rwgtroragof by th Edirand theothe yMM R.0 eula acun f h Ttrnvyaeof -ý We cannot commence to enuii~erate all or bargai- week .. .Mr. noe nren tp ,cret ohad r ý aiû'WalSalnc assortnent, half price; Lai 4rts iColr1w- eilus.4uteiUgence r a l:pand Boy'WHavy Wool 1loe-the b1f alue ini to'wn; obt Mg.Col N vis the time 1to ehribe. Pfieýq a n Ldes'I derwer-'exla gobd value;Bln'1vet~s anzd xÇoiifi .itorred in the er.for sxÙoth '1t.woo 2xra 'Oc.,t2<worth 2.5c.,;Ladies' andi Gonts'Yux- a goistienins 1'4,iy t uek? satan arèa s Mrs. Uowe Bl frcldi h edorctril. ' W r ndT anrd third tr_ _ _ _ _ _ uçBw~rç OraneJiid the oldest A4riclua the t,ý,Cr dayEdior n eiôien h a e ighi as nva ei n equcpallean&d w-e are very certain ihat anyQoe .sc J-earý,hos givcng 'thé )r, will tliuk bwice hefore bunohi any old style, baf"Kovi au erir rraeyresuits ofQ i lngstd5 a nd0sr t hU;la t tlhey oigizally eost. efpe wat ilk,.ful i.clèu Pai al&iiteol"Illl aWA~TCHES, CLOCN.S an~d JEW ELRY we ca Ilgv uat) çe] t i glhad i ýoar otaieverboen . Te ds f hçegoods isao o uh lesnov Z500 ad $1. rstore ost elh-Ibeso!ý e'a v, ýo luIw b ap you ean get inew gQQds of the wide roquest fromS I lclaes,9ôco l>ùns ur ajni ns Io'show -ouir cust<>uiera the newest and best articleý of iie t&, 1 (ith e. Th à aey ahqu,,hat ou cae{buygood goods for before investin~g in trasb. prote toeaer viaftiufé b6reb rnib. ,Ma e vory person inhelan, ed o 1riStzn&Band cents tO ORANUJEp FRýER(o, Wodaoo; hicgo, for a full seand e4 tem Ernemt Me- A <ËOI',B. Worrile 'ccompauied -muder ivoviuLr the pam of one ,) M laysa t home of 4eaths oectiinanng-j lly ~ telitonto Burdock 4? ?dBto>, h M OE S ping hero.. rovd an pou uý f '-thès of~l~n ,bmîe cw QAii whiçlvhave cl14t14 fthý a, j.a 4iitij)g treatqneflt. w s n . . . U - ' h r ý y e i n P v o a l , a ý T h ar n a i l t h e o t h e r û htit a tniaad~oinal, ard ias'uoi hasadiie coxnbined, and a'irrimtW. wa de and increasing po~P1ar t«ý1fa,ým r h nal the o ilo prograr* determinrd tonin o g Q jY eaLng~It ~the times are dull, a fi o e 's e t erl lwyte ie. ga-n ~b~aSOnO~1 _ Ilý1 pg 5-. r, - SuXts to go w pr esbyt-evr ai s-àuet bt bal iim r, wit± ifor t b cmk5o eemosat&in 11;1,.l ivit1 a home and broad. a y' -ý - w3We sea se 1-1 aà - elswovldvtn for, abe ptPlespec iekn ,y t the resj ,1,' -7 for the Lorin jNe sinýu çcp* ra n itahT - ý>, _ ý11P1* h e e v eB y 'sM S i e ofa slf lte îvfen ,,4 byeramovetnentswofte lmat stl'al and~d ~ èt9e?~ bwl. t Pierceaa4 as, v y M r Eri 1in bc n let s a 4 e k idyil dr u het, ol( -es u'on and ore0lh ody ftand lil 4 \T Ar as a prL.,theve âits o a nyvey alonte-pave e lit I Ylat. eit-bee attem ted ia vitl hOO. IN' co-~ ~ tE'VEao pai, ouk1o eaelywht.y ttý Of M,~5 d Mratoacf ne itat yh mal ot t èr, t eý anhimnd . UerSay aaaily ii ounQctre m pin eC bt c r T mos? eollthis rin cthei' c it har-s ve y loe#wbc ,fa à tlctly a ofooî jeots, nd dteote e ý 1ou uarn ilg1eIOVfC o Ql - pagz' 'ýc c h(i1t1 pi uil9dats affe o b e at m p d in - tO ad ose ,ie o n of vpay dylifp,1 cantîrf t ad4o k ç,n -tc1 hot ncidnd -.ero n thef l er tpcmm o d Dow, o le 41t li ng3l e. çii s aû aIi t e 'y Son as