORY. OUrr pntiulal Ca it il£ FPazý VETE R dr1eainling0or mad or possibiy~ jumpedfrom his chair and v widwb pinched iinself1 out if lhe vas awake or dreari bis fae-ble laid ie swarrn 1pý the oold palles of glass iiu the then he vent 1havir to his ",Madanme," lie said at lst-, yuaviglit just nov? I thiik you dlid," shie eaid That youx, 'u killed Den "Yes-Nwhyrnt ? Don'ue -holding ont lier firini white lI as if it co;uld li11 a mani? ', t lookos as if it cou] d1do0ai aIuswced promptlIy, ',but you, if yen could do0tha1t or anlythiri 'p de't believe yen, Madanrie;y t-) set nîy niiiod et est and ey for eiy dearuiese a gesttitre iii the direction roernis. , wa. O ov cL'iu~L> . Mcl CHANGE 0F 32USIKEBS. did I I tulely. 'that 1Imvas the wornuwhbokilled Cosmlo Dom) is," "lBat why '? ,What roason had you ?" he asled!; lhe wvae aved by her menuet but he still scarcely believed it in spite cf ber posi- tive wordei. "I lied thre bost of tsos"gaoy "vol havebeen waiting for that man's lhfe for yoars-for yoars. " "B'ut you are net Valerlo," ho crled in bevi dermnr IlNLo> I an net. Buit Valerie is my eie- ter ?, Il ood God 1" hoe exlained sinking havi. ia hi chiair. "lThon Dennie waks right-he sid that hie wouild die by the hiand cf a wo* man before he was ffty." IlYes, and it was ni), ister, Valerie, vho tolid hîre sol But stay-1 viii hegin from the very heginnin,,.-I 'wll conoal northing fromn you, and. then I tink even your cold English ieus of justice wîll absolve mle and justîfy mue for w1aI have doue. First I mnust teilyen hat I airn a corsieau. I theuighit yeu wMore a Ple," ho exclaini- Idl My husbsnd was a Pol-I -%as bora lan Italy of a pure (Jorsican stovk,-iuy- ine.ther oic. the-enc -, te thein both,. e lived .1 simpile itheru cltyunutil Le ninietooni, litthe 1 Shie vas Our p ile bieesinig ef Ili xr lie hed ovec0 sud seul, vitb il Ler place hy mau Xteenith irt(da3 YV 01, ie vont 0or retiredl life in our lit- .1 vas scadtet eViletta onlly sixteer rfde. ou' elirht, our ver soh -s Mwho dout her and lne w covId nfot sue -t eat ," si moirat Chlert- 1 of irn ithere eut ne0rneruy' nl the vetch. ettiugi' iear -4"ï nt near "Se she, net wishirg te vaste more timie, sent for mie to corne te', ler in London. She baed fennld hlm eut ilu bis faniodsety here. I vas by then ia videv of five years snd the betrayor (cf rny sister did not klnow nme. Se I carne bore. I bad the best introductions, fer I meove in the best Society in Vienna-I amn riol sud persoeual ly ailattractive vernen. I vaited my time pstiently and-hnt there, wbat is the use of talking about it-you 1mev ail the ret-al Che wvend rno it- Se ! I She vas perfectly unmoved-she sat rect aud diguifieç in lier large arur.vhair, lier flrrn m-hitc bands restiag idly on the atmi thoreef, hier -white curie aad flue-eut face tbrown eut lu relief by the tali back of cary- ed eek bebind bier. Lord Rosstrever gszed at h eIr pfoundamzemat 11I calnot believo it,"Ilbe haret out et isngthi. ",But yeitn-mey bolievo lt-lt le absolntely truc, Il said Madamne quletIy. "S. yen nurdered Deaniis ad- "I{nsh ! We do 1nu1t oIl euch ail et by se ngly aanine laCoiicshe fiiterru)pted. «'I aveugodinuy sister-yee. Say rather tliat 1 dild e.service te the viole wvend vhoa 1Irernoved that wreteh frein the face ()f the earth. See the kbmadnees it vas te hie peor littie vif e. Wlfe-hrs- littie slave 1 I0heuld sey. I set hier free, and if sh ev the truth she ougbt te blesýs my naine for ever. Yen, aise, Lord Rostrevor-you eau neyer thank, nme sufficivntly for the inestimable et. vice that I have renidered you.I" 1 miuro confese that et thîs point Lord Rýosatrevor began te -visi Ibinseif efeyout c)f the roomn-he scratehied Ihieb ead in po0r pix ity-he looked at bier doubtflly- ',Yes -~ewhat yeou niud saty," slire aid qLIate placidlIy. "Y ou Erglisl lok ettIh-ee matÉ- tors la a dill'erent lighit. Yen vwiliiont givo ruie up te yeu r very bliundcering juitice becauee y ou have giveinime yenr word cf bioueur that yen wonldi respect my confi- deace; and yeni are the kind of EPngliehImau vho keep bhis word at al bazards. 1Buit you won'ýt lt rny littie friend, wbem 1 have .set froc frern a moinster who ivas breakmng, to malie known to the aent, withv a view to ('ffh~ the business and to stilibetter accommoclate cu torners, WILLIAM EDGER will have full charge of the BIackamiithng Doparbmeenati ai wili be prepared te execute ail ordera and do ail r8pairs in lhis lino on ehrtest nlotice and best of ivorkrnanship guaranteed. The prices viii be right. ROB'T. A. PHILP viii have charge of the Wood and Paint Departtuenta anld will spare no effort or expense to give fuertst s lsaton to al oustainere;, uew arn4 old. As herotofore a first-class painter will be kiept and a specialty vili b3 mae-COof this brandi. Ail repairs prornptly done. JTAIMFS MORRIS will persooally superintend the Trimrning Dep:ertinent, whilaI wiii be a suffiient guarantee of the iàupeîriority of tha work turned out. The manufacture of Carrnages and Carrnage Tops will be ex-~ tensively carried oli and a large niumber of' LATEST STYLE 0F CARRIAGES-ý will be buit for the Spiing Trade. Fariners auid others WilI do Well to %ive tâhetrn a Cali belore placti;i! heir ordeirs. The old Porter Foundry is stili boomirig. are ready to supply ail orders for Castings off every de.scrip- tion, the only place where ail you. WVV-ilNw l-, ean be supplied on the shortest notice in the shape of Ic3 Castings, large or small, Plow Points., the celebrated diamond ý,teel macle for any plow mnufactureçl. Large Fiirnace Ketties always in stock. We pay the Jlighest Price for Serap hron and requirt 50 TONS AT ONCE. do net hiave te ire S. J. H )ve Castings of every description Lsupplicd. N O IG Machinery of al hini, Agrieuitural * plemontos, Stoveî, Bicycles, Seviuig mu.chlines, in favt everybhing that ean,ýD l e sWrth roaliing, vo car do it~. But or We PORTER SOLD, ElS> Bore Throate Frost S ites, Bpraïnsq BruisesqsurfS, Etc. Sold by DrpgzLsts and i)euleï7 everywhvro. TUE CHAIRLES A*.1111ELUER CO., Baltinioe, Md Canaaan ept: QaoOt. ALWAYS A T TIE HEAD ichues çot- -the hopes "EXQ7Ut, oit tirreat-* UCTED" Y CLEEA OF TE EST" ste the cO? nions of haractersics of the, thien w e pe ite etriemPrsSrrerJ1 could lpot war tiret, even ru my Wonid we -o te er-se as aeeii tOgt. hest-boirîr.My athr sd. vet. e Madanio-- 1 promise y ou she shial nover fouind bier in a emal otel, alne, desertI ed li it frein me,"l be >seid soieiiy. shanmed, vitb uictiug ,but a letter cf brutal Ilay-yeseall Sec hat 1(i ca oeLei fareveli te ,ive us h ie we sg lefrlpud as 1I11can eMroieuorny. If ever that hiad lot her a suin of irnexey-a lhudred thouightcernes inte ber mnd Cat, yen hatd pounde in Ffreilch ntes-and clgave anasd- te de0 vith Cesme oDennis'e dleatb -tkhew, yen dlregseini Englaaid fer, her te vrite an have iny funl perimîs5ion te tel[, ber ail." tell hlm Ci hat she had get safeiy havir te "1 henk ye,"lhoiesaîd. bier people. The address vas IlC. Dominoe, And now (do yen go-as I teld Ethel, I Esq., 41 r, Corumiiarket, Idilemiaster."l We arn dinirg out. Goed-hyo--N-doen't shako sont back ir bininey, vith the -verds ht bauds vitb areunulesyen like-Ishall net vo did not vish te ireep the prive of blood - buho ffeuded." V aieric vreote-and that vwe guessed hat was For moee moment hoiesiae.Thea ho net hie evu naine but thiat sonrer or later bient sudl kissed biet baud courteonesly. We shoifnd UiOt nsd hlm aaso, sud that IlMadamieI,"ho eed-" I confoss I do pet lu hat dlay lie vould learu vbsàt Corsleanis thini ms yen do--buit iL 15 net my place te meaut by the word "Rovenigc. ',"' judge- a national cnstoari. I thanir yen for Shiestoppefetarniiemet-and ,(lRostrever yont confidene-and I viii respect it." drev a long long. breath. Ie hadle st ail Senethiug very like tears carne ilero his feeling oýf bIote-ble vas cly intensely eye-"I1shall go havir te Vienne uiext mveoi interosted niluier story. -I lionld lire te see bier once befere I go." IlShe sigued it-" madamne veutl on- lier falterng volvo toneied hliustantly 4 Valorle, the siter of your 1ltm,-n - lshah net aey ae word te preveat il," thon wvo vould eiy hinir cf ont, peet ehild hoieaid Ilthough ftervard " Violette. Itvnt fer long-beoote Il Aftervards 1 Thero vanbh o neafter- folo"vingý year biai veine, vo hsd laid bier to - wardls," she cried aimeet fiervely. IlGo sieep) for ever vithi a llttie nianeless babe ho- Tho bleseed saints pretect yen hoth-Goed- ide lier and thre arareciful grabve had closed tbye 1" over lier hamne. . *,* .1. * * "lOnt friends nover kirnwthCe trutb, It -vas just ia yoar sud a veeoiralter Ces- Viole Ca ais ,;ilppesecl te have died of s de- me D nis 8hid corne te bis nireiiioy oad lie-the sere as ente. But vo -Corsi*çens, -a gtonp of mon veroc staniding abjout the Lord Roastrevor, do net lot eur injuries lie heant lait bhe semokiaigroou eÀ a CIlub inlu Pun iu the saime graves vitir ont injured eues !Msll listeiinngte the roimaris cf a largo No ! Violette vwas goe-v bd thon lenty avkvard man NWitli vety yellov g loves sud of tirno te lokfoi- berlbotutay et. lHo vas very sinsil ees-" Ahi I" hoe vas sayiag net kne-wn et the addres;s lie gave-Chat -Il I enlly gtbot ee lest iighit -vout for te vont vithogut sayiug. 'My fathet vent scamiper over te Viopuah surdBeiust thore imeiieli. Yes,' a Mr. Douane had of farevell, y'kuiov, belote I ley myself sent once ertwtive fer bis -bICts here--hut idownaet the fot of the eveetest little vld- only tve letters lad cerne, heth vith aunIai- ov hat evor lve. y the bye-its just a reupe 1m ir.Ad hoie d eet--tl)eyhad no yereago tothe very wveki, isn't it ?I" ideaeofieidentit.Termancry father "De yen mean Mrs. Denuis, Pottînger V' sud Valerie, for sone moulus in a lodgiig "Of co)urse-whflat other vidow sliould I 'i luthe Cornmsriket at Idieminster, 1,iwt lie mTean-er--er nover cane e ianymore beC es-be gruesee II Oh I!-but lhsven't yen heard 1 y ester passe( ivo ini Vien vifeel .11 voe mlornxng !- tliey Il le vIne ofi- Douible Covered CarrnagOs ................... ................. ...... L0upvareiu Single Pbotons .....................................................In il openBUggy ........................................... ....70 Teo B99 .....w - g ... ......................................... .. .....&19 Llght Nagon.......................................... .:...6 Expreuo 'wagon ............................................*, Skeleton............................... ...... ... Sulky .............................................................. .AU4 Lsosing superto1 f acilitioS for miaiufaoturiflR carriia e,lIntteiid to oil very ehevV for ce* appro y od edt and by so dolng 1 hope to graatly 1incraeemyRnumber of salesi. Wa Ail Kinds of Vehieles Repaired At thie 8hortesotTtice, Palntedl and T7,lmmed Il Dosire&. A,% the FaCturYI alsO do Plaulig- Matcir, 1uraing a& snBw g with cirole B&a o B&,.and prepare ail kiuids of umluer for carpentera nd others for bujldinq pPOrUOa S5Wn3aEentaI and Plain Pioket1S for fanuiOla every ty' *oTlred.imade 50 onder. Best andi Cheapes! Fence STEEL. RODS-ARON FOUNDATÎON. BUILDERS' 1IRON WORK, e, Office Railings, Lawn Furniiturb AND FOUNTAINS, ETC. EsWAJKR VILLE, ONTARIO. ly te lITÂT rr Toronto Offie--4 Adelaide Street Wes,. i Enrope Wini bno I Bsnklzný 2MÉino lame soleinnlv.' , li

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